Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


Back at Senator Cheatham’s mansion in Bel-Air, he was still passed out on the floor of his den.  He had two huge red swollen goose eggs and a burn mark in the middle of his forehead.

He woke up and looked around a little dazed and confused.  The loud sound of air blowing out of the hole in the wall at the bookcase caught his attention.

He got up and stumbled over to the bookcase.  He closed the round-hinged cover.  He grabbed the DVDs off the floor and placed them back in their spot in the bookcase.

Senator Cheatham walked over and picked up the two Pink Panthers off the floor.

He looked happy while he walked over to his desk. 

He sat down and removed the plug from the bottom of one of the Pink Panthers.

He removed a roll of pictures.  He unrolled them, and saw they were pictures of Admiral Palmer; one of him wearing high heels and pink teddy, one of him on his hands and knees wearing panties and a female Navy Seaman sitting on his back in a cowboy outfit, another one of him wearing a black bra and black panties and another female Navy Seaman smacking old saggy butt cheeks with a thin whip.

Senator Cheatham dropped those pictures like they had some type of disease.  He shook that Pink Panther and nothing else came out.

He removed the plug of the other Pink Panther and another roll of pictures came out.  Senator Cheatham dropped that roll scared they might show the same horrible sight as the other roll of pictures.

Senator Cheatham shook that Pink Panther and nothing else came out.

He grabbed both Pink Panthers and threw them across the room where they smashed into the wall and shattered.

He grabbed his cell phone off his desk and punched in a phone number.  He looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel in his neck while he waited for the caller to answer.

“Yeah boss,” Scarface answered the call from the cell phone.

“Scarface!” the Senator yelled spraying spit all over the cell phone.

“Are you calling about my bonus?” Scarface replied from the cell phone.

“You idiot!  That memory stick was not inside any of these Pink Panthers!”

“I don't understand!  I saw Remake leaving Palmer's house with the Pink Panthers,” Scarface replied and sounded a little confused.

“He must have removed the evidence you idiot!  Find it or I'll revoke your Government Hit Man's club card,” Senator Cheatham yelled.

“You can't do that, because without it, I can't get my fifty percent off discount on weapons and bullets!” Scarface pleaded from the cell phone.

“Kill Carter and sell that Sheep dog to a Chinese restaurant!”

“Okay.  I'll use my government connections to find out where he's staying,” Scarface replied.

“I’ll pay extra if your connections hurry with the information on Remake’s whereabouts,” Senator Cheatham offered.

“Okay,” Scarface replied from the cell phone.

Senator Cheatham threw his cell phone, which ricocheted off the wall and smacked him on his swollen knots on his forehead.  His eyes crossed, he fell out of his chair passed out and dropped to the floor.

Back in Senator Cheatham’s office in the Manchurian World Corporation Office Building, Scarface shoved his cell phone in his suit pocket.  He threw a childish temper tantrum.

After his tantrum he headed to the door of the office.

Scarface walked down the hallway of the Manchurian office building.  He removed his 9mm Glock and started reloading the clip with fresh bullets.

He walked past a door with “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Division” in gold painted letters on the wooden door.

He continued to load the clip with bullets while he headed down he hallway.

He walked past another wooded door with “Government Evil Plan Using the Thing Division” painted in gold lettering.

He continued to load the clip for his Glock while he walked down the hallway. 

He walked past another wooden door with “Evil Blob Division” with gold lettering.  Scarface didn’t notice the red goo that oozed out from under that door.

He continued walking down the hallway reloading his clip with bullets.

 He finished loading his clip and shoved it inside his Glock.  After he put his Glock back in the holster, he made a phone call on his cell.

“It’s me Scarface.  I’m looking for a guy named Carter Remake that’s traveling with a Sheep dog.  They’re probably staying at a motel in the DC area.  Senator Cheatham will pay for any information provided lickety split,” Scarface said into his cell phone.

“I’ll get back with you,” replied a friend of Scarface’s that worked with the CIA.

Scarface walked over to the elevators.  He pressed the down button and waited.

Back at the Congressional Quickie Motel, Carter’s room looked empty with the bathroom door closed.

“I look hideous!” Carter said from bathroom.

“You'll do just fine,” Sabrina the woman replied from the bathroom.

The bathroom door opened and Sabrina the woman walked out wearing Nancy’s Navy uniform.  She looked back at the bathroom.  “Come on Seaman.  Front and center,” she called out.

Carter slowly walked out wearing Sara’s uniform with a blonde wig, high heels, mascara and red lipstick.  He did look hideous!

Meanwhile, Scarface’s contact at the CIA pulled through and gave him the information that Carter and the Sheep dog were staying at the Congressional Quickie Motel.

He pulled his Hummer into the parking lot and parked at the nearest opened spot.

Scarface got out of the Hummer and removed a piece of paper from his suit pocket.  He looked at the paper and glanced at the “6” he wrote earlier.  He shoved the paper back in his suit pocket and walked to the motel rooms.

While Scarface walked to the motel rooms, he saw the General Lee parked in the parking lot.  “He’s here,” Scarface said while he removed his Glock from his holster under his suit jacket.

He walked over to room “6” and stopped.  He took a couple of deep breaths to calm his nerves. 

He cracked his neck a few times. 

He did some deep knee bends.  He did a few jumping jacks.  “Okay, stay focused,” he said while he looked at the room door and removed his Glock with silencer from the holster.

Scarface stepped back and kicked the door down. 

He rushed inside the motel room.

Once Scarface entered the motel room, he started firing his Glock and riddled the walls with bullet holes.

“Take that Carter,” he yelled out emptied his clip of bullets.

Scarface stood totally embarrassed while he stared at Admiral Palmer who cuddled with three young men in the king sized bed.  They were all scared to death.

On the wall near the bed, hung the Admiral's Navy uniform alongside an Air Force, Army and Marine uniforms for enlisted personnel.

Scarface looked at his piece of paper and it dawned on him.  He turned it upside down and it now read “9.”   “I take it that this isn’t room number nine?” Scarface asked the Admiral.

“No,” Admiral Palmer nervously replied.

 “Oops.  As you were Admiral,” Scarface said then tiptoed over to the door.

Admiral Palmer and the three enlisted guys stayed cuddled in the bed scared to death.

Carter and Sabrina the woman walked out of Room 9 and headed to the General Lee.

Scarface tiptoed out of Room 6 and saw Carter and Sabrina the women in the female Navy uniforms walk to the General Lee.  He aimed his Glock at them and pressed the trigger.  The Glock didn’t fire since it was out of bullets.

“How long will it take to get to the Pentagon?” Sabrina the woman asked Carter.

“About twenty minutes I suppose,” Carter said.

Scarface watched while the two got inside the General Lee.

Scarface looked back at Palmer’s room and got an idea.

He rushed back to the Admiral’s room while Carter started up the General Lee and drove out of the parking lot.