Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


It was later that evening and the sun settled down below the mountains.  It was a beautiful sunset while red and orange colors painted the sky.

Carter raced the stolen red Mini Cooper down a two-lane desert road.  They decided to take the back roads and avoided Interstate 10 as much as possible worried about the thick traffic. 

The Mini Cooper raced across the Arizona border and headed east.

It was quiet inside the car while Sabrina the woman slept and Carter listened to Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf on the classic rock radio station.

Later that evening, Carter drove the car over the Waterloo Bridge that crossed over the small Waterloo River.

He continued his drive east with the beautiful orange and red colored sunset behind him.

It was hours later and the nighttime sky was filled with twinkling stars and a full Moon.

 Carter drove the Mini Cooper down another two-lane desert road.  They were on Interstate 10 for a while but got off that road when too many Arizona Highway Patrol cars were visible patrolling.

Carter’s eyes started to get sleepy.

A few seconds later, his eyes slowly closed.

Sabrina the woman was wake and looked out the window at the twinkling stars in the sky.

The Mini Cooper started to drift into the other lane while Carter fell asleep.

A car blew its horn when the Mini Cooper was on target for a head-on collision.

“Wake up!” Sabrina the woman yelled at Carter who was sound asleep.

Carter jumped up in his seat and his eyes widened in fear when he saw the headlights of the oncoming car barreling straight at him.  He whipped the Mini Cooper back into the other lane while the other car’s horn was blaring at them.

“Sorry about that,” he said while he yawned.

“We’ve made some good ground today.  Let’s find a place to get a good night’s rest,” Sabrina the woman said while she searched for a resting place.

They drove for five more miles and saw the lighted “A Cheap Motel” located in the small town called Middle Of Nowhere in New Mexico.

“There’s a place,” Sabrina the woman called out and pointed to the light motel sign up ahead.

Carter pulled the Mini Cooper and paid for a room in the small motel.  He paid cash and they signed in as Mister and Misses Deeds.

Carter parked the Mini Cooper by Room 12.

Inside that room, Carter relaxed in the middle of the king sized bed and watched the Repeat Stories – West Channel on the TV.  This cable channel specialized in showing nothing by remake movies done by Remakewood.  Tonight the 1987 remake of the movie called No Way Out was in progress.  After this movie the original 1948 version called The Big Clock was going to be shown.

Sabrina the dog walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head and towel around her body.

“Move over darling,” she said the second she jumped up on the bed.

Carter moved over while Sabrina the woman lay down on the bed next to Carter.

A few minutes later, Carter and Sabrina the woman were both sound asleep.  They were both dog tired.

The sun rose for the start of another day in the desert of New Mexico.

Carter raced the Mini Cooper down the two-lane desert road.  Sabrina the dog sat in the passenger seat with her head out the passenger window loving the wind in her face.

Hours later, Carter still drove the Mini Cooper down the two-lane country desert road but a spooky fog was forming.  The fog soon consumed the road with limited visibility.

Sabrina the dog still had her head out the passenger window with her tongue hanging out loving the wind. 

Sabrina’s head suddenly smacked into the “Welcome to Texas” road sign while the Mini Cooper drifted off to the side of the road.  Her head hung down on the passenger door passed out.

Carter quickly pulled the Mini Cooper off to the side of the road. 

He pulled Sabrina the dog back inside the car and held her praying she wasn’t dead.

After a few minutes, Sabrina the dog was conscious and Carter kissed her head.

Meanwhile, back in Bel-Air, Chief Hightower sat eating breakfast at the dining room table with Scarface, Senators Cheatham, Dewey and Howe in Cheatham’s mansion.  The three Senators sat in their pajamas that were green with numerous different sized dollar signs.

“We got a phone call from the Winslow Boy and he told us that he saw a red Grand Torino matching the description of Remake’s car next store to his house.  We believe that’s where the Sheep dog mutt lives,” Chief Hightower said while he handed Senator Cheatham a piece of paper with Sabrina the dog’s address. 

“You know what to do,” Senator Cheatham told Scarface while he handed him the piece of paper.

Scarface nodded while he finished his cup of coffee. 

He got up from the dining room table and rushed out of the dining room.

Senator Cheatham reached over to his briefcase on the table and removed a bundle of one hundred dollar bills.  “Good work,” he told Chief Hightower while he handed him the cash.

Chief Hightower sniffed the bundle of cash with a greedy grin.

It was later that afternoon and the Mini Cooper drove down a two-lane country road. 

Sabrina the dog drove the Mini Cooper with one paw on the steering wheel, and her other paw hung out the window.

Carter was sound sleep in the passenger seat.

She pulled the car off Interstate 10 a little while ago because of numerous Texas Highway Patrol cars patrolling the highway.

Later that day, the red Mini Cooper was parked alongside the two-lane country road.

Carter stretched by the car while he watched Sabrina the dog chasing a rabbit in the desert.

A flash of rainbow colored light consumed the entire body of Sabrina the dog the second she lunged at the rabbit.

Sabrina the woman proudly appeared running back to Carter with a rabbit dangling from her mouth.

Meanwhile, back in Los Angeles in Sabrina’s house, Alvin sat on the couch wearing Sabrina’s furry pink slippers and pink pajamas.  He drank some coffee while he watched a soap opera on the TV.

The front door suddenly slammed opened and Scarface appeared with his Thompson submachine gun ready to fill Alvin full of holes.

Alvin’s eyes widened with fear at the sight of Scarface and he peed in the pink pajamas.

Back in the Texan desert, the Mini Cooper was still parked alongside the two-lane country road.

In the desert, Carter and Sabrina the woman sat around the campfire and ate the rabbit they cooked.