Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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10 about: SCoRPio (vRiShChiKa) lagna

“Satyavacha Rathitara taught the virtue of Truth, Parusishti insisted upon the virtue of Penance and Naka Maudgalyya said that there was no virtue higher than the study and teaching of the sacred books, for that, he said, constituted penance.”

- Taittariya Upanishad I.9.

Scorpio which is the eighth sign of the Zodiac covers the last quarter of Visakha nakshatra ruled by Jupiter, the whole of Anuradha nakshatra ruled by Saturn and the whole of Jyestha Nakshatra ruled by Mercury. Scorpio is a fixed, watery, even, feminine, malefic sign of long ascension rising with the head first. It is also known as a Keeta rasi and its last navamsa forms the Rikshasandhi. According to Parasara Venus, Mercury and Saturn are inauspicious, the Moon and Jupiter are the two benefics; the Moon and the Sun are the Rajayogakarakas and Mars, the lord of the lagna, is neither a benefic nor a malefic. But Kalidasa in his Uttarakalamrita states that for those born in Scorpio lagna Mercury, Mars and Venus are inauspicious; the Moon alone is the yogakaraka; the Sun and the Moon give good results if they conjoin; Venus by itself cannot act as a maraka but Mercury and other planets if acquiring maraka status can inflict death. The Moon finds its debilitation in Scorpio lagna. The person born in Scorpio lagna is brave, wealthy, learned and head of the family which he supports. The person, though usually short-tempered, is able to perform difficult tasks, is respected,


possesses good qualities and believes in righteousness. He maintains a close watch over his foes only to destroy them ultimately. He is quarrelsome by nature and in behaviour, exceedingly fickleminded, proud, an opponent of good people, fond of disputes, cruel eyed and a fool.

Mercury and Venus do not act as functional benefics when Scorpio sign is rising in the Lagna, they do not own favourable bhavas counted from this Lagna. Mercury is designated as a papagraha because it owns the 11th house; it is inauspicious because it also owns the 8th. Venus is inauspicious because it owns the 7th, a marakasthana and is afflicted by kendradhipati dosha; it also owns the unfavourable 12th house. Saturn it is also a papagraha for it owns the 3rd house but because it simultaneously owns a kendra i.e. the 4th, it is able to act as a benefic to produce some good results. The 4th house for Scorpio lagna is formed by Aquarius sign which sign if vested with requisite strength blessed by benefics can make one enjoy all available comforts, experience happiness and remain a very active being notwithstanding the fact that it is a cruel and a malefic sign.

The Sun is a cruel planet; it becomes a yogakaraka and a Rajyogakaraka for Scorpio lagna by virtue of its 10th house ownership and as a mutual friend of the lord of the lagna. But experience tells us that whereas the lord of the 9th situated in its own house becomes a powerful yogakaraka, the lord of the 10th house occupying the 10th house does not acquire a similar status; whereas the lord of the 9th and the 9th house vested with strength invariably confer prosperity and make one fortunate, a strong lord of the 10th and a strong 10th house confers power and position only; and whereas the lord of the 9th house by occupation and conjunction converts its dispositor and the conjoining planets into benefic yogakarakas, the lord of the 10th house becomes easily afflicted by occupation of an inauspicious bhava or by conjunction with or if aspected by malefic and evil planets, then it does not give good results. A cruel planet influencing the 10th house or the lord of the 10th makes one commit unethical acts, and a malefic planet, evil acts. Since a cruel sign falling on the 10th house does not provide a happy base for one’s karmas therefore, Leo sign forming the 10th house makes one engage in fearsome tasks and be a cruel heartless person. It is generally seen that persons born with a fiery sign forming the 10th house are stubborn, not easily amenable to reason and most unforgiving; they do not rest till they have extracted their pound of flesh, so to say. And because Scorpio sign rising in the lagna is a malefic sign owned by Mars, a person born in this lagna does not hesitate in striking back and when he strikes he strikes unnoticed and venomously.

No doubt Mars is its mutual friend but the Sun has one extra advantage. The Sun is never far away from Mercury and Venus that are natural benefics who by themselves do not produce evil results even when owning a trikabhava. Mercury owns the 8th and Venus owns the 12th house for Scorpio lagna. Parasara insists that the lord of the 10th should preferably occupy benefic signs and benefic bhavas and it should be associated with benefics alone in order to give good results, the benefics he has in mind are the three natural benefics i.e. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. Ordinarily the lord of the 10th house conjoining with the lord of the 12th house does not cause Raja yoga but Jataka Parijata tells us that the Sun combining with Venus gives yoga for Scorpio lagna. This being the case the conjunction of Venus with the Sun in the 5th house can prove very fruitful, when Venus occupying its exaltation sign in a trikona bhava will ensure long lasting prosperity and good fortune and the ucchabhilashi Sun situated in a trikona will elevate the person to the top-most ranks. The Moon owning the 9th house is in any case a functional benefic whose results will depend more upon its pakshabala and the auspicious vargas it gains.

