The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Jethro, the Gap-Toothed Farmer.


“Well, the way I remember it, she was a cute chick back in her younger days. Back then, she often wondered what was across that there road. Still, I guess she had a good reason ta play it safe. She figured that the world at large was against her, so it was safer to flock together with birds of a feather. That was the official reason anyway, just between us, I reckon the real reason that chicken didn’t cross the road was simply cause it was chicken.

Chickens ain’t called bird brains for nothin, anyhoo, whatever the reason, that chicken stayed there with the flock, comfortable and safe, until the day came that comes to all chickens. The day when that chicken lost her head, left behind all she had ever known, and began a new career in fast food, as a chicken nugget.

I tell ya, the question burnin in the minds of all them who knew Henny Penny weren’t, why did that chicken cross the road? No siree, the question all them other chickens were askin themselves was, why didn’t that chicken cross the road when she had the chance?

But, bein chickens, they were quite fine with discussin ideas bout how ta get across the road, ways an theories bout how crossin the road might be done but they weren’t so fine with crossin the road themselves.

What’s that kids? Ya’ll said ya wanted to hear bout them chicks I picked up a few weeks back, didn’t ya? That’s exactly what happened. Oh, I hear ya, ya meant the other chicks. The human ones who were crammed inside the cab of my pick up truck. Well, shucks I’d love to tell ya bout stuff like that, but ya see kids, I’m just too chicken. ”