Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


Later that day on another two-lane country road in the middle of Texas, Carter drove the Mini Cooper with Sabrina the woman in the passenger seat. 

She had her head out the window, tongue hanging out loving the feeling of the wind blowing against her beautiful face.

Carter squirmed in his seat.  “I gotta pee!” he said in a Forrest Gump tone of voice. 

He continued to squirm in his seat then his eyes widened in relief when he saw a tall bush in the middle of a weed infested front yard of a dilapidate wooden house.

He pulled the Mini Cooper over and quickly got out. 

He ran to the bush.  He unzipped his pants.  “Ahhhh!” he cried out in a sigh of relief while he peed into on the leaves of the bush.

A hand slammed on the top of Carter's shoulder, which startled him.  Carter turned around and his eyes widened in fear.  “Oh no!  Not you again!” he cried out when he saw a muscular demented man, around fifty years old, behind him yielding a five foot chainsaw in his other hand. 

The demented man whacked the top of Carter’s head with the handle of his chainsaw.

Carter passed out and dropped to the dirt like a sack of potatoes.

The demented man grabbed Carter’s shoes and dragged him to the dilapidated house leaving a rut in the dirt.

From the Mini Cooper, Sabrina the woman got scared when she saw Carter being dragged to the dilapidated house by the demented man.  

Inside the dilapidated house, two psychopathic inbred females around twenty-three years old sat at the dining room table. 

Two psychopathic inbred males around twenty-five years old also sat at the table along with an old hag around seventy years old. 

They sat with empty plates, napkins tucked in their shirts and blouses, and knife and forks in hand.  They waited while their stomachs gurgled with hunger.

The front door slammed open.

The demented man walked inside the living room dragging Carter behind him.  “Dinner!” he cried out to his inbred psychopathic family.

The inbreeded psychopathic kin looked at the demented man and licked their chops at the sight of Carter – fresh meat.

The demented man dragged Carter to the dining room table. 

He bent down, lifted up Carter and plopped him down in the center of the table.

The old hag jumped up out of her chair and ran to the kitchen.

The other inbreeds grabbed their forks and knives and were ready to chow down.

The old hag ran back to the table from the kitchen with a bottle of seasoned meat tenderizer powder in hand and a meat mallet in her other hand.  She quickly sprinkled Carter’s body with the meat tenderizer powder.

The demented pulled the starting cord on the chainsaw.  The chainsaw engine sputtered.  He pulled the cord again.  The chainsaw sputtered. 

Carter woke up on the table and looked dazed and confused while he stared at the two psychopathic males and females at the table. 

He saw the old hag standing by the table salivating with a meat mallet in one hand and the bottle of meat tenderizer power in her other hand. 

Carter then saw the demented man while he fiddled with the chainsaw to determine why it wouldn’t start.

“Oh crap!” Carter yelled out when he realized he was the main course of this weird psychopathic family.

“Leave my man alone!” Sabrina the dog yelled out in her female voice.

The demented man looked a little baffled while he looked at Sabrina the dog. 

“Run Carter,” Sabrina the dog yelled out while she leaped in the air and knocked the demented man down.

Carter jumped off the table and ran to the front door with Sabrina the dog.

The old hag, the two psychopathic females and the two psychopathic males looked like they wanted to cry when their dinner ran away.

In the front yard of the dilapidated house, Carter and Sabrina the dog raced through the weeds and headed to the Mini Cooper.

The demented man raced out of the front door while he pulled on the starter cord of the chainsaw.  The chainsaw sputtered and smoked while the engine attempted to start.

Carter and Sabrina the dog ran to the Mini Cooper and quickly got inside.

Inside the Mini Cooper, Carter frantically tried to start the car.

The whaaaaa sound of the chainsaw was heard over the failed sound of car engine starting.

Carter and Sabrina the dog saw the demented man standing by the Mini Cooper with the running chainsaw in hand.  He looked hungry and wasn’t going let his family’s dinner escape.

Carter finally got the Mini Cooper started; put it in drive then stomped on the gas pedal.

While the Mini Cooper raced away, the sound of metal cutting while the chainsaw was slicing away at the top of the car.  Carter and Sabrina the dog ducked while the chainsaw missed their head by inches.

The Mini Cooper raced away and the roof slid off landing in the road.

The demented man looked pissed while he watched the convertible Mini Cooper racing away down the street.

Carter leaned over and grabbed Sabrina the dog head and pulled her over to him.  “Thank you sweetie for saving my life,” he said then kissed the top of her shaggy dog’s head. 

Sabrina the dog started licking Carter’s face.  A flash of rainbow colored light consumed her entire body and Sabrina the woman appeared in the passenger seat licking Carter’s face.

Later that night, the Mini Cooper raced into Louisiana.

They drove down a two-lane country road and started to get sleepy. 

Carter saw the lighted sign for “Another Cheap Motel – Purtty Mouth Louisiana” on the other side of the road.

He crossed the road and pulled into the hotel’s parking lot and drove to the office.

A little while later, the Mini Cooper was parked outside Room 12 of the Another Cheap Motel.

Inside Room 12, Carter took a shower while Sabrina the woman sat on the king size bed combing her long blonde hair while she watched TV.

  The Repeat Stories – East Channel was on the TV and the 1996 movie called The Birdcage was being shown.  The original 1979 version called La Cage aux Folles was to be shown next.

The motel phone rang from the bedside table.  Sabrina the woman reached over and grabbed the receiver.  “Hello,” she answered.

“Have you checked the children lately?” a creepy male voice said from the phone.

“I'm sorry, but I don't have any children,” Sabrina the woman replied.

“Sorry, wrong number,” the creepy male voice responded from the phone then hung up.

Sabrina the woman hung up the receiver then went back to watching the movie on the TV.

A few minutes later, the phone rang again. 

Sabrina the woman picked up the receiver.  “Hello,” she answered the call.  All she heard was a click of the caller hanging up.  She hung up the receiver and went back to combing her hair while watching the TV.

The phone rang again and she got a little irritated when she reached over and grabbed the receiver.  “Hello,” Sabrina the woman answered and sounded a little irritated. 

“Have you checked the children lately?” a different creepy male voice replied from the phone.

Sabrina the woman fumed.  “Listen! You did this once and it was spooky, but it's not the second time around!  Do something fresh for once!” she yelled out then slammed down the phone.

Carter walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.  “Who was on the phone?”

“Wrong number,” Sabrina the woman replied while she continued to comb her silky long blonde hair.

Carter sat down on the bed and glanced at the TV.  His eyes lit up.  “Great!  I just love the Repeat Stories Channel,” he said.

Sabrina the woman looked bothered  “You need to quit watching the same old stories.  Watch something new for once.”

“And take a chance on it stinking!  I don't think so, is what my grandfather would say,” he said mimicking his granddad.

Sabrina the woman rolled her eyes.  She got under the covers and placed the pillow over her head to block out the movie she’s seen so many times in the past.

Carter got under the covers and watched The Birdcage movie with interest.

Meanwhile over in Bel-Air, Alvin sat, still in those pink pajamas, in Senator Cheatham’s den tied to a chair with rope. 

He looked scared to death while Senators Cheatham, Dewey, Howe, and Scarface circled around him like Indians circling a wagon train.

Scarface had a wet noodle in his hand and he started slapping Alvin’s face.  “You can't last much longer Alvin. Tell us where Carter, that ugly Shaggy dog, and the Pink Panther are!” he yelled while the wet noodle slapped Alvin’s face.

Alvin kept his lips tight while Scarface continued to whip his face with that wet noodle leaving small red marks.