Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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9 about: libRa (tula) lagna

“The Chief Virtues (of man) are austerity, charity, straight-forwardness, harmlessness and truthfulness.”

- Chandogya Upanishad III.17.4.

Libra, symbolised by the Balance, is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. It covers the remaining two quarters of Chitra nakshatra ruled by Mars, the whole of Swati nakshatra ruled by Rahu and the first three quarters of Visakha nakshatra ruled by Jupiter. Libra is a moveable, dry, odd, airy, cruel, masculine, benefic sign of long ascension rising with the head first. For Libra lagna, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are the malefic planets; Mercury, Venus and Saturn are the three benefics. Mercury Moon and Saturn are the yogakarakas and Jupiter is deemed to be the maraka. Saturn attains its exaltation in this sign and the Sun, its debilitation. This sign is also the moolatrikona rasi for Venus.

The person born with Libra as the rising sign in the lagna is learned and intelligent who earns his living through righteous means, is adept in fine arts, rich and respected. He is phlegmatic, truthful, fond of the other sex, possesses attractive eyes, is fickle in love, possesses many splendid qualities, maintains good relations with every one, becomes a chief or a leader, indulges in arguments, is a coward but a pride of one’s own family or group and is honoured by kings.

Mantreswara states that the planet occupying its sign of exaltation makes one rule the earth, gain much respect and praise from other kings, very rich, gifted with excellent qualities, adhere to principles, achieve renown, victorious, benevolent, courageous


and clever. These favourable results materialise when the planet in its sign of exaltation owning an auspicious bhava also occupies an auspicious bhava, it is strong in shadabala, gains most benefic bindus in the Ashtakavarga, and is aspected by a friendly planet preferably by a natural benefic which is also owning and occupying an auspicious sign and bhava. Parasara tells us that a planet situated in its exaltation sign always acts as a benefic, becomes a yogakaraka and even a Rajayogakaraka. However, the outcome of any yoga or avayoga basically depends upon the nature and the condition of the sign rising in the lagna and its lord. Far superior results will be in store if the lagnabhava is formed by a benefic sign occupied or aspected by a benefic or if it is in vargottama devoid of malefic influences; and also, if the lord of the lagna, preferably a natural benefic, is strongly placed in a kendra or a trikona free from all kinds of affliction which ideal situation is not always possible mainly because out of the nine planets five own two signs each and there are actually only three natural benefics to deal with. The prime benefic, Jupiter, as the lord of the lagna becomes exalted in a trikasthana from Sagittarius lagna i.e. in the 8th house, and in a trikona from Pisces lagna i.e. in the 5th house; obviously, it cannot confer similar results in respect of these two positions. Mercury faces no such problem but Venus does for it becomes exalted in the 11th house from Taurus lagna and in the 6th house from Libra lagna, in both these situations Venus acts differently. The 6th house is certainly an evil bhava wherein situated the lords of auspicious bhavas become defective, they do not confer good results but the exalted lord of the lagna situated in the 6th avoiding association with a papagraha does not give bad results, it makes one enjoy good health, be strong, own lands, be wealthy and good in conduct. Therefore, if Venus is exalted in the 6th house it will also be the lord of the 8th in the 6th giving rise to the favourable Sarala yoga in which event the lord of the 6th should avoid occupying its own bhava or be any other trikabhava when it can adversely affect one’s health, cause a break in the yoga and make the person lack dynamism or initiative. The lord of the 8th house is not auspicious unless it also owns the lagna then it gives good results by occupying the 8th house, it will confer a long span of life, even otherwise the lord of the lagna conjoining with the lord of the 8th either in the 6th or in the 12th makes one live for very long time. For Libra lagna Venus situated in the 6th destroys all opposition but if it is afflicted by papagrahas it can prove disastrous for then it will not make one succeed in any of the well-intended endeavours.

