Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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7 about: leo (Simha) lagna

“He (man) sees by the mind alone, he hears by the mind; and all that we call desire, will, doubt, belief, disbelief, resolution, irresolution, shame, thought and fear - all this is but mind itself”

- Maitri Upanishad VI. 30.

Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac in the order of the prescribed count beginning with Aries. It covers the whole of Makha nakshatra ruled by Ketu, the whole of Poorvaphalguni nakshatra ruled by Venus and the first-quarter of Uttaraphalguni nakshatra ruled by the Sun. Leo is fixed, fiery, dry, odd, masculine, cruel sign of long ascension and rising with the head first. The Sun is the ruler of this sign. Venus, Mercury and Saturn are the malefic planets for Leo lagna. The Sun and Mars are the two benefics. Mars is the Rajayogakaraka whereas Mercury and Venus are designated as the marakas. No planet attains exaltation or debilitation in this sign which is also the moolatrikona rasi of the Sun.

The person born with Leo sign rising in the lagna at the time of birth is handsome, brave, enjoys many comforts, has few sons, eats less, is proud of his intelligence and sharp intellect, is influential and contented but suffers on account of heat and boils, pain in the joints etc. He is fond of eating meat, gets easily annoyed, he is victorious over foes, amorous and the one who visits foreign lands. B. Suryanarain Rao in his commentary on Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira states that Devatas may be explained as the essence of events or objects and the Adhi-devatas are the adjunctional energies which help the essential forces, and adds that there is a


difference between active forces and passive energies, the active forces are called the gods and the passive ones are styled the goddesses. Varahamihira tells us that the Sun has Agni as its adhidevata which is the essence of Fire which is ruled by Mars, and to Mars has been assigned the rulership over Aries sign, the first of the three signs forming the Fiery-group, the other two being Leo and Sagittarius, that are the trikonas from each other. Kalidasa in his Uttarakalamrita has in great detail described the significances of the rulers of these three fiery signs i.e. of Mars, the Sun and Jupiter. For Mars he states that it represents bravery, earth, power, arms, kingdom, destruction of the power of generation, thief, war, rebellion, being considerate, objects of blood colour etc; which are all earthy significances and the Beginning stage. The Sun represents the Soul, force, sharpness, fortress, good or superior strength, heat, flow, fire, etc; which are significances of the energating essence and therefore, the Action stage. Jupiter represents the Brahmins, teacher, duty, chariot, cow, pawn, army, accumulated wealth, philosophy, method, horse, curd, well-built physique, radiance, renown, etc; which are the significances of the sublime and the Achievement stage. These three signs verily represent the fires of Pravahana Jaivali, the fires of Naciketa and the three vibrant folds of Prakrti. Therefore, these three signs are all inter-related and their respective lords are recognised as mutual friends.

Because of the five primordial elements which the signs of the Zodiac and the planets represent, there is the Lingasarira comprising of seventeen components or essentials, these components are - the five organs of perception, the five organs of actions, the five vital forces, the intellect and the mind. The intellect is the modification of the internal instrument that determines and has memory as its part. The mind is the modification of the internal instrument that differentiates i.e. it considers the pros and cons, and has egoism as its part characterised by self-consciousness. The intellect along with the organs of perception constitutes the Intelligent Sheath endowed with the power of knowledge on account of it being conscious, that it is an agent, that it performs, enjoys, is happy or miserable etc; and is called the phenomenal as opposed to Absolute Reality and is subject to transmigration. The Jiva, the embodied being, is limited by and reflected in the Intelligent Sheath. The signs that constitute the Zodiac merely define all those limitations that the embodied being is subjected to and from which it cannot easily escape, the twelve bhavas reflect the material relation of the Jiva in its journey from birth to death. The planets are the agents and the potent significators of action, they signify that which is active, and therefore, form a definite relationship with the signs, the bhavas and between each other which relationship is the primary basis of all yoga-formations that are the recodification of Cause and Effect in relation with Time; a friendly relationship bears good results and an unfriendly relationship does not bear good results. Thus, the learned in Hindu Astrology have explained to us.

