Ezaarem by Vinod Modha - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 13 - A Mad Bull


Now King Chhotu the bull, who was with the giant, found that the "happy" song the giant was singing was getting on his nerves. He did not like this waiting around until sunset the next day, either.  He wanted to finish off King Motu there and then.  But Giant Totu was happily resting under a tree and singing!

So the bull became angry and charged across the border by himself. The bull attacked King Motu's people, such as were still there in the nearest village. He injured several of the women and children there. People barricaded themselves inside houses for protection from the mad bull. King Chhotu loved the look of terror in people’s eyes.

Encouraged by this, the bull started making snorting noises and ran towards a big house that was further along the lane.  As the bull approached the house, it heard some bull noises coming from the front yard of the house! 

King Chhotu, the bull, paused and thought: "Wait a minute.  What if there are really bulls in the yard of that house?  Instead of my attacking people there the bulls may charge at me. Bulls round here have big horns and that can do some serious damage to a strange bull like me.  So let me have a quick quiet sneaky look first." 

The bull slowly and quietly edged along the wall. When he came to the open gate, he looked in. He was not ready for what met his eyes!

The front yard of the house was in fact - completely quiet and empty! 

King Chhotu the bull was puzzled. How could that be? He had heard bulls not too long ago and now there were no bulls in the yard!! Must have been some trick, to make fun of him, he thought. 

This only made King Chhotu more angry. He will show these people for playing tricks on King Chhotu!!! What did he, King Chhotu the Cheater, "the mighty Bull" care if anyone got hurt or killed by his charging at them!!

So he jumped into the yard of the house. The front door of the house was closed. The bull began a charge at the front door. 

Just as King Chhotu the bull got near the closed front door, another shock awaited him.

A loud roar of a lion came from the house! King Chhotu, the bull, stopped in his tracks!  Another lion, although a bit muffled, could also be heard from a different part of the house! 

King Chhotu's thoughts began to race round his head: "What? Lions, real lions?  Here and now? Is it possible? Well of course it is possible because, no doubt the lions had come from the bordering forest! And, they came after the giant had earlier damaged the houses in the village!  Makes sense! The lions' roars explained everything though! Aha, I see what has happened here! The bulls were in the yard. They were making noise at seeing the lions. Thats what he himself had heard! The lions attacked the bulls.  The lions quickly dragged all the dead bulls into the empty house - and that means, they must be very strong lions!  And the lions were now safely feasting on these bulls to their hearts' content - that explained the muffled roaring he heard!!"

King Chhotu the bull began to panic a bit. He thought: "Oh my God, there is danger here for a bull like me! And here I was rushing into a houseful of lions!  Given half a chance the lions would eat me, King Chhotu, the bull, too! But they would have to catch me first! Best get away from here fast before the lions notice me!  Run run!" 

King Chhotu was in real panic now.  He turned, raised his tail like bulls do and ran towards the gate in a great hurry.  At that moment the door of the house opened and the sound of lions became louder as though they were coming after him! Without looking back, the bull jumped out of the yard and into the lane. 

King Chhotu, the bull, did not stop and ran all the way until he crossed the border and got back into his own kingdom. He did not even notice that no lions were in fact chasing him.  He did not stop at the border either and ran until he was at a considerable safe distance inland.  Only then did he feel safe.

As he stopped and stood getting his breath back, the bull had another shock waiting to him! 

The bull had hardly got his breath back, when the ground he was standing on gave away and he fell into a pit that had strong wooden spikes facing up at the bottom! 

King Chhotu the bull, remembered that here he had set up some hidden traps, spikes with poisoned tips in a pit, to trap wild deer.  Now he himself had been caught in his own trap!