Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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12 about: CaPRiCoRn (maKaRa) lagna

“Infinity alone is bliss ......when one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, understands nothing else, that is

the Infinite..........”

- Chandogya Upanishad VII.23

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac beginning with Aries. It covers the remaining three quarters of Uttarashada nakshatra ruled by the Sun, the whole of Sravana nakshatra ruled by the Moon and the first two quarters of Dhanishta nakshatra ruled by Mars. It is a moveable, earthy, mild, even, feminine, malefic sign of neither short nor long ascension rising with the hind portion first. With this sign rising in the lagna Saturn simultaneously rules the lagna and the Dhanabhava and is therefore deemed a benefic along with Mercury and Venus; the Moon, Mars and Jupiter are the malefic planets. Mercury and Venus are the two yogakarakas whereas Mars and Jupiter have been assigned maraka status. Though it is not a friendly sign for Mars to occupy but Mars becomes exalted in Capricorn sign in which sign Jupiter finds its debilitation.

The person born in Capricorn lagna is contented, very active, a coward, good looking, tall, suffering from windy or phlegmatic complaints, engaged in evil deeds, greedy, destructive, boastful, stern and harsh, shrewd and cunning, lazy, fond of women, crooked, bad in speech, prominent and influential, who remains in touch with his own enemies so as to impress upon them his own superiority and usually acts as one pleases.


In his great work Uttarakalamitra Kalidasa while narrating the results of planets with regard to the grant of life states that malefics situated in the kendrasthanas, the trikonabhavas, in the 8th or in the 12th house from the lagna do not give good results in matters pertaining to one’s longevity, and adds, that if the lord of the lagna occupying the kendrasthanas or the trikonabhavas is not aspected by benefics or if either the lagna or the lord of the bhava occupied by the lord of the lagna is not aspected by benefic planets then a person will have a short span of life, if these are aspected by benefics then the person will become very fortunate, possess good intelligence and achieve renown. In other words, a brief or a short span of life is an indication of misfortune and therefore, a person should necessarily be blessed with a fairly long span of life so as to reap and enjoy the fruits of various yogas that may be obtaining at the time of birth. But not all persons who live long are found to be blessed with good fortune, not all who live long are blessed with yogas that confer prosperity, wealth, intelligence and power to rule. Varahamihira states that the view held by Vishnugupta (Chanakya), Devaswami and Siddhasena to the effect that those who are blessed with Poornayu (long life) will also become emperors is erroneous for many men live long yet lead a wretched life as beggars. Jupiter occupying Capricorn lagna aspected by Venus with Mercury situated in the 8th does confer Dirghayu but at the same time makes one lead a miserable long life of poverty.

Malefic planets occupying the kendras or the trikonas adversely affect longevity and the yogas caused by them do not produce overall good results. Actually it is the status of the lagna and its lord that properly help determine one’s term of life. The lagna should be vested with requisite strength, it becomes very powerful if the lord of the lagna, Jupiter or Mercury occupy or aspect the lagna but not by any other planets. All signs forming the kendras are deemed powerful, in the panaparas i.e. next to the kendras, they are of moderate strength whereas signs in the apoklimas i.e. next to the panaparas, are considered powerless. All planets become powerless when located in the 7th from the bhava in which they are deemed most powerful. A weak or afflicted lagna or the weak and afflicted lord of the lagna is the first indication of ill-health, misfortune, troubles in life and affliction to longevity. The lagna along with the lord of the lagna and the dispositor of the lord lagna strong and favourably placed and aspected by strong benefics confer a healthy, prosperous and trouble free long life.

      The 8th house counted from the lagna and the 8th house counted from the lord of the 8th house, both have a vital role to play in shaping the pattern of life of individuals because they are connected with the term of life. If the lord of the 8th house is stronger than the lord of the lagna and is situated in a kendra and malefics also tenant either the 8th or the 12th house one does not enjoy a long span of life and even if one does live long he leads a very miserable life. A long term of life is indicated in case the lagna-lord, the lord of the navamsa occupied by the lagna-lord, the lord of the Chandra-lagna and the lord of the navamsa occupied by the Moon are stronger than the respective lords of the 8th house as counted from these two lagnas. Agreed that if at the time of birth a benefic planet (even a benefic planet that has emerged victorious in grahayuddha) is aspected by another benefic then all arishtas pertaining to the grant of life get destroyed but it is the strong unafflicted lord of the lagna, which is always a benefic, that by occupying a kendra aspected by benefics actually makes one healthy, wealthy, and long lived. A weak natural benefic, in particular the Dehakaraka, also occupying a malefic sign does not improve the situation as much as when it is strongly placed in a benefic sign even though aspected or conjoined with papagraphas. Therefore, Jataka Parijata tells us that if Jupiter is in Scorpio lagna in conjunction with the Sun and the lord of the 8th is also in a kendra then one dies at the age of 22 years which is so because Scorpio sign rising in the lagna is a malefic sign wherein situated Jupiter lacking adequate strength in the company of one cruel and one evil planet afflicts the lagna.

