Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Horoscope – 19


Lagna – Virgo; Mercury in Virgo, Mars in Libra, Rahu in Capricorn, the Moon in Aquarius, Jupiter in Aries, Venus, Saturn and Ketu in Cancer and the Sun in Leo.

In the afore-cited horoscope prima-facie the lagna and the lord of the lagna are strong. But as is seen, the 2nd house from the lagna occupied by the lagna-lord has Mars situated in an inimical sign. Mars is a cruel planet and a natural malefic, for Virgo lagna it is a papagraha and a maraka. The Sun, the lord of the 12th, occupies its own 12th house. The Sun too is a cruel planet and not a natural benefic. Thus, the lagna and the lagna-lord are hemmed between two cruel planets. Mars, here, does not make one adept in speech or conversation nor does it give one an attractive personality, the person will also not be reasonably educated or wealthy but will serve others belonging to the low class; such a Mars also causes wasteful expenditure, timidity in approach and quarrels with kinsmen. The Sun situated in the 12th generally makes one suffer from ailments of the eye, be inimical towards father, poor and have few issues. Hereat the lagna and the lagna-lord are both aspected by Saturn, a natural cruel malefic and who is also the lord of the evil 6th house.

No other planet aspects the lagna.

The bhavas whose lords occupy the trikasthanas from the lagna afflict their own bhavas and those occupying a trika counted from the concerned bhava also suffer. The Moon situated in the 6th does not give yoga unless it is an exalted or a Full Moon. Hereat as the lord of the 11th it is also in the 8th from its own bhava. Jupiter is in the 8th house but it is in a friendly sign and in the 5th from its moolatrikona and in the 2nd from Pisces; it casts its aspect on its own 4th house and on the Sun and Mars. Jupiter complements the Full Moon, therefore, both bestow a long span of life and make one enjoy a legacy even though Saturn, the dispositor of the Moon, aspects Jupiter and does not give a life of comforts but a degraded life. Saturn’s aspect on Mercury occupying Virgo sign does not produce bad results but it certainly causes affliction to the lord of the lagna who is also the lord of the 10th house.

This native born in a well-to-do family did not acquire full education even when he had all avenues open for him to do so. He also did not do well in business and late in life took up a small job in order to sustain himself and his large family. The lord of the 12th house situated in the 12th tends to reduce the span of one’s life but if one lives long it gives rise to a mild Raja yoga. Hereat out of the three lagnas, the Surya lagna is the strongest and therefore, this native experienced the good results of the yogas very late in life i.e. after he had reached the age of 58 years. The three inimical planets situated in the 8th from the 4th house did not give him an early start and Rahu in the 5th created doubts and uncertainties and gave him five daughters. Jupiter in mutual kendra from the lord of the 5th, aspecting the 5th house from the lords of the 5th and the 9th made his five daughters and two sons fortunate and prosperous. If the Sun occupying the 12th house is aspected by papagrahas then one commits acts according to one’s own wishes and free-will; he does not listen to others. This native never heeded sane advice. Saravali tells us that Saturn occupying Gemini sign makes a person suffer from indebtedness or fetters, be a hypocrite or consort with hypocrites, who prefers to lie low and is a cheat and an evil doer. These results change radically when Jupiter aspects Saturn situated in Gemini sign. Saravali tells us that the person will then be a confidante of a royal or noble family, possess all good qualities, be liked by good people and the one who knows his hidden talents and Jatakabharana tells us that the person will receive royal favours and live like a king, be generous and possess concealed or hidden wealth. The lord of the 5th house occupying the 10th house from the lagna is a favourable situation; it generally makes one lead a successful and a grand life depending upon the benefic vargas gained by it. It can even give rise to Raja yoga. The lord of the 6th situated in the 10th can also give yoga and Raja yoga but at some cost, the more fortified it is the more sinful and destructive one is likely to become. With regard to Saturn occupying the 10th house Manasagri tells us that it gives wealth, good company, fine residence, a good position and fearlessness. B.V. Raman tells us that though the person will be dispassionate in nature, and work for the down-trodden masses, his career will be marked by sudden elevations and depressions. Only Jupiter can protect Saturn in occupation of the 10th house. Saturn, not occupying an inimical sign or its debilitation sign, but situated in the 6th house from the Moon generally gives good results.

Horoscope – 20


Lagna – Virgo; the Sun in Virgo, Venus and Mercury in Libra, the Moon and Ketu in Capricorn, Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Gemini and Mars and Rahu in Cancer.

