La Serie de Lenguaje Moderno del Librero Heath - Historias Cortas by Elijah Clarence Hills, Ph. D and Louise Reinhardt - HTML preview

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leña, fire-wood.

león, m. , lion; fearless man.

letargo, lethargy.

letra, letter ( of the alphabet);words ( of a song); handwriting; — gorda, black-faced or large letter; — menuda, trick;sagacity, cunning.

letrado, scholar, man of letters.

letrero, sign, inscription.

leva, levy, conscription, compulsoryservice in the army or navy.

levantar, to raise, lift; — tiendas, to break up camp, gohome; —se, to rise.

levantino, Levantine; huerta—a ( in Barca abandonada), garden-lands of the east coast( of Spain).

leve, light, slight; of little importance.

ley, f. , law.

leyendo, pr. p. of leer.

leyó, pret. of leer.

liar, to tie, bind; — un cigarro, to roll a cigarette.

libación, f. , libation.

libertad, f. , liberty, freedom.

libra, pound.

librar, to free, deliver.

libre, free.

licencia, permission.

licor, m. , liquor, wine.

lidiar, to fight ( bulls).

liebre, f. , hare; abrir los ojoscomo una —, to open one'seyes wide.

ligadura, tie, fetter(s).

ligar, to bind.

ligeramente, lightly, slightly.

ligereza, flippancy; swiftness,lightness.

ligero, light, nimble, swift,slight, thin, quick(ly), lightly.

limitar(se), to limit (oneself); limitándose éstas, and thesewere limited.

límite, m. ; sin —, boundless.

limón, m. , lemon, lemonade.

limosna, alms.

limpieza, cleanliness, neatness.

limpio, clean, free, pure.

limpísimo ( from limpio), veryclean, immaculate.

lindeza, beauty.

lindísimo ( from lindo), most lovely.

lindo, pretty; de lo —, ( iron. ) toour hearts' content.

línea, line.

linterna, lantern.

lío, bundle.

líquido, liquid.

liso, smooth, unmarked.

lista, list; — nominal, roll-call.

listo, ready, quick, willing, lively,bright; como —s, as forbeing willing.

literario, literary.

lo, los, see el and le.

lóbrego, gloomy, dark; lo —, thegloom, darkness.

local, m. , place.

locamente, madly, wildly.

loco, mad-man; adj. , mad, wild; volverse —, to go mad.

locura, madness.

lograr, to obtain, succeed (in); — hacer que ande, to succeedin making walk.

lomo, loin, rib, back; pasarle lamano por el —, to pat hisback.

lona, canvas.

longanimidad, f. , forbearance.

López, prop. noun.

lorito ( dim. ), small parrot.

losa, slab; flag-stone.

Lot, prop. noun ( Lot's wife, uponlooking back at the destructionof Sodom, was changed into astatue of salt).

lotería, lottery.

loza, porcelain.

lozano, vigorous, strong.

lucecita ( dim. of luz), little light.

lucero del alba, morning star;Lucifer.

lucidísimo ( from lucido), brilliant,splendid.

lucio, bright.

lucir, to display, shine, wearjauntily.

luchar, to struggle.

luego, then, immediately; desde—, at once, from the first; muy —, very quickly.

lugar, m. , place, village; en —de, instead of; tener —, totake place.

lugareño, -a, villager.

lujo, luxury, pomp.

lujoso, magnificent, elegant.

lumbre, f. , fire.

luminaria, illumination.

luminoso, luminous, radiant.

luna, moon.

luz, f. , light, candle.


llama, flame; echando —s porlos ojos, his eyes flashing withanger.

llamar, to knock, call; —se, tobe called; ¿cómo se llamausted? what is your name?; á mí me llaman, my name is.

llano, plain; adj. , simple, unassuming.

llanto, weeping, flood of tears.

llanura, plain.

llave, f. , key.

llegada, arrival.

llegar, to arrive; — á, to begin,reach, come to (be); — y besarel santo, quick work; al quese llega, which is reached.

llenar (de), to fill, overwhelm(with); —se, to be filled.

lleno, full; de —, fully; — de, filled with.

llevar, to carry (off), wear, take,live, bear, (+ p. p. ) have; —se, to carry off, win;

á cabo, tocarry out; — la palabra, tobe spokesman.

llorar (á), to cry, weep (over,for), mourn (for); — á gritos, to cry aloud.

lloro, weeping.

lloroso, tear-stained, red with weeping.

llover (ue), to rain; — á mares, to rain in torrents, pour.

lluvia, rain, shower.


