Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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8 about: viRgo (KanYa) lagna

“Sensation, perception, ideation, conception, understanding, insight, resolution, opinion, imagination, feeling, memory, volition, conation, the will to live, desire and self-control, all these are different names of intellection.”

- Aitareya Upanishad III.2.

As the sixth sign of the Zodiac Virgo covers the remaining threequarters of Uttaraphalguni nakshatra ruled by the Sun, the entire Hasta nakshatra ruled by the Moon and the first two quarters of Chitra nakshatra ruled by Mars. Virgo is a common, mild, earthy, even, female, and a benefic sign of long ascension rising with its head first. No planet is deemed to be a benefic planet for this lagna although Venus is treated as the yogakaraka. Mars and Jupiter are the two marakas for this lagna. Mercury attains its exaltation in Virgo and Venus its debilitation. This sign is also the moolatrikona rasi for Mercury.

The person born with Virgo sign rising in the lagna at the time of birth is very learned, he possesses many good qualities, is fortunate, good-looking, affectionate, and phlegmatic, suffers from heat and skin eruptions, popular, beloved of the opposite sex, respected and intelligent possessing more of Sattwik qualities.

In his great work, Sarvartha Chintamani, Venkatesh Sharma reminds us that Venus is a friend of Mercury, Mercury and Saturn are friends of Venus, and Mercury and Venus are friends of Saturn.


Thus, between themselves Mercury and Venus are intimate friends just as Venus and Saturn are intimate friends. Venus and Saturn own a trikonabhava each counting from the lagna rasi owned by Mercury. In the case of Gemini lagna the 5th house is owned by Venus and Saturn owns the 9th house which order is reversed when Virgo sign is rising in the lagna. Whereas for Gemini lagna both acquire the status of the yogakarakas but for Virgo lagna Venus alone attains that status because Saturn while owning the auspicious 5th house also owns the evil and very unfavourable 6th house which ownership does not qualify it to be the unsullied yogakaraka. Parasara tells us that Tatkalika benefics are those who own the lagna, the 5th and the 9th house but those who own the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th become

Tatkalika papagrahas i.e. malefics. Since Aquarius sign falls on the 6th house the Virgo lagna-born generally earn the enemity of the low and the mighty easily.

The 6th house counted from the lagna is an upachayasthana and is the bhava that signifies debts, enemity, disease and litigation amongst several other indications. Parasara states that planets owning the upachayasthanas other than the 10th house are papagrahas and those owning the 8th and the 12th are ashubhagrahas, and that these papagrahas having established a sambandha with yogakarakas do confer good results during the course of their antra-dasa in the dasa of those karakas they happen to associate with. Benefic planets occupying the upachayasthanas confer good results but papagrahas or malefics placed therein do not always confer good results. Therefore, Gargacharya suggests a prior examination of the conditions of the various bhavas and of the planets who occupy them e.g. a planet in its own sign or exaltation sign aspected by a benefic also occupying its own sign or exaltation sign will confer more good than the good that is ascribed on account of the debilitation of planets and their mutual aspects. No planet attains exaltation or debilitation when occupying the 6th house from Virgo lagna i.e. by being in Aquarius sign owned by Saturn. With regard to the lord of the 6th house situated in the 6th B.V. Raman states that there will be increase of cousins and one’s maternal uncle becomes famed. The lord of the 6th occupying the 6th house generally makes one disease-free i.e. enjoy good health, and be happy but it may not give a good place to reside, also make one earn the enemity of many people and become a miser. The general contention is that the planet rendered evil by virtue of the ownership of an evil bhava and occupying an evil bhava produces good results; if a papagraha occupies the 6th one does not incur debts, and because of its aspect to the 12th house that person will not be a spendthrift. The lord of the 6th occupying a trikabhava other than the 6th confers the favourable Harsha yoga. Saturn in particular occupying the 6th house makes one a glutton and stubborn, who is able to destroy his enemies or cause harm to his enemies. Saturn occupying an inimical sign or its sign of debilitation in the 6th tends to destroy one’s own family but if it is in its sign of exaltation it destroys one’s enemies and confers wealth and general prosperity. In the case of Virgo lagna Saturn situated in the 6th house will be in its own sign, it will make the person earn much respect, be handsome, and possess hypnotic eyes, if it is in its moolatrikona portion of Aquarius sign then he will be wealthy, very brave, who will be a support for the entire family and be instrumental in the advancement of his family’s affairs provided Saturn does not occupy an inimical navamsa and is also aspected by a benefic planet.

