Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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about: SagittaRiuS (dhanu) lagna

“Truth alone triumphs and not a lie, by Truth is paved the path of the gods.”

- Mundaka Upanishad III.1.6.

The ninth sign of the Zodiac, known as Sagittarius, is denoted by a bow or an archer wielding a stretched bow. This portion represents the most active region of our Galaxy, for towards its direction lies the centre of the Milky Way that contains a giant black-hole surrounded by highly energised matter. Sagittarius covers the whole of Moola nakshatra ruled by Ketu, the whole of Poorvashada nakshatra ruled by Venus and the first quarter of Uttarashada nakshatra ruled by the Sun. It is a common, fiery, cruel, odd, masculine, benefic sign of neither short nor long ascension and rises with its hind portion first. With this sign rising in the lagna Saturn, Venus and Mercury are the malefic planets whereas the Sun and Mars are deemed to be the benefics. The Sun and Mars are also designated as the yogakarakas whereas Venus and Saturn have been designated as the marakas. No planet finds its exaltation or debilitation in Sagittarius sign. The person born in Sagittarius lagna is learned, intelligent, renowned and wealthy. He is clever and competent, successful in his line of work or trade, conversant with rules, regulations and the law, truthful, intuitive, and adept in arts and weaponry, has many friends and also supports many people. He serves a ruler, remains associated with his superiors or those who are held in high esteem, who are learned and holy.


Uttarakalamrita reiterating an old principle explains that the lord of whichever bhava as is located in a trikonasthana or a kendrasthana or in the 3rd or in the 11th house from the lagna and/ or occupies its own or a friendly rasi or navamsa, is aspected by or associated with benefic planets or its dispositor also occupies its sign of exaltation, then that planet bestows the results of the bhava it represents soon. The two trikonabhavas are the most auspicious bhavas for amongst various other events also of equal importance they signify learning, intelligence, fortune and prosperity; their lords situated in the kendras strengthen the kendras that form the very foundations of a horoscope and therefore, of destiny. Planets owning auspicious bhavas occupying the kendras not only provide essential strength to the kendras but they also gain requisite strength to give good results. Planets owning the trikonas either occupying or aspecting the trikonas provide the needful opening for events to occur. Planets owning or occupying the kendras or the trikonas associating with the lords of the trikonas generally act as yogakarakas or Rajayogakarakas, and Kalidasa tells us that the planets placed in the 3rd or in the 11th also become strong contenders and give similar results because through their aspect they activate the two trikonas.

With Sagittarius sign rising in the lagna, Mars, a cruel natural malefic, becomes a benefic yogakaraka by virtue of its 5th house ownership and the naisargika friendly relationship it enjoys with the lagna-lord and the lord of the 9th house. Cruel planets such as the Sun, Mars and Saturn, by owning a trikona but not simultaneously owning the 6th or the 8th when in association with benefic planets tend to produce auspicious results. The 12th house lordship of Mars does not impair its yoga-causing ability. Parasara tells us that the lords of the 12th and the 2nd in association with other karakas confer good or bad results according to the friendly or inimical sign occupied by them. Generally Mars situated in the 5th house does not produce good results particularly in respect of issues, health and intelligence but the lord of the 5th house situated in the 5th not occupying neecha or inimical navamsa and not aspected by inimical or malefic planets makes one intelligent and renowned for his expertise who eventually earns favours from superiors or those in power. Situated in the 5th house in Aries sign, where it cannot occupy a navamsa owned by Saturn, Mars gives sons and also makes one enjoy the fruits of inheritance. Mars occupying a fiery sign in the 5th does not make a person much disciplined. Situated in the 9th house in Leo sign Mars does not avoid its 12th house lordship, it will still be a cruel planet situated in a cruel sign; therefore, it does not on its own accord make a person exceptionally fortunate whose Bhagya usually remains unsteady if Mars is not associated with the lord of the lagna. Also, thus placed it does not give a very determined mind and a strong physique capable of withstanding hard labour; it does not give much wealth. For Sagittarius lagna a powerful Raja yoga is caused when Mars is in Leo, its dispositor is exalted and both are aspected by Jupiter from the lagna. But Mars does not own a kendra for this lagna and the 10th house formed by a benefic sign is not a friendly sign for Mars to occupy. If Mars is in the 10th house in Virgo sign it should then occupy its own navamsa or a friendly navamsa and Mercury should be strong and well-placed. An unafflicted lord of the 5th occupying the 10th house in yoga formation with the lord of the lagna and the lords of the 10th and 9th house becomes capable of giving rise to yoga or Raja yoga.