Mars, the lord of Scorpio lagna, also owns the 6th house. The 6th house is formed by Aries, its moolatrikona rasi, about which it is said that a person earns the enemity of many people. Aries is a cruel and fiery sign. The 6th house is the 5th counted from the 2nd house governing speech and emotions and is the 9th house counted from the 10th house governing actions and conduct, and in the case of Scorpio lagna the 6th, the 2nd and the 10th are all formed by fiery signs. Therefore, Scorpio natives are generally impulsive, very hard to influence, sarcastic and brutal relying more on their own reasoning and abilities. Aries is the positive sign of Mars. Jataka Parijata states that the weak lord of the 6th house aspected or hemmed between papagrahas makes one suffer at the hands of his enemies but if the lord of the 6th house is in a trikabhava, in its sign of debilitation or is combust and the lord of the lagna is strong then the enemies will get destroyed. If the lord of the 8th house and the lord of the 12th house are in conjunction or occupy their respective bhavas then they become capable of giving good results, then the lord of the 8th becomes a Shubhakaraka and the lord of the 12th house makes one fortunate. Also, while the planet owning the 8th house if also owning the lagna does not give bad results but acts as a benefic no such exemption has been granted to the lord of the lagna owning the 6th house. Mars acts as a benefic only if it simultaneously owns a kendra and trikona. Thus, for Scorpio lagna if the lord of the 6th is in an evil bhava or is in debilitation or combust or hemmed between papagrahas then it will be the lord of the lagna situated in an evil bhava or in debilitation or combust or hemmed between papagrahas. Therefore, Mars continues to be more of a malefic than a functional benefic planet for this lagna especially when it happens to be weak or afflicted.

Jupiter is by far the best benefic for Scorpio lagna, it is like the Sun a naisargika friend of the lord of the lagna and produces excellent results when situated in Leo, the sign owned by the Sun. According to Varahamihira Jupiter in Leo sign is better equipped than when it is in its sign of exaltation. For this lagna Jupiter as the lord of the 2nd and the 9th situated in the 10th house produces an excellent yoga, the person will receive wealth from kings, be honoured by kings and live like a king all the time engaged in good thoughts and deeds. Combined with Mars Jupiter makes one learned and respected. Varahamihira states that the person will hold an executive post and become wealthy and Prithyusa tells us that the person will be powerful, long-lived, blessed with sons, but if both conjoin in a trikabhava then he will hold a subordinate position, be not very intelligent and remain sickly. The texts seem to insist that only in moveable signs does Mars aspected by Jupiter lay the foundation for Raja yogas, and the moveable signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. A planet in its sign of debilitation in the 9th house does not advance the 9th house indications; also, Mars occupying the 9th house generally does not produce favourable results basically because it is a malefic and a cruel planet. But Mars as the lord of Scorpio lagna situated in the 9th house in Cancer sign makes a person a favourite of the superiors, wealthy and renowned. A bhava occupied by the lord of the lagna gains strength to confer its good results more so if it is an auspicious bhava and is aspected by a friendly benefic. Mars occupying the 9th house from Scorpio lagna should preferably be aspected by Jupiter either from the lagna or the 5th for Mars to produce more of its good results, then the person will be learned, gain an important position and fame, though not wealthy he will be generous. In case the Moon and Saturn are also in a kendra from Scorpio lagna then Mars stands to gain neechabhanga. Saturn by occupying Aquarius sign in the 4th house and aspecting the lagna will not spoil the lagna because of Jupiter either occupying Scorpio lagna or aspecting the lagna from the 5th house. Jupiter’s aspect from the 3rd house on debilitated Mars will prove counterproductive even though the aspect of Jupiter on Mars in Cancer sign is stated to make a person a minister or an adviser endowed with wisdom and several good qualities; Jupiter occupying the 3rd house from Scorpio lagna will be in its sign of debilitation.

