Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


Later that night, Carter rushed into his room at the Congressional Quickie Motel.

Carter sat on the bed and removed the two Pink Panthers from his field jacket.  He placed them on the bed and looked excited that he found the evidence. 

He glanced around the empty room and wished Sabrina was here to celebrate.  He still felt guilty for calling the dog pound. 

 He grabbed one of the pink Panthers, turned it upside down, removed the plug, shook it and some rolled up pictures fell out. 

He grabbed the roll of pictures, unrolled them, and saw they were pictures of Admiral Palmer; one of him wearing high heels and pink teddy, one of him on his hands and knees wearing panties and a female Navy Seaman sitting on his back in a cowboy outfit, another one of him wearing a black bra and black panties and another female Navy Seaman smacking the Admiral’s old saggy butt cheeks with a thin whip.

Carter got the dry heaves while he looked at the pictures. 

He dropped them on the floor and immediately wiped his hands on his pants.

He grabbed the other Pink Panther turned it upside down, removed the plug, shook it and another roll of pictures came out.  Carter looked scared of the pictures and wasn’t about to lay a finger on them.

Carter looked at the empty "Sabrina” dog dish over in the corner of the room while he dropped the Pink Panthers on the bed.  Guilt feelings again consumed through his entire body over calling the dog pound.

He grabbed the hotel phone by the bed and made a phone call.

“I'm sorry we cannot answer your call I’m busy picking up critter poop in the Critters Nobody Wants Pound.  Please try again later today,” the female recording played on the phone.

Carter looked depressed while he hung up the phone.

He wondered if Sabrina the dog was wondering the streets scared or if she was prisoner in the dog pound.

At the “Cheatham’s Hummer Dealership” Scarface, now sporting a bloody bald head, drove out of the lot in a brand new black Hummer.

He drove the vehicle down the street.

A little while later, Scarface pulled the Hummer into the parking lot of the Critters Nobody Wants Pound.

He parked and went inside the building.

A little while later, Harvey came out of the dog pound carrying Sabrina the dog in a cage. 

His knees buckled and he strained while he carried the cage to the Hummer.

Scarface opened up the back doors of the Hummer.

Harvey shoved the cage in the back of the Hummer.

Scarface slammed the rear doors of the Hummer.

Harvey looked at Scarface and discreetly shoved out the palm of his hand while he whistled a tune.

Scarface saw Harvey’s hand and reached inside his pants pocket.

Scarface pulled out a shiny new quarter and dropped it on the palm of Harvey’s hand.

While Scarface walked to the driver’s door, Harvey looked at the shiny quarter in his hand.

Scarface got inside the Hummer and lit up a Cuban cigar while he started up the vehicle.

While the Hummer drove out of the parking lot, Harvey gave Scarface the one finger salute.

Scarface drove the Hummer down the street with his car window down.  “Senator Cheatham.  I got that ugly sheep dog out of the dog pound,” he said into his cell phone.

In the back of the Hummer, Sabrina flipped Scarface off with one of her paws.

“Very good.  Now go to my secret corporate office.  When you get there, I want you to contact the cable channel where I’m one of the owners.  Look in my Rolex and call Leslie Lolita.  She can have her station broadcast our bargain to Carter,” Senator Cheatham replied from the cell phone.

Scarface didn’t notice while the Hummer veered across the double yellow lines in the road.

Another white Herbie the Love Bug 1966 Volkswagen Beetle with “54” painted on the doors and hood blew its horn from the other lane.

Scarface looked straight ahead and saw the Hummer while it was a few feet away from a head-on collision with the Beetle.

Scarface whipped his Hummer back into his lane while Herbie the Love Bug continued to blow.

“Stay in your lane asshole!” the male driver from the Beetle yelled out while he passed inches by the Hummer.

Scarface stuck his arm out the car window and gave Herbie the Love Bug the one finger salute.

A glob of oil shot out of the rear of the Beetle and splattered all over the rear window of the Hummer.

“Okay boss, I can do that right now,” Scarface replied into his cell phone.

He disconnected the call and shoved his cell phone into his suit pocket.

“Driving and cell phones don't mix shit for brains,” Sabrina the dog called out from the backseat in her human voice.

Scarface saw an old woman walking on the sidewalk.  “Bite me bitch!” he yelled at the lady and gave her the one finger salute.

The old woman looked stunned while she saw Scarface flip her off while the Hummer drove away.

“So what's your plan grease ball?” Sabrina the dog called out from the backseat.

“First I’ll take you to the office and then we can make a TV announcement for your,” Scarface replied without thinking then he stopped when he wondered where that voice came from.

He looked at the rear view mirror and saw Sabrina the dog with sad eyes while she sat in her cage.  Scarface scratched his head while he pondered where that female voice came from.

Sabrina the dog chuckled over the thought of screwing with Scarface’s mind.

Carter fishtailed the General Lee with tires smoking into the parking lot of the Critters Nobody Wants Pound.

He shut-off the engine and jumped out of the car.

“I’m coming darling,” Carter yelled out while he ran to the front entrance of the dog pound with a huge smile on his face.

He ran inside the dog pound.

A few seconds later, Carter slowly moped out of the dog pound looking ever so depressed that Sabrina the dog was gone.

Carter moped through the parking lot.

Carter moped down the sidewalk from the dog pound looking broken hearted.

Carter moped down a residential sidewalk.  He looked at a front yard and saw a dog humping another dog. 

He wanted to cry over that sight while he moped down the sidewalk.

Carter moped down another residential sidewalk and looked so sad when he saw a dog licking the face of his owner on the front porch of a house.

He moped down the sidewalk.

Carter moped down another residential sidewalk and reminisced when he saw a dog in a front yard licking her crotch.

He moped down the sidewalk.

Carter moped down another residential sidewalk and his eyes welled up when he saw a dog sniffing the backside of another dog in a front yard.

He moped down the sidewalk.

Carter moped down another residential sidewalk.  He sensed something was not right and he stopped.  He looked at the bottom of his right shoe and noticed that he stepped in a big pile of dog poop.  “I miss her!” he said while he scrapped the crap off the bottom of his shoes.

He moped down the sidewalk.

An hour later, Carter stopped on the sidewalk of another residential street.  He suddenly stopped walking.  “Where the hell am I?” he quietly muttered to himself while he looked around lost.