Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


It was later that night and Carter wore his Army field jacket while he drove the General Lee down Pageboy Lane in Georgetown.

Carter parked across the street from Admiral Palmer’s townhouse where a battleship gray Navy Chevy Impala staff car was parked along the curb.

The two-story townhouse home of Admiral Palmer looked quiet inside.

Carter turned off the General Lee and waited while he staked out the Admiral’s townhouse.

He looked over at the empty spot on the passenger seat. I miss her!  He thought to himself and now felt extremely guilty for calling the dog pound on his partner.

Fifteen minutes later, Admiral Palmer walked out of his townhouse in his dress Naval uniform.  He escorted two young sexy female Navy Seaman, Nancy and Sara, down the walkway and headed to the waiting Navy car.

He walked to the Navy staff car where a male Navy Petty Officer Third Class waited with the rear door opened.

Admiral Palmer let Nancy and Sara get in the backseat of the staff car then he got inside.

The Petty Officer closed the rear door then rushed over and got behind the wheel.

From inside the General Lee, Carter watched while the Navy staff car drove off down the street.

He got out of the General Lee and ran across the street toward Admiral Palmer’s townhouse.

Carter snuck through Admiral Palmer’s front yard.

Carter snuck around the side of Admiral Palmer’s townhouse.

Back on the street, Scarface pulled up in the black Hummer and parked behind the General Lee.

It was quiet and dark inside Admiral Palmer’s house while Carter crawled through a dining room window.  He got his shoe tangled up in the window curtains and slammed to the floor.

Carter stood up, walked away through the dining room pulling the curtains off the rod and dragging them behind him.

He walked to the staircase, stopped and removed the tangled curtains from his shoe.

Carter rushed up the stairs.

Carter tiptoed down the upstairs hallway.

He peeked inside a bedroom that appeared to be a guest room. 

He tiptoed down the hallway.

He peeked inside the master bedroom where the wallpaper was nothing but Naval ships.  He noticed a bookcase full of model Navy ships over at the other end of the room. 

He went inside the bedroom.

Meanwhile, someone fiddled with the lock downstairs at the rear kitchen door.

The door quietly opened and Scarface stepped inside the kitchen.  He looked around and felt the coast was clear so he closed the door leaving it cracked opened.

He walked away through the kitchen.

Back in the master bedroom upstairs, Carter rummaged through the dresser drawers.

Scarface tiptoed up the stairs.

Carter went into the bathroom of the master bedroom.

Scarface tiptoed down the hallway and peeked into the master bedroom.  He decided to check out this room later and tiptoed away.

Scarface went inside the adjoining bedroom that Admiral Palmer used for his female Navy guests.

Carter tiptoed out of the master bedroom and stood in the hallway.  He pondered if he should check out the other rooms.  He decided to check the downstairs of the house.

Carter tiptoed down the hallway and headed to the stairs.

Scarface rummaged through the one guest bedroom and couldn’t find the Pink Panther.

He walked out of the bedroom and went into the hallway.

Carter walked down the downstairs hallway and went into the den. 

Carter saw a bookcase with numerous Naval books and other knickknacks.  His eyes lit up when he spotted two ceramic Pink Panthers nestled between two models of some Navy PT boats.

Carter did a little victory dance into the den and over to the bookcase.

He grabbed the two Pink Panthers and shoved them into his field jacket pockets.

Carter headed to the door of the den.  He stopped in his tracks when he heard the stairs creak meaning someone was inside the townhouse.

Carter rushed out of the den.

Carter rushed down the hallway.

Carter rushed by the entrance to the stairs.

Carter slammed into Scarface the second he stepped off the stairs.

Scarface went flying back and slammed into a wall burying his head into the drywall.

Carter got scared and bolted to the kitchen when he noticed the rear door was cracked opened.

He bolted out the rear door in the kitchen.

Outside Admiral Palmer’s townhouse, Carter ran through the backyard and headed to the side of the house.

Carter ran down the front yard and headed to the General Lee.

The front door to Admiral Palmer’s townhouse slammed opened.  Scarface rushed outside with a chunk of drywall around his neck.  He was pissed while he whipped out his 9mm Glock with silencer and aimed at Carter running through the front yard.  He noticed one of the Pink Panthers peeking out of a one of Carter’s field jackets.

Carter heard a bullet whiz inches past his head.  He turned around and saw Scarface standing with his Glock aimed at the front door to Admiral Palmer’s townhouse.  “Crap!” he cried out.

There were more bullets from Scarface’s Glock whizzing past Carter’s head.

Carter danced around the zinging bullets while he ran across the street to the General Lee.

