Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


It was the next morning in Carter’s Congressional Quickie Motel room he and Sabrina the woman finished taking turns showering.

They both sat on the bed and looked in the white pages of the motel phone book.

“He’s unlisted.  Now what?” Carter said while he closed the phone book.

“I guess we should hit the streets and do some old fashion detective work and search for him,” Sabrina the woman replied.

Sabrina the woman got on her hands and knees.

“Ah, is that an invitation?” he asked while he saw her in the doggie position.

“No, I’m thinking that if we run across any other pouches, I can get some information,” she replied then wagged her tail indicating she was happy.

Carter thought about her comment and thought it was a great idea.  He opened up a drawer on the table next to the bed.  He removed a dog leash with a dog collar.

Carter installed the dog collar around her neck.  “I could start to like this,” he jokingly said.

A flash of rainbow colored light consumed her body and Sabrina the dog appeared.

Carter walked her to the door and they went outside.

Carter walked Sabrina the dog around Georgetown for an hour.

They walked down Hillary Lane where rich looking townhouses were on both sides of the street.  It was looking hopeless, as they couldn’t find any sign of Admiral Palmer’s residence.

They walked farther down the street.

Sabrina the dog’s ears perked up when she heard something of interest.  She looked across the street and saw a Dalmatian relaxing in the front yard of a townhouse about eight feet from a young boys bicycle. 

“Let me loose so I can see if that dog over there knows anything,” she told Carter.

He reached down and unleashed Sabrina the dog.

She ran across the street to the front yard.

The Dalmatian saw Sabrina the dog running after her and he stood up wagging his tail. 

After a few seconds of sniffing each other’s backsides, she whispered in the Dalmatian’s ear.

The Dalmatian whispered back in her ear.

Carter watched while they both took off running to the backyard of that townhouse.

Carter paced up and down the street while he waited for Sabrina the dog to return.

After ten minutes, Carter got concern that Sabrina the dog might be in danger.

He rushed over and ran through the front yard of that townhouse.

Carter ran around the side and headed to the backyard.

He came to a screeching halt and his eyes widened in shock.  He saw numerous Dalmatians relaxing in the grass and they all looked exhausted.

He saw one of the Dalmatians humping Sabrina the dog while two other Dalmatians waited for their turn.

“Sabrina!  How could you?” Carter cried out deeply hurt.

Sabrina the dog’s eyes widen over hearing his voice.  “Oh, oh!” she said then looked and saw Carter.

Carter stormed off visibly heartbroken.

Sabrina the dog ran after him leaving that Dalmatian humping the air.

“Sweetie.  That was the only way I could get information on Admiral Palmer,” she pleaded while she ran after Carter.

“Did you get his address?” he asked her while he looked pissed.

Sabrina the dog hung her head down.  “Not yet.”

“I don’t understand you at all.”

“I’m so sorry Carter.  But it's the dog part of me coming out.  I can’t help it.  But I really needed to sacrifice myself for the good of our mission.”

“I never want to see you again!” Carter yelled then threw the leash on the ground and ran off down the street.

Sabrina the dog stood there and looked devastated.

“Hey baby, come back!” one of the Dalmatian’s yelled from the front yard.

Sabrina the dog looked back at the Dalmatian.  She turned around and looked at Carter who rushed away down the street.

“What the hell,” she said then rushed off back to the Dalmatian.

A little while later, Carter went back to his room at the Congressional Quickie Motel.

He was still pissed with Sabrina the dog and made a phone call to get even.

“That’s correct.  That sheep dog was last seen at fifty-three thirty-five Hillary Lane, in Georgetown,” Carter replied into the phone.  There was a few seconds of silence while he listened.  “My name? Ah, my name is Peter Puddintane,” Carter said then hung up the phone with a satisfied look on his face.

A little while later, the street was quiet while the Georgetown Animal Control truck slowly down the Hillary Lane with its yellow overhead light flashing.

It stopped at the townhouse where Sabrina the dog was previously the object of numerous male satisfactions.

At the back of the townhouse, the 101 Dalmatians lounged around the backyard with Sabrina the dog.  They were all exhausted and started to doze off to sleep.

The ears of one of the Dalmatians perked up hearing a sound from the front yard.  “Pound people!” that Dalmatian yelled out the second he saw two male Animal Control workers walk to the backyard with nets ready.

The 101 Dalmatians jumped up and scattered in the backyard in search for a place to hide.

Sabrina the dog was a little slower with reacting to the warning.  She stood up and saw the two Animal Control workers run over to her with their nets ready to snag her.

She ran off through the back yard.