= más; — é = más de.

macareno, dandy, "sport"; adj. ,loud, boasting.

maceración, f. , maceration, mortification( of the flesh).

madera, wood.

madre, f. , mother; bed ( ofstream); salirse de —, to overflow.

madreselva, honey-suckle.

Madrid, prop. noun ( pop. about600,000; the capital of Spain;situated on the plains of NewCastile. Madrid is a handsome,modern city).

madrileño, native or resident ofMadrid.

madrugada, early morning,dawn, day-break.

maduro, ripe.

maestro, -a, master, mistress,teacher, master-workman.

mágico, magician.

magnífico, magnificent, splendid.

Mago, see rey.

magra, slice of ham.

maitén, m. , maytenus ( a tree ofthe genus Celastraceae, importanton account of its wood andthe medicinal qualities of itsleaves and seeds).

maitines, m. pl. , matins.

maíz, m. , Indian corn, maize.

majo, dandy ( of the lower classes).

mal, m. , harm, evil, wrong, disease; adv. , badly; si — no recuerdo, if I remember rightly.

mal-dao = mal-dado, bewitched.

maldecir, to curse.

maldición, f. , curse.

maldito ( p. p. of maldecir), cursed.

maléfico, malefic, injurious, mischievous.

malhechor, -a, malefactor, criminal.

malicia, evil intent.

malicioso, malicious.

maligno, evil, malignant, malicious.

malísimo ( from malo), very bad.

mal(o), evil, bad, wicked, wrong; estar —, to be ill; en — sentido, with a wrong construction; lo — era, the trouble was; lo — es que, unfortunately.

maltratar, to abuse, ill-treat.

malla, mesh.

mamá, f. , mother.

mamar, to suck, absorb.

manada, flock.

manantial, spring, source.

manaza ( aug. ), large hand.

mancha, stain, spot.

Mancha; la —, prop. noun ( aprovince in Spain).

manchar, to stain, soil, defile.

mandamiento, commandment; echarle encima los diez —s, to lay hands on him.

mandar, to send, order, command; bien mandado, veryobedient.

mandarina, mandarin ( or tangerine),orange.

mandato, order, precept.

mando, order, command.

mandoble, m. , broadsword.

manecita ( dim. of mano), littlehand.

manejar, to manage, handle.

manejo, management; intrigue,trick.

manera, manner; de igual —, inthe same manner; de todas—s, however, at any rate, inany case; ¡de ninguna —!, notat all! oh no! after you!; sobre —, beyond measure.

manga, sleeve.

mango, handle.

manía, habit, mania, fad.

maniatar, to fasten or tie thehands of any one.

maniático, mad frantic, excessive.

manicomio, insane asylum.

manifestante, m. , publisher.

manifestar (ie), to show, lay before,state.

manifiesto, public protestationor declaration.

manijero, manager, foreman.

maniobra, manœuvre, workingof a ship.

maniobrar, to manœuvre ( aship), work, handle.

manjar, m. , food, dish, victuals.

mano, f. , hand; poner — á, toseize; ¡—s á la obra!, towork!; si á — viene, perhaps; que tenía más á —, that wasnearest at hand.

manola, girl of the lower classes( in Madrid).

mansedumbre, f. , meekness,peacefulness.

mansión, f. , mansion.

manta, blanket.

manteca, fat, lard, butter; elque asó la —, a most foolishperson; —s, fat, stoutness.

mantel, m. , table-cloth.

mantener, to maintain; —se, topersist in.

mantilla, mantilla ( head coverfor women, generally made oflace).

manto, robe, mantle of state.

mantuve, —iste, —o, etc. , pret. ofmantener.

Manzanares, m. , prop. noun ( theriver on which Madrid issituated).

manzanilla; vino de —, wine( kind of white wine).

mañana, morning, to-morrow; pasado —, the day after to-morrow.

máquina, engine, machine; todaaquella —, the whole thing.

maquinalmente, mechanically.

mar, m. or f. , ocean, sea.

maravilla, marvel, miracle.

maravilloso, marvelous.

marcar, to mark; — huella, toleave a trace, an impression.

marcial, martial, warlike.

marcha, march, course; ¡en —! march! let us go!

marchar, to march, walk; —se, to leave, go away.

marchito, faded, withered; marchitaslas esperanzas, hishopes were dead.

marea, tide.

mareante, m. , mariner.

marear, to molest, vex, tire.

marejada, swell, high wave.

marfil, m. , ivory.

margarita, daisy.

margen, f. , border, edge.

