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ceja, eyebrow.

celaje, m. , (light, swiftly moving)cloud.

celda, cell.

celdita ( dim. ), small cell.

celebrar, to celebrate, be gladof; applaud.

célebre, famous, celebrated.

celeste, celestial, heavenly.

Celinina ( dim. ), little Celina.

celo, zeal; pl. , jealousy.

celoso, jealous.

cellisca, storm, snow-storm.

cementerio, cemetery.

cenador, m. , arbor, bower.

cenar, to eat supper.

cenobita, m. , cenobite ( one of areligious order dwelling in aconvent or community).

censurable, open to blame.

censurar, to criticise, find fault.

centella, lightning.

céntimo, centime ( = the one-hundredthpart of a peseta).

centinela, m. , sentry, guard.

centro, centre.

ceñir (i), to gird, circle; meceñí á la pared, I kept closeto the wall.

ceño, frown.

ceñudo, grim, gruff.

cepillar, to brush.

cepillo, poor-box.

cera, wax.

cerca, near; — de, near(ly); de—, closely.

cercanía, neighborhood, vicinity.

cercano (á), near, close (to),neighboring.

cercar, to surround, hem in,fence.

cerdoso, bristly.

cerebro, brain.

ceremonia, ceremony, formality.

ceremonial, m. , ceremonial, formality.

ceremonioso, ceremonious, formal.

cereza, cherry.

cerillas, matches, wax-tapers.

Ceriñola, Cerignola ( in Italy,near Naples, where the Spanish,led by the "Great Captain,"defeated the French in 1503.The loss of this battle cost LouisXII his Italian possessions).

cerrar (ie), to close; la nochehabía cerrado, night hadclosed in around them.

cerril, wild, unkempt.

cerrillo ( dim. of cerro), hillock,little eminence.

cerro, hill, high land.

cerrojo, bolt.

certificado, certificate.

cerveza, beer.

César, Cæsar.

cesar (de), to cease; sin —, continually.

césped, m. , lawn, sod coveredwith grass.

cesto, basket.

cetrino, jaundiced, lemon-colored.

cevilación = civilización.

Cid, Cid ( a personage partly historicaland partly mythical;the national hero of Spain.His name was Ruy Díaz deBivar, and he lived in theeleventh century. His

exploitsin the wars between Christiansand Moslems, much exaggerated,are told

in verse andprose); los nietos del —, theSpanish people.

ciego, blind.

cielo, sky, heaven; quiso el —, Heaven willed it.

ciencia, science.

cien(to), (one, a) hundred.

cierro, enclosure; — de cristales, porch enclosed in glass, sunparlor.

ciertamente, certainly, to besure.

cierto, certain; lo —, the truthis; por —, surely, in truth,certainly; —s son los toros, we were right about it.

ciervo, stag, deer.

cifra, number.

cigarro, cigar.

cilicio, cilice ( a kind of hair-clothundergarment worn tomortify the flesh).

cima, top, summit.

cimiento, foundation.

cinco, five.

cincuenta, fifty.

cincha, girth.

cinta, ribbon.

cintita, ribbon ( in Cast. Viejo, theribbon is the decoration wornby members of some order).

cintura, waist, girdle, belt.

circular, to spread, circulate.

círculo, circle, ring.

circunstancia, circumstance,condition.

cirimonia = ceremonia.

cisne, m. , swan.

cita, appointment.

citar, to make an appointmentwith, summon.

ciudad, f. , city.

clamar, to call, shout, cry out;implore.

claramente, clearly.

claridad, f. , clearness, light,brightness.

clarín, m. , trumpet, bugle.

claro, clear; ¡es —! of course!certainly!

clase, f. , class, rank; — media, middle class; — baja, lowerclass.

clasificar (de), to classify (as).

clau clau, gobble gobble.

claustro, cloister, gallery ( aroundthe court of a convent).

clausura, retirement; inner recessof a convent.

clavar, to nail, fasten, force in.

clave, f. , key.

clavo, nail.

clérigo, clergyman.

clis clas, click clack.

cobarde, m. or f. , coward.

cobrar, to collect, receive,charge.

cocer (ue), to cook, bake, boil.

cocido, boiled meat and vegetables( a popular dish in allSpanish countries).

cocina, kitchen.

cocinero, -a, cook.

coco, bugbear, fright; así fueseel —, even if she were a fright.

coche, m. , carriage, coach, car.