There is the dictum which reads - Happiness is to be ascertained from the 4th house and Jupiter, and the welfare of mother from the 4th house and the Moon. The 4th house and the lord of the 4th strong and aspected by benefics confer conveyances and immense happiness; similar results accrue if the Moon and the lord of the 4th favourably influence the lagna or its lord. Again said, if the lord of the 4th, the lord of the 9th, the lord of the 11th and the lord of the 2nd are strong and they establish a relationship with the lagna then during the course of their respective dasas there will be gain of kingdom or ruling powers and one becomes fortunate, wealthy and successful. In the case of Scorpio lagna, Saturn owns the 4th, the Moon owns the 9th, Mercury owns the 11th and Jupiter owns the 2nd house. The conjunction of these four planets generally produces good results, the person holds an important position in the Government and is highly influential and principled, which good results will not be experienced with Mars joining this conjunction because then the Sattvaguna of the Moon in particular will get destroyed. Even though Janardhan Harji tells us that the conjunction of any four planets can make one rise to be a king or be equal to a king but with the said conjunction occurring in Scorpio lagna the aspect of Mars can also destroy the Sattvaguna of Jupiter. Jupiter occupying Aries or Scorpio and aspected by Mars makes one ruthless, extremely wicked, a destroyer of others’ pride, who wins royal favours and lords over many people. Scorpio is a malefic sign. Jupiter situated in Scorpio sign even otherwise has its Sattavic qualities greatly impaired and the person suffering from physical ailments is short-tempered, mean and a hypocrite. Mars is also not happily placed in Scorpio sign, it does not give entirely good results then one tends to develop criminal and volatile tendencies, jealousy and evil intentions. The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars also does not produce an unsullied yoga for Scorpio lagna not even when occurring in the 9th house, the same holds true for any association that Mars may happen to establish with Saturn or Mercury. Mars occupying Leo sign and aspected by Jupiter makes one learned, intelligent and occupy a chief position, and Jupiter in Capricorn or Aquarius aspected by Mars makes one brave, valiant, proud, handsome, famous and respected provided the aspect is not returned. Therefore, for Scorpio lagna if Jupiter in the 4th house is aspected by Mars from the lagna or from the 10th house then there will arise yoga and a mild Raja yoga.

Jupiter occupying its own sign in the Dhanabhava and aspected by Mars causes a strong Dhana yoga. This Dhana yoga is possible for Scorpio lagna and Aquarius lagna. Obviously Mars aspecting Jupiter from the 11th house will confer the best results. A powerful

Dhana yoga will also be caused if Mars is in Sagittarius sign in the 2nd house and Jupiter is in the 11th once more these two auspicious planets will be in gainful bhavas and in mutual kendras from each other. However, mere possession of wealth is not enough; wealth should be accompanied by power and position. This is possible only if the person is fortunate and also enjoys Raja yoga. Therefore, Kapila Nadi tells us that if Jupiter is in the 2nd house and the Moon occupies Pisces sign then a Dhana yoga and a Raja yoga will simultaneously arise for one born in Scorpio lagna. Jupiter should then occupy a benefic nakshatra counted from the one occupied by the Moon, and also malefics should not occupy the nakshatras owned by Jupiter to enable Jupiter to give its best results during the course of its own dasa. The results of the succeeding dasas of Saturn and Mercury will largely depend upon the status acquired by them but Saturn will act more as the lord of the 4th and Mercury as the lord of the 11th. Jupiter aspecting the 8th house owned by Mercury will confer a fairly long span of life.

Courage and bravery is signified by the 3rd house, the lord of the 3rd and the karaka of the 3rd. Mars is the karaka of the 3rd house. The lord of the 3rd house strong and combined with or aspected by a benefic makes one courageous and brave in battle if it is exalted and combined with a benefic then the person will be fond of war. Whereas a strong lord of the 3rd house in combination with Mars makes one strong and brave, cruel and short-tempered and not intelligent, a strong lord of the 3rd occupying benefic vargas makes a person righteous and principled. A weak lord of the 3rd situated in its sign of debilitation or in an inimical sign or a malefic sign or in conjunction with a cruel planet will only make one courageous. If the karaka of the 3rd house is devoid of strength or is in a cruel shastiamsa and the lord of the 3rd is either combined with or aspected by a benefic then the person will be courageous and victorious in battle. And, if the lord of the 3rd house is relegated to a trikabhava and malefics also afflict the 3rd house and its lord, then one becomes a wrong-doer and suffers defeats. The 3rd house formed by a malefic sign and associated with a malefic makes one brave before the commencement of a battle.