Saravali tells us that Saturn in Aquarius makes a person a speaker of untruth, a crook and a deceiver, who prefers the company of rogues and is aggressive and very rude. If Saturn in Aquarius is aspected by the Sun then that person will be sickly, the husband of an ugly woman, dependent on others, unhappy etc; if Moon aspects he will be unsteady, a liar and a criminal; if it is aspected by Mars, he will be very brave, valorous, courageous and famous; if by Mercury, be good-looking, oppressed, angry, moderately wealthy and appreciated; if by Jupiter, be famous known for his good qualities, a ruler, founder of a dynasty, long-lived and healthy and if Venus aspects then the person will be fortunate, happy and wealthy. However, natural malefics even when favourably inclined tend to create impediments, ill-will and ill-fame and one’s progress is generally not smooth. Parasara tells us that the Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu, these natural ashubhagrahas, when occupying evil bhavas tend to become more and more cruel; these planets situated in the 9th house from the 10th do not favour career prospects or retention of self-earned wealth.

Mars, a cruel natural malefic, is as much feared as Saturn is. It is the karaka of brothers who occupying the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th bhava from the lagna generally proves harmful for brothers. Rahu situated in the 3rd house does not give brothers. Mars or Saturn situated either in the 6th or in the 12th house can cause an injury and leave a permanent mark or scar on the body and the conjunction of these two occurring in these bhavas if not aspected by benefics can even cause Gandamala or Shoola roga. Benefic planets situated in the 11th house give wealth earned or obtained through right and honest means whereas malefic planets do so through illegal, unfair and dishonest means, more often by causing pain or loss to others; if a benefic and a malefic jointly tenant the 11th house, it will be through, both, good and bad means. If the lord of the 11th house not being combust occupies its own sign or exaltation sign in a gainful bhava and the 11th house is also aspected or occupied by a benefic then the very favourable Suparijata yoga arises and the person blessed with this yoga will be wealthy, prosperous and successful, but if the lord of the 11th occupies a trikabhava and malefics also occupy or aspect the 11th house then a Daridra yoga will arise and the person will suffer losses, contract debts and experience difficulties, unhappiness and poverty. The lord of the 11th house in conjunction with another papagraha does not produce good results; it does not confer any noteworthy gains.

For Virgo lagna Mars is a papagraha and a Rudragraha, situated in the 11th it will be in its sign of debilitation as the malefic lord of the 3rd and the 8th house. If such a Mars is not aspected by a benefic planet and the 11th lord is also weak and ill-placed then the good indications of the 11th house will not be experienced; moreover, natural malefics as the lords of the 8th occupying the 11th house tend to reduce the span of life. If the lord of the 8th house is debilitated then the 8th house should not be occupied by a malefic planet especially in conjunction with the lord of the lagna. The lord of the 8th house situated in the 8th house confers long life and also when it is in conjunction with the lord of the lagna in the 6th or in the 12th house or when it is also conjoined with the lord of the 9th in a kendra, a trikona or in the 11th house. The lord of the 8th house situated in a cruel sign and in an evil bhava but in conjunction with a papagraha curtails longevity and one does not live long, for this purpose the evil bhavas are the 6th and the 12th which bhavas for Virgo lagna are formed by cruel signs.

A malefic planet situated in the 6th house destroys the evil indications denoted by the 6th house and the lords of the evil bhavas occupying another evil bhava give good results only. But then, the lords of the evil bhavas should not be stronger than the lord of the lagna and should also not occupy benefic bhavas because when malefics are strong then they tend to make a person cruel, ungrateful, vindictive, selfish and merciless. The strong lords of the evil bhavas strengthen the evil bhavas occupied by them but natural benefics owning an evil bhava become functional malefics. If Saturn and Venus are devoid of strength and they own or occupy a trikabhava in conjunction with the lords of the trikabhavas then they will in their mutual antra-dasa give good results; if one owns a benefic bhava and the other an evil bhava they will produce yogaresults. Strong Saturn and Venus give very bad results in their mutual antra-dasa when even a wealthy person will experience immense unhappiness and even poverty. For Virgo lagna Venus is no doubt a benefic yogakaraka but Saturn is not; therefore, their conjunction occurring in the 2nd, the 5th or the 9th is unlikely to confer exceptional yoga-results, for the lord of the 6th situated in the 9th house not afflicted by inimical planets tends to give benefits to one’s father or maternal uncle instead, and not to the native, there will also be no Raja yoga.