The 11th house signifies gains and planets occupying this bhava generally contribute towards increase in longevity. If at the time of one’s birth the lord of the lagna or the lord of the 8th or the lord of the 10th house is in the 11th or in a kendra or in a trikona a person enjoys a fairly long lease of life; the lord of the 12th occupying the 11th house also confers wealth and a long term of life. For Sagittarius lagna, if Mars is in Libra sign in the 11th house then Venus should preferably be in its sign of exaltation when it will also possess maximum directional strength. Mars attains its exaltation in the 2nd house from Sagittarius lagna, the exalted lord of the 12th house makes one generous, the lord of the 12th situated in the 2nd house makes one follow his Dharma, be sweet in speech, spend on good causes, be good and remain happy. A natural malefic and a cruel planet situated in the 2nd house as the lord of the 5th even while conferring its good results tends to disturb family life; it should then be aspected by the benefic lord of the lagna. Jataka Parijata tells us that if the 9th house is aspected by a benefic, the lord of the 2nd house is in a kendra in conjunction with a benefic and the 2nd house is occupied by an exalted planet then a Raja yoga arises. This yoga can obtain for Sagittarius lagna if Jupiter is in the lagna, Mars is in the 2nd house and Saturn in conjunction with Venus is in the 4th house. Saturn and Venus occupying a benefic sign owned by the lord of the lagna will be in sambandha with the lagna and the lord of the lagna and therefore, the adverse aspect of Saturn on the lagna and the 10th will get suitably modified to confer good results, an exalted Mars will then be casting its aspect on the friendly 9th house.

      The lord of the 12th house from the 9th i.e. the lord of the 8th house from the lagna, does not give good results. Therefore, for Sagittarius lagna the Moon may not be a maraka but it does not ordinarily give good results and causes problems unless it is in occupation of the 6th or the 8th. A Full Moon or the Moon reaching towards its full radiance especially occupying the 9th house gives yoga for good fortune and general prosperity, and also if it occupies the 9th house in conjunction with the lord of the 9th, it is not then hampered by its trikabhava lordship. Ramanuja tells us that if the lords of the 8th and the 9th are in conjunction or aspect each other, then fame and power will be conferred during the dasa of the lord of the 8th but Parasara does not grant any such kind of exemption to the lord of the 8th. The navamsa occupied by the Moon has a special significance attached to it and so also the kind of aspects the Moon receives. The Sun and the Moon when they are together cannot be aspected by Venus and Mercury, also when the Sun and the Moon are together they should not occupy each other’s navamsa for they will make one devoid of riches. The results of an aspect depend upon the sign and the navamsa occupied by the aspecting planet and upon the sign and the navamsa occupied by the aspected planet, it is not desirable to have the lord of the 9th situated in the navamsa or the nakshatra owned by the lord of the 8th and vice-versa.

Laghu Jatakam reiterates that planets occupying their own sign, their sign of exaltation, their own navamsa, a friendly sign and aspected by benefics become strong, and that the Moon and Venus in even signs and the rest in odd signs gain strength. If two planets acquire equal strength in shadavarga then the planet which is stronger in naisargikabala will be the stronger of the two. Natural benefics occupying benefic navamsas and drekkenas of benefic signs destroy all Arishta yogas. There is also an opinion expressed that strong natural benefics occupying kendrasthanas do not always become handicapped when they are in conjunction with or aspected by evil planets or papagrahas. The well-versed in Astrology insist that the intensity of good or bad results of planets also depends upon their respective awasthas. As it is, a planet occupying an inimical sign or an inimical navamsa certainly becomes defective, but if it is occupying an inimical sign and an inimical navamsa it becomes all the more defective. A planet gains in strength to do good if the lord of the sign of its occupation or the lord of the navamsa of its occupation or the lord of the nakshatra of its occupation is strong and blessed with benefic associations. These are some of the principal factors that decide the results which the Moon as the lord of the 8th house will ultimately produce or for that matter any planet for any lagna would. In practice it has been found that if the Moon is situated in the 9th house in Leo sign not aspected by a cruel planet and the Sun is in Pisces aspected by its own dispositor then the dasa of the Moon proves beneficial, one enjoys happiness, good earnings, progress and general prosperity.

