Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


It was the next morning in Washington DC.

Sabrina the woman drove the General Lee down a busy street in DC.

Carter was curled up in the backseat sleeping.

“Wake up Carter, we’re in Washington,” she called out to him.

  Carter’s eyes opened.  He sat up in the backseat and stretched while he yawned.  He looked around while he stretched.  “I hate Washington the District of Crooks.  The town that’s full of all those government officials laughing all the way to the bank while they’re screwing the American public,” he said then climbed across the front seat and sat next to Sabrina the woman.

“More reason why we need to get that evidence,” Sabrina the woman replied while she made a left turn and headed down another street.

Meanwhile, at the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Scarface walked out of the baggage claim doors.  He immediately lit up a Cuban cigar while he waited.

A shiny black Mercedes Benz C-Class C300 luxury sedan stopped by Scarface.

Alfie a thirty-five year old chauffeur with a British accent, jumped out from behind the driver’s seat of the Mercedes. 

Alfie rushed over to the rear door and opened it.

Scarface walked over, got inside the Mercedes Benz and sat in the backseat.

Alfie closed the rear door and rushed around to the driver’s side.

“Thanks for last night Alfie,” a sexy red head woman called out in a sexy tone and winked while she walked by the Mercedes Benz.

Alfie smiled back at her while he placed his hand on the driver’s door handle.

“Can we do it again Alfie?” a sexy blonde woman called out to him in a sexy tone with a smile while she walked past the car.

Alfie blew that woman a kiss while he opened up the driver’s door.

Alfie sat behind the wheel and closed the door.

While he was inside the Mercedes Benz, a sexy African-American woman tapped on Alfie’s car window. “You make me wet Alfie!” the African-American woman called out from outside the car then ran her tongue around her lips.  She then puckered up and kissed the car window. 

Alfie puckered up and kissed the window.

Scarface looked pissed from the backseat.  “Hey horn dog!  Can we get going?” he yelled out.

Alfie looked back at Scarface.  “Sorry sir.”

Alfie started up the Mercedes Benz.

Outside the Mercedes Benz, a sexy brunette saw Alfie and rushed over to the car wanting him in the worse way. 

She got a little too close to the car and Alfie didn’t notice her.

He drove off and ran over the brunette’s toes.  “Call me Alfie!” she cried out in pain.  She jumped up and down in pain, holding her smashed toes while she watched the Mercedes Benz drive away.

A little while later Alfie drove the Mercedes Benz down another street in Washington.

Scarface was still in the back and stared out his window.

He didn’t notice the General Lee from the other window while Carter turned down another street.

Scarface continued to stare out his window while a new white Volkswagen Beetle called Herbie with "54" painted on both doors and the hood, passed the Mercedes from the other lane.

A little while later, Carter drove down another Washington DC streets.

Carter and Sabrina the woman were exhausted and wanted some rest before they started their search for Admiral Palmer’s residence.

He pulled the General Lee into the parking lot of another cheap motel called the Congressional Quickie Motel located outside to Alexandria, Virginia.  This motel was where numerous government officials spend an hour with their male or female mistresses.

Carter parked the General Lee in an opened parking spot near a bunch of white government Chevy Impala’s.

Fifteen minutes later, Carter and Sabrina the woman were inside Room 9.

Carter and Sabrina the Woman lay in bed watching the Repeat Stories – East Channel on the TV.

They watched the 1956 movie called The Man Who Knew Too Much.  After that movie, the original 1934 version also called The Man Who Knew Too Much was going to be shown.

Carter glanced over at Sabrina the woman.  “You never told me how you became a dog.”

Sabrina looked up at the ceiling and hesitated of telling him her story. 

After a few seconds, she decided that since she really liked Carter, he should know.  “Well, it started when I went to the Arizona Adams College.  My father worked with Professor Homer Love and they were working on numerous experiments.  Professor Love was called the Nutty Professor because he loved doing experiments on nuts.  After my father died, I went there one day to pick up daddy’s personal belongings,” she started to tell her story.

Sabrina the woman’s story…

It was two years ago in the Arizona Adams College laboratory filled with hundreds of glass tubes filled with different colored fluids.

Homer Love was a skinny African-American professor with buck teeth, wild frizzy hair and glasses at the end of his nose.  He stood at a table with numerous beakers staged in small stands. 

He grabbed a beaker and poured the bright green liquid into a blender that was filled with six different types of nuts.

Sabrina the woman entered the lab in her rookie police uniform with a huge supersized cup of soda in hand.

Sabrina the woman walked over to the Nutty Professor.  She placed her large cup of soda on the table.

“Where’s daddy’s things?” she asked the professor.

“It’s over there,” the Nutty Professor said in a nasal voice and pointed to a cardboard box on the other side of the room.

They both didn’t notice while his arm smacked into a beaker causing it to swivel and pour its entire contents into Sabrina’s cup.  The Nutty Professor realized what he did and he quickly placed the beaker upright.

“Thanks,” Sabrina the woman said while she grabbed her supersized cup of soda.

“Ah I wouldn’t to that,” the Nutty Professor said and pointed at the cup.

Sabrina the woman didn’t hear him and took a huge swig of her soda.

“Ah, that stuff, ah,” the Nutty Professor nervously stuttered while he realized he screwed up.

“What?” Sabrina the woman said after she finishing gulping down her soda.

 The Nutty Professor pointed to the empty spilled beaker.

Sabrina the woman’s eyes widened with fear.  “Am I going to die?” she asked while she turned pale and started to sweat.

The Nutty Professor shrugged his shoulders indicating he didn’t have a clue.

Sabrina the woman got bugged eyed.   She turned white as a ghost.  Sweat poured out of her pores.  Her eyes crossed and started twitching.   A flash of rainbow colored light consumed her entire body.

Back to reality in Carter’s Congressional Quickie Motel room…

“Then there I was, a Sheep dog.  I then moved out to Remakewood and started working as a police dog,” Sabrina the woman replied.

“Is there a potion that can stop it?” Carter curiously asked.

“The Nutty Professor was working on one, but he drank another one of his concoctions and is now a playboy lounge singer.  He calls himself Larry the Lounge Lizard,” she replied.

“Well, I can live with a sheep dog if necessary,” Carter replied while he gazed into her eyes.

Their lips met and started a passionate kiss that lasted for five minutes.

Then they both fell fast asleep.

Meanwhile, over at the Dulles International Airport, a while with red trim Embraer Legacy jet landed on the active runway and taxied over to a hangar.

The door to the Embraer Legacy jet opened and Thomas Crown strutted down the stairs with a small cloth bag in his hand.

A beautiful white Rolls Royce Silver Cloud III limousine pulled up.

The male chauffeur jumped out from behind the wheel.  He opened up the rear door and Thomas Crown sat in the backseat.

The chauffeur closed the rear door, ran around and got back behind the wheel.

The Silver Cloud limousine drove away.