In the case of Scorpio lagna Capricorn sign falls on the 3rd house, it is a mild but a malefic sign whose lord, Saturn, is a natural malefic.

Saturn situated in the 3rd house from the lagna produces mixed results, the person though very intelligent and generous, enjoying a good married life will be lazy and remain mostly unhappy; situated in the 3rd as the lord of the 3rd it certainly gives rise to a favourable yoga but with several riders attached primarily because of its aspect on the 5th house. Capricorn is the exaltation sign of Mars, the lord of the 6th who is also the lord of the lagna; situated in which sign Mars gives command of an army or a large work-force; a strong lord of the 6th house makes one a destroyer of foes. A strong lord of the 6th generally indicates that the opposing forces are strong and cannot be easily overwhelmed. The exalted Mars conjoining with Saturn, its dispositor, ought to produce very good results; it does not because if the lord of the 6th is exalted and is in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd one suffers reverses in battles. In the case of Scorpio lagna Mars situated in the 3rd will also be the exalted lord of the lagna casting its aspect on its own 6th house besides the 9th and the 10th, there will be enemies who will ultimately be destroyed. Ramanuja tells us that if the lord of the lagna is also the lord of the 6th house one suffers wounds and carries scars on one’s body as a reminder of many battles won or lost and if such a lagna-lord is devoid of strength but is conjoined with benefics then one’s enemies become friends, that is, if Mars and Jupiter combine in the 6th house or in the 9th.

In the case of Scorpio lagna the lord of the 3rd house, Saturn, attains its exaltation in the 12th house from the lagna wherein situated it does not confer yoga. Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that if the lord of the 3rd is exalted in the 12th house in a moveable sign and combines with a malefic then the person will be strong and very determined before the commencement of battle but will turn into a coward once the battle has begun. This result will certainly accrue if Saturn is with Mars or if the Sun is in Libra in the 12th house. Mars conjoining with the lord of the 3rd generally makes one foolish and uneven- tempered, such like persons seldom succeed in a crisis. However, for Scorpio lagna, Saturn combining with the Moon in a benefic sign makes one very determined and eager to succeed; here, it will be the lord of the 4th associating with the lord of the 9th which situation also gives command of a large army. All stated results depend upon the navamsas occupied by the yoga-giving planets and the disposition of the lords of those navamsas. The Sun and the Moon are the benefic yogakarakas for Scorpio lagna. They respectively own the most important kendra and trikona, and are friends of the lagna-lord; accordingly, those born in Scorpio lagna are generally very enterprising, they are able to convey their own views effectively, they rely on their own abilities and judgements, and even during periods of crisis have luck on their side. Because the Moon in the close proximity of the Sun loses its lustre their conjunction does not cause a powerful yoga but if it occurs in the 9th house it can make one very fortunate, prosperous and wealthy or in the 10th give fame. If either the Sun or the Moon is aspected by Jupiter their mutual exchange of signs or situation in opposite signs involving favourable bhavas will indeed produce excellent results notwithstanding the fact that the Moon is the lord of the badhaksthana for this lagna. Thus, for Scorpio lagna Raja yoga arises if the Sun is in Cancer, the Moon in Capricorn and Jupiter is in Pisces sign. Raja yoga will also arise if the Full Moon happens to occupy its exaltation sign in the 7th house. The Sun occupying Scorpio sign does not confer a conduct worthy of praise but not so if it is aspected by Jupiter or the Full Moon.