Planets possessing digbala or directional strength take a person in the direction attributed to them and give riches and happiness in accordance with their specific nature. Leaving aside Saturn if five or four of the remaining six planets simultaneously acquire directional strength a person born in any family or circumstances high or low will rise to be a king i.e. acquire a position of power and authority. The reason for the exclusion of Saturn stems from the fact the bhavas occupied and aspected by Saturn become spoiled and defective. Saturn attaining directional strength will be in the 7th house from the lagna casting its aspect on the lagna, the 4th and the 9th bhava which are all important bhavas. The 7th house denotes lost wealth, objection, marriage, behaviour, travels, activity, war, etc; and the person born with Saturn in the 7th house does not enjoy good health and remains sick, poor, ill-attired or slovenly, evil and engaged in exceedingly disagreeable acts and the spouse may be short-lived if Saturn does not occupy its favourable sign. Phaladipika states that the wife or husband will not be good and the person will suffer from poverty and also experience much unhappiness. Saturn occupying a sign owned by Jupiter has its evil propensity and tendency considerably toned down. Saturn if placed in the 7th from Virgo lagna will be situated in Pisces sign, such a Saturn makes a person hard-working, a chief amongst friends and relatives, calmtempered, a good-earner, principled and good-natured; if it is also aspected by Jupiter it will confer an exalted position or a position of importance in life or command of an army; if Mercury aspects Saturn in Pisces which will be from Virgo lagna it will certainly make that person enjoy Raja yoga. However, the aspect of Jupiter on Saturn does not entirely free a person from all problems, obstacles and worries, because both are not mutual friends. Still, Saturn tenanting a mild and a benefic sign and aspected by its own dispositor who is the best of natural benefics or by the benefic lord of the lagna cannot be bad in aspect to the lagna, the 4th and the 9th house; moreover, as the lord of the 5th it will confer good health, intelligence and general prosperity, it will make one fortunate whose father will also be prosperous and long-lived.

A benefic planet enhances the benefic indications of a benefic sign, own sign and of an auspicious and benefic bhava by occupation or aspect, and a benefic situated in the 9th house, more particularly as the lord of the 9th house, in having become a strong yogakaraka invariably makes one dutiful, benevolent and fortunate. And also, a planet is said to be vested with strength if it is not aspected by a malefic or a papagraha but only by a benefic planet, then it confers good results. One commits only good and noble deeds when a benefic aspects the 9th house, and only evil deeds when a malefic or a papagraha aspects, but if the said house is aspected by its own lord then one’s actions will neither be good nor bad, though a benefic planet or the lord of the 9th aspecting the 9th house makes one fortunate. Venus situated in Taurus sign makes one strong, good-looking, learned and rich, and if occupying the 9th house religious, truthful, happy and respected. But, Venus in Taurus or Libra aspected by Saturn does not result in much happiness or wealth and the person who will be of an evil temperament will also suffer from many diseases, he will be unprincipled and impure; Venus situated in its own sign and aspected by Saturn owning a trikasthana does not confer good results. If Venus situated in the 9th in Taurus sign is aspected by Saturn from the 7th house it will be an aspect between two intimate friends. Then, at the most the concerned individual will harbour evil thoughts and intentions which he may not be able to curb nor display. Venus situated in own sign in the 9th and Saturn situated in a benefic sign equipped with directional strength and aspecting the 9th become auspicious; during the dasa-period of an auspicious planet the mind of the person will be good and enable him to procure wealth and find happiness without taking resort to any unethical or foul means.