Natural benefics occupying unfavourable navamsas tend to produce unfavourable results more so if malefics simultaneously happen to occupy the navamsas owned by those very natural benefics. Thus, if Jupiter and Venus occupy their respective neecha or inimical navamsas and Saturn is in a navamsa owned by Jupiter or Venus then the person will be devoid of wife, sons and wealth, will remain very unfortunate and lead an extremely miserable life. For Sagittarius lagna this avayoga can arise if Jupiter in Pisces is in Capricorn navamsa, Venus occupying the lagna is in Aries navamsa and Saturn is in the 11th house in vargottama. Saturn is an evil planet for this lagna, by occupying Libra navamsa it will afflict Venus who is already afflicted. Saturn not aspected by Jupiter will be in the 8th from the lord of the lagna who also suffers affliction. Even otherwise Venus is a papagraha for Sagittarius lagna. Since Saturn does not own a kendra or a trikona for this lagna even though exalted it will not confer yoga because of the lord of the lagna occupying its debilitation navamsa. The person will not be wealthy because of the affliction caused to Venus and the Dhanakaraka who is also the lord of the lagna. The evil owing to the occupation of an inimical navamsa or an afflicted nakshatra by planets in yoga formation does not get neutralised which is why yogas and Raja yogas are not found to confer their assigned results.

For a person born with Sagittarius sign rising in the lagna if the lord of the lagna conjoining with Mars occupies the 4th house, the Sun and Mercury are in the 10th, Saturn in the 2nd and the Moon is in its sign of exaltation then a yoga for fame, prosperity and Rajya will arise. For this lagna the Moon exalted in the 6th or in its own sign in the 8th can confer yoga if it is strong in pakshabala and is not otherwise afflicted, it should not occupy Capricorn navamsa for then there will be break in yoga even if it is aspected by the lord of the lagna and there are planets tenanting the 10th house. The lord of the 8th house situated in the lagna does not produce good results but not so if it is the Full Moon situated in Sagittarius lagna aspected by Jupiter from a trikonabhava. The exchange of signs as between the lords of the 4th and the 8th is a durayoga but not so for Sagittarius lagna because of the exalted Jupiter occupying a trine from the 4th and aspecting its own sign and the Moon. The Moon situated in a trine from its own dispositor or aspected by an exalted planet becomes a Rajayogakaraka when it is also aspecting the Rajyabhava.

Leo is a cruel sign, a cruel sign falling on the 9th house from the lagna is generally not considered favourable. However, when owning the 9th house the Sun becomes a functional benefic and a yogakaraka and if situated in the 9th in its own sign it does not make a person cruel or evil-tempered or rebellious, the person becomes fortunate if such a Sun is conjoined with either Jupiter or Mercury. Cruel planets such as Saturn, Mars and the Sun, occupying the 9th house should be strong and conjoined with or aspected by a benefic planet. Therefore, the Sun situated in Leo in the 9th gives rise to yoga when it is in association with Jupiter, Mars or Mercury but not when it is with Venus which is a papagraha for Sagittarius lagna. Also, all planets as are situated in the 3rd, the 5th and the 11th from the Sun confer yoga, they make a person a king or a minister or a commander of an army. Thus, it has been observed that Saturn, a dire malefic, situated in the 3rd or in the 11th house from the Sun is less prone to produce evil results and even in conjunction with the Sun can give rise to Raja yoga. If Jupiter as the lord of the lagna occupies the 12th house and Saturn as the lord of the 3rd house is in the 11th house in conjunction with the Sun then a Raja yoga results. The lord of the lagna situated in a friendly sign owned by the Rajayogakaraka will be in Shubha-vesi yoga protecting the lagna and also the planets situated in the 11th house. The exalted Saturn becomes a yogakaraka by associating with the lord of the 9th. Bhavartha Ratnakara tells us that a person born in Sagittarius lagna will be fortunate through father even if the Sun is in Libra in the 11th house.

