Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


Later on, the Mayflower slowly hovered inches from some space junk.

Jake and Butch quickly unsecured the rocket engines from the Mayflower and set them down on some space junk at the rear of the Space Buggy.

Jake then climbed over space junk and got to the Mayflower and opened up a small compartment door. He reached inside the compartment and removed the black "Control Box C" box and set it down on some space junk. 

"Let's get the first engine installed," Jake told Butch.

Jake and Butch climbed over space junk and got to one of the engines. They grabbed and lifted up the engine and walked it over to the rear of the Space Buggy. 

They connected the hook from the hoist to the engine. 

Jake climbed over space junk and headed to the rear of the Space Buggy. He walked up to Butch where they bumped fists that indicated they were ready for the mission.

Butch climbed in the back of the Space Buggy while Jake picked up the "Control Box C" box off the space junk.

Ralph and Jake climbed over space junk and headed to the rear of the asteroid.

Ronnie in the Mayflower hovered at the rear of the asteroid to keep an eye on Jake and Ralph.

Jake and Ralph turned on their rocket packs and putt putted over the rear of the asteroid.

Jake and Ralph putt putted down to the middle area of the rear of the asteroid.  They stopped and putt putted while they hovered in space.

Jake immediately Duct taped the "Control Box C" box to a piece of space junk. Ralph putt putted and hovered by Jake and watched him work.

Jake putt putted up to the wire that dangled down from the top of the asteroid. He grabbed the wire and putt putted down to the box. He connected the end of the wire into the "Inlet" port of "Control Box C." He opened up the "Outlet" door of the box and removed the wire that was previously installed by the Nerds down at NERP. He let that wire dangle down below at the spot where the engines would be installed.

Jake putt putted down another twenty feet and Ralph followed.

 "We're ready for engine number one," Jake called out to Butch while he putt putted and hovered.

"Jake, how's the mission going?" Richard asked across the radio net.

Jake opened his mouth to reply but stopped when he heard Richard in a panic "What? My House? It blew up? How? When?" Richard yelled out, then his footsteps were heard when he ran away.

Jake shrugged it off, and he looked upward.

Up in rear of the Space Buggy, Butch pressed the "Extend" button on the control box of the beam. He turned the hand crank, and the smaller beam with the hoist slowly moved out way over the rear of the asteroid. 

After a few minutes of hand cranking by Butch, the rocket engine dangled over the edge of the asteroid.

Butch then pressed the "Lower" button on the control box and turned the hand crank.

The hoist lowered the rocket engine down to Jake and Ralph.

Back in the Mayflower, Ronnie listened to a transistor radio while his boots were propped up on the console and he looked at another nudie girlie magazine. 

At the rear of the asteroid, Jake and Ralph watched while engine number one was slowly being lowered down to them.

After a few minutes, engine number one arrived at Jake and Ralph where they immediately disconnected it from the hook.

"We have the engine," Jake said.

Butch slowly hand-cranked the hoist and raised the hook back upward.

The asteroid shook and dropped to a lower orbit. That caused Butch and Ralph to fumble with the engine. They lost their grips, and the engine tumbled down to earth.

"Crap!" Jake said while he stared down at the tumbling engine.

"What just happened?" Butch asked from the radio net.

"Ah, we lost the first engine," Jake replied.

There were a few seconds of silence. "Figures old butterfingers down there would do his usual performance," Butch replied in a smart-aleck tone.

Jake looked up and gave Butch the finger.

Ralph quietly chuckled over the sight.

Upon the top of the asteroid, Butch strained while he lifted up the second rocket engine and connected it to the hook of the hoist. 

He climbed back into the Space Buggy and went back over to the hand crank. Then he buckled over when pain shot all through his body.

After a few seconds, the excruciating pain ceased.  He felt relieved then preceded to lower the second rocket engine down below.

Jake and Ralph putt putted in space while they hovered by the rear of the asteroid.

"Engine number two is on its way. Don't screw this one up," Butch said.

Jake and Ralph looked upward and saw the second engine slowly being lowered from the hoist.

A few minutes later, engine number two arrived at Jake and Ralph.

This time, Jake rotated the engine around and immediately installed one of the specially designed handles to a piece of space junk with a large U-bolt.

Ralph immediately installed another specially designed handle to a piece of space junk with a large U-bolt after he observed Jake.

Back down on earth, a 1964 silver Astro Martin D85 drove down a windy country road in the German Alps.

Behind the wheel was a handsome British Secret Service agent who just had plastic surgery on his face to change his looks again for the fifth time. He's been a Secret Service agent since 1953. Even though this Secret Service agent is actually seventy-four years old, these plastic surgeries keep him looking like he was in his late thirties.