Manasagri tells us that if at the time of one’s birth Gemini sign falls on the 10th bhava from the lagna then that person will give prime importance to his duty and action, he will always follow sane advice, grant endowments, love his fellow-beings and exercise considerable influence on other people. Of course, the specific results ascribed to the signs are felt most when they are occupied or aspected by their own lords or by benefics and friendly planets but not by inimical or malefic planets, and also when their respective lords are well-placed unafflicted and reasonably strong. If in the case of Virgo lagna Mercury remains unafflicted and both, the lagna and the 10th house, are also unafflicted and blessed by benefics then the positive indications of Mercury and of these two bhavas will become far more pronounced. Mercury and Venus are mutual friends, their moolatrikona rasis are adjacent signs. When the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 9th are mutual friends they invariably promote the good indications of the lagna and of the 9th house. Therefore, a conjunction of Mercury and Venus occurring in a benefic sign and bhava will give rise to a favourable yoga and even Raja yoga provided the Sun does not join them. The association of the inimical lord of the 12th with the lord of the 9th particularly with Venus deprives Venus of its capacity to give good results. Because Mercury owns the sign in which Venus becomes debilitated Venus does not produce bad results by occupying Virgo sign. Therefore, Venus situated in Virgo lagna will not adversely affect good fortune and prosperity, in which event Mercury joining Venus with the Sun in Leo but outside the range of combustion will give rise to an excellent yoga. The person will be learned, praise-worthy, goodlooking, respectful, much-honoured and famous. These two planets placed ahead of the Sun produce their most benefic results. Mercury situated in Virgo and Venus in Libra generally confers very good results during the course of their respective dasas. An exchange of signs occurring between these two avoiding a conjunction with the Sun will constitute a Dhana yoga, a Bhagya yoga and a Raja yoga but then these two, Mercury and Venus, can be behind the Sun or Venus may be at the point of its deepest fall when no yoga will arise. The lord of the 9th finding its deepest fall or the 9th house occupied or aspected by a cruel and fiery lord of the 12th causes several breaks in the free-flow of good-fortune. Parasara treats Mercury and Venus as functional benefics for Virgo lagna.

Parasara tells us that if Saturn happens to occupy its own sign in the 5th house from the lagna and the Sun and the Moon conjoin in the 11th house the person will be very wealthy. For Virgo lagna Saturn owns the 5th house formed by Capricorn sign. Then, the

Sun and the Moon will both be in Cancer sign in the 11th house and

Saturn will be very bright and strongly placed in a kendra from the Dhanabhava formed by its friendly exaltation sign. A cruel planet owning the 5th house and occupying the 2nd deprives wealth. Saturn is a cruel planet. For a Dhana yoga to arise then Venus should also be strongly entrenched in a kendra or in a trikona i.e. either in the 7th in its exaltation sign or in the 9th house in its own sign if it is not to conjoin with Saturn in the 2nd house. The planet occupying the Dhanabhava, the planets aspecting the Dhanabhava and the planet owning the Dhanabhava confer wealth according to their respective karakatawa obligations and significations, according to the vargas gained by them and in particular according to the status gained by the lord of the Dhanabhava. If the planets respectively occupying, aspecting and owning the Dhanabhava are strong and situated in their own, friendly or exaltation sign then a person remains wealthy throughout life. An exalted Saturn situated in the 10th from the 5th house that it owns will not deprive wealth or happiness though it will make one harsh or rude in behaviour, who will be brimming with confidence, very skillful and achieve renown. Venus conjoining with the exalted Saturn in the 2nd house will certainly make one very wealthy, learned and famous, excel in his chosen line of trade, display courage in the moments of crisis and be travel-prone, this person will be an effective speaker, possess a sharp intellect, be powerful and victorious enjoying long lasting prosperity while lording over vast tracts of land reaping great gains from them. At one stroke this particular conjunction gives rise to Dhana yoga, Chhatra yoga, Astra yoga and Raja yoga. Its association with a strong and a benefic lord of the 9th house converts the exalted Saturn into a very effective benefic yogakaraka.