Sarvartha Chintamani states that no doubt there are yogas which indicate Bhagyavriddhi i.e. good fortune and greater prosperity, and there are also yogas that indicate wealth, prosperity and also long life but such types of yoga are not very common because Raja yogas and their like, and the yogas conferring long life are distinct. Wherever it is stated that the yogas will produce prosperity and also confer long life then alone both kinds of results will be experienced. On the other hand, if only Raja yoga results have been ordained Raja yoga results alone will be felt. Therefore, if one has Venus situated in the 4th house from the lagna (where it attains full digbala) and Jupiter is in the lagna (where it too attains full digbala) and the Moon conjoining with Saturn is also in the 10th house then that person will be long lived, learned and famous. Jupiter situated in the lagna in mutual kendra from Venus and the Moon becomes capable of destroying all arishtas irrespective of the signs occupied by these three, here the Moon and Saturn situated in the 10th house will both be vested with bright rays. Of course, there is an unstated rider attached to this statement - Saturn confers yoga and a long span of life only when it happens to be a functional benefic and is vested with requisite strength, if Saturn happens to be the lord of the 8th house even if it is strong it may not confer a full span of life. In this context Mahadeva clarifies that Saturn situated in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation in an upachayasthana or as the lord of the 8th occupying the 5th house confers long life. An evil or an afflicted Saturn alongside a similarly evil or afflicted lord of the 8th does not promise a long lease of life.

With Capricorn sign rising in the lagna Saturn besides owning the lagna also owns the 2nd house which is a marakasthana, malefics occupying the lagna or the 2nd house invariably affect longevity. Though Mantreswara tells us that even the lord of the 2nd house situated in the 2nd house in strength can cause death during the course of its own dasa but it is rarely seen that the lord of the lagna occupying the 2nd house does so. The lord of the 2nd house, the malefic occupying the 2nd house, the lord of the 7th, the malefic occupying the 7th house, the malefic in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd or the 7th, the lord of the 8th, the lord of the 3rd or the 8th in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd or the 7th, the lord of the 6th or the weakest amongst all planets or Saturn in conjunction with a maraka can cause one’s death during the course of their dasa or antra-dasa. Saturn even if owning auspicious bhavas becomes the strongest maraka if it is associated with a maraka planet. If Saturn is in conjunction with the Moon in the lagna and Mars is in Aquarius then one lives for 33 years which is because of Mars afflicting Saturn’s moolatrikona rasi and Saturn afflicting the lagna and the Chandralagna, the possibility of the person surviving the second round of Saturn’s Sadesati becomes remote. Mercury and Saturn in mutual kendras from the lagna even if the latter is in an adverse bhava from the Moon present a different outcome. Sarvartha Chintamani states that if Mercury is situated in the lagna or in a kendra from the lagna, Saturn is in the 10th house and the Moon is either in the 5th or the 9th house then one does not experience a peaceful time up to the age of 40 years where after he will live happily. Saturn will then be in the 6th or in the 2nd house from the Moon.

According to Phaladipika Saturn situated in the 2nd house from the lagna does not give an attractive face nor wealth, the person not pursuing the righteous path will during the first half of life be given to aimless wandering and be forced to seek his fortune elsewhere where he will finally settle down and live well-off. In the case of Capricorn lagna Saturn in the 2nd house in its own sign will nevertheless be aspecting the 4th and the 11th owned by Mars. A natural cruel malefic planet aspecting cruel or fiery signs does not produce good results in respect of the bhava it aspects even if it is the lord of the lagna, and Saturn is generally bad in aspect, cordial relations with own family members will not exist and there will be gains through evil deeds unless the 4th house is occupied or aspected by a friendly benefic. For this lagna the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 4th are not mutual friends and, therefore, a Capricorn-lagna born generally does not make a good friend, remains a loner even if the 4th house is aspected by an exalted Saturn. Saturn situated in Aquarius in the 2nd or in Libra in the 10th house does confer wealth but that wealth is usually not retained for long.