Varahamihira states that according to some the Sun has Jupiter, the Moon has Mercury and Jupiter, Mars has Venus and Mercury, Mercury has all except the Sun, Jupiter has all except Mars, Venus has all except Mars, the Moon and the Sun as friends, but according to Satya from the moolatrikonas the lords of the 2nd, the 12th, the 5th, the 9th, the sign of exaltation, the 8th and the 4th are friends, the rest are not friends. The moolatrikona rasi of the Sun is the sign it owns and Yavanacharya states that Jupiter is its only friend. In fact Jupiter like the Sun is a self-energy-generating gaseous mass with an extensive and very powerful field of gravity and magnetism though on a far smaller scale. It is earnestly believed that the entire Solar System is kept in check and in balance owing to the enormous influence exerted by the Sun and Jupiter upon each other and upon all the rest constituents as if the Solar System is a binary system. The Sun is a benefic planet for Leo lagna. When occupying the Leo lagna the Sun can be in vargottama and also in its uccha navamsa. In the last navamsa of this sign it will be in its own nakshatra, it will then be in Sagittarius navamsa ruled by Jupiter. Saturn does not own any navamsa of Leo. The Sun does not give good results occupying the navamsas owned by Venus. Therefore, Jataka Parijata tells us that if the Sun is in Leo lagna but not in a navamsa owned by Venus and if Mercury is also in Virgo sign then a person though born in the humblest of circumstances will own lands or lord over lands. The unafflicted lord of the lagna situated in the lagna gives a long disease-free life, much physical strength, wealth and prosperity, the more beneficially endowed becomes the sign rising in the lagna the more auspicious are the results of the yogas that may be obtaining. The Sun situated in the lagna makes one lazy in one’s works and actions, the person may be evil or short-tempered, tall, proud, dry-eyed, brave and unforgiving. The Sun not associated with Jupiter and situated in Leo lagna causes night-blindness. The pointed reference to the Sun not occupying a navamsa owned by Venus is the hint given that when planets are not in certain bhavas signifying favourable events then their bhava occupation in the navamsa-chart should be ascertained, evalued and results predicted accordingly.

Our ancient seers seem to prefer the Sun occupying its exaltation sign and that too at its highest point of exaltation, and if the Sun is in Leo it should be in its moolatrikona portion of that sign. The Sun placed in an inimical sign or in an inimical navamsa produces very bad results during the course of its dasa. When situated in either its exaltation sign or its own sign the Sun cannot occupy a navamsa owned by Saturn, also, Mercury is more a neutral than inimical, therefore, the occupation of the navamsa owned by Venus becomes critical for the Sun. Mercury, Saturn and Venus placed in the 12th from the bhava occupied by the Sun do not give good results but in the 2nd house from the Sun, Mercury and Venus confer good results for if not in retrograde motion they are then deemed to be moving away from the Sun.

The Sun and Mars are mutual friends but they are alike in their temperament which is bordering on cruelty. Therefore, Jataka Parijata reminds us that the Sun in lagna, the 7th, the 2nd or the 8th house aspected by Mars or Mars occupying these bhavas and aspected by the Sun can cause burn-injuries or small-pox. Mercury if it is occupying the 2nd house should be strong. Mercury occupying its exaltation portion of the Virgo sign that it owns and aspected by Jupiter from Pisces produces favourable results and a powerful Dhana yoga but if Mercury situated in the 2nd house is weak in strength it can cause one’s death due to personal strife with opponents. Jataka Tattwam tells us that if the lord of the drekkena rising in the lagna is situated in the 6th house from the lagna then death results within the first year after birth. Mars becomes exalted in the 6th house from Leo lagna and Mars is not a functional malefic for this lagna but it owns the 3rd drekkena of Leo. Can such a Mars cause early death if the 3rd drekkena of Leo is rising in the lagna? It will not, because Mars will then be aspecting the Leo lagna. According to the ancient texts the aspect of a friendly but a papagraha or kruragraha is moderately evil but that of an inimical papagraha or kruragraha is certainly evil; the papagrahas confer their results first and the benefics do so thereafter; the strong benefics confer prosperity and make one fortunate but the strong malefics increase the term of life. Thus, the aspect of Mars on the Sun or on Leo lagna can at times be bad but the aspect of Saturn can be very evil. Situated in mutual trikonas or in the lagna and the two trikonas, cruel and malefic planets do not aspect each other but if any one of them afflicts the lagna by occupation or afflicts the Moon they produce only bad results. Mercury causing Vesi yoga does not confer wealth but with the Sun situated in Leo it will cause Dhana yoga. Ordinarily the conjunction of a strong lord of the 2nd house and the strong lord of the 11th house in a kendra from the lagna makes one wealthy but then the bhava thus occupied and its lord become afflicted the former is a strong maraka and the latter a strong papagraha, in the case of Leo lagna Mercury simultaneously owns the 2nd and the 11th house. The lords of the two trikonabhavas, the significators of prosperity and good fortunate, are capable of giving wealth especially when they are in association with the lords of the 2nd and the 11th house; moreover, strong benefics occupying the 5th, the 9th, the 2nd and the 11th also produce similar results particularly when they are exalted. Thus, an exalted planet situated in the 9th house from the lagna gives rise to Lakshmi yoga and Bhavartha Ratnakara tells us that an exalted planet situated in the 5th or in the 9th house makes one fortunate and famous; indeed, exalted planets promote the significances of the bhava they happen to occupy. In the case of Leo lagna the Sun becomes exalted in the 9th house and if not afflicted by Rahu, Saturn or Venus then it gives excellent results even though it is the karaka of the 9th house.

