Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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5 about: gemini (mithuna) lagna

“In the beginning, verily the waters alone existed; from the waters was born Satya or Truth; Satya produced Brahman, Brahman give birth to Prajapati and from Prajapati were born the gods; these gods worship Satya alone.”

- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad V.5.1.

Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac symbolised by the Twins or a couple or as Varahamihira tells us by a man with a club and a woman with a lute both in close embrace. It is a common, cold, airy, masculine, cruel and barren sign of medium ascension rising by the head first. It covers the remaining two quarters of Mrigasira nakshatra ruled by Mars, the whole of Aridra nakshatra ruled by Rahu and the first three quarters of Punarvasu nakshatra ruled by Jupiter. For Gemini lagna, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are the malefics whereas Venus and Saturn are the two benefic planets capable of giving yoga. Mars and Jupiter are designated as marakas. No planet becomes exalted or debilitated in Gemini sign.

Those born in Gemini lagna are proud, affectionate towards their friends and relatives, fair complexioned, who enjoy all available and acquired comforts, fond of the company of women, oppressed by superiors, do not act in haste, possess a happy temperament and outlook, pleasing in speech, fond of music and singing, generous, wealthy, knowers and keepers of secrets, possess many good qualities, learned, a good soul, loved by good people, favourite of rulers and superiors, handsome but sickly. They are able ambassadors.


The kendrasthanas form the foundation of an horoscope, if the kendras and their lords are strong one avails the fruits of one’s efforts and enjoys yoga results, the kendras gain strength when natural benefics occupy or aspect them. However, natural benefics by virtue of owning the kendras do not give their full auspicious results, they give more of bad results; therefore, Mercury is not treated as a benefic planet for Gemini lagna and Jupiter has been designated as a malefic because it also owns a marakasthana. Jupiter and Venus by owning the kendras become strongly afflicted by kendradhipati dosha and if they happen to occupy a marakasthana they become powerful in inflicting death. For the Kalapurusha Venus owns the 2nd and the 7th bhavas which make it a principal maraka, Jupiter beside owning the 9th also owns the 12th known as the Antayabhava and Mercury by owning the 3rd and the 6th does not become an absolute benefic. A lot of space has been devoted by the texts to the attentive consideration of the marakasthanas, to their lords, to the planets conjoining with them or aspected by them and to the planets in occupation of the marakasthanas; due attention has also been paid to the dasa and antra-dasa of these planets and to their transits capable of inflicting death which particular event in any case is the end stage that all life-forms are destined to reach. If natural benefics are associated with the marakasthanas they too become marakas whether they own a marakasthana or not.

The term of life is assessed from the lagna, the 10th and the 8th house, their lords and Saturn. Jataka Parijata tells us that if any one out of the lords of the lagna, the 10th and the 8th is strong but is not associated with Saturn then the person enjoys long life, if these lords and Saturn are devoid of strength there will be a brief span of life, and if Rahu becomes associated with anyone of these weak planets then death occurs during the course of the antradasa of Rahu or during the antra-dasa of the planet conjoining with Rahu or aspecting Rahu. Certainly the lord of the 8th combining with a benefic in a benefic sign and bhava confers a long life as does the strong lord of the lagna too when it is favourably placed. Varahamihira reiterating an ages old observation tells us that the person dies from such disease as is indicated by the nature of the planet which aspects the 8th house and in that organ or part of the body which is represented by the sign falling on the 8th house. Of course, this is only one amongst the many situations that are required to be examined for ascertaining the kind and manner of one’s death. The 2nd house which is a marakasthana complements the 8th house as it is the 7th from the 8th, the 7th house which is also a marakasthana complements the 8th house because it is the 12th from the 8th of which bhava Saturn is the karaka. The second bhava counted from the lagna is known as the Dhanabhava. For Gemini lagna, the Moon owns the 2nd house or the Dhanabhava, and Jupiter, the Dhanakaraka, owns the 7th house. Vaidyanatha tells us that if the Moon situated in the Dhanabhava is aspected by Venus then one will be wealthy; if Mercury is situated in the 2nd house from the lagna aspected by a benefic the person will always remain wealthy. The swift-moving Moon tends to excite the significations of the bhava it owns or occupies. Here, the Moon excites the significations of the Dhanabhava. Since Venus signifies good fortune its full aspect on the Moon impels the Moon to confer good results in respect of the bhava the Moon occupies. This aspect on the Moon indicates that it is bright and equipped with requisite pakshabala and therefore is a functional benefic. Mercury signifies the good and the auspicious, it also signifies methods and gains from business or other undertakings which involve a continuous long-term process; Jupiter and the Full Moon are the only natural benefics that can aspect Mercury. In the case of Gemini lagna, if the Moon is situated in the 2nd house it will be occupying its own sign and the Moon is not a maraka for this lagna, such a Moon, full and bright and in association with natural benefics, indicates long-lasting wealth and a long span of life. Venus is a friend of the lagna-lord and a benefic planet for this lagna, situated in the 8th house in a benefic sign it gives good results. If Mercury aspected by Jupiter is in the 2nd house in Cancer sign as the lord of the lagna and the 4th then an unafflicted Moon should also associate with a benefic in a benefic sign and bhava to cause a favourable yoga. Mercury may not be a functional benefic or a functional malefic for this lagna but it is not a cruel planet, if the lord of the 4th situated in the 2nd house is not a cruel planet then one supports his father and becomes renowned for his own good qualities and deeds. Jupiter, even though designated as a functional malefic for Gemini lagna, is not bad in aspect unless it is very weak and heavily afflicted and also when the lord of the 8th is exceptionally strong. And, Mercury even if situated in its sign of debilitation but occupying the 10th house or a trikasthana aspected by Jupiter confers yoga during the course of its own dasa or antradasa or if vested with requisite strength it combines with Jupiter in the 2nd house when there will result immense happiness and gains during the dasa of Mercury.