Carter got inside the General Lee and started up the engine with a varoom.  He stomped on the gas pedal.  The car’s tires screeched and smoked while it raced off down the street.

Scarface bolted across the front yard and headed to his Hummer.

The General Lee raced down Pageboy Lane.

Scarface jumped inside his Hummer and started it up.  He stomped on his gas pedal.  The tires screeched and smoked while the Hummer raced off down Pageboy Lane.

The General Lee made a screeching two wheel turn onto another street.

It got back on its four wheels and raced off down the street.

The Hummer made a screeching two wheel turn onto another street.

It got back on its four wheels and raced off down the street after the General Lee.

Inside the Hummer, Scarface slid the moon roof open.  He reached around to the backseat and grabbed the Thompson sub-machine gun.

He put the cruise control on the Hummer.  He stood up and sat on the headrest while he poked the rest of his body out of the moon roof.  He steered the Hummer with his shoes while he aimed the sub-machine gun at the General Lee.

The General Lee raced down the street.

The Hummer raced after the General Lee with Scarface sticking out of the moon roof.   He fired off a few rounds from the Thompson sub-machine gun.

Carter eyes widened in fear the second he heard the bullets zinging all around the General Lee.

He looked in his rear view mirror and saw Scarface sticking out of the Hummer’s roof with a Thompson sub-machine gun.

The rear window of the General Lee shattered into a million pieces.

Carter made a right screeching turn with the General Lee down another street.

Scarface made a right screeching turn with the Hummer with him almost falling out.

The Hummer raced after the General Lee with Scarface firing his sub-machine gun.

Carter made a screeching left turn and raced the General Lee down another street.

Scarface made a screeching left turn with the Hummer and it flipped upside down in the air.

“Mommy!” Scarface cried out when he saw the street racing at him.  He quickly sat back inside the Hummer.   The top of his head protruded outside when the SUV slammed on the street and skidded with sparks flying.  The Hummer slid down the street and crashed into a parked Lexus.

From inside the General Lee, Carter looked at the rear view mirror and saw Scarface’s Hummer crashed into the parked car.  “Asta la vista, baby!” Carter yelled out while he made a screeching left turn and drove the General Lee down another street.

The wheels of the Hummer were still spinning while it rested upside down crashed into a Lexus.

Inside the Hummer, Scarface was out cold from the crash.  The hair on the top of his head was completely ripped off leaving him permanently bald and bloody.

His cell phone rang with a machine gun ringtone.  He stirred and woke up.  His cell phone continued with its machine gun ringtone. 

It took him a few seconds to realize that was his cell phone and not someone firing at him.  He reached in his suit pocket and removed his cell phone.  “Hello,” he answered in pain.

“Did you get the pink Panther?” Senator Cheatham replied from the cell phone.

“No.  Carter Remake got away with it,” Scarface said and cringed knowing the Senator would be pissed.

“What?  I don’t freakin believe it,” Senator Cheatham yelled from the cell phone then stopped.

Scarface heard Senator Cheatham repeatedly beat on something for a few seconds and then it got quiet.

“Whew!  I feel better.  Okay.  We have a backup plan.  Carter's dog partner is at the Critters Nobody Wants pound in Georgetown.  Get that mutt out of there and we can tell Carter, that if he doesn't hand over the Pink Panther, we'll sell the dog to a Chinese Restaurant,” Senator Cheatham said from the cell phone.

“I can do that,” Scarface replied into his cell phone.

“Good, I’m sending a picture of the ugly mutt that our little Chief provided,” Senator Cheatham replied.

“Should I kill Carter?” Scarface said while he salivated at the thought of putting another notch on his belt.

There was a few seconds of silence.  “Not yet,” Senator Cheatham replied.

Scarface looked at the viewfinder of his cell phone and saw a picture of Sabrina the dog.  “Ah sir, there's another problem,” Scarface said while he stared at the picture.

“What now?” Senator Cheatham replied a little irritated.

“Well, I kinda wrecked your Hummer.”

There was silence from Scarface’s cell phone.  Scarface heard Senator Cheatham beating something.  There was silence from the cell phone.

“Whew!  I feel better.  Okay.  I’ll report it as stolen.  Get out of there and go down to the dealer and get another Hummer,” the Senator replied then disconnected the phone call.

Scarface shoved his cell phone into his suit pocket.  He squirmed to get out of the Hummer.  The driver’s door creaked while he opened it up.

He crawled out of the Hummer and stood up in the street.

Police sirens were heard a few streets over.

Scarface lit up a Cuban cigar.  He painfully limped away so the cops wouldn’t be asking him questions.