If an exalted benefic placed in a kendra from the lagna is aspected by a strong Sun and the 5th house is occupied by Jupiter one becomes a leader and if the lord of the 10th house situated in a kendra is aspected by a benefic or is conjoined with a benefic, even if it were to occupy a cruel shastiamsa, one will not resort to pressure tactics i.e. coercion, for having his orders obeyed, on the contrary the person will strive to gain full co-operation. Whereas the aspect of the Full Moon on the Sun situated either in Aries or in Scorpio sign makes one generous, good-looking, attended by many servants, etc; the aspect of Jupiter makes one rich, benevolent, a minister or a judge. The Sun and the Moon in exaltation occupying auspicious bhavas give very good results but not when the Sun is exalted in the 6th and the Moon is also exalted in the 7th house. An exalted Sun situated in the 6th house causes wealth to be put to waste and the person will be given to futile wanderings, if that Sun is also devoid of Jupiter’s aspect then if during the course of Sun’s dasa one manages to rise in position he will not be held in esteem by others. One suffers from weak eye-sight when the Sun is in the 12th from the Moon or becomes blind to reality while also suffering from frequent fits of anger. Otherwise, situation warranting the Sun occupying the 6th house from the lagna makes one equal to a king, famous, rich and virtuous. The Sun represents father and paternal relations as also the rulers and one’s own superiors, a person generally gains the enemity of those represented by the planet occupying the 6th house and suffers at their hands;. The Moon situated in Scorpio lagna does not give happy results; it tends to curtail longevity and does not give a strong physical constitution. It will then be the lord of the 9th house situated in its debilitation sign. Such a Moon should not be weak in pakshabala and its dispositor should occupy either the lagna or the 10th house, and the bright Moon in Scorpio lagna should either be in its own navamsa or in Leo navamsa, then alone it will produce good results. A vargottama Full Moon even if occupying Scorpio sign confers a powerful Raja yoga. But then, it takes more than the debilitation of the lord of the 9th house to make one really unfortunate. A person is unfortunate if the lord of the 9th house occupies a trikabhava, and if the 9th house and its lord are both afflicted by malefics or if the lord of the 9th situated in the 12th occupying a cruel amsa or its debilitation sign is aspected by an inimical planet or by a debilitated planet or if Rahu is in the 5th and the lord of the 9th is also situated in the 8th or in its debilitation sign or if Saturn combines with the Moon in the 9th house and the lord of the lagna is in its debilitation sign. Thus, for Scorpio lagna the conjunction of Saturn, Mars and the Moon in Cancer sign can make a person very unfortunate and reduce him to a very dismal state provided the Moon along with the lord of the lagna occupies inimical vargas and is not aspected by Jupiter. The learned in Jyotisa state that if the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 9th are not strong and are afflicted and also the 9th house is tenanted by more than one malefic planet then the person thus born certainly becomes unfortunate and a great loser. Bhava Kutuhala of Jivanatha too reminds us that the lord of the lagna combining with the lords of the 5th and the 9th in a kendra from the lagna other than the 7th house confers Raja yoga. This conjunction occurring in the lagna or in the 10th house from Scorpio lagna will produce yoga results. Ordinarily, the conjunction of Mars, Moon and Jupiter makes one good-looking and attractive but oppressed by women, evil-minded and evil-tempered, who acquires or takes wealth belonging to others which is so owing to the general affliction caused to the Moon and Jupiter by Mars. Whereas the conjunction of the lord of the 5th and the 9th occurring in the 7th house is preferred, the conjunction of any one of these lords with the lagna-lord in the 7th house is not preferred mainly because the 7th house is a marakasthana that represents the evil twilight i.e. the beginning of the dark invisible half, and is hemmed between two evil bhavas. Moreover, the 7th house is the anti-thesis of the lagna. The aspect of Saturn on the lagnesha that is in conjunction with the lords of the 5th and the 9th either in the lagna or in the 10th house can result in yogabhanga. The aspect of Saturn on the Moon occupying Leo or Scorpio produces evil results.

The aspect of Mars on the 10th house from the lagna generally makes one lead a prosperous life, which aspect an exalted Mars can cast from the 3rd house. It will be the aspect of the exalted lagna-lord. With such a Mars situated in the 3rd house from Scorpio lagna Saturn should not occupy the 6th house, there will then be ucchabhanga for Mars. The aspect of Saturn on Mars produces much unhappiness whereas the aspect of Mars on Saturn makes one very cruel and gain notoriety. Good results accrue only when friendly planets aspect each other. Therefore, the aspects of the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter on Mars in Capricorn give good results, if these three conjoin in the 9th house there will be yoga for good fortune and prosperity, in fact there will be a powerful Bhagya yoga, Dhana yoga and Raja yoga notwithstanding the dictum that reads - if the lord of the 5th house is strong then the lords of the 9th and the 10th should conjoin in a kendra from the lagna, preferably in the 10th house, to give rise to a powerful Raja yoga. With this yoga obtaining the kendras will gain in strength and effect. An exalted Jupiter, the benefic yogakaraka for Scorpio lagna, when occupying Cancer sign in the 9th house gives rise to Lakshmi yoga and Chhatra yoga. Since the sign and the bhava occupied by an exalted benefic or whose lord occupying an auspicious bhava is aspected by an exalted benefic or conjoined with an exalted benefic flourishes and gives its full benefic results then along with Jupiter occupying its exaltation sign in the 9th house the Moon can occupy Scorpio lagna and still produce some very good results. The person will be fortunate, he will be very intelligent, learned, a good-doer, religious, respectful, humble and one who pursues the path of Dharma. If the lord of the 5th house is exalted or is hemmed between benefics or if Jupiter occupies a kendra or a trikona or if the 5th house is either occupied or aspected by a benefic then one will be learned and intelligent. Jupiter situated in its own sign or exaltation sign aspected by Mars or the Sun makes a person an exponent of law and a legal luminary.