The Sun situated in the 9th house but not in an inimical sign or navamsa gives wealth, sons, friends and piety but it also makes the person antagonistic towards father and wife and not experience happiness. However, as the lord of the lagna exalted in the 9th house it will make the native and his father fortunate and the person will have many brothers and friends, will be intelligent, adept, influential and renowned; if the exalted Sun is in its own navamsa or in vargottama aspected by a friendly planet there will be Raja yoga. The Moon aspecting the exalted Sun in the 9th will be the Full Moon situated in Libra owned by a natural benefic and the lord of the exaltation sign for the Moon who will be the lord of the 12th situated in the 3rd. The Full Moon is always a benefic. Jupiter aspecting the exalted Sun in the 9th can prove more effective if it were to aspect from its own sign forming the 5th house because Jupiter is also the lord of the 8th. Jupiter’s aspect on the lagna will further strengthen the lagna. By occupying its own sign in the 9th from the exalted Sun Jupiter becomes an exceptional yogakaraka. Mars, a yogakaraka for Leo lagna, can aspect the exalted Sun in the 9th from the 6th house occupying Capricorn or it can even aspect from Virgo but it should not do so from Libra for then it will be in an inimical sign and prove bad in aspect. The Moon, Jupiter and Mars are the friendly planets for the Sun.

The conjunction of two cruel planets does not produce happy results and the Sun and Mars are no exception, their conjunction in the 9th may earn royal favours and gains and also give a Rajya but there will arise many kinds of unhappy and painful situations marked with violence and even cruelty. This conjunction can prove bad for one’s father whose longevity may get curtailed. Therefore, in case the Sun and Mars conjoin in the 9th house then they should be aspected by the friendly and benefic Jupiter. For Leo lagna, the Sun, a functional benefic for this lagna, and Mars, the lord of the 9th, is the yogakaraka and a friend of the lagna-lord, their conjunction in the 9th will produce good results and a Raja yoga provided Mars is not combust and neither occupy an inimical navamsa. Such a Sun will certainly give the result of the strong lord of the 9th house. Kalidasa tells us that the Sun situated in the 9th gives overall good results and acts as a benefic in the manner the lord of the 9th situated in the 9th does.

Saravali tells us that a planet occupying the lagna and aspecting its own sign gives much wealth, happiness and favours. In the case of Leo lagna, Jupiter and Mars occupying a friendly sign in the lagna can favourably aspect their own sign but Saturn aspecting its own sign will do so from an inimical sign. Generally when situated in the lagna Mars makes a person restless and keeps the mind agitated and Saturn thus placed gives an unhappy mind plagued by worries of many kinds. Mars makes a person practical who strives to achieve the possible, Saturn spreads gloom and fear because of frustration and lesser rewards. Jatakabharana tells us that whereas Mars in Leo gives much happiness from wife and sons, the person brave, hardworking and clever succeeds in subduing his foes; Saturn makes one an able writer who is fond of strifes, lacks politeness, devoid of scruples suffers at the hands of his wife and sons. In such an event Mars or Saturn should receive the aspect of Jupiter situated preferably in its own sign. Mars in Leo aspected by Jupiter makes one learned and very intelligent, a leader and a generous provider; Saturn in Leo aspected by Jupiter confers many good qualities, popularity and fame, and a prominent position in life. There will also arise a significant Raja yoga.