Learning and knowledge cultivates virtue. Jupiter, the significator of learning and knowledge, occupying the 2nd house from the lagna makes a person proficient in the Vedas and the Vedangas, that means it makes one proficient in textual knowledge and in grasping the essence of that knowledge; occupying its own sign or exaltation sign Jupiter situated in the 2nd house undoubtedly makes one very learned, intelligent, handsome, possess a pleasing manner of speech and be a good orator. Situated in the 2nd house it will be in the 11th from the 4th and in the 10th from the 5th and Jupiter as the Vidyakaraka thus situated besides giving good education also confers a very sharp intellect, its aspect on the 10th house will not only make the person engage in good deeds but also make him gainfully employ his knowledge and expertise. However, Jupiter is a badhaka and a maraka for Gemini lagna, this status to a certain extent makes it a spoiler and a destroyer of yogas and therefore, when an exalted Jupiter is in the 2nd house it certainly makes one very learned and highly intellectual but with a tendency to be perverse, the person may even fail to employ his learning, intellect and experience towards desirable constructive ends. This is because of Venus that simultaneously owns the 5th house and the 12th house from the lagna, in the case of such a Venus ethics and morality are not part of its make-up it being the karaka of ease, comforts and luxury which a Gemini lagna-born acquires often effortlessly in abundance and perhaps undeservedly when Venus happens to be situated in a kendra or in an upachyasthana. Jupiter is not a natural friend of Mercury who owns the Sukhasthana along with the lagna. Therefore, real happiness is more like a far-away dream for persons born in Gemini lagna more so when natural malefics tenant the lagna or the 4th or cast their aspect on these two bhavas. Varahamihira tells us that Venus situated in the 12th house gives wealth. Bhattopala interprets this statement to mean Venus to be in Pisces sign in whichever bhava this sign falls. Varahamihira also reiterates that the lord of the sign and bhava in which a planet becomes exalted becomes its friend; therefore, if Venus is exalted then, Jupiter becomes a friend of Venus. Venus, a functional benefic for Gemini lagna, attains exaltation in the 10th house and simultaneously gives rise to Malvaya yoga and Amla yoga and confers Raja yoga results in its dasa or antra-dasa. If along with Venus, Jupiter is also exalted one can safely infer that the person will not be unscrupulous and will apply his learning and experience towards more meaningful and constructive purposes and avail the benefits of the Dhana yoga and the Raja yoga thus caused. When Cancer sign forms the 2nd house from the lagna the person is instinctively drawn towards wealth and afflicted by greed tends to become an accumulator of wealth and material possessions, it being the sign of exaltation for the Dhanakaraka which then acts as a badhaka.