In the aforecited horoscope the lord of the lagna is in the Dhanabhava in conjunction with the lord of the Dhanabhava. Both are natural benefics and stay aspected by Jupiter. This is a typical example of Dhenu yoga as defined by Phaladipika. A person blessed with this yoga is wealthy, learned and happy, ambitious and blessed with a large family. Since the 12th sign from the sign occupied by the lagna-lord is its exaltation sign this native lived his entire life in the country of his birth. All the three natural benefics uncombust occupy the two trikonas from the 10th house and one of these benefics is also the lord of the 10th. The lord of the 10th who is also the lagna-lord is in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd and the 9th aspected by a benefic. This is a Raja yoga. If the lord of the lagna occupies the 2nd house one certainly becomes wealthy and exercises power provided the lord of the lagna is not in its sign of debilitation or in neecha or inimical navamsa and is not in conjunction with or aspected by malefic planets. Also, if more than one planet occupy the 2nd house and one of them occupies its own sign or the sign of exaltation then one enjoys wealth throughout life, which results will also ensue if the lord of the 2nd house is aspected by the Dhanakaraka. Jataka Parijata states that if the lord of the lagna occupying the Dhanabhava is weak or is aspected by papagrahas then it indicates loss of wealth. Hereat a debilitated and an afflicted Mars aspects the 2nd house.

Natural benefics occupying the 10th house either from the lagna or from the Chandra-lagna give yoga and fortify the indications of that bhava if they do not tenant inimical or debilitation sign. Hereat Venus and Mercury, the former in its own and the latter in a friendly sign, are in the 10th house from the Moon in which regard Saravali tells us that the person will have a large circle of friends, will be blessed with a good wife, good learning and education, health, wealth and happiness and be a minister or a royal advisor or the keeper of royal secrets. The Moon situated in the 5th or in the 9th house gives a high-ranking official position. Jupiter situated in the 6th confers yoga if it is not aspected by or conjoined with Saturn. Rahu occupying Cancer sign generally confers favourable results but situated in the 11th house while conferring wealth and fame it does not ordinarily permit cordial relations to exist between father and son. No planet in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu can be deemed to be strong even if possessing more than required shadbala because conjoining with Rahu or Ketu it becomes afflicted, the weaker it is the more is the affliction. A planet occupying its debilitation sign destroys the indications of the bhava it owns or occupies and also afflicts the bhava it aspects; the aspect of a debilitated planet is a spoiling aspect. In fact, this native though earning well was never thought to be wealthy, he did not lead a lavish life. The Sun occupying the lagna is an indicator of Government service. This native indeed held very senior positions in the Government but failed to reach the very top rung. The Sun occupying Virgo lagna is the lord of the 12th house from the lagna, it has caused neechabhanga for Mars but the Sun has Saturn situated in the 10th house. The aspect of the Moon on Mars is not always productive of good results. The aspect of Mars on the Moon in Capricorn makes one fortunate, wealthy and prosperous but not to the extent expected when Mars aspects from Cancer sign. Ketu devoid of auspicious association continues to be a dire malefic and a restraining factor. The mutual kendra position of the Sun and Saturn involving the lagna and the 10th house did not give this native independent ruling power, and promotions in service were not gained by him easily. This horoscope is an example of a Raja yoga not operating to its full potentials because of the absence of benefic influences on the lagna and the Moon and the kendras remaining dominated by two trika-lords.

The presence of an exalted planet in any horoscope draws an immediate attention of those examining a nativity. Other than the two luminaries the rest five if occupying their own or exaltation signs in a kendra either from the lagna or the Moon give rise to the fabulous Panchmahapurusha yogas. All planets situated in their respective exaltation signs in a kendra, in a trikona or in the 2nd house or the 11th from the lagna or the Chandra-lagna, if also strong in shabdala and not in conjunction with or aspected by evil or inimical planets, become yogakarakas and even Rajayogakarakas. All favourably inclined planets confer their full benefic results during the course of their dasa and during their antra-dasa in the dasa of other karakas. Jupiter, Venus or Mercury if not in conjunction with any other planet but occupying their exaltation sign in a kendra from the lagna become capable of destroying many or all arishtas. Janardhan Harji citing an ancient principle states that even if one benefic vested with strength is in a kendra from the lagna it destroys all evil effects of other planets and makes one renowned and enjoy a long lease of life.

