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graznar, to croak; gobble.

greñas, f. pl. , matted hair.

gresca, wrangle, quarrel.

griego, Greek.

grifo, griffin ( a fabulous monster,half lion, half eagle).

gris, grey.

gritar, to shout, cry.

grito, cry, scream, call, shouting.

grosería, rudeness.

grosero, rough, coarse, plain.

grueso, thick, stout, dense.

gruñido, grunt.

gruñir, to grunt, mutter.

grupa, croup, crupper ( of ahorse).

grupo, group.

gruta, grotto.

Guadarrama, prop. noun ( mountainrange north of Madrid).

guantá = guantada.

guantada, slap.

guantelete, m. , gauntlet.

guapo, handsome, bold; noun, ¡—! my handsome fellow!

guarda, m. , guard, keeper,watchman.

guardacantón, m. , curb-stone.

guardar, to keep, put away;guard; —se de, to keep from,take care not to, beware of.

guardia, m. or f. , guard; policeman; — del Ayuntamiento, municipal policeman.

guardián, m. , guard, keeper.

guarecerse, to take refuge.

guarida, hiding-place, cave.

guarnecer, to adorn, garnish,trim.

guasa, jest; poca —, this is nojoke.

güelva = vuelva.

guerra, war, strife, hostility.

guerrero, warrior, soldier.

guía, m. , guide.

guillave, m. , fruit of the quisco( in Chile).

guiñar, to wink; — un ojo, towink.

guiño; hacer —s, to wink.

guisa, manner; á — de, like.

guitarra, guitar.

gustar, to please, like; le gustaá usted, you like; usted megusta á mí, I like you.

Gustavo, Gustavus.

gusto, taste, pleasure; á —, gladly,with pleasure, to the taste( of); hacer su —, to do as onepleases, follow one's own bent; á mi —, as well as I shouldlike.


ha, see haber.

Habana; la —, Havana ( thecapital of Cuba).

habanero, Havanese.

habano, from Havana.

haber, m. , property, income.

haber, to have; hay, there is(are); — de or que, to have to,must, will; ha de estar, is tobe; había, there was (were); no hay para qué decir or nohay que decir, it is needless tosay; no se ha de decir, it shallnot be said; no hay que hablarle, it is useless to speak tohim; lo que hay que hacer, what is to be done; dos añosha, two years ago; no hamuchos años, not many yearsago.

hábil, skillful.

habilidad, f. , skill, ability, cleverness.

habilitar, to equip, get ready,fit up.

hábilmente, skillfully.

habitación, f. , room, dwelling.

habitante, m. , inhabitant.

habitar, to inhabit, dwell (in).

hábito, habit, dress, garment; pl. , garb of an ecclesiastic.

hablar, to speak.

hacer, to make, do, have (+ aninfin. ); —se, to become; —alto, to halt, stop; —lo bueno, to prove it; — dormir, to putto sleep; —se á la mar, to setsail; —se como que, to act asif, pretend; —se cargo de, totake possession of, realize,consider; —se á un lado, tokeep out of the way; —sesordo á, to pretend not tohear; — de las tuyas (suyas, etc. ), to be at your (his, etc. )tricks; se haría mal (en), itwould be doing wrong (to); lleva hechas, he has made,he has to his credit; hace dosaños, two years ago; me hice... escalera, I pretended togo upstairs; hizo sitio, gaveplace; haz lo que debas y sucedalo que suceda, do whatis right and let come whatmay.

hacia, towards; — arriba, upwards.

hacienda, property, estate, plantation.

hacinamiento, mass, pile.

hado, fate, destiny, inevitabledoom.

haga, pr. subj. of hacer.

hallar, to find, consider; —se, to be.

hallazgo, finding, discovery.

hambre, f. , hunger; tener —, tobe hungry.

haraposo, ragged.

harina, flour or meal ( of wheator maize); — tostada, roastedmeal.

harmonía, harmony.

harto, enough; tired, weary,bored.

hasta, until, as far as, as manyas, even; — aquí, so far; —que, — tanto que, until.

hay, see haber.

haya, pr. subj. of haber.

haz, imper., 2d pers. sing., ofhacer.

hazaña, feat, achievement.

he; — aquí, behold, here is, thefollowing is.

hecha; de esta —, from thistime.

hechizo, witchcraft, sorcery.

hecho, p. p. of hacer; noun,event, deed, act, fact; á lo —pecho, we must make the bestof what we have done.

helado, icy, cold.

helar (ie), to freeze.

henchir (i), to fill.

hercúleo, herculean.