Planets occupying their respective signs of debilitation generally do not give good results. During the dasa of a planet in debilitation there will be fall in position or power, one will resort to low and evil deeds, experience the pangs of poverty, become oppressed by debts, consort with low and evil people, undertake needless or fruitless difficult and painful journeys and be compelled by circumstances to seek the service of others and support from others. Planets occupying the point of their deepest fall produce even worse results. It is in the case of Libra lagna alone that the lord of the lagna finds itself in its sign of debilitation while being in the 12th house. Virgo sign falling on the 12th house from the lagna indicates that a Libra lagna-born generally becomes involved in vain efforts and pursuits and incurs expenses not of the approved kind or paradoxically for religious purposes and on holy persons. Though on a broader basis Venus does not give bad results when it is situated in Virgo sign which is one of its friendly signs except that the person will be more inclined towards doing very mean acts but situated in the 12th from Libra lagna it will promote more of its own karakatwa results which are mainly sensual, pleasant and materialistic. Such a Venus can cause a person to become a destroyer of own relatives and friends and also experience poverty. There will be no Sarala yoga. Venus occupying the 10th house or the 12th house exalted or in own sign but not associated with papagrahas and uncombust does during the course of its dasa make one fortunate and prosperous. The dasa of Venus situated in Virgo in the 12th cannot give this result because the lord of the lagna occupying the 12th house more so in its debilitation sign does not make a person fortunate and prosperous. In such an event Venus should attain neechabhanga. Saturn is a functional benefic and a yogakaraka for Libra lagna and a mutual friend of Venus but its aspect on Venus in Virgo only gives unrelieved grief, restlessness, a rebellious nature and a very poor level of intelligence; verily a weak and ill-placed planet cannot avoid conferring unpleasant results even while associating with friendly favourably inclined planets. On the other hand the aspect of Mars, not a mutual friend of Venus and a functional malefic for Libra lagna, on a neecha Venus does not impair good fortune, the person leads a decent well-provided life even though he may put to waste the wealth brought in by his wife, mainly because Mars that owns the signs adjoining the moolatrikona rasi and the uccha rasi of Venus will then be casting its aspect from a benefic sign and a benefic bhava.

      Jataka Parijata states that Venus situated in the 12th house in a benefic sign but in a navamsa owned by Saturn makes the person the first born of a slave woman; Virgo is a benefic sign. Whereas an exalted Venus in conjunction with Jupiter in the 6th house from Libra lagna can give rise to yoga or Raja yoga, a retrograde Venus or Venus situated in the 12th in its debilitation sign will certainly give rise to Raja yoga if Jupiter is also occupying the 10th house in Cancer sign when there will be cancellation of the debilitation of Venus. Usually the lord of the 12th stronger than the planet occupying the 12th house tends to cause loss of wealth or destruction of wealth but this will not happen owing to the exalted Dhanakaraka aspecting the Dhanabhava from the 10th house. Also, a strong Jupiter aspecting its own 6th house makes one foeless or there will not be an enemy whom that person cannot subdue or conquer. Thus placed, Venus and Jupiter become temporal friends. Bhavartha Ratnakara tells us that for one born in Libra lagna Saturn produces yoga but even though owning the 3rd and the 6th Jupiter too becomes capable of producing yoga. This is so because Jupiter attains its exaltation in the 10th house from Libra lagna and has a special affinity for the Moon, the lord of the 10th house, and Saturn simultaneously owns a kendra and a trikonabhava. Even then for Libra lagna Jupiter, not a mutual friend of the lagna-lord, does not act freely as a benefic for which lagna according to Kalidasa it does not act as a maraka, Mars is the principal maraka and the association of Mercury and the Moon confers Raja yoga.

Irrespective of their bhava-lordships but in their own rights Jupiter and Venus are always capable of giving immense good. Natural benefics owning evil bhavas or by becoming functional malefics do not altogether give up their benefic traits, they do not become wholly evil, they only become defective and restrained. The Sun, Jupiter and the Moon are the significators of Satwaguna, Mercury and Venus of Rajoguna, Saturn and Mars of Tamoguna, Devakriti tells us that a person will display these gunas according to the strongest planet in the birth-chart. Jupiter and Venus even if afflicted or tainted do not lose their basic qualities; afflicted natural benefics can cause ailments to the body. Thus, Venus when afflicted can cause venereal diseases and give bad company and Jupiter when afflicted causes diseases which are difficult to diagnose and also does not promote development of intelligence and acquisition of education. Mercury becomes easily afflicted but unlike Venus and Jupiter, it is unable to influence or prevail upon the associating malefics or papagrahas. Venus and Jupiter can compel the associating malefics to behave in a good manner and give favourable results.Thus, it is seen that the conjunction of Venus and Mars while conferring wealth and physical strength makes one immoral, the conjunction of Venus and Saturn results in poor eye-sight even though the person will be well-read and an expert in works of literature and arts. By owning the 3rd, the 6th or the 8th Jupiter does become evil but if it happens to conjoin with either Saturn or Mars, Saturn’s dasa and Mars’ dasa will prove very fortunate and Jupiter’s dasa will be ordinary. Ramanuja does not state that the dasa of Jupiter will be bad.

