Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


Later on, the Mayflower flew in space and dodged a few pieces of space junk while it made its trek back to the MSS.

Inside the Mayflower, Jake and Ronnie changed out of their spacesuits and wore their golf shirts and khaki pants. They were buckled in seats and flew to the MSS.

Jake looked out his windows and saw the MSS about a mile away. "We're almost there," he said with a smile.

Ronnie looked out his windows and saw the MSS. He smiled and picked up a new nudie girlie magazine and kicked back and enjoyed the luscious ladies.

Jake kicked back and closed his eyes and thought about June and if she would take him back.

Later on, the Mayflower got a half-a-mile from the MSS when the thrusters sputtered.

Then its thrusters quit, and the Mayflower drifted in space.

Inside the Mayflower, Jake and Ronnie scanned the console over for an answer to their problem. 

Ronnie frantically flipped switches, turned knobs, and pushed in buttons. He scratched his head in confusion, as to why the thrusters.

"What went wrong?" Jake asked while he looked out the windows and saw that they were drifting to the MSS.

Ronnie glanced over and saw the fuel gauge and noticed the needle was on the "No More Fuel" side of the gage. He tapped on the fuel gauge, and the needle didn't move. "We ran out of fuel. That maneuver to lift The Finger into a higher orbit burned up all of the fuel," Ronnie said

Jake and Ronnie looked a little nervous while they saw the MSS about a half-a-mile away.

"How can we get to the MSS?" Jake asked while he stared at the MSS sitting out there in space.

Ronnie looked around the capsule for a solution.

He saw the rocket pack on the back of Jake's spacesuit. He stared at it for a few seconds then his eyes lit up with an idea.

He unbuckled his seat belts and floated over to Jake's rocket pack. He looked at the fuel gauge on the back of it. He saw the needle was at the "Getting Close To Being Out Of Fuel" mark on the gage.

Jake looked at Ronnie. "What are you doing?" he curiously asked.

 "I think that there's enough fuel in your rocket pack to push us to the MSS," he said while he looked over at Jake with a look of confidence.

"You mean, I'll push the Mayflower to the MSS?" Jake curiously replied.

"Yep," Ronnie replied.

"What the heck, I'm a little bored anyway," Jake said then he unbuckled his seat belt.

Jake floated over to Ronnie and his spacesuit.

Ronnie assisted Jake into his spacesuit.

Jake assisted Ronnie into his spacesuit.

A little later on in outer space, Jake floated out of the hatch of the Mayflower. Ronnie closed and locked the hatch.

Jake putt putted over to the rear of the Mayflower. He grabbed the back of the Mayflower with his gloves and pushed.

The Mayflower slowly moved toward the MSS.

Later on, inside the MSS, Kurt was in the control room and saw the "We Have Visitor's Message" that flashed on his monitor. 

He got up from his console and floated over to the windows. He looked out the windows for the sight of their visitors. Then he saw the Mayflower being pushed by Jake while it headed to his station.

He quickly floated back to his console.

"Mayflower, this is the MSS. Are you okay?" Kurt asked into radio net microphone.

"We ran out of fuel. Jake's pushing us to your space station," Ronnie replied from the radio net.

"Push the Mayflower over to parking garage number one and Vadim will assist getting your capsule into the storage bay of the Magellan with the BLAHs," Kurt said into the radio net.

"Push to the parking garage number one and the BLAHs will help. Got it," Ronnie replied from the radio net.

Out in space, Jake putt putted the Mayflower to the backside of the MSS.

He putt putted the Mayflower to Parking Garage #1.

When he got five feet from the garage door, it opened.

Jake pushed the Mayflower inside Parking Garage #1.

After the Mayflower was inside the garage, the door closed.

The hands of the two BLAHs, of the Ferry Ship Magellan, were in a position to accept the Mayflower.  

Jake pushed the Mayflower into the waiting hands of the BLAHs.

Once the Mayflower was secured in the hands of the BLAHs, Jake putt putted down to the floor of the garage.

The two BLAHs slowly moved the Mayflower into the Storage Bay of the Magellan.

The hatch of the Mayflower opened, and Ronnie floated out in his spacesuit and helmet. "Vadim, can you get me down to the floor?" Ronnie asked from the radio net.

"Ya. No problem," Vadim replied from the radio net.

Ronnie looked up and saw Vadim inside the Magellan while he worked the left BLAH controls from the top deck.

The left BLAHs hand moved over to Ronnie.

Ronnie stepped on the palm of the left BLAH and sat down.

The left BLAH moved upward then over to the garage floor. 

The left BLAHs hand moved a foot from the floor. 

Ronnie stepped off.