Rahu and Ketu do not own a sign and therefore much importance has not been given to their exaltation sign and to their exaltation. Amongst the nine planets the Moon is the swiftest it becomes exalted most frequently and understandably its exaltation does not draw more attention than its pakshabala does. Jupiter and Saturn attain exaltation after the lapse of several years and therefore their exaltation is a much awaited event, these two simultaneously occupying their exaltation sign is a rare occurrence. It is also very rare to have four or five planets occupying their exaltation signs at the same time. Planets occupying the sign immediately preceding their sign of exaltation are known as ucchabhilashi-grahas, they also confer royal honours and royal dignity and so do planets situated in their exaltation navamsas of friendly signs.

Horoscope – 21


Lagna – Virgo; Ketu in Scorpio, Mars in Capricorn, Venus in Pisces, the

Sun, the Moon and Mercury in Aries, Rahu in Taurus, Saturn in Gemini and Jupiter in Cancer.

The aforecited horoscope belongs to a boy who has just commenced his schooling. Without venturing into the predictive part of the exercise this horoscope has been taken-up for discussion because it has six planets, out of the total nine, occupying their respective exaltation signs and one planet out of the remaining three is ucchabhilashi. In the case of Virgo lagna only two planets can occupy their exaltation signs in a kendra from the lagna, they are Mercury when in the lagna kendra and Venus when in the 7th house from the lagna. Both are natural benefics. Mercury is the lord of the lagna and the 10th and Venus is the lord of the 2nd and the 9th. However, Mercury and Venus cannot simultaneously occupy their exaltation signs even though they own adjoining signs. It is difficult to conclude that an exalted planet occupying the lagna as the lagnalord is more beneficial or the exalted Bhagyanatha aspecting the lagna.

In the aforecited nativity Mercury could not have become exalted primarily because the Sun is in its sign of exaltation in the 8th house. Venus is exalted in the 7th, Rahu in the 9th, Jupiter in the 11th, Ketu in the 3rd and Mars in the 5th house from the lagna. Besides these six exalted planets the Moon is ucchabhilashi and Mercury and Saturn occupy their friendly signs with the latter situated in Libra navamsa of Gemini. All seven taragrahas have gained more than required shadabala. The exalted Mars is in its own navamsa, Saturn in the 10th house is in its exaltation navamsa ruled by Venus and the Moon is in Sagittarius navamsa ruled by Jupiter. Moreover, these four navamsa lords are all exalted in the rasi-chart and counted from the Chandra-lagna three planets find their exaltation in three different kendrasthanas excluding the 7th. Thus, there is the Malvaya yoga from the lagna, the Ruchaka and the Hamsa yoga from the Chandra-lagna. These are the celebrated Panchmahapurusha yogas. The Moon is not considered favourable when it is situated in Aries sign but by occupying the 9th navamsa confers shubhalakshana to the native. The Moon as the lord of the 11th house is in the 8th with the exalted lord of the 12th and with the lord of the lagna. This is not a happy location for either the Moon or the lagna lord. With regard to the conjunction of these three viz the Moon, the Sun and Mercury, Vaidyanatha states it makes one learned, renowned and lead a royal life. There will be yogabhanga because this conjunction occurs in a trikabhava and includes a trikalord and a papagraha afflicting the lagna.