Venus is a papagraha and a maraka for Sagittarius lagna, marakas associated with either the lord of the 9th or the lord of the 10th spoil these lords and the bhavas owned by them. Venus no doubt attains its exaltation in the 4th house from this lagna but if it is also in conjunction with the lord of the 9th there will certainly be yogabhanga during the course of the dasa of the lord of the 9th and the entire dasa of Venus will be wasted enjoying the luxuries provided by one’s father when all good opportunities will pass by either un-noticed or unutilised and without a care. The planet owning an auspicious bhava does not confer good results on a long-term or permanent basis if it happens to conjoin with the lord of the sign of its debilitation. The Sun’s aspect on the 10th in this case will give Raja yoga results only on a temporary basis. But if the Sun is situated in the 10th house in Virgo it becomes an exceptional yogakaraka. The Sun, as the lord of the 9th house situated in the 10th, makes one fortunate and if it is in Uttaraphalguni nakshatra grants political power. Mercury, the lord of the 10th for Sagittarius lagna, is afflicted by kendradhipati dosha and is therefore, a functional malefic but gives rise to yoga when it is in conjunction with the Sun. Garga tells us that the Sun in Libra sign occupying the 11th house even without the benefit of neechabhanga will give rise to an excellent yoga for good fortune, prosperity and gains provided it is also in conjunction with Mercury. The conjunction of the Sun with the exalted Mercury in the 10th house causes a powerful Raja yoga but not so if these two combine in the 4th house in Pisces sign; in the former event Srinatha yoga will arise because the exalted lord of the 7th house will be combining with the lord of the 9th in the 10th house from the lagna, such a Sun does not impair the Bhadra yoga caused by Mercury. There will also be no yogabhanga if the Moon is in Pisces in the 4th house, the lagna lord is exalted in the 8th and the Sun and Mercury conjoin in the 10th house, the Srinatha yoga obtaining will gain exceptional strength.

A favourable yoga arises if the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury occurring in the 9th house is aspected by Jupiter from Sagittarius lagna. Saravali states that if Jupiter occupying the 20th degree of Sagittarius sign has either the Sun or Mercury occupying the 5th degree of Leo sign then a world-famous king is born, in which event Jupiter occupying its own shastiamsa will be aspecting the Sun or Mercury occupying a shastiamsa ruled by the Moon. Kalyan Verma denies the possibility of the Sun and Mercury simultaneously occupying the 5th degree of Leo sign because from Gemini to Virgo Mercury generally remains ahead of the Sun; at the same time he does not exclude the possibility of their conjunction in Leo sign. The conjunction of the three natural benefics in a benefic sign forming a kendra or a trikona or an upachayasthana is by itself productive of good results and confers yoga. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter combining in Virgo in the 10th house from the lagna with the Sun also occupying its own sign in the 9th will yield a Raja yoga of a very high order. The lord of the lagna combining with the lord of the 10th will cancel the debilitation of Venus even though Virgo is not an inimical sign for Venus to occupy. Phaladipika tells us that Srinatha yoga will also arise if Mercury, Venus and the lord of the 9th are situated in their own or exaltation or friendly signs either in a kendra or a trikona from the lagna. This version of the Srinatha yoga will gain additional strength because of the presence of the lord of the lagna. Benefic planets situated in the 9th house from either the lagna or the Moon promote the good significations of the 9th house and invariably make a person prosperous, fortunate and reap the full benefits of Raja yogas. If at the time of birth Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or the Moon devoid of any affliction and uncombust happen to occupy the 9th house in conjunction with or aspected by friendly planets then too Raja yoga will certainly arise. Of course, the benefics occupying the 9th or aspecting the 9th should not be papagrahas, should not own or occupy an evil bhava, should not occupy an inimical or neecha rasi or navamsa etc. In the case of Sagittarius lagna the Moon situated in the 9th house does not contribute to the formation of yoga or Raja yoga even if it is aspected by Jupiter. Also, Jupiter situated in the 9th house in Leo, a friendly sign, confers yoga but not Raja yoga even if it is aspected by friendly Mars or is conjoined with the Sun. The conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter occurring in the 9th house and in the 2nd house from the Sun will confer yoga and make one learned, rich and influential but will not cause Raja yoga for Sagittarius lagna because of the lord of the 9th occupying the 8th house, there will also be a break in the freeflow of good fortune. In the ordinary course planets occupying the trikonas do not act as Rajayogakarakas, they act as yogakarakas. More positive results will certainly ensue in case Jupiter, Mercury and Venus staying ahead of the Sun and uncombust happen to join the Sun in Leo in the 9th house, the person will be very intelligent, learned, wise, wealthy, happy, resourceful and successful. If the lord of the 10th house from the lagna is devoid of strength one does not meet with success in any of his endeavours but if the lord of the 10th house is in conjunction with a benefic in the 10th house itself then one becomes successful and renowned. A natural benefic tenanting the 10th house strong and unafflicted gives rise to the Amla yoga which confers good results provided the lord of the 10th is also strong and favourably associated. In the case of Sagittarius lagna Venus combining with the lord of the 10th in the 10th house does not indicate a smooth career even though the person may prove to be highly successful but the success achieved will only be short-lived; it will not cause an outstanding Raja yoga. Venus is a maraka and its conjunction with a planet also owning a marakasthana can never be wholly beneficial. If the lord of the 6th house joins the lord of the 10th house in the 10th then one experiences numerous problems and disruptions in own professional activities. These two planets viz Venus and Mercury, conjoining in the 4th house in Pisces will also not give rise to a superior yoga even if Jupiter is in the 10th even though Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that if at the time of birth Jupiter is either aspected or conjoined with Mercury then that person has his orders obeyed even by kings. The lord of the lagna or the lord of the 4th conjoining with the lord of the 10th occupying the 10th house ensures a high-ranking administrative or political post. Therefore, the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury occurring in the 10th house from Sagittarius lagna will produce superior results. The Sun and Mars are the two yogakarakas for this lagna; the former attains its exaltation in the 5th house and the latter in the 2nd house. The Sun situated in the 4th house and ucchabhilashi when in conjunction with Mercury, Venus or Jupiter may give rise to an excellent yoga or even a slight Raja yoga but the person will certainly ascend the throne if the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter combine in Virgo in the 10th house. Mars and Mercury may not be mutual friends but their conjunction occurring either in the 5th or in the 10th gives rise to a yoga and even Raja yoga; Mars and Mercury conjoining in a kendra confer riches and happiness.

