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entusiasta, m. or f. , enthusiast.

enviar, to send.

envolver (ue), to wrap.

envuelto, p. p. of envolver.

épico, epic.

epidermis, f. , epidermis, cuticle.

epistolario, epistolary, by letter.

epitafio, epitaph.

época, epoch, time.

equipaje, m. , effects ( which asailor takes with him on a voyage),luggage.

equivocarse, to be mistaken.

era, imp. ind. of ser.

erigir, to erect, build.

ermita, hermitage.

ermitaño, hermit.

errante, errant, wandering.

errar (ye), to miss.

erudito, learned.

esbelto, tall, slender.

esbirro, bailiff, constable, policeman.

escabullirse, to escape.

escalar, to scale, climb (into).

escalera, stairs; — de mano, ladder; por las —s abajo, down the stairs.

escalinata, steps.

escalofrío, shiver, chill.

escalón, m. , step.

escama, scale ( of fishes), scalypiece ( of a coat of mail).

escamado, irritated, worried.

escandalizado, shocked, scandalized.

escándalo, scandal; con grave—, to the great horror.

escandaloso, scandalous.

escapar(se), to escape, run away.

escaparate, m. , show-window.

escape, m. , flight; á todo —, ingreatest haste.

escapulario, scapulary.

escasear, to decrease, be scarce.

escasísimo ( from escaso), veryscanty.

escaso, scanty, small, rare.

escena, scene, stage.

escenario, scenery, stage, stage-direction.

esclamación = exclamación.

esclavitud, f. , slavery.

esclavo, -a, slave.

escoger, to choose, select.

escogido, select, choice, refined.

escollo, rock ( under shallowwater), reef.

esconder, to hide, conceal; estarescondido, to be in hiding.

escondidamente, secretly.

escopeta, gun; — de dos cañones, double-barreled gun.

escopetazo, (gun-)shot.

escote, m. , low-cut neck ( of adress).

escribir, to write.

escrúpulo, scruple; —s de conciencia, conscientious scruples; —sde doncella, exaggeratedscruples.

escuchar, to listen (to), hear.

escudo, escutcheon; shield.

escudriñar, to search, examine.

escuela, school.

escueto, free, unencumbered.

Esculapio, Aesculapius ( amongGreeks and Romans a god ofhealing).

escultor, m. , sculptor.

escultura, sculpture; pl. , carved or molded figures.

escultural, of sculpture; modelo—, sculptor's model.

escupir, to spit; discharge ( ballsfrom fire arms).

ese, -a, -os, -as ( adj. ); ése, -a,-os, -as, eso ( pron. ); that,those; eso de, that of; á esode, at about; por eso, for thatreason.

esencia, essence.

esencial, essential, main.

esfera, sphere; condition.

esférico, spherical, round.

esforzar (ue), to strengthen,raise ( the voice).

esfuerzo, effort, strength.

esmeralda, emerald.

esmero, great care, diligent attention.

esnudo = desnudo.

espaciarse, to walk, stroll.

espacio, space, place.

espacioso, spacious, large.

espada, sword.

espadaña: campanario de —, belfry consisting of a singlewall ( in which are openings forthe bells).

espalda, shoulder, back; dar la—, volver la —, to turn one'sback.

espantajo, scare-crow.

espantar, to terrify.

espanto, horror, fright.

espantosamente, in a frightfulmanner.

espantoso, frightful.

España, Spain.

español, -a, Spanish; á la española, in Spanish style.

esparcir(se), to scatter, spread.

especial, special.

especialmente, especially.

especie, f. , species, kind.

espectáculo, spectacle, scene,sight, aspect.

espectador, -a, spectator.

espejillo ( dim. ), little mirror.

esperanza, hope, expectation,anticipation.

esperar, to expect, hope, wait(for).

espesísimo ( from espeso), verydense.

espeso, thick, dense.

espesura, thicket.

espetar, to put on a spit; tell.

espíritu, m. , spirit, mind.

espiritual, spiritual.

espléndido, splendid, beautiful.

espolvorear, to sprinkle, powder.

esposo, -a, husband, wife; pl. ,married couple.

espuela, spur.

espuma, foam, froth.

espumarajo, foam, froth.

espumoso, foaming, sparkling.

esquilador, m. , sheep-shearer.

esquina, corner.

esquivar, to avoid, evade.

esquivo, stubborn, coy, reserved; ¡esquiva! my lady disdain!