Jupiter occupying its own sign and moolatrikona i.e. Sagittarius sign, makes one intelligent, learned, wealthy, who attains a good position in life and becomes an excellent teacher; situated in Pisces it gives all this and also fame. Jupiter occupying the 3rd house ordinarily does not make one very active or energetic, it gives reverses and a person does not remain happy for long but the lord of the 3rd situated in the 3rd house strong and unafflicted gives results equivalent to a Raja yoga and also confers fame. All planets situated in the 3rd house directly influence Bhagya, strong benefics advance the good indications of the 9th house and promote good fortune and prosperity more. An uncombust Jupiter occupying the 3rd house makes one brave, daring, successful and gain a good name; and in the case of Libra lagna Jupiter occupying its own sign in the 3rd while aspecting the 9th formed by a benefic sign will also be aspecting the 7th and the 11th bhavas formed by its friendly signs thus protecting and supporting the good indications of these three bhavas besides its own.

Jupiter situated in the 6th house from the lagna does not generally give bad results, though it may give a weak and a less active physique but it does make one courageous, successful, and famous which is so because of its benign aspect on the 10th house; as the lord of the 6th situated in the 6th house there will be no physical debility and the person will turn out to be proud and influential. Jupiter’s aspect on the 2nd house that is not occupied by a cruel malefic invariably makes one wealthy and very intelligent and the provider of all amenities and comforts to own family members. Jupiter’s aspect on the 10th house generally makes one successful, confers a grand residence and many comforts; Jupiter aspecting its exaltation sign falling on the 10th house not occupied or aspected by a malefic confers a high rank and a position of authority, there will certainly be Raja yoga if it were to aspect the Moon occupying its own sign. The trinal aspect of Jupiter is stronger and more auspicious than its opposition aspect. Jupiter situated in the 6th in Pisces aspecting the Moon in Cancer, or Jupiter conjoining with Venus in the 6th confers yoga and Raja yoga for those born in Libra lagna. Though Ramanuja tells us that if Jupiter and Venus are in conjunction then one earns much wealth during the course of Venus dasa and loses that wealth during Jupiter’s dasa it will not be so when both are situated in auspicious bhavas particularly in benefic signs when good results will be experienced in the dasas of both. Saturn and Mercury are the yogakarakas for Libra lagna, when they are in association with Jupiter they too confer good results during the course of their own dasas.

When Venus happens to own the rising sign in the lagna Saturn simultaneously owns a kendra and a trikona. Therefore, Venus and Saturn are naisargika friends. In the case of Libra lagna owned by Venus, Saturn owning the 4th and the 5th bhavas and associating with a benefic lord of the lagna does not behave as an absolute malefic, it tends to act as a benefic. For this lagna Saturn is not tainted by the Badhakadhipati dosha. With Capricorn and Aquarius signs falling on the 4th and the 5th respectively and thus forming auspicious bhavas the person is generally found to be happy and gains from articles connected with water, gardens, lakes etc; is aided by friends, marries into a good family and leads a comfortable life, is stead-fast, serious in outlook, introspective, contemplative, popular, who accomplishes difficult tasks, is pure, respected and blessed with many sons. An exalted Saturn preferably aspected by Jupiter or in mutual-kendra from Jupiter and occupying the lagna can confer Raja yoga provided the bhavas owned by it are either aspected or occupied by strong benefic planets, then its special aspect on the 3rd house and on the 10th house acquires an added significance because its aspect will be of a strong benefic yogakaraka, it will not not produce bad results. Therefore, Saturn situated in Libra lagna, Mars occupying Capricorn in the 4th with Jupiter also in Cancer sign in the 10th house cause a powerful Raja yoga. If Jupiter situated in Cancer sign is aspected by Saturn then one becomes a Chief and commands an army, and remains prosperous till old age, and if Mars aspects, it not only gives wealth but also many wounds and scars as reminders of battles fought and won. The Moon situated in its own sign aspected by an exalted Saturn will also give rise to a Raja yoga provided the Moon is strong in pakshabala and shadabala and is aspected or conjoined with Jupiter.

