Ezaarem by Vinod Modha - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 10 - Giant Totu Attacks


When the giant finished preparations, there were neat piles of huge boulders all along the border. Giant Totu started throwing boulders, one by one, across the border at villages nearby in King Motu's kingdom.

People in these villages were completely taken by surprise. They panicked. Old people, women and children hid in the houses. Those men who were able, ran away leaving every possession behind. They went to King Motu to ask for protection.

King Motu the Magnificent was very distressed at the problems giant's attack was causing to his people and did not at all feel ‘Magnificent’ because he could not protect them. He did not know how to fight against a big giant. He turned to the assembled courtiers.

"Does anyone here know how we can fight this giant?" 

But of course nobody had ever been attacked by a giant before. The king looked at his Prime Minister who avoided his eyes because he had no answer for the king. 

King Motu looked at all his Ministers in turn. They all one by one cast down their eyes in shame. King Motu looked at the Commander of the Army but the Commander also looked down in shame and the Commander's ears began to glow red with embarassment. 

King Motu said "Nobody! So fighting is out of the question then. In that case, unfortunately, we have to negotiate from a very weak position. Prime Minister, please go and find out what this giant wants, and why he is attacking us." 

So the terrified Prime Minister put on his armour. He took his sword and tied a white handkerchief to it with shaking hands. Then he climbed his horse and went to meet the giant.  

The Prime Minister came across masses and masses of people going the other way running towards the capital to get protection from King Motu. These people told the Prime Minister that the giant was huge and unstoppable.  The Prime Minister became even more worried then.

At the border the Prime Minister saw the giant. He waved the white handkerchief on his sword like a flag. Giant Totu stopped in the middle of picking up a boulder and looked at the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister steadied his arms somehow to stop waving the handkerchief and said: "Hello, I am Prime Minister of King Motu the Magnificent. Can I have a minute of your time?" 

The Prime Minister, who was half expecting an attack by the giant was prepared to turn and run away. He was surprised when Giant Totu instead bowed politely. A friendly lopsided smile came upon the giant's face:

"Hey!! Prime Minister!!

I am Giant Totu!!

So glad to meet you!”

The Prime Minister bowed very stiffly and said: "King Motu is a ..er.. a kind hearted king. He..er.. yes.. he cannot bear ..um.. to see a giant .. as it were.. er.. destroy the villages and homes of his people.  He ..er.. would ..um.. like ..without being too rude so to speak.. to know ..yes.. ..er.. ..um.. OK, why are you doing this?"

The Giant spoke in his sing song friendly manner and the Prime Minister found it difficult to completely follow what he said. Some of his fear however went away simply because the Giant was so friendly.

"Let me see Giant Totu if I understood you right. Oh for my report of course you understand. Now you...er.. you said that Wizard Dotu has ..er.. ordered you to attack us. You are to ..um.. capture ..did say capture didn't you?.. capture our beloved King Motu the Magnificent. You will then hand him over to ..oh dear I do hope I have got this part right... to King Chhotu the Cheater. And to finish the thing off ..yes.. .. for you, a closure as it were so let us not forget this important part.. then you'll be free. Did I get everything?"

Giant Totu nodded his head.

"Oh I am so relieved. So relieved. Look Giant Totu, I shall go and explain what you said to our King Motu. Of course post haste. Straight away. And I ..er.. oh dear dear.. must I?.. I shall return again as soon as I have his reply."

Giant Totu nodded to say he understood.

"But Giant Totu, .. however, if you would that is.. please, please, please, promise me that ..yes we both are grown ups talking man to man.. .. I mean of course man to manly giant in the case here.. please say you will not start up this attack on us again until ..um.. .. and we want to do this right I mean, you and I.. until you hear what King Motu has to say.  I am sure King Motu  will have a practical solution that is good for you, .. yes especially you.. ..not forgetting good for King Chhotu also.. ..well he is important in the equation here.. and of course, .. if I may be so bold as to say.. good for us, people of King Motu. There will be no need for unnecessary destruction of lives or property ..meaning to say.. ..you will not have to further exert yourself at all.. You will be immediately free to go to Ez.. er.. ..my memory is like a sieve when it comes to ..strange and stupid.. I mean exotic sounding .. words.. Ezaa..um..er..how do you say it?" 

"Ezaarem. Thats Ez, Aar and Em, Ezaarem.

All right I hear you Prime Minister!!

I hold off attack until sunset tomorrer

but hurry up, after that, not a moment longer!"