The accurate determination of one’s span of life has long remained a vexing issue. Many methods are in vogue and draw their own band of supporters. A long span of life is worthwhile only if there is good health and the body remains active and there is a noble purpose to live for. People do desire and some also live for a hundred years and more but not all who live that very long enjoy physical and mental comforts equally. Varahamihira has given the maximum age of man’s life as 120 years and five days but Bhattopala has shown that this limit is incorrect because there are instances of individuals living beyond the said term. The span of life one is destined to enjoy depends basically upon the lagna and the 9th house. The lord of the lagna occupying the 9th house generally makes one fortunate but not when it is in occupation of its sign of debilitation in the 9th, a weak lord of the lagna gives bad health and curtails longevity. We are told that it is possible for a person to extend one’s own life-span with the aid of drugs, medication and yogic exercises. Also, Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that if Jupiter is in a kendra from the lagna Saturn occupies the 11th house, the Sun is in the 2nd house, Ketu in the 7th and Mars in the 9th, then a person can hope to live for a very long time with the aid of Mantrashakti. Applying this particular yoga to Scorpio lagna Saturn will be in Virgo sign, the Sun in Sagittarius, Ketu in Taurus, Mars in Cancer and Jupiter in Leo or in Aquarius. Saturn situated in the 11th house from the lagna or from the lord of the lagna confers long life and a sound health. The Sun situated in the Dhana bhava confers good education and understanding if not wealth. Rahu in the lagna gives physical strength but can curtail life. Ketu in the 7th generally spoils married life and can cause ailments of the intestines, Mars situated in Cancer sign does not have much to do with the extension of longevity but Jupiter occupying a kendra from the lagna destroys all arishtas and advances longevity. The Sun, the karaka of the Atman and of piety, will be in a kendra from Saturn, the karaka of longevity. Saturn and Mars will act as temporal friends. Ketu, the karaka of Upasana, will be in the 6th from the Sun and in the 9th from Saturn, it will be aspecting the lagna while being in a kendra from Jupiter, the Dehakaraka. Ketu also signifies medical profession, liberation, penance, mantrashastra and Atmagyana. With so much evil influence concentrated on the 2nd house from the bhava occupied by Ketu a life span exceeding the limit of Madhyayu seems remote but then, this bhava will stay protected by Ketu because of its intimate relationship with the Ayushkaraka who also aspects that bhava, therefore the use of Mantrashakti can be expected to extend the life span beyond Madhyayu and make the person live long.

Jatakabharana tells us that if Jupiter is in the 5th house or occupies the lagna and the Moon is in the 10th house then the person will be a Tapasavi i.e. the one who has conquered his senses and who possesses the finest of intelligence. This is yoga of a very high order. If a strong and unafflicted Moon is in the 10th house then one remains ever successful, all of his efforts will be fully rewarded, who will ably accomplish all intended goals and be a doer of good deeds. Jupiter situated in the 4th or in the 8th from the Moon makes one capable of withstanding immense hardship and also grants perseverance. This yoga can obtain for Scorpio lagna most suitably but Jupiter occupying this lagna should occupy favourable vargas and nakshatra. Varahamihira tells us that Jupiter situated in the lagna makes one learned and intelligent, if it is in a sign owned by Mars he will be in command of an army, have a good wife and a large family circle, children and wealth, and be handsome, liberal, forgiving, famous and renowned. Situated in Scorpio lagna Jupiter will be aspecting auspicious bhavas and signs, most significantly it will be casting its aspect on its own 5th house and also the 9th house formed by its exaltation sign. The person thus born who will be devoted and principled will certainly derive happiness from sons and wife, be learned and fortunate and even gain a Rajya being heir to father’s wealth and good qualities. The Moon as the lord of the 9th situated in the 10th invariably confers Rajya, a good temperament and good qualities, and the urge to do good deeds. Moreover, the Moon situated in Leo sign cannot be in a navamsa or in a nakshatra owned by Saturn. Jupiter if occupying the 5th house will be in its own sign, the lord of the 5th occupying the 5th house makes one very intelligent, respected, blessed with sons and one who achieves renown even amongst famous people, he will possess a sharp intellect. The benefic aspect of Jupiter on the lagna and the 9th and the 11th h