If Saturn is in the lagna, Mars in Capricorn and the Sun and the Moon join in Sagittarius then a person will enjoy the benefits of Raja yoga. In this yoga formation Mars becomes the benefic yogakaraka for Chandra-lagna and the Surya lagna and while occupying the 2nd house from them will have its dispositor occupying the lagna-kendra who by its aspect will also activate the 10th house significances which include a position of authority, power to rule, success and prosperity. This yoga obtaining for Libra lagna will have Saturn exalted in the lagna. According to Manitha a natural malefic situated in its exaltation sign in the lagna causing Raja yoga generally makes a person a ruler who is ill-tempered and irrational. Jivasharma tells us that the person will not be a king but only a brave warrior. Varahamihira supports Manitha and Kalyan Verma adds that the person will be a much honoured able ruler. An unafflicted and powerful Sunapha yoga makes one a king or his equal. Here, Mars causes a strong Sunapha yoga and a strong Vesi yoga. When Mars is exalted then Saturn acquires the strength to confer a person the ability and position to subjugate and rule over others, this is certain.

Saravali tells us that if Saturn conjoins with Jupiter it confers favourable results and makes a person brave, wealthy, renowned and hold an important position in the social hierarchy. Horasara differs and tells us that this conjunction occurring in an upachyasthana confers good results; in the rest no good results should be expected. But then, malefic planets produce Raja yoga by owning or occupying the kendras, and for Libra lagna Saturn does so by occupying Libra or Capricorn. Saturn occupying Libra lagna or its own sign Capricorn in a kendra does so as a functional benefic and as the yogakaraka who is also a mutual friend of the lagna-lord, the evil results ordinarily associated with Saturn’s occupation of the lagna or the 4th will not come to pass. Saturn is more comfortable while occupying Libra or Capricorn than when it is in Aquarius. Situated in Capricorn in the

4th house it generally confers an imposing personality and even Rajya backed by an intense willingness to succeed. Jupiter either occupying or aspecting the 4th house gives yoga results makes one prosperous, successful, happy and a leader. Even when it is in its sign of debilitation Jupiter does not lose its powers to confer benefic results. But experience tells us that Jupiter occupying Capricorn sign does not confer absolute yoga results, its dasa generally turns out to be a period of misery and grief. It is desirable to be born with a benefic sign falling on the 4th house with Jupiter joining that sign as an unrestrained benefic and stronger than the lagna-lord. All assigned and observed results entirely depend upon the nature of the sign and bhava owned, occupied and aspected and upon the strength and nature of the concerned planets. In the case of Libra lagna Jupiter occupying its sign of debilitation can impair to a great extent the yoga-causing ability of Saturn when these two conjoin in the 4th house but not when aspected by Venus or by Mercury from the 10th house. This conjunction occurring in the 10th house will also give rise to Raja yoga especially with Jupiter occupying its exaltation sign in conjunction with the lord of the 5th house. Though the 10th house is a benefic sign, in our opinion the status of Moon will ultimately decide the outcome of this particular conjunction. Suppose the Moon is in Scorpio sign in the Dhanabhava and the lord of the lagna is in conjunction with an exalted Mars then there will be neechabhanga for the Moon and there will be Raja yoga. The lord of the lagna and the lord of the Chandra-lagna, both occupying a kendra from the lagna more so in their exaltation signs also constitutes a Raja yoga. The lord of the lagna in conjunction with an exalted Mars will then be situated in a friendly sign. Horasara tells us that the conjunction of Venus and Mars occurring in a kendra other than in the 7th makes one surpass the status already attained by one’s family. Thus, with Libra sign rising in the lagna, the Moon in Scorpio, Venus and Mars in Capricorn, and Saturn and Jupiter in Cancer sign will give rise to Indra yoga as defined by Vaidyanatha in his Jataka Parijata.