Heredia, prop. noun.

hereje, m. , heretic.

herencia, heir-loom.

herida, wound.

herir (ie), to wound, strike.

hermanarse, to love one anotheras brothers.

hermanito ( dim. ), little brother.

hermosear, to beautify, enhance.

hermoso, lovely, fine, beautiful.

héroe, m. , hero.

heroico, heroic.

herrada, pail, bucket.

hervir (ie), to boil.

heterogéneo, heterogeneous, dissimilarin nature.

hice, -iste, hizo, etc. , pret. ofhacer.

hiciera, hiciese, imp. subjs. ofhacer.

hielo, ice.

hierba, herb, grass, plant.

hierro, iron.

higa, charm, amulet ( shaped likean higo, fig).

higiene, f. , hygiene.

higiénico, hygienic.

hijita ( dim. ), little daughter.

hijo, -a, son, daughter; product,result; hijos, children.

hilera, file, row.

hilo, thread.

himno, hymn.

hinojo; de —s, kneeling.

hipocresía, hypocrisy.

hipócrita, m. or f. , hypocrite.

hipotecario, pertaining to mortgages.

hirviendo, pr. p. of hervir.

hirviente, boiling, glowing.

historia, history, story.

histórico, historical.

hocico, snout, muzzle.

hogar, m. , hearth, home.

hoguera, bonfire; stake.

hoja, leaf.

hojalata, tin.

hojarasca, thick foliage.

¡hola! interj. , hello!

holocausto, holocaust, sacrifice.

hollar (ue), to tread upon.

hombre, man; ¡— de Dios! manalive!

hombro, shoulder.

homeopático, homœopathic,tiny.

honda, sling-shot.

hondo, deep; lo más —, themost retired part.

hondura, depth.

honor, m. , honor, fame; pl. , dignity,rank.

honra, honor.

honradez, f. , honesty; haymucha —, honesty prevails.

honrado, honest, respectable.

honroso, honest, decent.

hora, hour; á estas horas, at thishour; —s muertas, leisurehours.

horda, horde, band.

horizonte, m. , horizon.

hormiga, ant.

hormiguero, ant-hill.

hornacina, (vaulted) niche.

horno, furnace.

horrorizado, terrified, shocked.

hospital, m. , hospital, poorhouse; — provincial, ProvincialInsane Asylum.

hostigar, to harass, molest, trouble.

hostil, hostil, adverse.

hoy, to-day; — en día, now-a-days.

hoyo, hole, grave.

huaso ( or guaso), herdsman,"cowboy" ( in Chile, calledhuaso or guaso; in Argentina, gaucho ; in Mexico, vaquero).

hube, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. ofhaber.

hubiera, hubiese, imp. subjs. ofhaber.

hueco, gap, hollow, intermission.

huéleme, see oler.

huelga, strike; declararse en —, to strike.

huella, track.

huérfano, orphan; — de padre, fatherless.

huerta, garden, garden land(s).

hueso, bone, stone, core, pit.

huésped, -a, boarder, guest.

huevo, egg.

huir, to flee, shun; ¡qué habíade —!, why should I runaway!; me huye Vd. la cara, you avoid me, refuse to lookat me.

hule, m. , oil-cloth.

humanidad, f. , humanity.

humano, human; en lo —, duringhis life on earth.

humear, to smoke.

humedad, f. , dampness, moisture.

humedecer, to moisten; —se, tobecome wet, tear-stained.

húmedo, damp.

humildad, f. , humility, modesty.

humildemente, humbly.

humildito ( dim. ), humble,modest.

humo, smoke.

humor, m. , humor, fluid (of thebody).

hundir, to submerge; —se, to sink.

huracán, m. , hurricane.

hurtadillas; á —, by stealth.

hurto, theft.

húsar, m. , hussar.

huyeron, pret. of huir.

huyo, huyes, huye, etc. , pr. ind.of huir.


iba, imp. ind. of ir.

icen = dicen.

idas; — y venidas, going andcoming.

idea, idea, thought.

idear, to form or conceive anidea, imagine.

idéntico, identical.

identificado, identified.

idioma, m. , language.

iglesia, church.

ignorar, not to know, be ignorantof; se ignora, (it) is notknown.

igual, equal, uniform, unvaried,the same.

igualmente, likewise.

ijar, m. , flank; apretarse los—es, to hold one's sides.

