Blissful Moments of Laughter by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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-----What is Your Roll NO?-----

Way back in the university, my busy schedule of classes had come to an end for the semester. And it was time to invigilate exams. I had already charted out the room I was to invigilate. I was a newbie lecturer and wondered who my accompanying senior teacher would be.

My friends said since he was going to be a senior teacher during the invigilation durations, there would be no fun, and you would be bored to death. I took their words for granted.

The day arrived. And as I entered the class, I could finally look at my invigilation partner. He was a slim and handsome guy, probably already married. I was still inspecting him and he asked me impatiently, "What is your Roll No?" That is a popular question to students during exam times from the teachers, meaning simply "Student Ids" and they had to sit at their desks bearing that number.

The senior teacher must have been so sure that I was a student. Instead of further embarrassing him, I blurted out blatantly, "I am a teacher, your partner invigilator." He said, "Really!!" And he hid his embarrassment and we both laughted at the same time. Yes, we were a good pair of invigilators, I remember, during that particular semester.