The left BLAH moved back to its storage position in the Storage Bay of the Magellan.

Jake and Ronnie walked to the "Entrance Into MSS" door over at the far wall.

A few minutes later, Jake and Ronnie were dressed in a fresh pair of golf shirts and khaki pants while they floated the control room of the MSS.

Kurt, Vadim, and Wayne waited inside the control room, and the second they saw the pair they clapped and cheered.

"You did it!" Kurt said with a proud smile while he floated over to Jake and Ronnie. Then he looked a little concerned. "Where's Butch," he asked.

"Our robot R1D1 had a dead battery, so Butch decided to fly The Finger out into deep space," Jake said.

"Wow!" Wayne said.

"He's a true hero," Kurt added.

Vadim nodded in agreement.

"Come, let's go get something to eat," Kurt said then he floated to the door.

Jake, Ronnie, Vadim, and Wayne all floated after Kurt.

Down in the Oval Office of the White House, on the wall of TVs, the Russian President Ivanov, Chinese President Wang, North Korean President Chul-Moo and French President Beaumont looked pissed, and they sat and pouted with their arms crossed.

The rest of the world leaders cheered over the successful mission on getting The Finger away from earth.

President Barnaby got out from behind his desk and walked over to the wall of TVs. 

He took a bow then spun around and did a victory moonwalk dance across his office. "I'm the man! I'm the man!" he sang out while he moonwalk danced across the carpet.

On their TVs, Russian President Ivanov, Chinese President Wang, North Korean President Chul-Moo and French President Beaumont all gave President Barnaby the finger then their TVs turned off.

On their TVs, the rest of the world leaders all stood up and made their best attempts at doing a moonwalk dance in their offices.

Back at the rear of the NERP Headquarters Building at the Rocket Ranch in Space Beach, Florida, Richard walked in the parking lot with a box filled with his personal belongings. He looked sad after being demoted from his position as CEO of NERP by President Barnaby.

Richard stopped when he got ten feet from his 1962 Corvette. He dropped his box, and it smashed onto the parking lot, spilling all of his personal belongings. 

"My car!" he cried out in a wimpy tone the second he saw that his Corvette was a pile of charred metal from a piece of fallen space junk.

Back up in outer space in the MSS, Jake and Ronnie floated by the door "Valet Parking" door with their suitcases and dressed in their spacesuits. Kurt floated by Jake and Ronnie.

Jake and Ronnie both shook hands with Kurt while they floated by the door.

"Thank you for all your hospitality," Jake told Kurt.

"Thank you, guys, for saving the earth," Kurt replied with a warm smile.

"Our pleasure," Ronnie replied with a proud smile.

The door slid open, and Ernie, the Valet Astronaut, walked over to Jake. "Your Ferry awaits you sir at Dock number one," he said while he handed Jake the keys to the Magellan.

Jake opened up a pocket on his spacesuit and removed his wallet. He opened his wallet and removed his credit card and handed it to the Valet Astronaut.

Ernie pushed the card back in the direction of Jake. "No, sir, it's on the house for saving the world," Ernie said with a smile.

Jake looked relieved and shoved his credit card back in his walled then shoved his wallet back in his spacesuit.

Jake and Ronnie waved good-bye then the door slid opened, and they walked into the "Valet Parking" area.

A few minutes later, Jake and Ronnie were in the "Boss" and "Lil Boss" seats of the Ferry ship Magellan.

There was a clank and then a clunk sound at the hatch down at the bottom deck of the ship.

"You're unlatched from Dock number one," Kurt said from the radio net.

"We're unlatched. Got it," Jake replied into the radio net.

Jake and Ronnie watched from their windows while the Magellan drifted away from the MSS.

"Can you fly this thing?" Ronnie curiously asked Jake.

"Nope," Jake replied while he looked the console over.

"That figures!" Ronnie replied and started to worry that he would never make it back to earth.

Jake continued to look around the console area. He opened up a drawer. He reached inside and removed the Complete Dumbass Guide to Getting A Ferry Up and Down book that had a picture of a Ferry ship being launched and another picture of a Ferry Ship landing back at the Rocket Ranch.

Jake showed Ronnie the book. "We have some instructions, so this should be easy," he told Ronnie while he held up the book.

Ronnie frowned, thinking he was in deep yogurt.

Jake opened the book to the How To Start Up A Ferry paragraph. He quickly read the paragraph then scanned the console. He found the ignition and turned the key.

All three engines at the rear of the Magellan started up with a varoom, varoom and a varoom!

Through the windows, Jake and Ronnie watched while the Magellan zoomed past the MSS. 

Jake looked at his book, and after they were free and clear of the MSS, he reached up and pressed the "Faster" button on the console.

