Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


Scarface whipped the Hummer into the parking lot of another four-story Manchurian World Corporation Office Building.  This office was located on the other side of Washington DC.

He stopped at the door and opened up his cell phone and read the text message from Senator Cheatham.  He punched in the other cipher code provided by the Senator.

The door opened and Scarface rushed inside the building.

Scarface ran up to the fourth floor and went inside the “Dewey Cheatham and Howe” office shared by the three crooks.

He rushed inside the plush office carrying those two Pink Panthers. He rushed over to a desk, and placed the Panthers down on the desk.  He removed his suit jacket then picked up the phone and dialed a number.  While the phone rang at the other end of the line, Scarface picked up one of the Pink Panthers and kissed it.

“Senator Cheatham. I got the Pink Panthers!” Scarface cried out all excited then he lit up a Cuban cigar.

“Pink panthers?  There's more than one?”  Senator Cheatham replied from the phone.

“Two sir.”

“Send them all to me,” Senator Cheatham replied

“How sir?”

“I’ll text you some instructions,” Senator Cheatham replied.

Scarface waited a few seconds and then the Senator’s text message arrived.  Scarface read the instructions on his cell phone. 

He grabbed the pink Panthers and walked over to a bookcase next to the desk.  The bookcase was full of DVDs with the same titles but different label designs.

He removed a bunch of remake movie DVDs and a small round hole with a hinged covered appeared on the wall.

He set the DVDs on the floor then reached up and flipped the switch by the hole to the “Suck” position. 

The hole immediately started sucking office air. 

Two ballpoint pens from Scarface’s shirt pocket flew out and were sucked into the pneumatic chute.

Hundreds of paper clips on the top of the Senator’s desk flew over and were sucked into the pneumatic chute. 

Scarface placed one of the Pink Panthers into the hole.  It was immediately sucked into the chute.

He placed the other Pink Panther into the chute.  It was immediately sucked into the hole.

He got a little too close to the chute and it started to suck in his silk tie.  “Ahhhh!” Scarface cried out while his tie started cutting off his circulation around his neck.  He used all his strength and was able to pull his tie out.

His Cuban cigar was sucked out of his mouth and zoomed into the chute.

Scarface used all his strength and was able to close the hinged cover.  The air sucking sound ceased. 

Scarface replaced the DVDs back in their spots. 

He quickly loosened his tie and sucked air into his lungs.

Way over in Bel-Air, Senator Cheatham stood in the den of his mansion.  He was at his bookcase where he removed a bunch of DVDs of movies that were remakes. 

Another round-hinged cover was opened in the wall where the switch was in the “Blow” position.  Air was blowing out of the hole at a high velocity.

Two ballpoint pens zoomed out of the hole like bullets and missed Senator Cheatham’s head by inches.  The two pens penetrated the wall across the room.

The paper clips zoomed out of the hole like machine gun fire missing Senator Cheatham’s head by inches.

The paper clips penetrated the wall across the room.

“That was close,” Senator Cheatham said while he looked at the hole.  One of the Pink Panthers zoomed out of the hole and smacked Senator Cheatham in his forehead.  He dropped to his knees in pain for a few seconds.

He stood up and the second Pink Panther zoomed out of the hole and smacked Senator Cheatham in his forehead.  His eyes crossed and he dropped to the floor in extreme pain.

The hole continued to blow air out into the room.

Senator Cheatham stood up and looked at the hole the second Scarface’s Cuban cigar zoomed out.

The burning end of the cigar smacked into Senator’s Cheatham’s forehead. 

“Ahhhh!” Senator Cheatham danced around smacking his forehead thinking it was on fire.

Meanwhile, over in the Willy’s Chocolate Factory Café located in downtown Washington DC, Carter and Sabrina the woman decided to chill out a little and enjoy some sweets.

The inside of the Café was packed with couples eating chocolate cake, chocolate candy, chocolate pie, chocolate pudding and chocolate ice cream.

Carter and Sabrina the Woman sat at a table where she ate a huge chunk of a chocolate candy bar while Carter munched down on a huge chunk of chocolate cake.  They both had residue chocolate all around their mouths.