Varahamihira tells us that if at the time of birth Saturn is the strongest planet then one takes birth in a house which will be newly repaired having already become old. If Saturn is exalted then it will make a person famous, respected, command an army and be wealthy. Indeed, planets occupying their signs of exaltation are strong in conferring prosperity and success to the events signified by the bhavas of which they are the karakas and of the bhavas they own, occupy and aspect. For Libra lagna, Saturn when exalted renders the lagna, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, the 7th and the 10th bhavas exceptionally strong and excited. Saturn is the Ayushkaraka, therefore, when it is exalted in the lagna-kendra and aspects the 10th house it does not curtail life but grants a long term of life. The Moon in Cancer in the 10th house aspected by an exalted Saturn does give rise to Raja yoga but it will be an inferior yoga even if the Moon is full and radiant because firstly, the anyoanyadrishtisambandha is not a very intimate sambandha and secondly, the Sun in the 4th situated in Capricorn causes an avayoga. Even though the Moon and Saturn conjunction is not a benefic conjunction but in case Saturn conjoins with the Moon in the 4th, the 10th or the 11th from the lagna then a person born in a royal family will succeed to the throne, if otherwise will lead a royal wealthy life. Normally the Moon in conjunction with natural benefics or aspected by natural benefics alone confers good results but not when it is conjoined with or aspected by Saturn or Mars. Therefore, any association of the Moon with Saturn will not be without certain drawbacks even when Libra lagna is rising at the time of birth when their conjunction if occurring in an upachayasthana will prove more beneficial. The Moon changes its phases rapidly, it is ultra-sensitive to the influences caused by other planets through aspect, sign, bhava and proximity; and the Moon is also fickle while giving its good results. Experience tells us that it is not always that the person rises to a coveted post i.e. enjoys Raja yoga, when the Moon is aspected by a planet occupying its own, moolatrikona or exaltation sign. A Ksheena Chandra in the 10th house will not give rise to a formidable yoga or Raja yoga; it is the Moon strong in pakshabala occupying its own or a friendly sign and also aspected by benefics that becomes an effective yogakaraka or Rajayogakaraka. The texts have not attributed to Jupiter the evil results generally attributed to other planets that happen to assume the lordship of the 6th house. Obviously, the signs owned by Jupiter do not form a ready base for conferring evil results. Manasagri tells us that if Pisces sign falls on the 6th house the person may find it difficult to maintain and retain good relations with his wife, with his children and others, and that if the lord of the 6th house is situated in the 4th house there may be dispute or enemity with brothers, one’s father may be a sick person but the person and his son will become wealthy and remain happy. This is so because a papagraha afflicts the preceding bhava to the bhava occupied by it and the preceding bhava to the bhava aspected by it and therefore, it is preferred that the lord of the 6th or for that matter the lord of any trikabhava should not be stronger than the lord of the lagna. Jupiter is an exception, for situated in the 4th house in its sign of debilitation it does not confer evil results but good results if it is ably supported by the lagna-lord, Venus, or by the yogakaraka, Saturn. Thus if Saturn is exalted in the lagna, Jupiter is in Capricorn, the Moon in Cancer and Venus is exalted in the 6th house a Raja yoga will arise, there will be no yogabhanga during the dasas of Jupiter, the Moon, Saturn or Venus or in their antradasa in each others’ dasa. Hereat Jupiter availing the full benefit of neechabhanga will be the lord of the sign occupied by the exalted lord of the lagna; it will be occupying a kendra from the lagna and favourably influencing the 10th house and the Moon through aspect which situation ensures a definite gain of a Rajya.

If a beneficially inclined Jupiter is stronger than the lord of the lagna then one remains happy and becomes the best amongst equals. The lord of the lagna and a benefic occupying the upachayas certainly give rise to yoga, the lord of the lagna and the lord of the Chandra-lagna both strong and in mutual trikonas produce very auspicious results and situation warranting Saturn occupying the 4th house from the Moon is not altogether bad. The person with Saturn occupying the 4th house from the Moon will certainly display exemplary acts of bravery and become a destroyer of foes provided both own and occupy significant signs and bhavas. Thus, the Moon situated in its own sign influenced by the benefic yogakaraka for Libra lagna and the lord of the 4th will be casting its aspect on the 4th house of which it is the karaka so as to produce good results in respect of that bhava and the 10th.