If at the time of one’s birth the Sun and Mercury are in the 4th house from the lagna, the Moon and Saturn conjoin in the 10th and Mars is in the lagna Raja yoga will certainly arise. This yoga obtaining for Sagittarius lagna will have the lords of the 9th and the 10th aspected by Mars influencing the 10th house and also have an ucchabhilashi Saturn combining with the Full Moon. All three naturally cruel planets occupying benefic signs in the kendras will be ucchabhilashi and the Full Moon combining with Saturn in the 10th house confers ruling powers. The two benefic yogakarakas for this lagna will associate with the lord of the lagna by occupying the signs owned by the lord of the lagna and it has to be presumed that Jupiter is also strong and unafflicted. In the case of Sagittarius lagna Jupiter is best placed in the lagna or in the 4th or in a trikonabhava, its location in a sign owned by Mercury is generally not very fruitful because of the inimical attitude of the latter and because Mercury is not a functional benefic for this lagna and can prove to be the principal maraka in which event if a Raja yoga were to operate one attains authority in name only and will not remain entirely happy. Therefore, if Jupiter happens to occupy either Gemini or Virgo then the nakshatra occupied by the Moon at the time of birth will become the major factor inviting our attention.

The mere exaltation of Jupiter in the 8th house from the lagna does not cause an exceptional yoga though it makes one a miser, wealthy and long-lived. The lord of the lagna situated in the 8th house other than its own or exaltation sign does not give wealth, happiness and success and the person suffers humiliation and many reverses.

And, Jupiter situated in a trikasthana makes one worried on account of vehicles, clothes and living conditions irrespective of the fact that it will be aspecting either the 4th or the 10th house. Venus, the Vahana karaka, exalted in the 4th aspected by exalted Jupiter from the 8th does not make a person own vehicles. Jupiter situated in the 8th house gives rise to the unfavourable Asura yoga but not when it is exalted or occupies its own sign. Bhavartha Ratnakara tells us that an exalted Jupiter in the 8th confers fame and Horasara states that the person will be long-lived, learned, without foes and one who attains a position of power and authority; however these results are not experienced in case the exalted Jupiter in the 8th is either aspected by Saturn or is in conjunction with Rahu or is itself retrograde. For Sagittarius lagna Jupiter even if vested with strength must associate either with the Sun or with Mars to confer favourable results.

Sarvartha Chintamani states that if the Sun, Mars and Jupiter occupy an amsa ruled by Saturn and reside in strength either in the 10th or in the 9th house and the Moon occupying the lagna is at the end of the sign then the person will be wealthy and enjoy a very long span of life. Applying this yoga to Sagittarius lagna the Moon situated in the lagna will be in vargottama. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter occupying either the 9th or the 10th will act as benefic yogakarakas and Rajayogakarakas. Here, the exact conjunction of these three planets is not meant nor only their simultaneous occupation of a navamsa owned by Saturn, these planets must associate with Saturn, the Ayushakaraka, through occupation of vargas ruled by Saturn. The Sun or Mars situated either in the 9th or in the 10th from a strong Moon confer status and give wealth and Jupiter similarly situated confers righteousness.

