El Capitán Veneno-La Serie Hispana by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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discordia, discord, disagreement

disculpa, excuse

discurrir, to scheme, plan

discurso, discourse

discusión, discussion

discutir, to discuss, argue over

disfrazar, to disguise, hide

disimular, to dissemble, hide

disipado, -a, dissipated, dissolute

disparar, to discharge, fire, shoot;

o —— contra, to shoot at

disparatar, to speak foolishly, talk nonsense

disparate, m. , nonsense

dispensar (de), to dispense, grant, excuse

disponer (de), to dispose of, have (at one's disposal)

dispositivo, -a, disposing, preliminary

dispuesto, -a, disposed, ready

disputar, to dispute

distancia, distance

distinguido, -a, distinguished

distinguir, to distinguish

distraer, to distract

diverso, -a, different, diverse

dividir, to divide

divorcio, divorce

doblar, to double, fold, turn (the page)

doce, twelve;

o las ——, twelve o'clock

doctor, doctor

doler, to pain, hurt

dolor, pain, grief, sorrow

doloroso, -a, painful, sorrowful

domesticar, to tame

doméstico, -a, domestic; servant

dominar, to dominate

Domingo, Dominick;

o plaza de Santo ——, square of St. Dominick (in Madrid)

don, m. , don (title of respect placed only before a given name, like Sir in England)

don, m. , gift, faculty

donaire, m. , grace

doncella, maid, maiden

donde, where, in which

¿dónde? where?

o ¿de ——? whence?

donosamente, pleasantly, gracefully, cleverly

donoso, -a, graceful

doña, lady (title, with the given name, like Lady in England)

dormir, to sleep;

o —se, to go to sleep

dormitar, to doze

dos, two;

o las ——, two o'clock

drama, m. , drama

duda, doubt

dudar, to doubt

dueño, owner

dulce, sweet, pleasant; sweetmeat, candy, candied fruits

dulcemente, pleasantly

dulcificar, to dulcify, sweeten, soften

dulzón, -ona, sweetish, too sweet

dulzura, sweetness, gentleness

duplicar, to duplicate, double

durante, during

durar, to endure, last

duro, the Spanish dollar, 5 pesetas, 20 reales

duro, -a, hard, severe


e, and ( for y before initial i or hi)

¡ea! well! come! now! all right!

ébano, ebony

echar, to throw, cast, put ( used often for other verbs); o —— a, to begin to;

o —— la de, to pretend to be, try to be, act it

edad, age

educación, education

educar, to educate

efectivamente, in fact

efectividad, reality, real condition, nature

efectivo, -a, effective;

o hacer ——, to pay (money)

efecto, effect

eficaz, efficacious

eficazmente, efficaciously

efusión, effusion, heartiness

¿eh? eh?

ejecución, execution

ejecutar, to execute, carry out

ejemplo, example

ejercicio, exercise

ejército, army

él, ella, ello, he, she, it

el, la, lo, the;

o las dos, tres, etc. , two o'clock, three o'clock, etc.

el que, la que, lo que, the one that

elegancia, elegance, style

elegante, elegant, delicate

elegíaco, -a, mournful, wailing

elocuencia, eloquence

elocuente, eloquent

elocuentísimo, -a, most eloquent

elogio, eulogy, praise

ello, it, the matter;

o —— es que, the fact is that

embargo, hindrance;

o sin ——, nevertheless

embozo, bed coverlet (the end at pillow)

embrollar, to entangle, confuse, embroil

emoción, emotion

empecatado, -a, wicked, sinful

empeñar, to engage, try;

o —se (en), to persist, strive (to)

empeño, zeal, desire, determination, effort

empero, however

empezar, to begin

empleo, office, position, job

en, in, on, into, at, to

enajenar, to alienate, sell, dispose of

enamorarse (de), to fall in love with

enarenar, to sand, cover with sand

encaminarse, to start (on one's way)

