delgado, thin, slender, delicate,soft ( in agua —a).
deliberadamente, deliberately.
delicadeza, delicateness, scrupulousness,tact, courtesy.
delicado, delicate, tender.
delicioso, delicious.
delincuente, m. or f. , offender.
delirar (por), to rave (about),dote (upon).
delirio, delirium.
delito, crime.
demacración, f. , emaciation.
demanda, demand.
demás, pl. , m. and f. others, rest; n. , lo —, the rest; por lo —, furthermore,apart from that.
demasiado, too, too much; —creyente, too firm a believer.
demasías, liberties, rudeness,insults.
demente, m. or f. , dementedperson.
demonio, devil, deuce; con mil—s, the devil (take you).
demora, delay.
demostrar (ue), to show, demonstrate.
dempués = después.
den, pr. subj. of dar.
dengue, m. , prudishness; conmimoso —, with affected modesty.
denguno = ninguno.
denotar, to indicate.
denso, dense.
dentro de, in, within.
denunciar, to proclaim, denounce.
deparar, to offer.
depender (de), to depend (on),rest (upon).
deplorar, to deplore.
depositar, to deposit, place.
depósito, deposit.
deprecación, f. , deprecation, prayer.
deprimir, to depreciate, lower.
depuesto ( irr. p. p. of deponer), deposed.
derecho, right; straight; porderecha, to the right (hand).
derramar, to spread, spill, shed,diffuse.
derredor; en —, round about.
derretir (i), to melt.
derribar, to strike down, fell.
derruido, destroyed.
derrumbado, dilapidated, tumble-down.
desacato, disrespect.
desacertado, mistaken.
desaforado, huge, uncommonlylarge.
desagradecido, ungrateful.
desagraviar, to make amends.
desahogar, to give vent to.
desairar, to receive rudely,slight.
desaliñado, disorderly, careless,ill-mannered.
desalmado, merciless, profligate.
desamparar, to leave, forsake;quit a place.
desaparecer, to disappear.
desarbolar, to unmast; nos habíandesarbolado, they hadbroken our mast.
desarmar, to disarm, undo.
desarrugar, to smooth out, takeout wrinkles.
desasosegar, to disturb; dedesasosegado, with concern.
desasosiego, uneasiness.
desastre, m. , disaster.
desastroso, disastrous.
desatendido, unnoticed, slighted.
desatentar (ie), to upset, frighten; —se, to lose one's head.
desatinado, mad, foolish.
desayuno, breakfast.
desazonado, downcast.
Descalzas, prop. noun ( lit. , barefootednuns: a religious order).
descalzo, barefooted.
descansar, to rest.
descanso, rest, repose; el — desus huesos, his last resting-place.
descargar, to discharge, bringdown.
descender (ie), to descend.
descifrar, to decipher.
descolgar (ue), to take down,slip down.
descolorido, colorless, pallid.
descollar (ue), to surpass, risealoft.
descompuesto ( irr. p. p. of descomponer), excited, besideoneself, changed.
desconcertado, disturbed, disconcerted.
desconfianza, distrust.
desconfiar (de), to disturb.
desconocer, to mistake, disown,not to recognize, be ignorantof, unacquainted with.
desconocido, unknown.
desconsuelo, affliction, disconsolateness,regret.
descontento, discontent, grumbling.
descorrer, to draw, pull back.
describir, to describe.
descrito, irr. p. p. of describir.
descubierto ( irr. p. p. of descubrir), uncovered.
descubrir, to show, lay open, reveal,expose to view, discover.
descuidar, to neglect, not worry; descuide V. , do not worry.
desde, from, since; — ahora, from now on; — tierra, fromthe land.
desdén, m. , disdain, frown.
desdeñar, to scorn, disdain.
desdichado, unfortunate, wretched,miserable.
desdoblar, to unfold.
desear, to desire, wish.
desechar, to cast off, reject.
desembarazado, free, unrestrained,unobstructed.
desempeñar, to perform.
desempeño, discharge.
desencajado, disjointed, distorted.
desenlace, m. , dénouement, outcome.
deseo, desire, wish, intention.
deseoso, desirous, eager.
desesperado, desperate; noun,one in despair.
desfachatez, f. , impudence.
desfallecido, in a faint, helpless.
desfigurarse, to be disfigured.
desgarrado, ragged, torn.
desgarrador, -a, heart-rending.
desgarrar, to tear, rend; — elmisterio, to rend the veil ofthe mystery.
desgracia, misfortune, harm; por —, unfortunately.