According to Jataka Parijata any exalted planet or a planet occupying its exaltation navamsa if aspecting the Moon makes a person neither covet nor possess wealth. However, Saravali tells us that the Moon aspected by the exalted lord of the lagna gives rise to Raja yoga. In the case of Sagittarius lagna the Moon situated in the 2nd, the 4th or the 12th house aspected by an exalted Jupiter will give rise to this yoga. But the 2nd house is not a proper place for the lord of the 8th to occupy because then the person will be either physically weak or weak-willed and will also witness his wealth decline or get squandered. If the Moon is in the 12th it will be in its debilitation sign, the person will not be wealthy and also suffer from bad health. If the Moon is in the 4th in Pisces sign there will be the adverse exchange of signs between the lords of the 4th and the 8th.

There will be no Raja yoga or Dhana yoga without the involvement of the lord of the 9th. The Moon conjoining with an exalted Jupiter in the 8th house confers yoga in the 2nd half of one’s life but generally the lord of the lagna combining with the lord of the 8th in the 8th house makes one suffer much misery and poverty and lead a sinful life.

As the lord of the 2nd house when placed in its own or friendly signs in association with other yogakarakas Saturn becomes capable of giving good results but as the evil lord of the 3rd its ability to do so is restricted. But then, the 2nd house and the 3rd house complement each other, the combination of the lords of these two bhavas confers generous instincts. Therefore, persons born with Sagittarius lagna are basically large-hearted, generous and forgiving in nature. Of course, Parasara tells us that the papa lord of the 3rd house is capable of giving good results in the course of its own antra-dasa in the dasa of a yogakaraka associating with it but for Sagittarius lagna the two yogakarakas, the Sun and Mars, and the lord of the lagna are not mutual friends of Saturn, their association with Saturn does not ordinarily produce good results. The lord of the 3rd house even if it happens to be a natural benefic causes yogabhanga when it is in association with unfriendly or inimical yogakarakas; there is a school which insists that in all yoga formations it is the naisargika relationship which really matters and not the temporal relationship. During the course of its own dasa the lord of the 3rd gives a mixture of bad and good results but if Mars, the karaka of the 3rd house, the lord of the 3rd house and the planet occupying the 3rd house are all strong then in their mutual dasas and antra-dasas these three make one successful and confer much happiness, comforts, wealth, brothers and sons even if they are not mutually associated. The lord of the 3rd house situated in the 3rd gives many friends and relatives, good children, wealth, happiness and contentment, and Saturn situated in Aquarius sign can if so warranted confer leadership or chiefdom, a permanent wealth and general prosperity. Therefore, in the case of Sagittarius lagna an excellent yoga does arise if aspected by benefics Saturn occupies the 3rd house and Mars is in the 5th. When the karaka of any bhava is strong then that bhava flourishes if it is weak it spoils that bhava in the manner a weak bhava-lord surely does. Perhaps by way of exception Mars devoid of strength and occupying a cruel shastiamsa with the lord of the 3rd remaining aspected by a benefic planet makes one subdue all opponents and emerge victorious. Mars weak and occupying a cruel shastiamsa generally makes one reckless, disregard safety and plunge head-long into dangerous situations which is certainly not an act of bravery, therefore, the benefic aspect on the 3rd houselord indicates a successful emergence from all self-invited troubles and conflicts.

All planets tenanting the 11th house from the lagna confer gains and give wealth; malefics situated therein seem to lose their evil propensity and tend to give good results. Saturn occupying the 11th house makes one wealthy, happy and possess a good temperament and be the one who does not act in haste. Ramanuja does not agree to this generally held view and tells us that it is only for Sagittarius lagna that Saturn situated in the 11th house confers yoga but not for other lagnas. In the case of this lagna then Saturn will be in its sign of exaltation and it is for this lagna alone an exalted planet in the 11th fully aspects the lagna. The bhava whose lord occupying a benefic sign attains exaltation gives good results as also the bhavas that are aspected by an exalted planet occupying a benefic sign and bhava. Ramanuja’s observation is also an exception to the general rule that the lords of the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th should be weaker than the lords of the kendras and the trikonas. He also tells us that for Sagittarius lagna Saturn produces good res