encanto, charm, enchantment

encarar, to face, meet

encargar, to charge;

o —se de, to take charge of, try, undertake

encargo, trust, charge, commission

encima, on, upon;

o —— de, on, over, on top of

encoger, to draw in or back, contract;

o —se de hombros, to shrug the shoulders

encomendar, to recommend, commit

encontrar[se], to encounter, meet, find;

o —— con, to meet with

encuentro, meeting;

o salir al ——, to go to meet

endiablado, -a, devilish, infernal, diabolical, confounded

enemigo, -a, enemy

enemistado, -a, hostile, made unfriendly

energía, energy

enérgico, -a, energetic, vigorous

energúmeno, demoniac, one possessed

énfasis, emphasis

enfermero, -a, nurse

enfermico, -a infirm, sickly

enfermizo, -a, infirm, half-sick

enfermo, sick man; invalid

enfrente, opposite;

o de ——, opposite

enfurruñado, -a, cross, angry

engañador, -ora, deceiving, deceitful

engañar, to deceive, cheat

enjaular, to cage, put in a cage

enojar, to anger, vex, annoy

enojo, anger, crossness

enrevesado, -a, wrong side out, intractable, stubborn

Enrique, Henry

ensangrentado, -a, blood-covered, stained, bloody

ensayo, essay, trial

entablillar, to put in splints

entender (de), to understand, hear;

o no —— de, not to understand, have nothing to do with;

o —se, to come to terms

enteramente, entirely

enterar, to inform, acquaint;

o —se (de), to be informed of

entereza, entireness, integrity, frankness

entero, -a, entire, whole, full

enterrar, to inter, bury

entierro, funeral, burial;

o —— mayor, first-class funeral

entonación, intonation, tone

entonces, then;

o en aquel ——, at that time;

o por ——, for the time

entornar, to half close

entrar, to enter, come in

entre, between, among;

o —tanto, meanwhile;

o —— las tres, we all three; among the three of us

entreabierto, -a, half-open[ed]

entrecejo, brow (between the eyebrows);

o fruncir el ——, to frown

entrecortado, -a, broken, cut into

entrega, delivery

entregar, to hand over, deliver

entretanto, meanwhile

entusiasmar, to fill with enthusiasm; to delight, fire, inspire

envenenar, to envenom, poison

enviado, envoy, one sent

enviar, to send;

o envío, I send

envidiable, enviable

enviudar, to become widowed

epilogar, to recapitulate, sum up; make an epilogue

época, epoch, period

equilibrio, equilibrium, balance, adjustment

equivocación, mistake, error

equivocar, to mistake;

o —se, to be mistaken

erguido, -a, erect

erguir, to erect;

o —se, to straighten up, rise up, draw one's self up

erizo, hedgehog, touchy person

error, error

escala, stairway, ladder

escalafón, m. , rank-list (of army staff)

escalera, staircase, stairs

escalón, m. , step (of a stair);

o por —es, in echelon (one squad shooting after another in turn)

escapar, to escape

escaramuza, skirmish

escarmentar, to be chary (from experience), wary, or alert

escaso, -a, scarce, scant, small

escatimar, to be stingy with, pinch, grudge

escena, scene

esclavitud, servitude, slavery

esclavo, slave

esconder, to hide, conceal

escopeta, musket, gun

escribir, to write

escrito, -a, written, decreed;

o estaría ——, it must have been fated (allusion to Bible "it is written")

escrupuloso, -a, scrupulous, conscientious

escuchar, to listen, listen to; to hear

escurrirse, to slip out, steal away. ( Cf. Eng. scurry)

ese, esa, adj. , that (near you), that

ése, ésa, eso, pron. , that one; that matter; o eso sí, that indeed;

o a eso de, along about

esfuerzo, effort, attempt

esmeralda, emerald

espada, sword; (at cards) spades

espalda, back

espaldar, m. , back (of a chair)

