Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


The next day, Carter drove the Mini Cooper across the Mississippi line and headed into the Deep South.  Sabrina the dog sat in the passenger seat and had her head out the window.  She loved the feeling of the wind blowing across her face.

A little while later, Carter drove down the two-lane country road and drove over the “Waterloo Bridge” and crossed the small Waterloo River.

Carter drove the Mini Cooper down the two-lane road.

It was later that day and Sabrina the woman drove the Mini Cooper down another two-lane country road deep into Alabama.

Carter sat in the passenger seat with the window down.  “I don’t get why dogs love sticking their heads out a car window when it’s running down the road,” he said he glanced out the window.

Sabrina the woman looked over at Carter.  “Go ahead.  Stick your head out the window and you’ll understand,” she replied trying to coax him.

Carter started to stick his head out the window then brought it back inside.

“Go head.  Try something different detective Remake.  You’ll love it.  I promise,” she coaxed him.

Carter looked at the window then moved his head outside. 

The wind blew in Carter’s face while the Mini Cooper raced down the road. 

“You’re right.  I love it!” Carter yelled out while the wind blew in his face. 

A spooky fog suddenly appeared with zero visibility.

The Mini Cooper drifted off to the side of the road.

Carter’s head smacked into the “Welcome to Alabama” sign.

Sabrina the woman drove the Mini Cooper out of the fog.

Carter slumped over the windowsill of this car passed out from smacking into the road sign.  A large goose egg formed on Carter’s forehead.

Sabrina the woman chuckled at the sight of Carter.

She grabbed his field jacket and pulled him back into the car.

Carter lay slumped down in his seat while Sabrina the woman drove down the road.

Later that evening, Carter drove the Mini Cooper down a two-lane country road.  He had a goose egg on his forehead and a splitting headache.  But he toughed it out and didn’t stop for an aspirin.

Sabrina the woman dozed off in the passenger seat.

The sky got eerie dark while a massive thunderstorm was fast approaching.

The Mini Cooper crossed into Georgia.

Loud thunder boomed all over the sky.

Bolts of lightning shot out from the dark clouds.

Sabrina the woman jumped up started at the sound of thunder and lightning.

The clouds opened up and dumped rain into the Mini Cooper.

Carter and Sabrina the woman were soaked within seconds.

Meanwhile, back in Senator Cheatham’s mansion, he along with Scarface, Senator’s Dewey and Howe all wore hearing protection.  

The nerve-racking sound of a baby crying blared out of the stereo.

Alvin sat tied in his chair with wet noodle marks all over his face.  He cringed at the sound of the baby crying.

“Tell us where Carter Remake and that ugly mutt went!” Scarface yelled at Alvin.

Alvin sat there tight-lipped and wasn’t about to cave to this torture technique.

It was still raining in Georgia while Carter drove the Mini Cooper down a two-lane country road.  The inside of the car was filled with water up to the window sills of the doors.

Water splashed out every time Carter went around a bend.

Carter drove a little farther down the road and saw a farmhouse off to the right.  He saw an orange car parked next to the barn. 

“We need to ditch this car,” Carter said while he pulled off to the side of the road.

They opened their doors and water immediately poured out.

Carter and Sabrina the woman jumped out of the car soaking wet.

They ran to the barn leaving a wet trail.

Carter and Sabrina the woman snuck around the side of the barn.  They saw an orange 1969 Dodge Charger with "General Lee” with "01" on the door.  The General Lee was parked with its back end up on rhino car ramps.

They snuck around to the front of the General Lee. Carter tried to open the driver's door.  It was welded shut. Carter lifted Sabrina the woman up and assisted her inside the car.  Carter climbed through the window after Sabrina the woman sat in the passenger seat.

Carter immediately cranked up the General Lee and the engine started up with a varoom.

He drove the car down off the ramps and headed to the front yard of the farmhouse.

“Help!” the sound of a Georgia good-ole boy was heard screaming from under the General Lee.

A pair of kicking legs was visible under the General Lee while Carter raced the car through the front yard grass.  “Stop General Lee!” the Georgia good-ole boy screamed out.

Carter made a screeching turn with the General Lee onto the country road.

The Georgia good-ole boy tumbled out from under the General Lee.  

He quickly jumped up and ran after the General Lee while it raced down the road.  “General Lee!  Please come back General Lee!  I need you!”

The Georgia good-ole boy was soon out of breath.  He stopped running and his eyes filled with tears at the sight of his car racing off down the street.

It was later that night and Sabrina the woman raced the General Lee into North Carolina.

Carter crawled over into the backseat, curled up and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, back in Senator Cheatham’s mansion in Bel-Air, Alvin was still tied to the chair.  Senator’s Cheatham, Dewey and Howe watched while Scarface circled around Alvin.

“Come on Alvin.  You can't last much longer.  Spill the beans,” Senator Cheatham said while Scarface circled around Alvin to intimidate him.

“I can take anything you dish out,” Alvin defiantly replied.

Scarface’s eyes lit up with an idea.  He rushed over to a black duffel bag on the other side of the room.  This was his bag that contained numerous torture items.

Scarface rummaged through the items in the back of the bag then he removed a DVD.

“It's time for the heavy stuff,” said while he rushed over to the DVD player in the bookcase.

The three Senators curiously watched while Scarface placed the DVD into the player and hit the play button.

The theme song to the Brady Bunch started blaring out of the speakers.

Alvin stared at the TV and panic set in his eyes when he saw the Brady Bunch movie start playing.  “Okay!  I give up.  Carter and the dog went to Admiral Harry Palmer's house in somewhere Washington, DC, as he will be buying the Pink Panther from the cat burglar Thomas Crown,” Alvin yelled out.  The movie continued to play.  “For love of humanity, please turn it off.  Please!” Alvin pleaded.

Scarface looked at Alvin and the Brady Bunch movie.  He felt sorry for Alvin and turned off the DVD play.

Alvin sighed a sigh of relief.

“Scarface.  Get on the next plane to DC and get that Pink Panther and evidence!  My assistant will pick you up at the airport and you can stay at my secret apartment in Roslyn.  Everything you need like guns and bullets will be there.  No witnesses should be left behind,” Senator Cheatham told him.

“Yes sir,” Scarface replied and rushed over to the door.

“Now, lets go put out another wanted poster with a twenty thousand dollar reward amount,” Senator Cheatham told his buddies.

They all ran out of the den with Alvin still tied in the chair.

It was later that night, and Carter raced the General Lee down a two-lane country road in Virginia.

Sabrina the dog was curled up in the backseat sound asleep while the General Lee raced down the country road.