Mars owns the 4th house from Leo lagna which house it can aspect from the 9th formed by its own sign but Jupiter occupying any one of its own signs cannot aspect its other sign, particularly if it is in the 5th it cannot aspect its own 8th house. Jupiter is the Dehakaraka; the aspect of the cruel planets on Jupiter adversely affects one’s body. From the few Reka yogas described by Vaidyanatha it becomes clear that these avayogas arise because of the combustion suffered by Jupiter and / or by the lord of the 4th house. All Reka yogas produce evil results and tend to cause yogabhanga. During the dasa of combust Jupiter one suffers immensely owing to ill-health and becomes weak, his upper-torso becomes diseased, he loses selfcontrol and to him the entire world seems meaningless and useless; for no other planet in combustion has Venkat Sharma assigned such bad results. The lord of the 4th house from the lagna is the prime significator of happiness and general contentment, it being combust one cannot expect to be happy for a combust 4th lord can destroy all good things in life including wealth and social status. Jataka Parijata tells us that if the lord of the 4th house is in the 4th or in the 11th or Mars is in the 4th house or in the 11th in its own sign or if the lord of the 4th is in the 11th in a sign owned by Mars then there will be gain of Rajya. However, Mars occupying the 4th house even in its own sign unless aspected by Jupiter does not generally promote happiness and domestic peace.

If Virgo sign rises in the 2nd house from the lagna one obtains plenty of wealth from the ruler of the land by display of knowledge and ability, and the person leads a life equal to that of a king. What this means is that gainful bhavas formed by benefic signs give excellent results provided those bhavas and their lords are not afflicted and are strong. Mercury occupying Virgo makes one intelligent, clever, proficient, adept in various kinds of activities, and happy. As the benefic lord of the 2nd if it is in its own sign in the 11th house it will confer a long gainful life, a very attractive personality, leadership and fame. But, for Leo lagna Mercury should stay farthest away from the Sun if it does not then misfortune can strike the native and good results of other yogas will not be experienced, in order to offset this adverse impact Mercury in conjunction with the Sun must join either Jupiter or Mars neither being combust. If any one of these three is combust or defeated in planetary warfare there will be many impediments in the operation of the yoga caused or there will certainly be break in Raja yoga.

Ordinarily the lord of the 2nd or the lord of the 11th house combining with the lagna-lord in the 10th house gives rise to a favourable yoga. The Sun-Mercury conjunction in the 10th ought to cause yoga for neither the Sun nor Mercury will be in debilitation sign. In the case of Leo lagna, Taurus sign falls on the 10th house whose lord is not a friend of the lagna-lord, is a functional malefic and a papagraha for that lagna. For the same reason Venus does not produce a yoga when it is in conjunction with Jupiter in the 5th in Sagittarius. In fact this conjunction will cause destruction of all other yogas. Venus in the 3rd in Libra does act as a benefic but it certainly becomes a strong malefic by occupying its own sign in the 10th house. The 8th house stigma stays permanently attached to Jupiter and the lord of the 8th is the most malefic trika-lord. During the course of its own dasa Jupiter as the lord of the 8th may not produce bad results but evil results are generally witnessed during its antra-dasa in the dasa of other planets. The Sun situated in the 10th house and strong in directional strength is said to make a person a paragon of fine qualities, who enjoys every kind of happiness and good fortune but the Sun in a sign owned by Venus makes one more an enjoyer of sensual pleasures and comforts than an able house-holder and a good citizen.

The Mars-Moon conjunction in Scorpio in the 4th house from the lagna is not a happy one, it makes one quarrelsome, poor, devoid of happiness, son, wealth and relatives. But, in case the Sun is also in the 10th house avoiding vargottama and Mercury not being in an inimical navamsa joins the Sun then the Moon in Scorpio will be the Full Moon and Mars too will possess bright rays, then there will be yoga, then the person will be polite and avail the benefit of Raja yoga. The lord of the 12th, who is not an enemy of the lagna-lord, if occupying the 4th makes one a very determined person capable of accomplishing difficult tasks, commit good acts and remain happy. Mars aspecting the 11th house will give sound health and a long life. Though the lord of the 12th aspected by the lord of the 2nd becomes a maraka and inflicts death in its dasa, the Full Moon in mutual relationship with the lagna-lord cannot be the principal maraka, such a Moon even if occupying Visakha nakshatra in its deep debilitation will still be in its own navamsa and therefore, will also not cause yogabhanga. Jatakabharana reiterates that if the Moon occupies a sign owned by a cruel planet and the lord of that sign either aspects the Moon or conjoins with the Moon or the Moon occupies the vargas of that planet then all arishtas will get destroyed and auspicious events will be witnessed.