The Sun, the lord of the 8th for Capricorn lagna, is not classed as a maraka but it is capable of causing troubles and in raising obstacles. Venus situated in the 12th, Mercury in the 8th or Jupiter in the 6th house from the lagna tend to confer good results irrespective of the sign occupied or bhavas owned by them because the lords of other bhavas placed in the trikasthanas in their friendly or exaltation signs give good results and the trika-lords if they happen to be weak in strength also produce favourable results. Accordingly, Jupiter occupying Leo sign in the 8th house causing Vimala yoga with the Sun also situated in the 10th house in Libra sign ought to produce good results even though the lord of the 8th occupying the 10th house while conferring status and power also tends to make one evil and cruel, devoid of friends and trusted relatives and not experience much happiness in life. The Sun situated in the 10th house from Capricorn lagna will be in its debilitation sign; a debilitated planet situated in the 10th house is weak in strength and generally evil in effect, it gives a slow rate of progress, several set-backs and reverses; it can cause yogabhanga and render Raja yogas useless. The Sun attaining neechabhanga cannot be said to be weak in strength but the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn occurring in Libra in the 10th house is also not considered desirable. Then, Saturn runs the risk of ucchabhanga and its dasa results will be ordinary and quite frustrating. The conjunction of Saturn and the Sun in Libra in the 10th will prove bad for one’s father and can curtail one’s life span unless there is on it the aspect of Jupiter or of the Moon when a steady fortune can be expected, and during the course of Sun’s dasa, if the Sun has crossed the 10th degree of Libra sign, there can result many gains in accordance with one’s social status but through deception and conceit. For this lagna the Sun situated in the lagna in conjunction with Mercury or Venus along with Saturn exalted in the 10th house confers better results, the person will attain eminence and become famous for his good deeds, in which event the lord of the lagna will not be aspecting the lagna but will be associated with the lagna through Venus.

Both, Mercury and Venus, are deemed benefics for Capricorn lagna, both own a trikonabhava and are capable of becoming yogakarakas even though the former owns the 6th house and the latter is afflicted by kendradhipati dosha. Bhavartha Ratnakara tells us that Venus in the 5th is good for this lagna but not so when it is in the 10th house where it does not give rise to yoga being devoid of directional strength. Moreover, if the trikonabhavas and the 8th house are free from the influence of natural and functional malefics and the kendras are also free from the influence of benefics then alone they enable a person to enjoy a long span of life blessed with good fortune and fame. Natural benefics in occupation of the kendras while promoting longevity can also give rise to avayogas. But then, malefics, whether powerful or not, do not always produce good results when occupying the kendrasthanas excepting Saturn, the ayushkaraka. Saturn situated in a kendra from the lagna along with natural benefics also occupying the kendras can confer Poornayu e.g. Saturn in the lagna and Jupiter conjoining with Venus in a kendra from the lagna. Venus is a yogakaraka for Capricorn lagna but owing to its natural proximity to the lords of the 6th and the 8th it can never remain free from their influences which trika-lords are capable of causing yogabhanga. Moreover, a natural benefic irrespective of the sign rising in the lagna even if occupying its own sign or exaltation sign does not confer full yoga results when it happens to be in conjunction with the Sun or remains behind the Sun or is aspected by papagrahas. Therefore, Saravali states that Mercury, Venus and Jupiter remaining uncombust and unaspected by papagrahas and occupying the 2nd house from the Sun give rise to yoga and Raja yoga, and Jatakabharana states that if these three natural benefics uncombust conjoin in the 5th house from lagna, Mars is in its sign of exaltation and Saturn is in the 9th house there will arise a powerful Raja yoga. The latter yoga occurring for Capricorn lagna will have an exalted Mars occupying the lagna in a trine from the lord of the lagna and also from the lords of the 9th and the 10th bhavas; the unafflicted lord of the lagna situated in the 9th makes one very fortunate. There will be no yogabhanga. Saravali reiterates that irrespective of the sign rising in the lagna the conjunction of Venus and Mercury occurring in the 9th house makes a person famous, very learned, brave, extremely fortunate, truthful and very enterprising. For Capricorn lagna this situation will give rise to an outstanding yoga and even Raja yoga provided these planets are not combust; if they happen to conjoin with the Sun then they will not confer political power or official influence. Bhavartha Ratnakara states that the person will earn much wealth in the dasa of Venus if Venus is in conjunction with or aspected by either Mercury or Jupiter but no Raja yoga will result if Jupiter is in a kendra either from the lagna or the Moon even if Venus were to occupy Pisces navamsa. The description of yogas such as Adhi yoga and Ati-vasuman yoga indicate that these natural benefics generally confer wealth and a life blessed with all desired things, they confer Raja yoga in combination with the Moon and the natural malefics. Therefore, Mars and Saturn conjoining in the lagna with the Moon situated in the 4th, Jupiter in the 7th, Venus in the 9th, the Sun in the 10th and Mercury in the 11th confer a powerful Raja yoga as do Mars and Saturn combining in Capricorn lagna with the Sun and the Moon both occupying Sagittarius sign or the Moon and Mars situated in Capricorn lagna with the Sun occupying the 12th house. Ramanuja explains that the lord of the 10th house from the lagna situated in the 3rd house or in the 11th does not give rise to a permanent yoga, there will be slight yoga at some time, the dictum being - if the bhava lord occupies an auspicious bhava from the bhava it owns that bhava prospers, if it is situated elsewhere then that bhava does not prosper. In the case of Capricorn lagna Venus situated in the 3rd will be in its exaltation sign even though it will be in the 6th from the 10th and in the 11th from the 5th. Therefore, such a Venus will make one fortunate, happy and wealthy though afflicted by greed and subdued by women. But then, Mercury should also not be in the 3rd house when it will be in its sign of debilitation. Kalyan Verma tells us that the person though labourious and wealthy will be a sufferer and remain unhappy. The conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury or Venus and Mercury in the 3rd house in Pisces sign does produce favourable yoga results in case the Moon gaining in pakshabala is in the 6th house in Gemini. Mercury occupying its debilitation sign but associating with an exalted friendly benefic generally makes one’s enemies turn into friends.