desgraciadamente, unfortunately.
desgraciado, unfortunate.
desgreñado, dishevelled.
deshacer, to end, destroy, crush,undo, smash, melt; —se, tofade away, disappear, breakup, free oneself, burst ( intotears).
deshecho, irr. p. p. of deshacer.
deshizo, pret. of deshacer.
deshonra, disgrace.
deshonrado, dishonored, disgraced.
desierto, desert.
desierto, deserted.
desigual, uneven, irregular.
desinteresado, disinterested, unselfish.
desistir, to desist.
deslenguado, impudent, insolent.
desliar, to untie.
deslizar, to slip; —se, to guidealong, slide, make a slip.
desmantelado, dismantled.
desmayado, in a swoon, unconscious.
desmayar, to faint.
desmayo, fainting fit.
desmedidamente, disproportionately,excessively.
desmentir (ie), to give the lie(to).
desmontar, to cut down; —se, to dismount.
desnudarse, to undress.
desnudo, bare, naked, ill-clothed.
desocupar, to empty; —se, to beempty.
desollador, -a, flayer, cheat,shameless person.
desorden, m. , disorder.
desordenado, irregular, confused.
desorganización, f. , disorganization; — humana, disorganizationof the body.
despacio, slowly, deliberately.
despachar, to send off, despatch.
despacho, office.
desparpajo, boldness, unembarrassedmanner.
despedida, leave-taking, farewell.
despedir (i), to send off (forth,away), dart; —se, to take leave.
despegar, to detach, not be inkeeping (with).
despejado, clever, quick.
despensero, butler, steward.
desperdicio, see ropa.
despertar (ie), to awake, arouse; —se, to awake.
despierto, (wide-) awake, clever.
desplegar (ie), to unfold, spreadout.
desplomado; caer —, to fall ina heap.
desplomarse, to lose one'sbalance.
despoblación, f. , depopulation.
despojar, to despoil, strip; —se, to undress, take off.
despojo, plunder, spoils.
desportilado, broken, chipped.
desposorios, pl. , mutual promiseto contract marriage; marriage.
despreciar, to despise, showcontempt for; neglect.
desprecio, contempt, scorn,slight.
desprender(se), to free, loose, detach(oneself).
desprendimiento, disinterestedness,unselfishness.
desprestigiar, to take away theprestige of a person or thing.
después, after; afterwards; — de or que, after.
despuntar, to begin to dawn; seealba.
destacarse (en, sobre), to standout (against, from).
destapar, to open, uncork, uncover.
destartalado, ill-kept, neglected.
destemplado, harsh, brusque.
desternillar, to break a tendon; — de risa, to laugh violently.
destinar, to destine.
destino, destiny, fate.
destreza, skill, address, mastery.
destrozar, to destroy, break.
destrozo, harm, destruction,havoc.
destrucción, f. , destruction.
desvalido, helpless, destitute,unprotected.
desvanecer, to vanish; —se, tobe lost; tan desvanecido, socompletely disappeared.
desvanecimiento, dizziness, disappearance,vanishing.
desvelado, watchful, vigilant.
desventura, misfortune, calamity.
desventurado, luckless, miserable.
desvergonzado, shameless, impudent.
detener(se), to stop, detain, stay.
determinado, definite; tampocose le conozco —, I do not knowthat they have any.
determinar(se), to determine,make up one's mind, resolve.
detrás, behind; — de, behind,after; por —, from behind.
detuve, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. ofdetener.
detuviera, detuviese, imp. subjs.of detener.
deuda, debt.
devoción, f. , devotion, observanceof religious duties.
devolver (ue), to restore, return.
devorar, to devour.
devoto, pious, devout, devotional.
devuelto, irr. p. p. of devolver.
di, diste, dió, etc. , pret. of dar.
día, m. , day, daylight; de —, inthe daytime; pl. , name-day,saint's-day; life; los —s de—s, days of anniversaryfestivals; —s pasados, a fewdays ago; á los tres —s, threedays later; un — de fiesta, on a holiday; el mejor día, some fine day.
diablejo ( depr. ), little devil,little fiend.
diablo, devil.
diablura, mischief.
diáfano, transparent, radiant.
diálogo, dialogue.
diametralmente, diametrically.
diantres; ¡qué —! what thedeuce! what in the world!
diariamente, daily, every day.
diario, daily.
dibujar, to draw, sketch; —se, to appear.
dice, dicen, pr. ind. of decir.
diciembre, m. , December.
dictado, honorary title, name.
dictamen, m. , opinion, judgment.