According to an ancient principle the Moon if visible in the day does mischief but when it is invisible it becomes auspicious, the reverse holds true if it be night-time. The invisible or the Adrishyahalf is that part which begins from the rising degree of the lagna and extends up to the same degree in the 7th house, the visible or the Drisya-half extends from that particular degree of the 7th house up to the lagna. In the case of Leo lagna if the Full Moon is exalted in the 10th house it will not be visible during the day time but will light up the night-sky. Then, it becomes a yoga-karaka and ensures allround success, power, courage and generosity. If the Moon is in the 10th house and the Sun is also in the Drisyabhaga, say in 9th or in the 11th, there will be very little pakshabala for the Moon to be effective. All strong and exalted planets give good results but those which are in the Drisya-half show their results in the latter half of one’s life.

The exalted Full Moon situated in the 10th house will have the Sun situated in Scorpio in a friendly sign, if Venus is also in Libra, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Mercury conjoins with the Sun there will be the favourable Chandradi yoga which is a kind of Raja yoga according to Mandavya. Venus situated in the 3rd house from Leo lagna and as the dispositor of the Moon will act as a benefic and confer yoga. The lord of the lagna aspected by the powerful Moon, a benefic, will be hemmed between two natural benefics and in conjunction with a natural benefic. There will be the very favourable Ubhayachari yoga. The actual impact of a yoga depends not only on the sign, bhava and vargas owned, occupied and aspected by the yoga-causing planets but also on the aspect of other planets cast upon any one of them; the status of their dispositor is also an important factor. In this case the status of Mars, the dispositor of the Sun and Mercury, becomes meaningful and is required to be ascertained. In case Mars is favourably placed and becomes the adhimitra of the Sun then according to Dundiraja the Sun aspected by the Moon can confer Rajya and make one a benevolent leader of rogues. If one strong benefic aspected by the Sun occupies a kendra or a trikona then it removes all defects and evils, and gives a healthy long life and fame. The Full Moon always acts as a benefic which ever sign it happens to occupy.

A planet situated in its sign of debilitation not only loses its vitality but also tends to produce more of its bad results. Also, planets in debilitation occupying vargottamsa or inimical navamsa or aspected by evil planets produce evil results with a greater degree of certainty, and if placed at the point of their deepest fall invariably cause Rajayogabhanga. Therefore, situated in its sign of debilitation the Sun gives a life full of troubles, the person lacks support and has no place of permanent or regular settlement, the Moon does not make one wealthy and the person is unable to complete his assigned task or work, Mars gives wealth but also very many bad intentions, Mercury makes one oppose own family members and other well-wishers, Jupiter causes humiliation at the hands of evil people, Venus gives much unhappiness amidst plenty of material gains, and Saturn makes one evil, troubled, unable to derive any comfort from wife and wealth. The planet occupying the point of deepest fall does not always deprive basic daily needs or make one a pauper because the sign next in order to the debilitation sign is always its friendly sign whose lord is rarely found to incapacitate a person or totally block one’s sources of earning on a permanent basis.

In the case of Leo lagna the Moon situated in Scorpio will be in the 4th house in which regard Skanda Hora states that if the Moon is in the 4th house at its deepest fall then one becomes a beggar, in all other parts of Scorpio sign it is capable of giving yoga or Raja yoga primarily owing to the Moon becoming readily influenced by the nature of the navamsa and the other vargas it occupies. Therefore, Yavanacharya tells us that the Moon, the Sun and Mars conjoining in the 4th give rise to Lakshmi yoga. A strong 4th house and a strong lord of the 4th makes one honest and bestows a peaceful mind, similar results ensue if the lagna-lord is situated in the 4th either in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic and friendly planet. If the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 4th are mutual friends there will be much love between the mother and the native, and if they are both vested with strength there will be acquisition of vehicles, properties and other material gains etc; provided in the navamsa-chart the lord of the lagna is not in a trikabhava from the lord of the 4th, when good relations with mother and near relatives will not exist, there will be physical and mental sufferings and needless involvement in legal cases. The Sun in conjunction with a weak Moon in the 4th can make one momentarily dishonest who will later on remain honest. The Moon in the 4th gains maximum digbala and this is one of the major strengths of planets that do not fail.

