SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump



Jeremy is unable to hear Levon over the loud din of the train and the imaged music in his head. Levon loads and aims his slingshot at the creature. His hand is unsteady. As the train rumbles away, Jeremy opens his eyes. He shrieks.


Shoot, Levon!

Levon releases the elastic, and fires a ball bearing towards the bunker. By some providence, the shot finds its mark. The shadowy creature rears, scampers a few feet and collapses in the grass.

Jeremy bounds past Levon to investigate. Levon lopes slowly behind him. A few feet out from the beast, Jeremy's body language relaxes.

Levon catches up. The two look down on an emaciated coyote, lying stone dead. The animal seems to have suffered from mange as it is mostly hairless.




I could have sworn it had more than one head.


I need to lay down.


We should put its head on a pike. A warning to the rest of the varmints.


Can you just... hide it. Until I’m asleep?