Jupiter by virtue of owning the 3rd house and the 12th from the lagna is a functional malefic for Capricorn lagna, its influence on the trikonas or on the lords of the trikonas can produce bad results. Whereas the conjunction of Mercury and Venus, the two trikona lords, occurring in the 9th house is productive of good results, for it gives intelligence, makes one learned, be fond of music and amorous, any planet in conjunction with Mercury in the 9th house can give rise to a Raja yoga or a position of authority provided the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 10th house strong also become involved through aspect etc. Jataka Tattwam does state that if the lord of the 9th house is in conjunction with or aspected by either Venus or Jupiter one becomes fortunate but these results will accrue only if Venus or Jupiter owning benefic bhavas are inclined to do good. In the case of this lagna the aspect of Jupiter on the conjunction of Mercury and Venus will not be productive of very good results in which event Saturn should also be strong and either occupy or aspect the lagna. Those yogas which involve the participation of the lord of the lagna and/or its aspect on the lagna alone produce all of the anticipated good results. The lord of the 9th house even if occupying its own or exaltation sign but in conjunction with a planet in debilitation or aspected by papagrahas becomes restricted in giving its good results. Jataka Parijata tells us that a strong lord of the 9th house, a natural benefic, in conjunction with or aspected by Jupiter or Venus and in the first navamsa of a moveable sign makes a person renounce life and become immersed in Japa and Dhyana and attain Samadhi. Jataka Tattwam qualifies that these results will ensue even when the lord of the 10th house is in the 9th and the strong lord of the 9th conjoins with or is aspected by Jupiter or Venus.