Saturn in conjunction with the Full Moon becomes a benefic yogakaraka as it also does when situated in the 7th house from the lagna vested with maximum directional strength to become an effective Rajayogakaraka. The Full Moon situated in a kendra other than the 7th house also acts as an effective yogakaraka and a benefic Rajayogakaraka. Thus, if the Moon and Saturn are conjoined in the 7th house, the Sun is in the lagna and Jupiter is in Sagittarius sign one becomes a ruler. The Full Moon aspecting the lagna makes one fortunate and prosperous; the conjunction of the Full Moon and Saturn confers wealth because of Saturn’s aspect on the 9th house that advances the 9th house significations to assure a steady fortune and therefore, earnings. Jupiter in Sagittarius, its own sign which is also its moolatrikona rasi, irrespective of the bhava formed bestows strength to the other bhavas and supports the Sun, Mars, the Moon and Saturn in particular. This yoga occurring for Libra lagna will have Jupiter aspecting the 9th house, the 7th and the 11th. Then, both, the Sun and Saturn in paraspara drishtisambandha will be situated in their respective signs of debilitation. The Sun situated in Libra lagna attains neechabhanga and the retrograde Saturn situated in the 7th house will act as if it is in its sign of exaltation. Both will associate with Venus because both will be in relationship with the lagna owned by Venus. Jupiter situated in its own sign makes one a king or a minister or a commander or a wealthy person which is according to the status it gains and according to the yogas otherwise obtaining. A planet in Bheetawastha i.e. in its debilitation sign, if unrelieved, makes a person even though blessed with all facilities due to a ruler to be troubled and oppressed by foes, become weak, suffer defeat to ultimately experience one’s own destruction or be reduced to abject penury. With the said yoga obtaining for Libra lagna in case Venus, the lord of the lagna and the dispositor of the Sun, is devoid of strength the person is likely to experience several problems in life and face many obstacles blocking his path of progress, there can also be yogabhanga. Venus is the karaka of good fortune. Bhavartha Ratnakara states that for a person born in Libra lagna an exceptional Raja yoga is caused by the presence of Jupiter in the 8th, Saturn in the 9th and Mars conjoining with Mercury in the 11th house. The 8th house is formed by Taurus, a sign owned by the lagna-lord. It is a benefic sign but not a friendly sign for Jupiter. Jupiter occupying Taurus gives a well-built healthy physique, handsome features, intelligence, wealth, happiness etc; and situated in the 8th in a benefic sign generally confers fame, prosperity and a long term of life. Mars situated in Leo will be occupying a friendly sign and from the 11th will be aspecting the Dhanabhava it owns. Because it will also be in a trine from its own moolatrikona rasi and in the 4th from Jupiter, Mars will give yoga results. Though Mercury will not be in a friendly sign but in Leo it will be the lord of the 9th and the 12th situated in the 11th; it will bestow a long term of life, truthfulness, wealth, happiness, generosity and good fortune. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury, generally deplored, will in this case provide many sources of earning. This conjunction if not occurring in a kendra usually results in bad liasons, makes the person clever in speaking of truth and untruth, marry an unworthy spouse, become contented with very little, be envious etc. Mars and Mercury occupyjng the 11th house from Libra lagna tend to act as benefic yogakarakas. Even though Saturn situated in Gemini makes one childless, poor, shameless, and unhappy, a protector or a chief, here, it will be the benefic yogakaraka occupying the auspicious Bhagyasthana. It will cause Bhagya yoga. With the subject yoga obtaining the Rajyabhava will be hemmed between two lords of the trikona bhavas each a benefic yogakaraka for Libra lagna. The aspect of Saturn on Mars or on Mercury will not give bad results. Venus and the Moon do not figure in this yoga-formation but their acquired status must support these yoga-causing planets.

In a particular nativity it was seen that Saturn conjoined with the Moon in Libra lagna was in Capricorn navamsa and the Moon was in Gemini navamsa, no benefic aspected the lagna but the lord of the lagna exalted in the 6th was in conjunction with Mars aspected by Jupiter from the 2nd house, Mercury and the Sun were in the 5th and Rahu occupied the 9th house. Jupiter was in vargottama. If the lord of the 2nd house is relegated to the 6th house and the lord of the 6th is in the 2nd house then a Dainya yoga arises and the person will be an idiot, that is to say, not intelligent and welleducated, who will be needlessly critical of others, an evil-doer, fickle-minded, rude in behaviour, troubled by opponents and the one who is unable to complete a task well-begun because of numerous hitches and impediments faced. Dainya yoga is an evil avayoga and this avayoga is very much in evidence here. Mars afflicts Venus and the lord of the 6th house is stronger than the lagna-lord. Saturn is no doubt very strong but it is not aspected by Jupiter or Venus. Mars does not aspect the lagna as a functional benefic and Jupiter, the strong maraka, aspects the vacant 10th house and thus spoils the yoga caused by the Moon. Mercury, the karaka of intelligence and learning, is in conjunction with the not so benefic lord of the 5th house and is therefore afflicted. Rahu devoid of benefic association is indifferent towards the affairs of the bhava it occupies. This native born in a well-to-do family is a college drop-out and holds no promise of acquiring higher-education to found a suitable career. Varahamihira states that if the Moon in Gemini navamsa is aspected by Mars then the person will be a thief and Mahadeva states that if Jupiter is situated in the 2nd or in the 5th from the lagna and a malefic tenants either the 8th or the 9th then one makes a living adopting a questionable profession. For this native the exaltation of the lord of the lagna and the exaltation of the benefic yogakaraka for this lagna have not been helpful at all. The Sasa yoga has not displayed its goodness