Venus situated in the 2nd or in the 12th house in conjunction with a malefic can make one blind in one eye or suffer on account of very defective eye-sight. The malefic hinted at can be the Sun, Mars or Saturn. Whereas Venus in conjunction with either of the former two can cause loss of eye-sight but with Saturn there can be a weakening of one’s eye-sight owing to age or development of an organic defect which is correctable. When Venus is in Libra and Saturn too is in its sign of exaltation will there be a break in yoga in the antra-dasa of one in the dasa of another is the question that is often asked, there will be no break in yoga even though Saturn being in an odd sign may during the course of its own dasa tend to display results owing to its 6th house lordship first and later on according to its trinal lordship. Since even papagrahas occupying the 2nd house but vested with strength tend to confer wealth and give yoga, in the given situation the wealth that is acquired may be through a son or sons and through service or at the cost of one’s opponents. Bhavartha Ratnakara while high-lighting the importance of the lagna and its lord and the lord of the 9th states that if the lords of the lagna, the 9th and the 4th are in the 10th house or in the 4th house in conjunction with the lord of the 10th then during the dasas and the antra-dasas of these lords one will be crowned a king and become very fortunate and famous. This is a yoga that has few equals. In this yoga all of the involved lords remain fortified in a kendra and also jointly fortify the kendras with at least one of them occupying its own sign and bhava. For Virgo lagna, the lagna and the 10th house are owned by Mercury, the 4th and the 7th by Jupiter and Venus owns the 9th and the 2nd house, all three are natural benefics. The bhava occupied or aspected by the lord of lagna conjoined with its lord and a benefic gains exceptional strength and prospers. The 4th house is as important as the 10th house and all planets situated in the 4th influence the 10th house. Saturn is capable of aspecting the 10th from the lagna, and Mars from the 7th whose aspect on the 10th house is of a greater significance, but both cannot simultaneously influence the 4th house and they are both natural malefics. Thus, there can be the conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter occurring either in the 4th or in the 10th house, in the former event there will be a very favourable yoga and Raja yoga and in the latter event there will arise the Maharaja yoga and also the Khayati yoga ensuring wide fame when all three natural benefics will be in an upachayasthana and there will also be the Amla yoga or Amalkirti yoga. If at the time of one’s birth natural benefics are not weak and afflicted and if the lagna and its lord are strong then during the dasa of the lagna-lord the person will enjoy good health, comforts, happiness and popularity; if the 4th house and its lord is strong then during the dasa of the lord of the 4th the person will assist his family members, remain happy, be blessed with conveyances, wealth, landed properties, a happy marriage, and gain promotion and advancement in career or profession, and if the 10th house and its lord is strong then during the dasa of the lord of the 10th there will be success and gain in all enterprises, there will be general prosperity and much happiness, gain of respect and fame. Great fame and great learning is also assured if these three natural benefics combine in the 9th house with preferably one of them owning the 9th house. Mantreswara does not favour retrograde benefic planets situated in their own or exaltation signs.

A person generally earns the enemity of the person or persons represented by the bhava owned by the planet conjoining with the lord of the 6th or occupied by the lord of the 6th or of that lord which occupies the 6th house. Therefore, Saturn occupying the 9th house in Taurus is likely to create friction with father but will not obstruct Bhagya. Taurus is a mild, benefic and friendly sign for Saturn to occupy. Such a Saturn can make one an effective teacher or a philanthropist. But Capricorn sign forming the 5th house from Virgo lagna is an earthy and not a positive sign which makes the Virgolagna born unable to shed pessimism and treat life purposefully. Jupiter situated in Taurus sign in the 9th gives Raja yoga in its dasa.

If Saturn and Jupiter combine in the 9th house in Taurus sign Saturn will afflict Jupiter while giving yoga. Their conjunction in the 10th house in Gemini will cause a mild but a steady yoga if they do not occupy inimical navamsas and Mercury also remains strong. The Moon that owns the 11th bhava for Virgo lagna is not designated as a papagraha because of the significance otherwise attached to the rasi occupied by the Moon as being equal to that of the lagna. A strong Moon occupying the 9th house in its sign of exaltation confers very favourable results, if the same Moon happens to conjoin with Venus one’s father achieves a very high rank or status which benefits the native in equal measure, an aristocratic back-ground is indicated and the person born in a wealthy family continuing the family business extends it beyond expectations. Mercury conjoining with the Moon and Venus situated in the 9th house makes one wealthier but if these three happen to conjoin in the 10th one enjoys Raja yoga. A person gains much wealth and remains above want. In case the lord of the Chandra-lagna occupies the 2nd, the 11th, the kendras or the trikonas, a Raja yoga arises if the Chandra-lagna is the 9th house from the lagna also occupied by Jupiter and Venus, then the person remains wealthy and powerful throughout life and his or her name and fame will last long after death. Jataka Parijata tells us that in the event of the lord of the 9th house occupying a kendra or a trikona in strength the lagna should be aspected by the lagna-lord to cause an effective yoga. For Virgo lagna, Suparijata yoga can arise if the Moon is exalted in the 9th house and Venus or Mercury or Jupiter occupies the 11th house. The exchange of signs between the lords of the 9th and the 11th is a Mahayoga. But the conjunction of the three natural benefics in the 9th from the exalted Moon occupying the 9th will not cause superior yoga because Jupiter will then be in its sign of debilitation. A reading of the texts reveals that the 7th house from the lagna is not the preferred place for planets to occupy in the formation of Raja yogas. Agreed that planets occupying the 7th house do not readily give rise to Raja yogas because the 7th house is hemmed between the evil 6th and the 8th bhavas but benefics situated in the 7th certainly cause yoga and confer favourable results because of their benign aspect on the lagna. Pisces sign falling on the 7th house is an added advantage for Virgo lagna, the aspect of Jupiter on the 11th house from Pisces sign produces superior results. If Venus,

