Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Jake floated over to his seat in the Mayflower.

Ronnie looked around the capsule. "Where's Butch?" he asked curiously.

"Since R1D1 is dead, he decided to help Ralph fly this asteroid out of here. His way of being a Space Cowboy as his last wish," he told Ronnie.

"He's a true hero!" Ronnie said while he looked back at the closed hatch.

"Let's pull out of the Sweet Thing," Jake replied.

Ronnie flipped switches, flipped knobs and pressed the "Fire Small Rockets" button.

The Mayflower jerked with a clunk and a clank while they undocked from the Sweet Thing.

Inside the Sweet Thing, Butch stood by the controls and looked proud while he flipped switches, turned knobs and pressed buttons.

R1D1 was stashed over by the hatch. 

Ralph looked over at R1D1 with interest. "Ah, would you mind if I keep your little robot friend," he asked Butch.

Butch looked over at R1D1. "That pile of junk is all yours," Butch replied.

"Great. I think I have a use for him," Ralph replied while more dollar signs ran through his mind while he looked at R1D1.

Ralph's stomach growled. "Are you hungry?" he asked Butch.

"You bet! Rustle us up some grub while I fly this little doggie out of here," Butch said while he continued to flip switches, turned knobs and pressed buttons to configure everything to fire the engines.

Ralph floated over to a cabinet he installed after he took possession of this craft. He opened it and removed a couple of microwavable dinner boxes with a picture of cats on the box. "I have Feline Cuisine dinners. You have a choice of Tasty Tabby or Peppy Persian," he asked Butch.

Butch looked at Ralph in disbelief. Then he saw the boxes and decided to try something different. "Tasty tabby," he answered.

Ralph floated over and placed Butch's dinner into a strange microwave that he also installed. He turned on the microwave and waited.

Back in outer space, the Mayflower stopped and turned around. It hovered while it looked at the asteroid, which was now fifty miles away and in a lower orbit.

From inside the Mayflower, Jake and Ronnie looked out their window and saw the asteroid while it was in its lower orbit.

"Butch, we're far enough away now. You can fire the engines, my friend," Jake said into the radio net.

"Understand I can now fire the engines," Butch replied from the radio net.

Jake and Ronnie watched from their windows and saw the asteroid smack into numerous satellites and other pieces of space junk.

Those items tumbled down to earth.

They continued to wait for the firing of the two rocket engines from the rear of the asteroid.

Meanwhile, an airliner flew 45,000 feet in the sky.

High above it, the asteroid was visible, and the pieces of space junk and satellites were also visible tumbling down at the airliner.

Inside the airliner, a woman was bored while she stared out her window. Her eyes widened with horror when she saw the asteroid high above in the sky. "We're getting The Finger!" she screamed out in a high pitch squeal.

All of the passengers rushed over to her side of the plane. They all jammed at the windows to get a glimpse of The Finger.

A big bully bald, muscular man, with both of his arms covered in tattoos, caught a glimpse of The Finger. He stepped back into the aisle with his eyes widened, and his mouth wide opened.  He looked scared to death. "I want my mommy!" he screamed out like a girl.

The bully man ran back to his seat and cowered like a baby while he cried. 

All the other passengers looked at the bully of a man crying like a baby. They looked back at the windows and saw The Finger. They all looked at each other in fear. 

They screamed and ran up and down the aisle in a panic. It was utter chaos!

In the sky, the airliner pilots made evasive maneuvers and missed the falling piece of space junk and satellites by inches.

It was safe, and the airliner flew away with the passengers still screaming inside the plane.

The asteroid raced down toward earth.

It shook, and three pieces of junk broke off and tumbled down to earth.

Inside the Sweet Thing, Butch frantically pressed the "Fire Engines" button on the black control box they installed on the floor.

He grasped the control joystick with a tight grip. He looked at the windows and saw the earth was getting closer and closer. He pulled back on the joystick and repeatedly pressed that "Fire Engines" button with the tip of his right spacesuit boot. The rear engines wouldn't fire. He pushed the button again with the tip of his boot. The rear engines still wouldn't fire. He looked down at the black box and saw the digital reading of "Earth 18.5 Miles Away." Butch looked worried to death. "Why won't those stupid engines fire?"

"Hurry up and fire those engines, Butch. When you reach fourteen point two miles, you'll start reentry into earth's atmosphere. Then it's too late!" Jake yelled from the radio net.

"Those stupid engines won't fire!" Butch yelled back in a panic.

Ralph looked at the black box on the floor and smiled with an idea. He floated over to it and banged it with his fist.

The rear engines to the asteroid still wouldn't fire.

Ralph floated around and scratched his head while he pondered how to get them out of this dilemma.

Meanwhile, down in a residential neighborhood in Ohio, people frantically packed their cars with their belongings. 

Something caught their attention, and they stared up at the sky.

They saw three fireballs that raced down from the sky.

They froze in fear at the sight of this threat.

The fireballs slammed into some nearby woods with a loud Kaboom. It shook their neighborhood like an earthquake while a colossal fireball shot up into the air.

They panicked and jumped into their cars.

They all backed out of their driveways and crashed into each other.

The male drivers got out and looked at the damage to their cars. They looked at the other driver that crashed into their car. Their fists clenched, and they all ran after each other where a fight pursued.

In a Catholic church in Kansas, a "Last Day Confessions!" sign was out front with a line of people that was about one mile long.

 A woman in line about a quarter of a mile from the front doors of the church glanced up at the sky and saw two fireballs that raced down from the sky.