María, Mary; — de la Cabeza, prop. noun ( the wife of SanIsidro); — Santísima, theVirgin Mary.

Marianito ( dim. of Mariano), my dear Marion.

Mariano, Marion.

marido, husband.

marina, maritime affairs; marine; Marina Real, royal navy.

marinero, sailor; gente marinera, sea-faring folk.

marino, mariner, sailor; adj. , ofthe sea.

mariposa, butterfly.

Mariquilla ( dim. of María), Molly.

Mariquita ( dim. of María), Molly.

mármol, m. , marble.

marmóreo, marble, of marble.

marqués, -esa, marquis, marchioness.

marquesa, marchioness.

mártil = mártir.

mártir, m. or f. , martyr.

martirio, martyrdom, torture.

martirizar, to torture, afflict deeply.

mas, but.

más, more, rather, longer; por— que, however much, although; á — y mejor, to theirutmost capacity.

masa, mass, dough; las —s populares, the masses.

mascullar, to mumble.

mástil, m. , mast.

mata, bush, shrub, under-brush.

matar, to kill.

materia, matter, question.

material, m. , material; adj. ,corporeal, material.

materialista, m. or f. , materialist.

materialmente, in reality.

matraca, wooden rattle; dar —, to tease, taunt.

matrícula, register; nombre de—, registered name.

matrimonio, marriage; marriedcouple.

matritense, m. or f. , native or resident of Madrid.

máxime, principally, especially.

mayor ( comp. and sup. ofgrande), older, larger, greater; el or la —, the eldest, largest,greatest.

mayorcito ( dim. ), (a) little older.

mazapán, m. , marchpane ( cakemade of pounded almonds andsugar).

mecer, to sway, stir, rock.

mechar, to stuff; lard with bacon.

mechón, m. , large lock.

media, stocking.

mediación, f. , mediation, intercession,instrumentality.

mediados; — del siglo, themiddle of the century.

medianero, mediator, intercessor.

mediano, middling, ordinary.

mediante, by means of.

mediar, to mediate, intercede.

medias; á —, partly.

médico, physician.

medida, measure; á — que, inproportion as; á — del deseo, according to one's wishes.

medio, mean(s), middle; half (a); á media voz, in an undertone; en — de, in the midst of; de— á —, completely; por —, between them; media noche, midnight; por — á —, throughthe whole; el buen —, thegolden mean.

mediodía, m. , mid-day, south.

medir (i), to measure.

meditar, to meditate, consider.

Mediterráneo, MediterraneanSea.

medrar, to thrive, grow, improve.

mejilla, cheek.

mejor, better, best; — dicho, (or) rather; á lo —, suddenly.

mejorar, to improve.

mejoría, improvement.

melancolía, melancholy.

melancólico, melancholy, sad,distressing; dreamy.

melífluo, mellifluous, flowingsweetly or smoothly.

melodía, melody, song.

melón, m. , muskmelon.

memoria, memory; de —, byheart.

menester, m. , necessity; es —, (it) is necessary.

menor, less, smaller, younger; el—, the least, meanest.

menos, less; por lo —, at least; ni —, much less (so) [V. y F.]; ni mucho —, far from it.

mentado, famous.

mente, f. , mind.

mentir (ie), to lie; sin —, truthfully.

mentira, lie, error; parece —, itseems impossible; ¡mentira! it is a lie!

menudear, to repeat, occur repeatedly.

menudito; andar ligero y —, totrip, walk with a light quickstep.

menudo, small; á —, often; por—, minutely.

merced, f. , grace; su —, yourGrace, you; — á, thanks to.

merecer, to deserve; estaba á —, was to be had ( or won); nomerece la pena, is not worththe trouble.

merecimiento, merit, desert.

merendar (ie), to lunch.

merendero, summer-house, arbor.

mérito, merit.

merluza, cod.

mermar, to lessen.

mes, m. , month; el — que entra, next month.

mesa, table; — de convite, banquet-table; poner la —, to setthe table, lay the cloth.

Mesías, m. , Messiah.

mesita ( dim. of mesa), littletable.

mesmo = mismo.

metal, m. , metal, brass.

metálico, metallic.

meter, to put, place; —se en, togo into, interfere in; —se depatas (en), to walk or wade(through