codiciar, to covet.

codo, elbow.

coger, to catch, reap, pluck, pickup, take hold of.

cogida, harvest.

cogote, m. , occiput, back of thehead.

cojear, to limp.

cola, tail, train; ahí esta la —del lagarto, there's the rub.

colarse, to slip in.

colector, -a, gatherer.

colega, m. , colleague.

colegio, school or "college" ( ofsecondary instruction, usuallyunder Church control, wherestudents may be received at theage of eight or nine years, andprepared for the degree of bachiller by the age of eighteen); — de artillería, military academyfor artillery.

colegir (i), to gather, infer.

cólera, f. , anger, fury.

colérico, enraged, choleric; cuandose ponía ó lo ponían —, whenhe was bilious or angry.

colgar (ue), to hang; colgado, hanging.

cólico, colic, cramp.

colmena, bee-hive.

colmo, summit, limit; para —de aflicción, to complete hersorrow.

colocación, f. , place, position.

colocar, to place.

coloquio, colloquy, conversation.

color, m. , color; de —, colored; — de rosa, pink.

colorado, red, florid.

colorear, to redden, color, dye.

colorido, coloring, color.

columna, column; — volante, flying column.

columnilla; — salomónica, small twisted column.

columpio, swing.

collado, bill.

comadrear, to gossip.

comandante, m. , major.

comarca, region, district.

combate, m. , combat, fight.

combatir, to attack.

comedia, comedy, play.

comentario, commentary.

comenzar (ie), to begin.

comer, to eat, dine, bite; —selas palabras, to slur or omitsyllables; — del negocio, tobe supported by the business.

cometer, to commit.

cómico, comedian, actor; adj. ,comical, funny.

comida, meal, dinner, food.

comisión, f., commision, committee,errand.

como, as, as if, if, as for being; — que, as if; — quiera que, in view of the fact that; —para, as if to, in order to.

¿cómo? ¡cómo! how? why?what!

cómodamente, comfortably.

comodidad, f. , comfort; estarcon —, to be comfortable; pl. ,comfortable circumstances,wealth.

compacto, compact.

compadecer, to pity.

compadre, godfather, friend,comrade; ( in direct addressand familiarly) old man, mydear fellow.

compañero, -a, companion, wife,consort, friend, comrade; —de cuarto, room-mate.

compañía, company; en — de, accompanied by; hacer —, tostay with, keep company.

comparar, to compare.

compartir, to share.

compás, measure, time in music; al — de, in time with,amidst.

compasión, f. ; por —, for pity's sake.

compatriota, m. or f. , compatriot.

competidor, -a, rival.

complacencia, good nature.

complacer, to please; —se, todelight (in).

completar, to complete.

completo, complete, whole of it; por —, completely.

complexión, f. , constitution.

complicado, complicated.

componer, to compose, make up; —se, to be composed, be madeup, dress up.

composición, f. , making or buildingup.

compostura, composure.

comprender, to understand,know, realize.

comprensión, f. , comprehension,understanding.

compresión, f. , compression, restraint.

comprobante, proving, proof.

comprometer, to engage, bind;expose to danger or suspicion.

compuesto, combination.

común, common; de —, in common.

comunicación, f. , communication,connection.




impart; —se



encourageoneself. comunidad, f. , community, order; en —, the whole order; guerra de las —es, war of thecommunes ( or of the League,1520-1523.

This revolt was occasionedby the arbitrary exactionof taxes by Charles V).

comunión, f. , communion.

con, with, by; — que, so then.

concebir (i), to conceive, understand;express.

conceder, to concede, grant.

concejo, (ancient) municipalcouncil; in Asturias and Leon,district composed of severalparishes with one common jurisdiction.

concentrado, intensified.

concentrar, to concentrate.

concepto, thought, idea.

concerniente, concerning.

concertar (ie), to agree, settle.

conciencia, conscience; de —, conscientious.

conciliar, to reconcile, consider,win.

concluir (de), to end, finish, conclude; conclúyese el potaje, the mess is finished.

concluyente, conclusive.

concretarse, to combine, unite.

concurrencia, assembly.

concurrente, m. or f. , member ofan assembly; —s, those present.

concurrido, frequented.

concurso, crowd, assembly.

conde, m. , count.

condenao = condenado, condemned,damned; esta —a, thisconfounded woman; este —, thisuseless thing.

condenar, to condemn, findguilty.

condescendencia, condescension,kindness.