establecer, to establish, settle.

estación, f. , station, season.

estado, state, estate, position,condition, class; Estado Mayor, General Staff.

estallar, to break out ( into rageor fury), explode.

estameña, serge.

estampar, to stamp, imprint.

estampido, report ( of a gun, etc. ).

estancia, room.

estandarte, m. , banner.

estanque, m. , pond.

estaño, tin.

estar, to be; —se, to stand, be,stay; — en todo, to think ofeverything; ¿esta Vd.?

doyou understand?

estatua, statue.

estatura, stature.

este, -a, -os, -as ( adj. ); éste, -a,-os, -as, esto ( pron. ); this,those; éste, the latter; este áquien, the one whom; á todoesto, withal; esto es, that is(it); en esto, at this moment.

estela, wake, track ( of a ship).

estenso = extenso.

estilo, style, manner of speaking; por el —, similar (things), suchas the following.

estimar, to esteem, deem.

estirar, to pull.

estofa, condition, quality, kind.

estofado, stew.

estómago, stomach.

estorbar, to bother, be in theway, detain.

estrago or —s, havoc.

estrambótico, eccentric, odd.

estrangular, to strangle.

estratégico, strategic.

estrechamente, closely.

estrechar, to tighten, close inupon.

estrechez, f. , narrowness, stringency.

estrecho, narrow, tight; — abrazo, affectionate embrace.

estrella, star, fate.

estrellado, starry, full of stars.

estrellar, to dash to pieces, break.

estremecerse, to shudder, tremble,quiver.

estrépito, bustle, noise.

estrepitoso, boisterous.

estribo, stirrup.

estrofa, strophe, stanza.

estruendo, crash, noise.

estrujar, to squeeze; — comouna breva, to squeeze the lifeout of one.

estudiar, to study.

estudio, study, application ( tobooks and learning).

estupefacto, stunned, amazed,stupefied.

estupendo, stupendous, wonderful.

estúpido, stupid, dull.

estupor, m. , stupor.

estuviera, estuviese, imp. subjs.of estar.

estuve, —iste, —o, etc. , pret. ofestar.

etc. = etcétera, et cætera.

éter, m. , air, highest regionsabove.

eterno, eternal, long.

etiqueta, etiquette; andarse con—s, to be ceremonious, formal.

evadir, to evade.

evangélico, evangelical, gospel —.

evangelio, gospel.

evitar, to avoid, avert, save( from disagreeable things).

evónimus, m. , prick-wood ( Euonymuseuropaeus).

exactitud, f. , exactness.

exagerar, to exaggerate.

exaltación, f. , enthusiasm, exaltation,imagination.

exaltar, to exalt, excite.

examen, m. , examination.

examinar, to examine, investigate.

exangüe, bloodless.

exánime, weak, faint.

exasperar, to exasperate, offend.

excedente, superfluous, exceeding,dismissed; — por reforma, temporarily removed from office,"laid off".

excelencia, excellence, superiority,advantage, merit.

Excelentísimo ( from excelente), most excellent, your (his) Excellency.

excepcional, peculiar, extraordinary.

excesivo, excessive.

exceso, excess; en —, excessively.

excitar, to excite, arouse.

exclamación, f. , clamor, exclamation.

exclamar, to exclaim.

excluir, to exclude.

exclusiva, exclusiveness; vivirde —s, to delight in being exclusive.

excluyendo, pr. p. of excluir.

excrescencia, hunch, excrescence.

excusa, excuse, apology.

excusar, to excuse, avoid, omit; excuso, it is needless; lo excusado, the impossible.

exento, exempt, free.

exhalar, to exhale.

exigir, to demand, exact.

eximir, to exempt.

existencia, life, existence.

existir, to exist.

éxito, outcome, success.

exordio, preamble, exordium.

exornar, to embellish ( with rhetoricalfigures).

expediente, m. , expedient, pretext;motive, plan.

expender, to spend.

expensa, expense; à sus —s, attheir own cost.

experiencia, experience.

expiación, f. , expiation.

expiar, to expiate, atone for.

expiatorio, expiatory, atoning.

expirar, to expire, die.

explicaderas, pl. , manner of explainingoneself.

explicar, to explain; —se, to beexplained.

exponer, to expose, explain, submit; —se, to expose oneself.

expositor, -a, expounder, explainer.

expresamente, expressly.

expresar, to express.

exprimir, to squeeze, press out.

expulsar, to drive out.

expuso, pret. of exponer.

exquisito, exquisite, perfect.

extasiar, to enrapture; —se (en), to go into ecstasies (over).

