Fossils by Robert A Webster - HTML preview

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-Track Nine-

Cosmo called the BBC and eventually spoke to a person instead of an automated message. However, the woman he spoke to said he needed an extension number because she knew of no one called Kevin Gascoigne Nutley working there.

Exasperated, Cosmo thought he would try another approach, so he read the newspaper article, and called again.

“Hello Mr Sugden, this is Billy Numan, head of promotions for Fossils. Everything regarding Fossils comes through me,” said Billy sounding blasé. “You told my PA that you claimed to be the band's manager.”

“I am,” said Cosmo, “and I want to know what is going on.”

“No,” snapped Billy sounding emphatic, “You are not. Mr Kevin Gascoigne Nutley has been authorised by the band to be Fossils representative and we have legal contracts. Have you got anything to prove your ridiculous claim?”

“No, but…”

“In that case, we have nothing to discuss,” interrupted Numan.

Cosmo furrowed his brow and said. “Let me speak with Mr Nutley.”

“Mr Nutley is unavailable to speak with you now, or at any time. You are a crank, so if you call again or persist with your ridiculous claim we will prosecute, do you understand?”

“Prosecute for what?” asked Cosmo.

Billy’s tone changed, and he snarled. “Listen Sugden, do you know how powerful I am, and what the lawyers at the British Broadcasting Centre can do to scum like you. It won’t be pretty.”

“Look,” said Cosmo. “I just want to know what’s happening with my friends.”

“Listen to the radio,” snarled Numan. “Or read the newspapers, that’s if you can read. You have been warned.”

Billy then hung up.

Cosmo stared at his phone and sighed.

“I bet this arrogant lump of turd has been influencing Kipper. Huh, Billy Numan… Billy Bullshit more like. He must have already spoken to Steve and deceived him and the old fellas,” he said aloud and sighed.

Cosmo turned on the radio and tuned to Radio One. Blondie was playing on the breakfast shows, ‘a blast from the past.’ Cosmo made another cup of tea and sat by his computer considering his next move.

A fanfare sounded from the radio; followed by an excited presenter’s voice.

“Wow!” exclaimed the presenter, “It looks like I don’t have to remind anyone that Fossil’s album, Hope, was released earlier this morning.”

Cosmo turned up the volume and listened as the presenter continued. “Reports from music retail outlets reported that people up and down the country have been queuing in the cold since the early hours and the Album has been flying off the shelves since their doors opened an hour ago. Virgin records are hoping they can keep up with the demand and iTunes are advising people with slower internet connections not to try downloading the album today.”

Cosmo stared at the radio as the presenter continued. “Remember, not only are you getting the album of the century, but you are helping support Britain’s most talented young musicians with their unselfish efforts,” Cold, Cold, Steel then played.

Cosmo listened to the radio and said aloud. “Has the country gone mad? The old fellas are good, but not good enough to warrant the pandemonium Billy Bullshit was causing. Kipper you gullible idiot, why did you let yourself be taken in by a power-hungry shyster like Billy Bullshit?”

He took a slurp of tea, looked at his watch, and thought. ‘I’ll call Lucy. I wonder if she knows what was going on. She will know Steve’s number in the Philippines. I need to let them know what's happening and warn them about this Billy Bullshit character. They need to know about the reward for finding them in the Philippines, so they must leave before anyone finds them.’

Lucy felt dumbstruck after reading a similar article in the Guardian and was about to call her father when Cosmo rang.