Parijata yoga, which is categorised as a Raja yoga, is very much in evidence and occurs in the manner described by Jataka Parijata. The lord of the lagna, Mercury, occupies Aries sign whose lord Mars is exalted in a trikona and occupies its own navamsa, the lord of the sign occupied by Mars viz Saturn, is in a friendly sign in a kendra from the lagna and the lord of the navamsa occupied by Saturn viz Venus, finds its exaltation in a kendra and incidentally aspects the lagna. Moreover, in this particular nativity an exalted Jupiter in occupation of the Labhasthana also happens to aspect the exalted Venus who is in mutual-trikona sambandha with Jupiter. This too is a Raja yoga. Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that if the lord of the Dhanabhava occupying its own sign or moolatrikona rasi or exaltation sign attaining Simhasanamsa or Parvatamsa stays aspected by Jupiter then a person will be a divine soul commanding over 3000 people. This yoga occurs in this nativity. The exalted lord of the 9th house, Venus, in a kendra from the lagna gives rise to Lakshmi yoga, and a Dhana yoga is also caused because the lord of the sign and the lord of the navamsa occupied by the lagna-lord is exalted in a trikonabhava aspected by the Dhanakaraka. Jupiter, as the lord of the 4th occupying either the 2nd or the 11th house in Gopuramsa makes one remain happy always, and the lord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th, here Venus, aspected by Jupiter gives a very sharp mind and a keen intellect. Persons born with Virgo lagna or with Pisces lagna usually meet with success owing to their own efforts, they usually manage to achieve their objectives and are generally self-made persons, which is so because the lord of the lagna, a natural benefic, also owns the 10th house. Hereat Venus is the only planet casting its full aspect on the lagna. And, Rahu, who occupies Taurus sign in the 9th house, is in its exaltation sign and enjoys a good relationship with Venus and Mercury. The lord of any bhava residing in the 8th house from the lagna or from its own bhava does not produce good results in respect of that bhava, if that lord happens to be a benefic then it may not produce yoga i.e. good results, but will also not produce bad results. In any case the occupation of the 8th house by the lord of the lagna is a weakening factor, and here the lord of the 10th is also in the 8th house. The dispositor of the lagna and the dispositor of the Moon do not occupy a kendra from the lagna, the lord of the lagna and the Moon are also not aspected by benefics but by a cruel planet and another cruel planet joins them, Saturn occupies the 10th house unaspected by any planet and its dispositor situated in the 8th is aspected by the strong lord of the 3rd and the 8th, and is combust. These are not good omens. Mantreswara tells us that if a malefic planet occupies the 10th house and the lord of the 10th house aspected by or conjoined with a malefic planet is situated in a trikabhava then an evil durayoga will arise; durayogas do not permit smooth operation of yogas and Raja yogas.

Mercury otherwise occupying the 8th house confers some favourable results and in this case Jupiter and Mercury occupy mutual kendras which too is a favourable connection. But, Jupiter though exalted is situated in the 8th sign from its moolatrikona rasi.

The Sun situated in the 8th house is not good; it does afflict the Moon and the lagna-lord and thus curtails longevity because it is aspected by a cruel planet. But, Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that if three planets happen to occupy the 8th house from the lagna in own, friendly or exaltation sign and the lord of the lagna is vested with requisite strength then the person is long-lived. Moreover, Brihat Prasara tells us that the lord of the 8th situated in the 5th house confers long life and also if the lord of the 8th or Saturn is exalted or is in own sign or moolatrikona rasi, a person enjoys a long span of life. The most striking feature of this horoscope is the occupation of the kendras from Mercury by Mars, the lord of the Chandra-lagna, and by Jupiter, the lord of the navamsa occupied by the Moon. Ramanuja tells us that if the 10th and 11th lords combine with or aspect each other, good and bad results will be equal during the dasa of the 10th lord and the person will be deprived of fame and prosperity in the antra-dasa of the 11th lord. B.V.Raman observes that fame, intelligence and learning will be the consequence if the lord of the sign occupied by Mercury happens to be placed in a trine or quadrant associated with more benefic bindus. In any event the relegation of the lord of the lagna who is also the lord of the 10th bhava to the 8th aspected by a strong lord of the 8th is a strong negative factor that can adversely affect this child’s karmas and the outcome of those karmas.

The conjunction of the Moon with Mercury is a favourable combination that generally gives a high level of learning, expertise and several good qualities, good manner of speech, good fortune and great popularity or fame. It also confers good looks, good temperament and good wealth. If occurring in the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the lagna it makes one a poet and very wealthy, and if Mercury as the lord of the lagna happens to conjoin with the Moon in the 3rd house it makes one a high-ranking Government official.

Horoscope – 22


Lagna – Virgo; Ketu in Virgo; Mercury and the Moon in Scorpio; the Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius; Venus in Aquarius; Rahu in Pisces and Saturn in Taurus.

This native was a high-ranking Government official. The lord of the 5th in the 9th aspected by the lord of the lagna and the lord of the Labhasthana having gained neechabhanga made him exceptionally fortunate notwithstanding the mutual exchange of signs by Saturn and Venus as the lords of the 6th and the 9th. The Moon is no doubt losing pakshabala but the Ksheena-Chandra associating with natural benefics does not cause any arishta. In this case Rahu becomes a yogakaraka because its dispositor occupying its own sign in a kendra from the lagna along with two of its friendly planets aspects the 10th house. The conjunction of the Sun, Mars and Jupiter makes one a good speaker, a minister or an adviser, adept in legal matters, influential and endowed with wealth which results this native experienced in full on account of this conjunction obtaining in a sign owned by Jupiter and because of its influence on the 10th house.