éxtasis, m. , ecstasy, trance.

extático, ecstatic, entranced.

extender (ie), to stretch out, extend; —se acerca de, to enlargeupon.

extenso, extensive.

extinguirse, to die away.

extraer, to extract, draw.

extrajudicialmente, extrajudicially,not legally required.

extranjero, stranger; foreigncountries.

extrañar(se), to wonder, be astonished; no es de —, it is notto be wondered at.

extrañeza, astonishment, wonder,amazement.

extraño, strange, unusual; noun,stranger.

extravagancia, madness.

extravagante, wild, peculiar.

extraviado, distracted, wandering,wild.

extraviarse, to stray, go astray.

extremadamente, extremely,greatly.

Extremadura, prop. noun, ( provinceof Spain, southwest ofNew Castile and bounded onthe west by Portugal).

extremar, to go to extremes; —la marcha, to resort to the utmostspeed.

extremo, end, border, edge, excess; en tal —, to such a degree(as to); en ( or con)

—, extremely; por el —, on thevery edge.


fábrica, factory, manufactory.

fabricar, to build, manufacture,devise.

fábula, fable, story.

facción, f. , faction; pl. , features,countenance.

fácil, easy; lo — que, how easy.

facilitar, to facilitate.

fácilmente, easily.

facineroso, criminal.

facultativo, physician.

facundia, facundity, eloquence.

fachada, façade, front.

faena, work, task.

falaz, fallacious, delusive.

falda, skirt.

faldeo, slope, foot of a mountain.

falso, false, forged.

falta, lack, wrong, fault; hacer—, to be needed.

faltar, to lack, fail; be absent ormissing; — á, to be wantingin, fail in.

faltriquera, pocket.

falucho, sailboat ( with lateensail), felucca.

fallecer, to die.

fama, fame, reputation.

familia, family; Sacra —, HolyFamily ( Jesus, Mary, andJoseph).

familiarizado, familiar, accustomed.

famoso, famous.

fantasía, fancy, imagination.

fantasma, m. , phantom.

fardo, bale, bundle.

farol, m. , lantern.

farolillo ( dim. of farol), smalllantern.

fastidiar, to trouble, disgust,bore; —se, to be bored, annoyed.

fastidio, ennui, lassitude.

fatal, fatal, ominous.

fatiga, fatigue.

fatigado, worn out, tired.

fatigar, to fatigue, tire.

fatigosamente, painfully.

fatigoso, tiresome; anxious,worried.

fauces, f. pl. , jaws.

favor, m. , favor; á — (de), for,in favor, on account (of); hágame usted el —, please,if you please.

faz, f. , face.

fe, f. , faith; por mi —, á — mía, upon my word; á — de quien soy, on my honor; á — (que), upon my word (that).

fealdad, f. , ugliness, hideousness.

febril, feverish.

fecundo, fecund, ingenious, rich.

fecha, date; para esa —, by thattime.

fechoría, exploit, deed.

fegúrese = figúrese.

felicidad, f. , happiness, luck,welfare.

Felipe, Philip.

feliz, happy.

femenil, feminine; servidumbre—, maid-servants.

fénix, m. , phoenix; marvel.

fenomenal, phenomenal, extraordinary.

fenómeno, phenomenon.

feo, ugly, hideous, homely.

feona ( aug. of fea), ugly oldwoman.

féretro, bier.

feria, fair.

Fernán, Ferdinand.

feróstico, grim, fierce.

férreo, iron.

Ferrolana, prop. noun.

festín, m. , feast, banquet.

festividad, f. , festivity.

fiar, to trust, entrust; —se (de), to trust (to).

ficticiamente, fictitiously, in imagination.

fidelidad, f. , faithfulness.

fidelísimo, most faithful.

fiel, faithful, true.

fiera, wild beast.

fiero, fierce, furious.

fiesta, festival, holiday, feast.

Fígaro, prop. noun ( the pen-nameof Mariano José de Larra, theauthor of El Castellano viejo).

figura, figure.

figurar (con), to represent (by); —se, to imagine, think.

figurilla, small figure.

fijamente, fixedly.

fijarse (en), to look (at), notice.

fijo, fixed.

fila, row, line; — avanzada, advanceline.

filiación, f. , pedigree; description; número de —, ship'snumber.