For a day-time birth the Moon in conjunction with Jupiter in the 5th house and the Sun also exalted in the 9th will give rise to yoga in its own dasa. The visible Moon will be in the Adrisya-half, in a friendly sign, in conjunction with a strong benefic in an auspicious mutual trikona relationship with a strong lord of the lagna; it will not act as the malefic lord of the 12th situated in the 6th from the 12th house. This is the Shreekantha yoga of repute. A strong lord of the 5th house occupying its own bhava especially if it is Jupiter makes one very learned, full of knowledge, a master of Vedanta Darshana who is able to conduct in-depth study in any branch of knowledge with ease. Jupiter situated in Sagittarius sign gives very good results. Jatakalankara considers the lord of the 4th house to be the efficient indicator of education and learning whose association with Mercury and Jupiter involving a kendra or a trikona is always desirable and fruitful. As regards the lord of the 5th house occupying the lagna the same text states that if it is in Bala or Vriddha awastha it does not make one intelligent but which awasthas do not disable the 5th house lord if it is in its own sign.

Ramanujacharya tells us that for a person born in Leo lagna Saturn certainly causes yoga in its dasa if Mars and Saturn are in the 12th house. Cruel malefic planets situated in the 12th house from the lagna are primarily responsible for depletion and loss of wealth, loss of regular income and break in yoga. Mars or Saturn occupying the 12th does not produce good results. The 12th house occupied by papagrahas and/or the said bhava and its lord aspected by papagrahas result in wasteful expenditure, expenditure with evil intentions or for evil purposes. Though when Cancer sign becomes the 12th house and is strong then one possesses a religious bend of mind, requires and spends on noble causes, gains praise and prestige, Mars situated in Cancer sign makes one cruel and Saturn placed therein indicates poverty, loss of issues etc. Mars is the yogakaraka for Leo lagna, its 12th house occupation is certainly not desirable but Saturn, the evil lord of 6th situated in the 12th house, gives rise to yoga and by conjoining with the said yogakaraka itself becomes a yogakaraka though this conjunction can give wounds and both stated planets can become powerful in causing death during the course of their antra-dasa in the dasa of the lord of the 12th.

Whereas benefics are the preferred occupants of the Dhanabhava for they give wealth the malefics are not because malefics situated therein can be the cause of destruction of wealth. Saturn situated in the 12th house can cast its aspect on the 2nd house, and the basic principle is that Saturn destroys the bhava it occupies or aspects with the exception of the 3rd and the 9th which bhavas gain strength. There is an exception; if the Sun occupying the 2nd house is aspected by Saturn then one becomes very wealthy. In the case of Leo lagna Saturn will then be aspecting a friendly sign, and the Sun is the benefic lord of the lagna. Such a Sun aspected by Saturn can even give a crooked or criminal mind and the person though wealthy may not enjoy bodily comforts and peace of mind. If the Sun is in Virgo in the 2nd house then Mercury should join the Sun aspected by Jupiter. The conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Virgo sign forming the 2nd house will not produce yoga because of the affliction caused to the Sun by two papagrahas; the person may even lose his eye-sight but if Jupiter joins them there will be yoga for wealth, happiness and general prosperity. This four-planet conjunction occurring in the 12th house in Cancer sign destroys eye-sight because if the lord of the lagna and the lords of the 2nd, the 5th and the 7th conjoin in a trikabhava then one loses eye-sight and becomes blind.

Gopesh Kumar Ojha tells us that the stated results of Shreekantha yoga, Srinatha yoga and Viranchi yoga are felt in full when the yogacausing planets are in their signs of exaltation; medium, in own signs and ordinary if they are in friendly signs. Unless otherwise stated this observation applies equally to all yoga-formations. Vaidyanatha states that a person born with Sankha yoga will enjoy all kinds of comfort he will be kind and forgiving, long-lived, reasonably wealthy, of superior knowledge, good conduct and attitude. Sankha yoga arises when the lord of the lagna is strong and the lords of the 5th and the 6th are in mutual kendras or in kendras from the lagna. For Leo lagna, Sankha yoga arises if the Sun is exalted in the 9th, Jupiter occupies the lagna and Saturn is in the 10th house. This yoga will also arise if the Sun is in the lagna and both, Jupiter and Saturn, occupy their respective signs of exaltation provided these three occupy benefic and friendly vargas. Jupiter causing Vasi yoga with the lagna-lord, the Sun, also confers a firm and pure mind and intellect and being exalted in the 12th will cause the person to reap the full benefits of good sanskaras and karmas. In the former variant the lord of the 6th situated in the 10th house can make one outwardly religious and pious but actually unscrupulous.

Damini yoga is sai