Suffering and pain are very much a part of life, all are born to experience suffering and pain only with its intensity varying from person to person; even those who are blessed with powerful Dhana yogas and Raja yogas do not stay immune or protected. The lords of the trikabhavas, planets tenanting the trikabhavas and the planets who acquire maraka powers tend to cause suffering and pain during the course of their dasas or antra-dasa or of the planets they are associated with, which suffering need not always be restricted to the particular native alone. Thus, if the lord of the lagna occupying the 8th house is aspected by the lord of the 6th house or if the lord of the lagna conjoins with the lord of the 6th house in the lagna then one’s family members face immense suffering and pain. There cannot be a worse situation than to witness the sufferings and pain of one’s own near and dear ones. The lord of whichever bhava is relegated to a trikabhava causes harm or loss to the bhava it signifies, the bhavas occupied or aspected by trika-lords similarly suffer. B.V. Raman states that the lord of the lagna situated in the 8th house from the lagna makes one learned, develop gambling tendencies, be interested in occultism and bear a mean character, if it is strong then one takes pride in helping others, has a number of friends, is religiously inclined and will have a peaceful and a sudden end, in which regard Vriddhyavana had long ago said that the person will no doubt be wealthy and a miser but if the lagna lord is a cruel planet then that person will be harsh and vile in speech while bearing an anaemic look. And, Vaidyanatha tells us that if the lord of the lagna situated in a trikabhava is conjoined with papagrahas or aspected by them or is in a sign owned by them it makes one’s life remain dark and never bright; the said lord occupying evil vargas will be no exception. Saturn which is the karaka of the 8th by way of exception situated in the 8th house bestows a long lease of life and for Capricorn lagna when it is in the 8th it will be in an unfriendly sign and casting it’s not so very strong aspect on the 2nd house. An afflicted lord of the lagna casting its aspect on the Kutumbha bhava is unlikely to improve the significations of that bhava. Cruel planets occupying the 6th house or the lord of the 6th house conjoining with Saturn or Rahu causes one to suffer always and therefore, for Capricorn lagna if Mercury and Saturn were to conjoin in the lagna the person will never be free from worries, sufferings and pain; even though learned and adept and blessed with usual comforts he will be conceited and an evil schemer. Horasara qualifies that this conjunction will confer pleasant results only if it occurs in the 9th or in the 10th house and not elsewhere. Both are functional benefics for this lagna but Mercury even though it is a friend of Saturn is never comfortably placed in the signs owned by Saturn. The lord of the 9th simultaneously owning a trikabhava is functionally defective, and if it occupies a benefic bhava then it should be in a sign owned by a natural benefic conjoined with or aspected by a natural benefic, otherwise there cannot be an unsullied Bhagya yoga; it is also essential that the lord of the lagna is neither weak nor afflicted.

Bhavartha Ratnakara quoting Brihat Jataka states that for a Capricorn lagna-born the Maharaja yoga will be caused if Venus and Mercury are in the lagna and the Moon is in the 5th house aspected by Jupiter. Planets occupying their signs of exaltation in a trikonabhava become exceptional yogakarakas. The Moon, even though owning a marakasthana for a night-birth, if it is exalted and strong in pakshabala does give rise to very effective Raja yogas. Horasara prefers the Full Moon in the 9th house making one a ruler but Phaladipika confirms that an exalted planet aspected by a friendly planet confers Raja yoga, if it is in conjunction, wealthy, and that a Full Moon in its sign of exaltation makes one a benevolent and a praise-worthy ruler. Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that a strong Moon situated in a kendra other than the lagna and aspected by Jupiter or Venus makes one enjoy good fortune befitting a king. Even otherwise exalted planets occupying trikonabhavas generally confer good fortune. Jupiter aspecting the exalted Moon in the 5th should preferably do so from the 11th house and not from the 9th when it will be the lord of the 12th situated in the 9th; the lord of the 3rd or of the 12th house when situated in the 11th house produces good results and confers yoga. With this yoga arising natural benefics will be influencing the lagna and the Chandra-lagna. With Mercury occupying Capricorn sign the Sun cannot ordinarily be in Sagittarius. Mantreswara tells us that the 7th house from the lagna aspected or occupied by benefics and the uncombust lord of the 7th in own or exaltation sign in an auspicious bhava gives rise to Kama yoga. Hereat the dispositor of the 7th house lord, a natural benefic and a yogakaraka, will be situated in the lagna-kendra associated with a natural benefic thus further fortifying the two lagnas. Saturn does not seem to figure in this yoga formation.

