SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump

But how to disappear completely?


I don't know. But this middle stage is killing me. It hurts to exist.


I'm not long for this world myself, honestly.


Jeremy, let’s go. Let’s go together.


You have no commitments? Are your affairs settled?


The dogs would miss me for a day or two, I guess. Sarah will find another walker, though. She’s lazy, but good at asking people for favours. And June would miss me, I hope... Leaving’s harder when you think about the people left behind.


Indeed. It’s the burden of the true artist: how to create a lasting piece of work and disappear into legacy without harming others. So many great artists have exited distastefully. Hemingway blew his brains out in his living room in front of his wife. How crass...




He should have died in a storm at sea, or been killed by a bull elephant or lioness or something. That would have been more tidy, of course.

Jeremy runs his hand along his mixing board.


I don't know him.