 The Secret Service agent talked into his cell phone. "Don't worry Miss Moneydollar, I've been a Secret Service agent since nineteen fifty-three, and haven't been killed on a mission. I'll be just fine," replied, then disconnected his call. He threw his cell phone onto the passenger seat.

He looked in the rearview mirror and admired his good looks. 

He smoothed out his perfectly manicured haircut. 

He blew himself a kiss and winked. The British Secret Service agent looked so full of himself while he raced his Astro Martin down the windy country road in the beautiful German Alps.

A fireball raced out of the sky at the Astro Martin.

The fireball smacked into the Astro Martin with a kaboom, and the Astro Martin exploded into a fireball.

Back in outer space at the rear of the asteroid, engine number two was completely installed with ten U-bolts.

Jake and Ralph just completed installing the last two U-bolts on engine number three.

He opened up the "Outlet" door of the engine number two-controller box and pulled a previously installed wire. He routed the wire to the "Inlet" port of the controller box on the third engine.

"Jake, how's your mission coming along? Have you finally completed installing all three engines?" Richard asked from the radio net.

"Ah, well, ah, ah," Jake stammered for a few seconds. "Not exactly, we sorta dropped one," he finally confessed.

There were a few seconds of silence on the radio net. "That doesn't surprise me with the biggest bozos this planet has ever known! Let me check with the boys from the Nerd room," Richard replied and sounded pissed.

Jake and Ralph putt putted and hovered by the engines while they waited.

"It's okay. The boys from the Nerd room researched your personnel files when they designed this plan so that two engines would work just fine. So go ahead and pre-start them."

Jake floated over to engine number two. He found a T-handle like what you see on a lawnmower engine. In fact, a 12 HP Briggs and Stratton engine was the pre-starter portion of these advanced rocket engines. 

Jake pulled on the T-handle, and nothing happened. He pulled on the T-handle again, and nothing happened.

"It won't start," he said while he looked confused, as he knew he installed everything according to the plan.

"Come on, guys! We're all going to die down here because of you idiots," Richard yelled from the radio net.

Jake and Ralph putt putted all around the two engines in search of the problem. Everything looked good according to the Nerds plan.

Ralph looked up and saw the wire came out of the "Inlet" port of the engine two-controller box. The wire dangled above engine number two. He tapped on Jake's shoulder and pointed up at the dangling wire.

Jake's eyes widened, and he felt like a fool knowing he screwed up again. He turned off the earth Communications button on his suit. "We screwed up with connecting the wire to the inlet port of the controller box for the second engine. That's why they won't start," Jake told Ralph.

They both putt putted up to the dangling wire. Jake grabbed the wire, and he putt putted down to the engine number two along with Ralph.

Jake looked for the controller box on engine number two.  He cringed, knowing he screwed up again. "Rats!" he said.

"What now?" Butch replied from the radio net.

Jake hesitated for a few seconds, as he felt stupid again. "We can't connect the wire because the controller box is on the backside of engine number two nestled in some space junk. I can't access it," Jake confessed.

"That's just great. Earth will soon be destroyed because of you!" Butch scolded.

The asteroid dropped to a lower orbit.

"We don't have time to remove and reinstall that engine," Jake said while he looked the engine over for an easy solution.

Ralph studied engine number two over and saw a hole between pieces of space junk at the controller box.  He looked up at the dangling wire and saw another opening between some pieces of space junk just above the engine.

"I can fix it!" Ralph called out then he putt putted up to the dangling wire.

Ralph removed his rocket pack and hung it on a piece of space junk. He headed into the hole between the pieces of space junk. The glass of his bubble helmet scratched like nails running down a chalkboard while he squeezed his helmet through the hole. He soon disappeared through the hole between the pieces of space junk.

Jake watched curiously while he heard Ralph snaked and scratched his way through the spaces between all the pieces of space junk. 

Then Ralph's right spacesuit arm poked out of a hole between some pieces of space junk by the engine number two-controller box. "Hand me the wire," Ralph asked.

Jake putt putted up to the dangling wire and grabbed it. 

He putt putted down to Ralph's waiting glove and handed him the wire.

Ralph shoved the exposed copper wires into the "Inlet" port of the controller box for engine number two.

"Got it," Ralph called out.

Jake watched curiously while he heard Ralph snaked and scratched his way back through the spaces between all the pieces of space junk. 

Meanwhile, back at the Space Spy Agency – Peek-A-Boo We See You room, a "Retirements & All Benefits Cancelled Due to Pending Doomsday" sign hung on the rear wall.

The same man sat at his console and he watched another woman take a shower on his monitor.

Billy Joe sat at his console and stared at his monitor. He saw The Finger Asteroid with an arc down to earth. "The Finger is 78 Miles Away – 3.8 Hours Until Doomsday – I Guess!" scrolled across the screen.

Billy Joe's eyes welled up, knowing he only had less than fours hours left in this world.