Phaladipika states that if a person is born in a royal family and at the time of birth there is no evil yoga formation no planet is combust then that person will certainly ascend the throne. The non-occurrence of avayoga yoga at any given moment of time is exceedingly rare; yogas and avayogas tend to occur side by side. Mars occupying its exaltation sign if strong varga-wise does make one a wealthy, famous and victorious king, Saturn too occupying its own sign or in Libra sign in the lagna becomes capable of giving rise to Raja yogas but not so if either the Moon or Venus is in the 12th house when there will be ill-fame and the power that is gained will remain only for a short period. Saturn conjoining with Mars in Capricorn lagna can give rise to a Raja yoga but Jataka Parijata states that if amongst the cruel planets one is exalted and the other is in its own sign and they join either in the lagna or in the 10th house then one enjoying royal comforts and many successes will prove to be a cruel ruler. If both happen to cause Sunapha yoga and Vesi yoga then the lustreless Moon will certainly make one harsh in speech and rude in behaviour and show no pity or remorse. Saturn situated in the 2nd house from the Moon or Venus brings ill-fame. Varahmihira states that one or two planets occupying their sign of exaltation, moola-trikona rasi or own sign make one equal to a king and not a king and Jiva Sharma is of the view that malefic planets, such as Mars is for Capricorn lagna, when they are in exaltation certainly make a person brave and chivalrous but not a ruler. According to Kapila Nadi Jupiter and Venus conjoining in the lagna confer good results even though Jupiter situated near or on the point of its deepest fall can make a person born in Raja yogas experience the pangs of dire poverty and Saravali tells us that in case Jupiter is in Capricorn lagna and the Moon does not occupy its own sign then all Raja yogas will be destroyed and the person will experience pain and grief, poverty, unhappiness and be immoral. Experience tells us that natural malefics or functional malefics if occupying the kendrasthanas should be weak in strength and for this lagna Jupiter is a functional malefic. No doubt Venus in association with a debilitated planet becomes afflicted, and the bhavas it owns also suffer, but Jupiter gains neechabhanga when the Moon situated in its own sign happens to be in a kendra aspecting the lagna. Jataka Parijata states that if Jupiter is in Capricorn lagna and a malefic is also situated in the 8th house in a favourable navamsa Raja yoga will arise. Assuming Mars is that malefic planet then there can be much unhappiness, ailments and curtailment of one’s life span as well, the Moon similarly situated cannot give rise to an effective Raja yoga for it owns a marakasthana, and Uttarakalamrita reminds us that papagrahas and malefics situated in the kendras, in the trikonas, the 8th or the 12th house do not give benefic results in matters relating to longevity. As regards the Sun, the lord of the 8th for Capricorn lagna, it suffices to state that if it is in the 8th house it should be in conjunction with a benefic then alone there will be Dirghayu. However, Parasara while treating the Sun as a neutral for Capricorn lagna has refrained from giving results of the lord of the 8th house singly occupying the 8th house. In any event the good or the bad results for the yogas caused by the Sun in co-operation with other planets depend upon the latters’ status and strength and of the former’s too.

Rudrabhatta agreeing with Varahamihira states that the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn makes one acquire expertise in handling delicate manual tasks and gives the urge to assist others which is so because they are not mutually inimical and do not always afflict each other owing to their natural or acquired tendencies. Mars and Saturn acting together generally do not produce good results and also afflict natural benefics. Venus and Mercury conjoining normally confer wealth, good speech, learning, comforts and a joyful outlook. Jatakabharana states that Mars and Saturn joining Mercury gives one an evil-eye, a weak constitution, a servile attitude, intolerance and a criminal mind and in case Venus also joins then the person will be a brave warrior brought up by others, keen on picking fights, renowned and fond of breeding dogs. This four-planet combination can give rise to a Raja yoga because if the lords of the 9th house, the lagna and the 4th not being combust or in a debilitation sign conjoin in the 10th house or if they join the lord of the 10th in the lagna then one gains ruling powers and a kingdom. Mars exalted in the lagna conjoining with three functional benefics and aspecting the 4th house that it owns gives rise to Ambudi yoga and Suparijata yoga conferring happiness, wealth, prosperity and good fortune, if in the 10th such a Mars influencing the 10th house and its lord and the lords of the lagna and the 9th raises the native in standing far above the ordinary levels, there will be Raja yoga and Bhagya yoga because of the exaltation of the lord of the lagna and because of the conjunction of the lords of the 9th and the 10th occurring in the 10th house. Moreover, the lords of the kendras other than that of the 7th in conjunction with the lords of the lagna and the 9th with none of them being combust or debilitated occupying a kendra other than the 7th invariably confer Rajya. And, if the lord of the lagna is stronger than the lord of the 6th and is aspected or conjoined with a benefic in a benefic sign and bhava, and the lord of the 4th or the 4th house is also strong, then the person