A Gemini lagna-born seeks possession of gold because the 11th house is the exaltation sign for the Sun who signifies this metal. Jupiter occupying the 2nd bhava as its karaka, by way of exception does not spoil the 2nd bhava, and an exalted Jupiter situated in the 2nd house from Gemini lagna certainly gives rise to a Raja yoga. But as a badhaka and a maraka it causes Rajayogabhangha i.e. it brings to an abrupt end the operation of the Raja yoga caused by itself even without there being any affliction to the lagna or the 10th house or to the lords of the these two bhavas. In a nativity it was seen that the person blessed with Jupiter exalted in the 2nd house who rose from the humble position of a stenographer to the post of Joint General Manager of a nationalised bank was compulsorily retired at the age of 54 years having lost trust of his superiors in office. This event occurred towards the end of Jupiter dasa, during the course of which long dasa he had risen in ranks. Along with the lagna and the 10th house the 2nd house indicates the reputation that a person is destined to enjoy. A functional malefic situated in the 2nd house brings disrepute.

The Moon vested with requisite strength conjoining with an exalted Jupiter in the 2nd house from the lagna and Mercury also occupying a kendra or a trikona strong and unafflicted confer a long span of life. In this situation because the Chandra-lagna happens to be stronger than the lagna Jupiter ceases to be a badhaka and a maraka and confers good results alone. Even otherwise Jupiter does not act as a maraka for Gemini lagna if it is situated in the lagna or in the 10th or in a trikona, rather if it is strong and unafflicted it ensures success in career and a long happy married life. The conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury occurring in the 2nd house from Gemini lagna does not cause a special yoga though it will give wealth and a long term of life provided the Moon and Saturn are favourably inclined. Vankatesh Sharma does tell us that Mercury either aspected by Jupiter or conjoined with Jupiter confers a special type of Raja yoga but then it is essential that their association involves the 4th or the 10th house by occupation and aspect, otherwise their conjunction generally makes one mild-mannered, large-hearted, wealthy and happy, and does not confer ruling powers. Mercury situated in Virgo aspected by Jupiter in Pisces from the 10th house confers a distinct Raja yoga or if both happen to conjoin in the 10th house, the person will lead a pleasant and happy life while experiencing Raja yoga effects. The karaka of any yoga produces exceptionally good results only when it is strong or is aspected by or conjoined with another strong yoga-giving planet, the results are felt during the course of the dasa of that karaka. Mercury situated in Cancer sign and aspected by Jupiter occupying Pisces sign makes one exceedingly fortunate and gives rise to Raja yoga.

By virtue of owning the 6th and the 10th bhavas Mars is a papagraha for Gemini lagna. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Cancer sign spoils whatever good Jupiter is otherwise capable of granting as the exalted lord of the 10th house, evil results will be experienced during the dasa and the antra-dasa of Mars when one is likely to suffer loss of wealth through sons and develop an exceedingly cruel attitude towards others. Mars occupying Aries in the 11th house is likely to produce better results than by occupying Scorpio in the 6th even though the texts have not drawn any distinction between these two placements of Mars. However, if Mars is in the 11th house from Gemini lagna it can be in its own sign or in its moolatrikona rasi while aspecting the 6th house and thereby strengthening it. Generally, Mars occupying the 11th house makes one courageous, good natured, bear a good conduct, wealthy and always happy; the lord of the 11th occupying its own house gives gain from several sources, makes one rich and own lands, exercise considerable influence over others and be blessed with many friends, a good wife and good children. When situated in the 6th house conceding that its said occupation does not interfere with other yoga formations the aspect of Mars on the 9th house and the lagna can prove adverse if it is stronger than the lagna-lord; those bhavas as are aspected by papagrahas or by the lords of the trikasthanas become impaired and do not give their good results. Rudrabhatta reiterates that the aspecting planets produce the results of their occupation of the bhavas aspected by them. The lords of the trikasthanas residing in their own bhavas in strength render those evil bhavas strong, and papagrahas tenanting the trikasthanas increase the evil effects of those bhavas. The lord of the 6th house situated in the 6th makes one’s own relatives turn hostile and behave as enemies. The lord of the lagna either combining with or aspected by the lord of the 6th house makes one become oppressed by enemies and suffer pain caused by those enemies. Malefics situated in the 6th promote the evil signified by the 6th house, stronger they are the worse are their results. Jatakalankara tells us that if Mars devoid of strength is in the 7th house then the person will be physically strong, fond of conflicts and rude in behaviour, but if the lagna is aspected by Mars from its own sign then he will be a coward.