There was a loud varoom, while all three engines went into "Faster Mode."

Jake and Ronnie's heads were pressed back into their seats from the sudden quick acceleration.

A few minutes later, Jake read his book while the Magellan headed down to earth. He moved the control stick up, and the Magellan ascended. He moved the control stick down, and the Magellan descended. He turned the control stick to the right, and the Magellan banked to the right. He pushed the control stick to the left, and the Magellan moved to the left.

Jake turned to the Bringing A Ferry Through The Atmosphere section of the Dumbass book. He read it while the Magellan was fifteen miles from earth.

Then a few seconds of reading the book, Jake set it down in his lap and waited.

Ronnie turned on his transistor radio where the Village People's In The Navy song played and was at the chorus part.  Then Ronnie and Jake sang their own version to the chorus of that song.

"In a rocket," Ronnie sang out.

"Yes, you can fly off to the stars," Jake sang out.

"In a rocket," Ronnie sang out.

"Yes, you can fly off to Mars," Jake sang out.

"In a rocket," Ronnie sang out.

"Come on, let's visit alien land," Jake sang out.

"In a rocket, in a rocket, in a rocket," Ronnie sang out.

"You can go land on the moon," Jake sang out.

"In a rocket," Ronnie sang out.

"We hope to go there real soon," Jake sang out.

"In a rocket," Ronnie sang out.

"Let's leave our mother earth," Jake sang out.

"In a rocket," Ronnie sang out.

"Come on, let's visit alien land," Jake sang out.

"In a rocket," Ronnie sang out.

Then there was a red glow from the windows while the Magellan zoomed through the earth's atmosphere, and they stopped singing. 

A little while later, the Magellan zoomed down to earth at 23,200 miles per hour.

The Magellan zoomed across the State of Washington while it descended.

The Magellan zoomed across the State of Idaho while it descended.

The Magellan zoomed across the State of Wyoming while it descended.

The Magellan zoomed across the State of Nebraska while it descended.

The Magellan zoomed across the State of Missouri while it descended.

The Magellan zoomed across the State of Tennessee while it descended.

The Magellan zoomed down through the State of Georgia while it descended.

The Magellan banked to the left and headed out over the Atlantic Ocean.

The Magellan banked to the right and headed down to the Rocket Ranch at Space Beach, Florida.

Two sonic booms scared the crap of people down in Florida while the Magellan descended toward the Rocket Ranch.

The Magellan continued to bank around to the right and was soon lined up with runway 36 at the Space Beach airport at the Rocket Ranch.

Inside the Magellan, Jake and Ronnie looked relieved when they saw runway 36 straight ahead.

But Ronnie suddenly looked concerned. "Ah, I think the nose is too low. You're going to slam us into the runway," he said with fear in his eyes.

Jake looked at the Landing A Ferry section of the book then looked out the windows. 

"Naw, we're fine. It's an old trick," Jake replied then he looked at the ceiling of the Magellan and smiled. "An old trick Butch taught me," Jake added with a warm smile.

Ronnie got nervous and tightened his seat belt.

Runway 36 got closer and closer.

At the Space Beach airport, there was a crowd of three hundred people to watch this historic landing.

One man held up an "Asteroid Landing Was A Fake!" sign.

A young boy held up an "Old People Rock!" sign.

A woman held up a "Vote For Barnaby" sign.

Over by the hangar, Jennifer and President Barnaby anxiously waited by his car. Numerous Secret Service Agents monitored the area for threats against the President's life.

People started to point at the sky the second the Ferry was spotted descending down to runway 36.

A marching band from Shuttles High School started playing Elton John's Rocket Man song to add to the atmosphere.

 The Magellan continued its descent to runway 36, and it looked like it was going to plow into the runway. President Barnaby noticed and looked concerned. He quickly grabbed a megaphone out of his car and placed it to his mouth. "By order of the President of the United States, get that Ferry's nose up," he yelled through the megaphone.

The Ferry got to the runway nose first then suddenly performed a loop over the runway. Then it made a perfect landing, and the tires screeched and smoked. The Magellan swerved all over the runway then it turned off one of the taxiways.

A "Follow Me" Jeep quickly drove in front of the Magellan.

The Magellan taxied and followed the Jeep all the way to the hangar where it quickly turned off its engines.

The crowd of three hundred people ran over to the hangar and started cheering. Barricades prevented the cheering crowd from getting within four hundred feet from the Magellan.

 Two workers pushed a stairs truck over to the Magellan. 

The hatch of the Magellan opened.

Jake crawled through the hatch with the "Savage Beaver Humper Team" box in his hands and stepped out onto the platform of the stairs truck.