"Ahhhh!" she screamed and pointed up at the sky.

Everybody in line close to her looked up at the sky where she pointed, and they saw the fireball.

They stared in disbelief for a few seconds, then the reality that the asteroid was soon going to soon destroy earth hit them like a ton of bricks. 

The fireball slammed into some woods with a loud Kaboom, and a huge fireball flew up into the sky.

It was utter chaos while everybody ran to the front doors of the church.

They all tried to squeeze their way into the front doors of the church.

Meanwhile in a secret missile silo in the middle of Russia, four missiles were pointed up at the sky and were ready to be launched.

"Eighty-eight, eighty-seven, eighty-six," the male soldier counted in Russian from the loudspeakers.

In that field in the middle of China, those three large missiles on trucks were parked. The missiles were pointed up at the sky. 

The Chinese General did a victory dance outside his tent, elated that he was finally given permission to fire his missiles.

"Eighty-five, eighty-four, eighty-three," he yelled at his soldiers at the trucks.

In a field in the middle of North Korea, four missiles were on the back of their trucks and were pointed up at the sky ready to be fired.

"Eighty-two, eighty-one, eighty," the North Korean General yelled into a megaphone to his troops that manned the missile trucks.

Inside the Mayflower, Jake and Ronnie looked out the windows with fingers crossed and silently prayed that the engines to the asteroid would fire up.

They saw the asteroid while it continued to dive down to earth.

Then they saw the two engines of the asteroid start and a small flame shot out of the nozzles.

They cheered but noticed the asteroid fell down to earth at a slower rate.

"What's wrong, Butch?" Jake asked into the radio net.

"The afterburners won't kick in," Butch replied in a worried tone.

Ronnie's eyes lit up with an idea and looked over at Jake with a smile.

"What?" Jake curiously replied.

Inside the Sweet Thing, Butch had his boots braced on the console, while his hands pulled back on the control joystick using all his strength. "Those Nerd Boys screwed up on their calculations!" he said while his face turned beet red.

Ralph floated back and forth while he tried to figure out a solution.

In space, the asteroid dove down to earth with three miles to go until they entered the Earth's atmosphere.

The Mayflower suddenly whooshed at the asteroid.

The Mayflower raced downward and flew underneath the asteroid.

Inside the Mayflower, there was a bang. It shook when the front of the capsule slammed into some space junk at the bottom of the asteroid.

Jake and Ronnie were knocked out of their seats and slammed into the back wall.

Ronnie quickly rushed over into his seat and pressed the "Balls To The Wall Mode" button on the console.

Jake quickly floated back in his seat.

The thrusters to the Mayflower varoomed and it accelerated knocking Jake and Ronnie back out of their seats and to the back wall.

In space, the asteroid's descent slowed, and it came to a stop.

After a few seconds, it slowly ascended.

Bright fire shot out of the thrusters of the Mayflower while it pushed the asteroid upward.

"Hurry up and fix your afterburner problem, Butch. We can't last much longer pushing you back up into space," Ronnie said into the radio net.

Jake and Ronnie didn't notice that the fuel gauge was moving to the empty mark a little faster.

Inside the Sweet Thing, Butch frantically flipped switches, turned knobs and continued to press the "Fire Engines" button on the black box with the tip of his right boot.

Ralph floated around while he tried to come up with a solution. He hovered by a door and heard something strange. He stopped by it and curiously opened the door. 

Inside that compartment, he saw sparks fly everywhere as two bare wires touching the metal wall of the inside of the compartment. Ralph reached inside and tied to reconnect wires, but they were too short! Ralph quickly pondered a solution, then he had and idea! He wetted fingers on both hands, then immediately touched the bare wires with his wet fingers. He got zapped, and his hair stood straight up, and his body shook.

"Try again!" Ralph called out with a shaky voice.

Butch looked curiously around and saw Ralph being shocked. He quickly pressed on the "Fire Engine" button again with the tip of his right boot.

In space, there was a varoom, varoom, when the afterburners kicked in on those two engines at the rear of the asteroid.

The asteroid ascended faster into space with the Space Buggy still attached by those four chains to the rear.

The Finger asteroid left the Mayflower behind.

Inside the Mayflower, Jake and Ronnie watched from the windows while the asteroid raced higher and higher into outer space.

"I did it, Jake!" Butch called out from the radio net.

"Good job, Butch. You saved Earth! Jennifer will be proud of you, and we finally show Mister Dick Head that we're capable of performing successful missions," Jake replied.

"You got that right good buddy, now it's time to roam the open space," Butch said then followed up with a cowboy yell into the radio net.

Jake and Ronnie's eyes widened with fear when they remembered something.

"Richard, tell them to stop those missiles!" Jake yelled into the radio net.

No response from Richard.

"Richard!" Jake screamed into the radio net

"Ah, Richard's been reassigned, and the missiles are being stopped as we speak," Freddie the system engineer replied from the radio net.

Jake and Ronnie looked relieved when they heard Freddie's response.

Meanwhile in the secret missile silo in the middle of Russia, the four missiles retracted back into the ground.

In that field in the middle of China, the missiles moved back to their horizontal position on their trucks.

The General threw a childish temper tantrum outside his tent.

His enlisted soldiers saw their superior and discreetly chuckled at his behavior.

In a field in the middle of North Korea, the four missiles moved back to their horizontal position on their trucks.

The North Korean General threw a childish temper tantrum outside his tent.

His enlisted soldiers saw their superior and discreetly chuckled at his behavior.