espantar, to scare, shock, amaze

espanto, terror, fright

espantoso, -a, frightful

España, Spain

español, -a, Spanish

Espartero, the general and regent (1792-1879)

especie, f. , species, kind, sort

espectáculo, spectacle

espejo, mirror

esperanza, hope, expectation

esperar, to hope, hope for, await

espirar, to expire, die

espléndido, -a, splendid, brilliant

espolear, to spur on

esposo, husband

esquina, corner

esquivo, -a, shy, bashful

establecer, to establish

estado, state, estate, class, staff, rank, condition

estallar, to burst

estancia, room

estar, to be, stay

estatua, statue

este, esta, adj. , this

éste, ésta, esto, pron. , this one, this, the latter; o a todo esto, during all this;

o en esto, in the meantime

estilo, style, fashion

estimar, to esteem, consider

estómago, stomach

estratégicamente, strategically

estrechar, to press, hold close

estrecho, -a, narrow, straight, tight

estribor, starboard

estridente, noisy, harsh, shrill

estudiar, to study

estupefacto, -a, stupefied, in a stupor

estúpido, -a, stupid

etiamsi omnes, for etiam sic omnes, ( Lat. ) even thus all [men]; say:

"'tis ever thus"

Eva, Eve

eventual, eventual, final

evidencia, evidence, sign

exabrupto, abrupt or sudden remark, break, outbreak

exacto, -a, exact

exagerar, to exaggerate

exasperar, to exasperate, irritate

excelencia, excellence, excellency

excelente, excellent

excelentísimo, -a, most excellent

excesivamente, excessively, extremely

excitar, to arouse

exclamación, exclamation

exclamar, to exclaim

exclusivo, -a, exclusive

excogitar, to cogitate, think, plan

excusado, -a, needless, useless

excusar, to excuse

expectación, expectation

expediente, claim, suit, petition

expedito, -a, expeditious, prompt, ready

expensas, f. pl. , expense, charges

experimentar, to experience

experto, -a, expert, able

explayar, to spread;

o —se, to dilate, enlarge on

explicar, to explain

explorar, to explore

exponer, to expose, show, say. ( Cf. expound)

expositivo, -a, expository, analytic

expositor, expounder, interpreter

expresar, to express

expresión, expression

expresivo, -a, expressive, polite

exquisito, -a, exquisite, delightful

extender, to extend, stretch out

extranjero, -a, foreign, strange; stranger, foreigner

extrañar, to find strange, wonder at, be amazed at

extraño, -a, strange; stranger

extraoficialmente, unofficially

extraordinario, -a, extraordinary, unusual

extravagancia, extravagance

extravagante, extravagant

extremo, extreme, end;

o por todo ——, in the extreme


fácil, easy

facilísimo, -a, extremely easy

facilitar, to facilitate

facultativo, (of the faculty) physician

falda, skirt, petticoat; women

falta, lack, need, fault;

o hacer ——, to be needed

faltar, to fail, be lacking;

o no faltaba más, that would be the last straw, would be worst of all

fallecer, to die

fama, fame, name

familia, family

famoso, -a, famous

fascinar, to fascinate, charm

fase, f. , phase

fastidiar, to annoy, vex

fatal, fatal

fatalidad, fatality, fate

fatídico, -a, fatidical, fateful, ominous

fatiga, fatigue

fatigar, to fatigue, weary

favor, m. , favor, compliment

favorable, favorable

favorecer, to favor, protect, help

faz, f. , face

fe, f. , faith;

o a ——, by my faith, most assuredly

fecha, date (as of a letter)

felicidad, felicity, happiness

feliz, happy, successful

felizmente, happily

feminino, -a, feminine

feo, -a, ugly

feria, fair, show;

o hacer —— (de), to show off

ferocidad, ferocity

feroz, ferocious, fierce, bold

ferro-carril, m. , railroad. ( Cf. hierro)

festivo, -a, gay, light (style)

fiebre, f