Bhavartha Ratnakara tells us that for one born in Gemini lagna a special Dhana yoga is caused if the Moon and Mars are in the 11th and Saturn is in the 9th house. No doubt those bhavas as are occupied or aspected by their respective lords gain strength, the shubhagrahas confer good results and the papagrahas give bad results but there is also the dictum which tells us that all planets occupying the 11th house confer gains provided the lord of the 11th is strong, it is associated with benefics and is favourably inclined towards the lagna; the yoga cited by Ramanujacharya high-lights these two principles. This means that if the lord of the 11th house is in a trikasthana in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic then even if a strong benefic or a strong planet is in the 11th house then much gains cannot be expected. Basically, Dhana yogas depend upon the auspicious situation, strength etc; of the lords of the 2nd, the 11th and the 9th bhavas along with the favourable condition of the lagna, its lord and Jupiter. The lord of the lagna associating with Jupiter in a kendra or in a trikona makes a person always remain above want and benefics situated either in the 11th or in the 5th generally confer all kinds of gains, happiness and prosperity. The yoga cited hereinabove may not appear to involve either Mercury or Jupiter but it is to be assumed that both are favourably placed in which situation Mars, occupying its own positive sign in the 11th house in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd house, is no longer a malefic, and Saturn, a functional benefic for this lagna, aspects the 11th house more as the benefic lord of the 9th house. Moreover, the respective lords of the 11th house from the lagna and the Chandralagna will be in their own signs which are also their moolatrikona rasis. This is a classic yoga which assumes that the Moon is very strong in pakshabala etc; because ordinarily the Moon situated in Aries and aspected by Saturn does not give wealth. Elsewhere situated the Moon in conjunction with Mars is unlikely to confer wealth or happiness or domestic peace because Mars does not gain exemption from being a papagraha which it is for Gemini lagna. Saravali tells us that if the Moon is in the 11th house it should be strong in pakshabala, if it is weak then poverty results and there will be no Dhana yoga. Also, the bright Moon occupying the 11th house makes one exceptionally fortunate. Mars occupying Aries in the 11th house fortifies the house of gains and bestows strength to the Moon to deliver good results that are appropriate to the bhava the Moon occupies. If Saturn happens to aspect the Moon-Mars combination from the 9th house it will do so more as the lord of the 9th than of the 8th house it also happens to own, in this context Phaladipika tells us that if a planet owns two signs and counted from the lagna forms one good bhava and one bad bhava if it occupies the good bhava it will give the good results of that benefic bhava and not the evil results owing to the other bad bhava. Saturn conjoining with the Moon and Mars in the 11th house from Gemini lagna will certainly give rise to an avayoga adversely affecting one’s body, mind, fortune and wealth, the debilitation of Saturn or the cancellation of that debilitation notwithstanding; it cannot give rise to a special Dhana yoga. A special Dhana yoga will also not arise if Venus is in the 5th house from Gemini lagna and combines with Mars, Saturn and the Moon. Saturn’s aspect on the Dhanabhava produces only mixed results.

The Moon is not a maraka for Gemini lagna but the weak and afflicted Moon indicates an early death and acts as a secondary maraka. Moreover, if the Moon is weak then it renders all other planets almost ineffective. The Moon has no enemies but Mercury considers the Moon to be its enemy; the aspect of Mars and Saturn on the Moon generally afflicts the Moon. Therefore, if the Moon combining with Mercury in a kendra from the lagna is aspected by Mars and Saturn then the term of life rarely exceeds beyond one year. If Mercury joins the Moon, the latter cannot be strong in pakshabala, but their conjunction does not produce bad results and if occurring in the 3rd house makes one talented and wealthy. The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon weakens the Moon which then devoid of lustre behaves as a malefic. Yet, this conjunction occurring in the 9th house gives wealth or in the 10th gives fame but if occurring in the 12th gives immense suffering and even blindness, in all other bhavas it gives little or no wealth. The Sun combining with Mercury gives education and learning and if these two combine in the 4th or in the 8th they can cause a mild Raja yoga and make one wealthy too. In the case of Gemini lagna the Sun, the Moon and Mercury conjoining in a gainful bhava give rise to a favourable yoga if Mercury is not combust and along with the Moon is farthest away from the Sun in the same sign, a combust Mercury or the Moon totally devoid of brightness tend to give bad results. Saravali tells us that if at the time of birth the Sun occupies its own navamsa but the Moon is lustreless then one enjoys Raja yoga results but only briefly and thereafter leads a life of poverty and experiences much grief. The strength and weaknesses of these two luminaries cannot be over-looked more particularly that of the Moon. A strong Moon occupying a benefic sign and aspected by a benefic, especially Venus, wards-off all evils but if the Moon associated with malefics occupies the 5th, the 7th, the 9th, the 12th, the lagna or the 8th house unaspected by or not combined with a powerful Venus or Mercury or Jupiter then death comes early.