“Just remember, never and I mean never, give me chocolate when I'm a, you know!” she said with a mouthful of chocolate.

“I know,” Carter replied with a mouthful of chocolate.

Sabrina took another huge bite of her chocolate bar.  “I wonder where Palmer has that evidence?” she asked with a mouthful of chocolate.

Carter gave her a look that he didn't understand.  “Ba blah blah baba baba blah blah baba blah blah?”

Sabrina swallowed her chocolate.  “I said, I wonder where Palmer has that evidence?

“I don't have a clue.”

Those two female Navy Seaman, Nancy and Sara, who walked out of Admiral Palmer’s townhouse, walked over with huge pieces of chocolate cake. 

They sat down at the empty table by Carter and Sabrina the woman.

Carter and Sabrina ate while they pondered a possible location of the Pink Panther with the evidence.

“I sure had fun with Dick and Jane last night,” Nancy told Sara.

“I don't know, I mean, they were fun the first time, but they got boring the second time around,” Sara replied then shoved a piece of cake into her mouth. “Now pulling maneuvers in Admiral Palmer's office at the Pentagon is a blast,” Sara added with a mouthful cake.

Nancy thought about Sara’s comment and smiled when she recalled the other night.

“You got that right.  Especially when he yanks out his small little torpedo!” Nancy said with a light giggle.

Sara giggled over Nancy’s joke and they didn’t notice Carter and Sabrina eavesdropping behind them.

“Where is he tonight?” Sara asked Nancy.

“I think he's doing maneuvers with the Air Force, Army and Marines in a motel room,” Nancy replied then shoved some cake into her mouth.

“Ooh, did you see that new cute ceramic Pink Panther he got for his office at the Pentagon?” Sara asked then she shoved some cake into her mouth.

Nancy swallowed her cake.  “Oh yeah! I want one of those.”

Carter and Sabrina the woman were inches from Nancy and Sara.  They moved back to their table.

“How can we get into his office?” Carter curiously thought out loud.

Sabrina the woman looked at Nancy and Sara and she got an evil smirk on her face when an idea popped in her head.

After Carter and Sabrina the woman were finished, they rushed out of the Willy’s Chocolate Factory Café.

Outside the Café, Sabrina the woman told Carter of her idea to sneaking into the Pentagon.  At first he refused but after some coaxing from her, he realized that might be their only option.

They walked to the alley by the Café where Sabrina the woman turned back into Sabrina the dog.

Carter rushed back to the General Lee and waited inside while Sabrina the dog waited outside the Café.

After a few minutes, Nancy and Sara walked out of the Café. 

Sabrina the dog walked up to them and gave the two ladies the saddest puppy dog eyes.  She gave a little whine to the seaman.

“What’s the matter?” Nancy asked a little concerned.

Sabrina the dog moved away and looked back at Nancy and Sara with a look to follow her.

Sabrina the dog whined a little then walked to the entrance of the alley.  She whined again at the seaman.

Nancy and Sara got curious and walked over to Sabrina the dog.

They followed her into the alley.

“What’s the matter?” Sara asked Sabrina the dog.

A rainbow colored flash consumed Sabrina the dog’s body and Sabrina the woman appeared.

Nancy and Sara stood there stunned over the sight they just witnessed.

Then another rainbow colored flash consumed Sabrina the woman’s body and she turned back into Sabrina the dog.

Nancy and Sara stood there still stunned over the sight they just witnessed.

“So, I need your Navy uniforms and ID cards, or I’ll put a hex on you’re and you’ll live the rest of your lives as a dog,” Sabrina the dog told them in her human voice.

Nancy and Sara stared in disbelief at Sabrina the dog.

“I said, if you don’t give me your uniforms and ID cards, I’m going to put a hex on you!” Sabrina the dog said a little meaner.

Nancy and Sara still stared in disbelief.

“Okay here you go.  Mumbo, jumbo, make these to Navy ladies mangy mutts for the rest of their lives,” Sabrina the dog said while she stood up on her hind legs.

Sabrina the dog’s threat finally sunk in Nancy and Sara’s head.  They quickly removed their Naval uniforms and shoved their ID cards in their uniform pockets.