Ildefonso, Alphonsus; San —, Saint Alphonsus Liguari ( b. atMarianelli, near Naples, in theyear 1696, d. in 1787. He becamefamous through his

marvelousreligious activity, andthe great number of dogmaticworks he had written).

iluminar(se), to light up.

ilusión, f. , illusion.

imagen, f. , image, figure, statue.

imitar, to imitate.

impaciente, impatient.

impasible, insensible to pain,impassible.

impávido, undaunted.

impedir (i), to impede, keepfrom, prevent.

imperio, empire, dominion.

imperioso, imperious.

impermeable, water-proof; —de lona, water-proof coat ( ofcanvas).

impertérrito, undaunted, intrepid.

impertinencia, impertinence,folly, nonsense; plur. , impertinent or superfluous things.

ímpetu, m. , impetus; se abriótoda con —, was suddenlyflung wide open.

impetuoso, impetuous.

impiedad, f. , impiety.

implorar, to implore.

imponente, imposing.

imponer, to impose; —se, totake upon oneself.

importancia, importance, significance.

importar, to be of importance,matter; no importa, it doesnot matter, he does not mindit; lo que no le importa, whatdoes not concern him.

impregnado, imbued, impregnate,pervaded, filled.

impreso ( p. p. of imprimir), imprinted.

improperio, reproach, invective,contemptuous remark.

impropio (de), unfit, unsuitable(to).

improvisado, improvised.

improvisar, to extemporize.

improviso; de —, suddenly, unexpectedly.

imprudentemente, imprudently.

impuesto ( p. p. of imponer), well informed, acquainted.

impulsar, to impel, give impulse.

impulso, impulse; á — de, underthe influence of; dan —s de, one is tempted (to).

inanimado, inanimate.

incansable, indefatigable.

incapaz, incapable.

incesante, incessant, ceaseless.

incesantemente, incessantly.

incitar, to incite.

incivilizado, uncivilized, barbarous.

inclinación, f. , inclination, actof inclining; bow; hacer —, to tip ( as a dish); — de lasespaldas, stooping.

inclinado, inclined; — sobre él, leaning or bending over him.

inclinar, to incline, hold or turndown ( to anything); —se, tobow, stoop; se inclinabanjunto á ella, bent over her.

incluso, including.

incógnito, incognito, lack ofname.

incomodar, to inconvenience, annoy; —se, to be annoyed,disturbed.

incómodo, inconvenient, uncomfortable.

incomparable, matchless.

incomprensible, incomprehensible.

inconsiderado, inconsiderate,thoughtless, illogical.

inconstante, fickle, changeable.


m. ,



annoyance; adj. ,


incorporarse, to straighten up,rise, sit up.

increado, increate, self-existent.

incrédulo, unbeliever, sceptic; adj. , incredulous.

incultivable, incapable of cultivation.

incurrir, to incur.

indecisión, f. , irresolution.

indeciso, uncertain.

indefectiblemente, unfailingly; en que — paseaba, in whichhe never failed to take a walk.

indefenso, defenceless, helpless.

indeleble, indelible.

independiente, independent(ly); —s entre sí, independent ofone another.

indescriptible, indescribable.

indiano, one who has resided inlas Indias, the Indies; Nabob( returning from India orAmerica).

Indias; las —, the Indies ( Eastor West).

indiferencia, indifference; con—, indifferently, in a carelessmanner.

indiferente, indifferent.

indignado, indignant.

indignar, to irritate, anger, tease.

indigno, unworthy, wicked.

indio, Indian.

indispuesto, ill, indisposed.

indito ( dim. ), little Indian.

individuo, individual, person,man, member, fellow.

índole, f. , nature, characteristic.

indomable, unwieldy.

indómito, wild.

indudable, certain, doubtless.

indudablemente, doubtless.

indulgencia, indulgence, absolution.

industria, industry.

inefable, unspeakable.

inerte, inert, lifeless.

inescrutable, inscrutable.

inexplicable, incomprehensible.

inextinguible, inextinguishable,perpetual.

infalibilidad, f. , infallibility.

infamador, -a, defamer.

infame, m. , wretch; adj. , infamous,despicable.

infancia, infancy.

infante, -a, prince (princess) ofroyal blood.

infantil, childish, childlike; caterva —, crowd of children.

infeliz, m. or f. , poor wretch,feeble-minded person; adj. ,unfortunate, wretched, silly,poor.

infernal, infernal, disgusting.

infierno, infernal regions, hell;confusion.