      In the case of Gemini lagna the Moon finds its exaltation in the 12th from the lagna as the gainful lord of the 2nd house. Planets situated either in the 8th or in the 12th generally confer mixed or only bad results in respect of the bhava they own, but planets occupying their own sign or moolatrikona rasi or exaltation sign or even friendly sign or if in vargottama give good results particularly in respect of the bhava they own or occupy. The fact remains that the exalted Moon in the 12th does not give results similar to those which an exalted Venus in the 12th does for Aries lagna both being the lords of the Dhanabhava for respective lagnas. The texts have elaborately dealt with the exaltation of planets occurring in auspicious bhavas but are not eloquent when dealing with the exaltation of planets occurring in the trikasthanas. B.V. Raman tells us that if the lord of the 2nd house is in the 12th house then it will make one gain respect, who in all probability will be a government servant but if it is afflicted then there will be loss of money owing to ecclesiastical reasons or even under penalty. Janardhan Harji states that the person will experience financial gains and losses and will be well-known in business or trading circles. Vriddhayavana states that the person will earn abroad and engage in evil deeds or become a beggar if the lord of the 2nd happens to be a malefic, if it is a benefic then one revels in strife or battles. An unafflicted exalted Moon generally confers wealth and an attractive and influential personality. From the description of the Amar yoga given to us by Janardhan Harji it is inferred that in case the Moon is exalted in the 8th or in the 12th house from the lagna then the Sun should either occupy a kendra or a trikona and any one of them should be aspected by Jupiter, or the Moon should be aspected by Venus to confer yoga results if not a superior yoga. No doubt Bhavartha Ratnakara emphatically states that the bhava or significations of which the planets placed in the 12th represent flourish, Prasna Marga states that the lord of any bhava and the karaka of that bhava if both are in their respective signs of exaltation or in their own signs but occupy the trikasthanas then the good significations of that bhava will not be felt, that means if the exalted Moon is in the 12th house but Jupiter is either exalted in the 2nd or is in its own sign in a kendra from Gemini lagna, the Moon will make the person more inclined towards obtaining and accumulating wealth. Any planet occupying the 12th house generally brings about an attitudinal change which at times is difficult to fathom and readjust.

For Gemini lagna the conjunction of Saturn and the Moon will be the conjunction of the 8th and 9th house lord with the lord of the 2nd house but this conjunction does not by itself confer an exceptional yoga except in the 10th house. Therefore, if the Sun and Mercury are in the 4th house, the Moon and Saturn are in the 10th and Mars is in Gemini lagna there will arise Raja yoga provided Mars occupies friendly and benefic vargas and is aspected by a benefic otherwise it can cause a powerful avayoga. Mars situated in the 4th house from the Moon can make a person bring about his own down-fall and also indicates poverty. Mars approaching its debilitation sign and aspecting the Sun and the lagna-lord does produce some bad results, the person though learned and understanding may not be a good soul and remain mostly worried and filled with anxiety being fearful of his enemies and gripped by strifes. However, all of these five named planets occupying mutual kendras will act as co-workers. If the Full Moon combining with a planet other than the lord of the lagna is aspected by Mercury, Venus or Jupiter it certainly gives rise to a Raja yoga but then the planet combining with the Moon should occupy own or exaltation sign avoiding evil navamsas, if it does not then the Raja yoga effects will not last long and the person may have to abdicate and even spend the later years in exile. Also, if malefics and benefics are in the kendras and the Moon aspected by the lord of the lagna is either in the amsa ruled by Saturn or is in conjunction with the Sun then one may not have a wife and himself be the cause of the end of his family lineage. For any Raja yoga to succeed the lords of the two trikonas must find a role to play in its formation along with the lord of the 10th house. In the case of Gemini lagna the role of Venus is as important as that of Jupiter.