dictar, to dictate.
dicterio, taunt, insult.
dicha, happiness.
dicho, irr. p. p. of decir.
dichoso, happy, lucky, blessed( iron. ).
diente, m. , tooth; entre —s, between(one's) teeth.
diera, diese, imp. subjs. of dar.
diez, ten.
difícil, difficult, hard, improbable.
dificultad, f. , difficulty.
dificultoso, ugly, deformed ( as toface).
difundir, to diffuse, spreadthrough.
difunto, deceased; dead person.
diga, pr. subj. of decir.
dignamente, in a worthy manner.
dignarse, to deign, condescend.
dignidad, f. , dignity.
digno, worthy, fit.
digo, dices, dice, etc. , pr. ind. ofdecir.
digresión, f. , digression.
dije, —iste, —o, etc. , pret. ofdecir.
dijera, dijese, imp. subjs. of decir.
dilación, f. , delay.
dilatado, long, broad, dilated.
dilatar(se), to dilate, spread(out).
diligencia, diligence, haste,stage-coach; — del fresco, stage-coach that brings freshfish ( from the coast; in usebefore the days of railroads andartificial ice).
diluvio, deluge.
diminuto, small, tiny.
dineral, m. , large amount ofmoney, fortune.
dinero, money.
Dios, m. , God; ¡— mío! dearme! de —, blessed; por —, forgoodness' sake; como
— manda, as should be done.
diputar, to commission.
dique, m. , dike; dry-dock.
dirección, f. , direction; en — á, in the direction of.
directamente, directly.
director, m. , director, manager.
diría, cond. of decir.
dirigir, to direct; —se, to turn,address.
disciplinado, disciplined.
disciplinazo, disciplinary blow,chastisement.
discípulo, pupil, disciple.
disco, disk.
díscolo, wayward, stubborn.
discorde, discordant.
discordia, discord.
discreteo, wit, flash of wit.
disculpa, excuse, pleading, vindication.
discurrir, to roam, discuss, reason,ponder (over).
discurso, speech; dejándome conel — en el cuerpo, leaving mewith my speech unsaid.
discutible, disputable, controvertible.
discutir, to discuss, examine.
diseminar(se), to scatter.
disforme, misshapen.
disfrutar (de), to enjoy.
disgustar, to offend, displease.
disgusto, displeasure, trouble,sorrow, quarrel; á —, withvexation, disgust; dar un
—, tocause trouble.
disimuladamente, stealthily, asif without thinking.
disimular, to dissemble, conceal,overlook, excuse.
disimulo, dissimulation.
disipar, to scatter, drive away.
disminuir, to diminish, decrease.
disparar, to shoot, pop out ( asstones from cherries).
disparatado, absurd, foolish, inconsistent.
disparate, m. , nonsense, absurdity.
disponer(se), to dispose, prepare,arrange, get ready.
disposición, f. , mood, humor;disposition, disposal; á —, atthe disposal; en tal —, to suchan extent.
dispuesto, irr. p. p. of disponer.
disputa, dispute, argument.
disputar, to dispute, quarrel; —se el ..., to dispute with oneanother the ..., quarrel about.
distancia, distance; como á —de, distant about.
distinción, f. , distinction.
distinguir, to distinguish.
distintamente, distinctly.
distinto, distinct, different.
distraer, to divert, distract ( theattention).
distraído, absent-minded, distracted.
distribuir, to distribute.
diverso, different, various.
divertido, amusing.
divertir (ie), to amuse, divert.
dividir, to divide.
divinamente, divinely.
divino, divine.
divisar, to espy, perceive.
divulgar, to divulge, publish.
do; por do = por donde.
doblar, to double, turn.
doblegar, to bend.
doce, twelve.
docena, dozen.
dócil, gentle, obedient.
docto, learned.
doctrina, doctrine; de esta —, with this doctrine.
doctrinos, charity-children.
documentación, f. , papers, documents.
dogmático, dogmatic ( treating ofthe systematic arrangement ofthe articles of Christian Faith,the dogma).
doila = doyla = la doy.
dolencia, disease.
dolor, m. , grief, sorrow, pain; —de barriga, stomach-ache,cramps.
dolorido, grieved.
dolorosamente, painfully, withgreat difficulty.
doloroso, sad, painful.
doméstico, domestic.
dominar, to domineer, overlook,prevail (in), master.
domingo, Sunday; Santo —, Saint Dominick ( founder ofthe Dominican Order, b.
in OldCastile, 1170).
don, Don, Mr. ( a title of respec