The two Animal Control workers chased after Sabrina the dog.

It was a Keystone Cops scene while the two Animal Control workers chased after Sabrina the dog.

The one worker fell flat on his face when he tripped over his two feet.

The other worker then tripped over his fallen coworker.

The two workers jumped up off the grass and saw Sabrina the dog while she ran along the side of the townhouse and headed to the front yard.

Sabrina the dog ran through the front yard with the two Animal Control workers hot on her tail.

She looked back while she ran.  “Oh, oh!” she cried out when she saw them gaining ground on her.  She looked forward and her eyes widened in fear.  “Crap!” she yelled out the second she got tangled up in the young boys bicycle.

The two Animal Control workers ran up and snagged Sabrina the dog with their net.

Meanwhile, Carter drove the General Lee around the streets of Georgetown in search of Admiral Palmer’s townhouse.

At Admiral Palmer’s townhouse, he just paid Thomas Crown one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in hard cold in cash for the Pink Panther.

Thomas Crown left the townhouse and was being chauffeured back to the Dulles International Airport.

Carter drove the General Lee around the streets of Washington DC in search of some clue as to where Admiral Palmer lived. 

He spotted some hookers on one of the sleazy streets of downtown DC.  

He pulled the General Lee over to the curb.

A redheaded hooker smiled while she sashayed over to the General Lee.

Carter leaned over and rolled down the passenger door window.

“Hey sugar.  I’m Senator’s Delight.  Want to play with my legislation?” she seductively asked while she ran her tongue around her lips. 

“Well darling.  I’m really in need of the address for Admiral Palmer,” Carter asked while he showed her two twenty dollar bills in his hand.

Senator’s Delight snatched the cash out of Carter’s hand.  “He lives at seventy-two fifteen Pageboy Lane in Georgetown,” she said then blew Carter a kiss.

Carter rolled up the door window while Senator’s Delight sashayed away to the sidewalk.

Over at the Critters Nobody Wants pound, Sabrina the dog was shoved into a small kennel.  She tried to turn back into a woman to escape, but for some strange reason, it wasn’t working.  She looked ever so sad and really missed Carter in the worst way.

A male kennel worker, named Harvey, entered the kennel area pushing a cart filled with bowls of dog food.

He walked down the aisle and shoved bowls of food into the kennels.

He walked over to her kennel and shoved a bowl of cheap nasty looking dog food into Sabrina’s kennel.  He looked at Sabrina and thought she was adorable.

Harvey parked the cart and grabbed his cup of Starbucks coffee off the cart.  He walked away and went into his small office located at the end of the hallway.

Inside Harvey’s office, he sat down and propped his feet up on his desk.

He glanced at the wall were a new poster was tacked up earlier in the day.

He sipped his coffee while he read the “I Lost My Sweet Sheep Dog in the DC Area.  Please Contact Senator Cheatham at 555-5555.  $2,000 Reward” from the poster.

Harvey’s eyes widened when the contents of the poster sunk in his head.  He sprayed coffee everywhere while he jumped up in his seat and grabbed his phone.   He quickly punched in the phone number from the poster.

Back at the sleazy street in Washington DC, Scarface pulled a black Hummer, with a moon roof, up to the curb where hooker Senator’s Delight paced up and down the sidewalk. 

She sashayed over to the Hummer thinking she had a rich john tonight. 

“Hey sugar,” she said while she bent down and stuck her head inside the passenger door window.

“I really need the address of Admiral Palmer,” Scarface asked while he flashed three twenty dollar bills at her.

“Ah sure, he lives at seventy-two fifteen Pageboy Lane in Georgetown, she replied while she snatched the sixty dollars out of his hands.

Scarface rolled up the door window while Senator’s Delight sashayed away to the sidewalk.

Back at his mansion in Bel-Air, Senator Cheatham sat at his desk in his office.  He counted stacks of twenty dollar bills that he squandered from the American public.

His cell phone rang and he opened it up.  “Cheatham,” he answered.

 “Ah yes.  My name is Harvey and I have that sheep dog you’re searching for,” he said from the cell phone.

Cheatham jumped up from his seat up with a smile.


“At the Critters Nobody Wants Pound in Georgetown.  Can I have my money?” Harvey replied from the cell phone.

Cheatham looked at the bundles of cash.  He grabbed a few and stuffed them into an envelope.

“As soon as I get my sweet Sheep dog, I’ll mail you a cashier’s check,” Senator Cheatham replied while grabbed a pad of paper and a pen.  “What's your address?”

Cheatham listened and wrote down Harvey’s address on the pad of paper.