The 5th house from Gemini lagna is formed by Libra the sign owned by Venus and which is also its moolatrikona rasi. Venus is a friend of the lord of the lagna and a benefic planet for this lagna. When it is in conjunction with Mercury in a benefic sign and bhava Venus does make one achieve success in all undertakings and if both are strong they readily confer a position of power and authority. Generally this conjunction gives wealth, a good level of education, knowledge and a sharp intellect but occurring in the lagna or in a trikona produces far superior results provided the Sun is not in the same sign and Venus is not combust. When situated in the 10th house from Gemini lagna Venus finds itself in its sign of exaltation wherein situated it gives yoga and a Raja yoga, if Mercury also joins Venus in the 10th in Pisces then there will also be the Neechabhanga Raja yoga. Venus and Mercury combining in Virgo in the 4th will have Mercury giving rise to Bhadra yoga and there will be neechabhanga for Venus who will be equipped with full digbala. Venus situated in the 10th will be vested with kalabala, the person will be generous but as the lord of the 12th exalted if occupying its neecha or inimical navamsa more particularly that owned by Mars or is aspected by a malefic it can cause set-back in one’s career. If Venus is exalted in the 10th house and Mercury is in the 9th in a friendly sign then also there will be Raja yoga and the person will own and reside in fabulous mansions.

The conjunction of Venus and Mercury with the Moon in the 2nd house from Gemini lagna will give Dhana yoga results during the course of Venus dasa but there will be no Dhana yoga results to be experienced during the dasas of Mercury and the Moon. Janardhan Harji tells us that in case the lord of the 12th is in the Dhanabhava then the person will be a miser, possess a harsh tongue, who acquires lost wealth, but if it is a benefic then the person though having risen in ranks will suffer at the hands of the ruler or one’s superiors and become devoid of wealth. Hereat Venus as a functional benefic will be in conjunction with the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 2nd house, the aforestated adverse results are unlikely to accrue if all three avoid neecha and inimical navamsas and are preferably aspected by Jupiter from the 10th house. Kalidasa states that loss of wealth will result only if Venus happens to be a functional malefic, not otherwise. Moreover, Mercury situated in Cancer sign as the lord of the lagna protects wealth and if it is also aspected by Jupiter makes one very intelligent, benevolent, of a forgiving nature, learned, fortunate and a favourite of kings or of superiors at the highest rung. The evil or bad results attributed to a planetary situation or combination do not come to pass if the involved planets are strong and are situated in favourable signs and bhavas wherein placed they cannot but produce good results alone with the intensity varying according to the strength and the role of their dispositor in the yoga-formation. It is generally seen that for Gemini lagna Mercury associating with the Moon and Jupiter confers wealth; a Dhana yoga is caused when these three combine in Cancer sign in the 2nd house. The lord of the 2nd house combining with or aspected by the lord of the lagna makes one earn or gain wealth through self-efforts, if the lord of the 2nd house combines with the lord of the 10th then the person will certainly be very wealthy. The conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter if occurring in a kendra from the lagna certainly gives riches and a social position but if occurring in the Dhanabhava along with the lord of the 2nd it will also give rise to a very significant Raja yoga for Gemini lagna. Hereat the exalted lord of the 10th house in yoga with the lord of the lagna and the Moon will be powerfully aspecting its own 10th house from the lagna and its own 9th house from the Chandra-Lagna, and Mercury as the lord of the lagna will improve the bhava it occupies and give results of that bhava and of the bhavas whose lords conjoin with it. Situated in Cancer sign Mercury will be in the 11th house from Virgo which is its own, exaltation and moolatrikona rasi and therefore it will make one very enterprising, earn well and acquire wealth as also develop interest in the study of business management and administration, implement and improvise the already known methods and systems. Mercury occupying Cancer sign along with Saturn situated in the 11th house from the lagna confers great wealth. Saturn situated in the 11th gives a regular source of income and makes one gradually rich and possess steady wealth, such a Saturn protects wealth. Mercury in Cancer not associated with Jupiter or with the lord of 2nd house gives wealth but it does not make one retain that wealth for a long.

Mahadeva tells us that the person will be very wealthy in case Mercury occupies the lagna as the lagna-lord either aspected by or conjoined with Saturn or combined with Venus. If Mercury combines with Venus in the lagna-kendra it makes a person learned and gain royal favours, the person becomes a treasurer or holds an important post. The lagna-lord, if it is a natural ben