Jupiter and Mercury jointly or severally conjoin with the Moon in the 7th house then there will be yoga for prosperity, good looks, good future and success.

Jatakabharana states that if Jupiter is in Virgo or in Libra, Venus is in Aries or Taurus and Mercury is in Scorpio and these are aspected by benefics then one attains an exalted position in life. This is certainly not the description of one single yoga formation simply because Mercury and Venus cannot remain so many signs apart, they cannot aspect each other and Mercury is required to stay in Scorpio only. Jupiter can aspect Venus in Aries from Libra or Venus in Taurus from Virgo, Venus can aspect Jupiter in Libra from Aries but Jupiter cannot aspect Mercury in Scorpio from either Virgo or Libra. Irrespective of the sign rising in the lagna Jupiter situated in the 11th or in the 12th from Mercury does not present any noteworthy yoga except that both will continue to act as friends. Jupiter and Venus in mutual kendras or mutual trikonas or in mutual 6th and 8th position do not by themselves lay a foundation for a Raja yoga formation except that Jupiter could be in retrograde motion. Mars confers status; Mercury by occupying Scorpio, a fixed and a mild sign, activates Mars in a positive manner. In any case, Jupiter occupying Virgo lagna along with Mercury in the 10th and Venus in the 9th can cause Raja yoga provided the Sun does not join Venus or Mercury which is a very rare possibility.

Elsewhere the same text states that Venus situated in the 2nd house and aspected by Mercury confers much wealth and as does the conjunction of these two in the 2nd house aspected by Jupiter. Mercury cannot cast its aspect on Venus. But, in the case of Virgo lagna Venus and Mercury combining in Libra with Jupiter in Gemini generally ensure a steady inflow of wealth and also accumulation of wealth; during the course of their dasas Venus and Mercury confer power and authority. There will be inheritance from father and mother and one’s wife will bring in wealth. The 10th house and its lord conjoined with or aspected by a benefic confers a position of pride. The lagna and the lord of the lagna conjoined with or aspected by a benefic ensures good health and happiness throughout one’s life. If the 9th or the 10th house is formed by a benefic sign and its lord is conjoined with or aspected by a benefic then the person becomes very fortunate and derives happiness and gains through father. Moreover, any association involving the lagna-lord and the lords of the 4th, the 9th and the 10th in a benefic sign or bhava gives rise to Raja yoga. Mahadeva insists that these four named lords should be in conjunction which view is similar to the view held by Ramanuja but it is our experience that the yoga-causing planets in mutual trikonas are far more effective. In the given case Jupiter will be ucchabhilashi, it will certainly give Raja yoga results during the course of its own dasa i.e. elevation to a very high or the highest rank in the field of one’s activity or profession.

Jatakalankara reminds us that if the lord of the Dhanabhava is combined with Jupiter in the 2nd house or is in a kendra from the lagna then acquisition of much wealth results and if they conjoin in a trikasthana then acute poverty and misfortune will result. Even though Venus and Jupiter are not mutual friends but their conjunction will certainly make one earn through application of learning and knowledge, the person will also be blessed with a good wife, be intelligent and become wealthy because the lord of the Dhanabhava, a natural benefic, in conjunction with the Dhanakaraka invariably confers very favourable results. A malefic lord of the 2nd house in conjunction with Jupiter confers only ordinary wealth but if the wealth is found in