The crowd cheered louder at the sight of Jake.

Ronnie crawled thought the hatch and stepped out onto the platform of the stairs struck.

The crowd cheered louder while Jake and Ronnie waved at their adoring fans.

Four Nerd boys and Little Q rushed up to the bottom of the stairs truck in lab coats and wore white gloves. They anxiously waited to take possession of the moon rocks in the box Jake held.

Jake walked down the stairs and tripped over his feet. He tumbled down the stairs, and the moon box flew out of his hands.

The moon box slammed to the tarmac and broke open, and sent moon rocks all over the place.

Jake slammed to the tarmac and lay there moaning in pain.

The four Nerd and Little Q rushed over in a panic and quickly picked up the scattered moon rocks and shoved them back in the moon box.

The four Nerds and Little Q rushed off with the moon rock box.

Jennifer and President Barnaby ran to the Magellan.

Ronnie rushed down the stairs truck.

Jake painfully stood up.

The second Jennifer arrived at the stairs truck, she looked up at the hatch and with the excitement of seeing her lover.

 President Barnaby immediately shook Jake's hand while he peeked up the staircase with excitement.

"Thank you for saving the world. Therefore, I hereby reinstate both of you as permanent astronauts. Welcome back to the NERP," President Barnaby said while he continued to peek up the stairs truck.

Jake looked excited about becoming an astronaut, then he got depressed. "Thanks but no thanks. I need to get something back that's more important than roaming around space," Jake politely replied.

President Barnaby looked disappointed, but he kept an eye up to the stairs truck.

"Where's Butch?" President Barnaby and Jennifer both curiously called out in unison.

Jake looked at their anxious eyes and hesitated on telling them. He decided it was now or never. "He's not up in the Magellan. He decided to fly the asteroid away and save earth for you, Jennifer."

President Barnaby's eyes welled up.

"Why would he leave me?" Jennifer sobbed.

"The battery of that stupid R1D1 robot went dead. And Butch knew his days were limited and he wanted to make sure you had a planet to live on for the rest of your life," Jake told Jennifer.

Jenifer continued to sob over losing Butch forever.

President Barnaby placed his arm around her to for comfort her while they walked away.

Jake opened up a pocket on his spacesuit and removed his cell phone and pressed a button. 

"Nursing home for very, very old people," the female answered the call.

 "May I speak with June Savage, please?" Jake said.

"I'm sorry, she has left the Nursing home for very, very old people," the female replied.

Jake looked depressed while he shoved his cell phone back into his pocket.

He walked away toward the hangar.

"Jake my darling," June called out from the Porta Johns near the hangar.

Jake turned around the second he heard that familiar voice.

He saw June waving with a huge warm smile from the Porta John near the hangar. His eyes lit up with joy, and he ran over to her.

June ran over to Jake and jumped into his arms. They fell to the ground with her landing on top.

"Maybe you're a screw-up, but you're my screw up!" she said.

They engaged in a passionate kiss.

He pulled her off of him and stood her up. "Come on, sweetie, I owe you something," he said while he held her hand and walked her away.

While they walked away, Jake saw Richard and Vinny by the Porta Johns. They both looked depressed while they wore "Rocket Ranch Latrine Team" blue work coveralls.

Jake walked away with a smirk, knowing Richard got what he deserved.

At the Porta Johns, Richard and Vinny each grabbed a scrub brush.

Vinny held his breath and went inside a Porta John.

A fat man stepped out one of the Porta Johns. 

Richard walked over and opened the door to that Porta-John. 

His face turned green over the stench inside. 

He reluctantly went inside the Porta-John with his scrub brush.

In the parking lot of the Space Beach airport, President Barnaby walked Jennifer to her car.

She looked up at the sky. "He saved earth for me. No man has ever saved earth for me before," she said while tears ran down her cheek.

"I know what you mean," President Barnaby replied while a few tears ran down his cheek while he looked up at the sky.

President Barnaby wiped away the tears then looked at Jennifer. "Thank you for telling me about all the dastardly deeds done by Richard and Vinny," he told her.

She looked over at the Porta Johns over by the hangar. "Thank you for demoting him to a task that suits them both," she replied.

"Thank you, and because of that, I'm making you CEO of the National Exploration Rocket Program with a huge pay raise. You'll be making more than what Richard made," President Barnaby told her.

"Thank you," Jennifer said then gave President Barnaby a hug.

He opened up her car door. She got inside and started up her car.

"Don't run away like that Mister President," a Secret Service Agent said while he ran up to President Barnaby with three other Secret Service Agents.

Jennifer backed up her car.

The Secret Service Agents escorted President Barnaby away through the parking lot and headed back to the hangar.