condición, f. , condition; habit,natural quality of mind.

conducir, to conduct, take, lead; hacerse —, to have oneselftaken.

conducta, conduct.

conductor, m. , channel.

confeccionar, to make, construct.

conferenciar, to confer, discuss.

confesar (ie), to confess, acknowledge.

confesor, m. , father confessor.

confianza, confidence; hombrede —, confidential clerk; detoda su —, whom he trustedimplicitly.

confiar, to confide, entrust.

confirmar, to confirm, corroborate.

confitería, confectionery, sweets.

conformarse, to consent, agree.

conforme, in proportion; estar—, to agree, be resigned.

conformidad, f. , resemblance,condition.

confundirse, to be or becomeconfused, mingle together, bemistaken for.

confusamente, confusedly, indistinctly.

confusión, f. , confusion, commotion.

confuso ( irr. p. p. of confundir), confused, indistinct.

congoja(s), anxiety, distress,faintness, dismay.

congregar, to congregate, gather.

conjugar, to conjugate.

conjurar, to conjure, exorcise.

conmigo, with me.

conmoción; — cerebral, concussionof the brain.

conmover (ue), to move, touch,affect.

conocedor, -a, judge or critic ( inmatters of taste), connoisseur.

conocer, to know, become acquainted(with), recognize,meet; bien se conoce, it isevident.

conocido, acquaintance.

conocimiento, acquaintance,friendship, knowledge, experience.

conque, so, so that, well then!

conquista, conquest; ir de —, to go a-wooing.

conquistador, -a, conqueror.

conquistar, to win, conquer.

consagrar, to consecrate.

consecuencia, consequence.

conseguir (i), to succeed (in), obtain,get.

consejo, council, advice, consultation; Casa de —s, city hall; de mucho —, of wise council.

consentido, spoiled.

conservación, f. , (self-)preservation.

conservar, to preserve, keep; que conserva las ... señales, which shows the marks;

—sesoltero, to remain a bachelor.

considerable, great.

consigna, watchword; instruction( to a doorkeeper).

consigo, with oneself.

consiguiente; por —, consequently.

consistente, consistent, solid.

consistir (en), to consist (of).

consolador, -a (de), comforter(in).

consolar, to console.

constar, to be clear, evident, appear.

consternado, frightened.

constituir, to constitute.

constreñir (i), to constrain, hold( by force).

construir, to construct, build,erect.

construyendo, pr. p. of construir.

consuelo, comfort, consolation.

consulta, consultation; á puras—s, by dint of consultations.

consultar, to consult.

consumir, to consume, exhaust.

consumos, food-stuffs; municipaltax on food-stuffs.

contacto, contact.

contador, -a, narrator.

contar (ue), to tell, relate, count; — con, to count on, be sureof; á — de, counting from; son contados, they are few.

contemplación, f. , contemplation,holy meditation.

contemplar, to contemplate; —se los unos á los otros, tolook at one another.

contemplativo, meditative; devoto—, pious devotee.

contemporáneo, of the same age.

contener, to contain, restrain.

contentarse, to be contented,limit oneself (con, to).

contento, contentment; adj. , contented,happy.

contera; por — y remate, lastlyand in conclusion.

contestación, f. , answer.

contestar, to answer.

contiguo (á), adjacent (to).

continuar, to continue.

continuo, continuous.

contorno, contour, outline; en—, round about.

contra, against; en — de, against; noun, m. , inconvenience, disadvantage.

contrabandista, m. or f. , smuggler.

contrabando, forbidden article;smuggling.

contradecir, to contradict.

contramaestre, m. , boat-swain.

contraproducente, contrary towhat is expected.

contrapuesto, opposite, contrary.

contrario, contrary; al —, on thecontrary; al — de, the oppositeof.

contrastar, to contrast.

contraste, m. , contrast.

contravenir, to oppose, actagainst.

contribución, f. , tax.

contribuir, to contribute.

conturbar, to disturb.

convecino, neighbor.

convencer (de), to convince.

convenir, to suit; — en, to agree; conviene, it is expedient.

convento, convent.

conversación, f. , conversation; dar or entrar en —, to engagein conversation (á, with).

conversar, to converse, chat.

convertir (ie), to convert, change,turn (en, into).

convidado, guest; — de cuatroanos, four-year old guest.

convidar, to invite.

convite, m. , invitation; — dedías, birthday-dinner.

convulso, convulsed.
