Ezaarem by Vinod Modha - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 12 - A Decision


"Please come forward my friend where I can see you.  What's your name and tell your king what your idea is."

The man came to the front. He was a foreigner. The King and all the courtiers looked suspiciously at the man. People were not certain if they could trust this foreigner. He could be working for King Chhotu the Cheater. Commander of the Army took out his sword and went and stood next to the king as a bodyguard. 

"My name is Ramu Mamu Your Majesty.  I am a visitor here from the Kiltlands. I was in a border village with my wife and son when the giant started to attack our village."

People were still suspicious. Ramu Mamu continued: “Its clear we cannot fight a giant who is so strong.  He will beat us hands down every time. So Your Majesty, we have to do something clever and get round him altogether.  Do I make sense?"

People in the court wanted to hear more. Ramu said: “Of course the question is do exactly what? I had no idea what could or would work in defeating the giant. So I thought for a bit. For example, one idea was this. I have heard experts say that instead of being on the defensive, go on the offensive."

People blinked at Ramu without understanding what that meant. Ramu continued: "In plain language that means, launch a surprise attack on  the enemy who is about to attack us, instead of waiting for him to come and destroy us. This is the last thing the enemy would expect. In this case, we could send our army sneakily round the giant and surprise King Chhotu in his own land - this wise Commander of the Army here is capable of doing just that with his brave troops."

The Commander of the Army was flattered. He relaxed and put his sword away.

When people in the court understood what Ramu Mamu was getting at, they were delighted with such a bold solution. It was totally opposite of what common sense would have suggested. Instead of protecting themselves, they would attack! In short, call King Chhotu's bluff when he can not rely on support from the giant! They knew such a crazy plan would work though. And they had nothing to lose - if they did nothing the giant would defeat them any way and they would also lose King Motu in the bargain, and that certainly would not be so good.

Ramu Mamu continued: "That plan would work of course, only except that, in the meantime the giant, who unfortunately knows nothing about what we would be doing to King Chhotu the Cheater in his own land, would keep on with his attack on us here and destroy half of our country. And when the giant finds out we sneaked past him, he may even be more angry. That could create more problems for us."

People saw that possibility. Ramu continued: "Also you, Your Majesty King Motu the Magnificent, I know Your Majesty hates the idea of attacking another country and would  never dream of doing that. So that solution is out."

Everybody, who was happy uptil now, was bitterly disappointed. Ramu Mamu continued: "So I tried to think a bit more. But nothing came to me! I was getting nowhere.  Then after hearing the Prime Minister just now, I had an idea." 

There was a pin-drop silence again.  Everybody eagerly listened to each and every word that Ramu Mamu said. 

"This idea, though simple, is not easy to understand. You see, the giant is really interested in his freedom. We know he wants to go to "Ezaarem" whatever that may be.  Now suppose, just suppose we, I mean Your Majesty, you King Motu the Magnificent, you promise this Giant Totu that there is a way he can go to Ezaarem straight away without delay, but he has to stop attacking us first though. We say quite clearly however that only when he has stopped this present attack on us then only we would tell him what that way is."

People said: "But why would the giant agree to stopping the attack? What would he say to King Chhotu then?"

Ramu Mamu said: "I figured that that is exactly where you people will have difficulty understanding how this idea works. Do you see that a seed of an idea would have been planted in the Giant's mind. Right? Above all what he wants is to go to Ezaarem! By fighting for King Chhotu, the giant is using up valuable time that he could really be spending, doing what? Travelling to Ezaarem of course! He would realise that there is nothing in this battle for him - it only delays his going to Ezaarem. His heart will no longer be in this attack."

The Prime Minister was the first one to understand what Ramu Mamu meant. He was very impressed and smiled at Ramu who continued talking.

"So here is what we do next, Your Majesty. You Your Majesty will tell the giant that without waiting for the sunset tomorrow, the giant should go and bring King Chhotu the Cheater to the border right away. In advance. As soon as King Chhotu arrives, Your Majesty will meet him and the giant can depart having done his part. First goal achieved - no giant, NO attack!"

King Motu laughed out loudly and said: 

"Now that's what I call a clever idea Mr. Ramu Mamu. Simply brilliant! The giant is taken out of the picture right away without us having to lift a finger to fight him, right?  Ha! Ha!"

People were confused a bit though as now King Chhotu the Cheater would have got King Motu possibly as a prisoner. But Ramu soon put them at their ease.

"Who here does not know that King Chhotu the Cheater is very greedy? OK! Lets make him an offer he cannot refuse! By offering some gold to him, may be we can negotiate a truce with King Chhotu. The gold, or even installments of money, could be paid to him at regular intervals for the rest of his life. In return he has to promise never to attack us again now or ever! So that could be one solution. Or, as another idea, - and we have all heard King Chhotu is not the best swordsman in the world. So maybe, just you two kings can agree to duel it out to death without involving anybody else. Winner rules both the kingdoms. Anyone who has seen King Chhotu fight with a sword knows the outcome already!" 

People began to understand the idea and started laughing.

King Motu said: "And Mr. Ramu Mamu, if King Chhotu the Cheater insists on fighting us with his army, the giant will have long since gone of course, well, well, we all know what will be in store for King Chhotu then!!! But is not King Chhotu the Cheater with the giant already right now?" 

The Prime Minister confirmed the giant was alone and that he had not spotted King Chhotu, nor his army, anywhere near the giant.  Indeed all that he had seen was the giant and a silly looking white bull with what looked like a crown on its head! 

So it was agreed to follow Ramu's plan. The whole assembly cheered up now. Ramu Mamu said: "And another thing Your Majesty." 

Everybody again turned to Ramu Mamu. He continued: "This Ezaarem seems to be very important. Do you know what it is or how we can use it to our advantage?" 

Nobody did. 

"With your permission, Your Majesty, my family and I will think about it, brain storm it, and see if we can come up with some suggestions as to what this Ezaarem might be. But we'll need a little time. Once we know what it is, we can may be use it to gain an advantage over the giant." 

King Motu liked this suggestion also. He said: "Excellent, but I am afraid Mr. Ramu Mamu, we do not have a lot of time. I can only give you six hours Mr. Ramu Mamu. Then we shall finally decide what to do, when and how."