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ocasión, f. , occasion.

ocasionar, to cause, excite; ocasionadoá, conducive to.

occidente, m. , west.

ociosidad, f. , idleness, leisure.

ocioso, idle.

ocultar, to hide.

oculto, concealed, secret.

ocupación, f. , occupation.

ocupado, occupied, full, busy.

ocupar, to occupy; —se, to busyoneself; en lo que me ocupes, in whatever you give me to do.

ocurrencia, sally, flash of wit,sudden idea.

ocurrir(se), to occur; lo ocurrido, that which happened.

ocho, eight.

odiar, to hate.

ofender, to offend, give offense; —se, to be offended.

oficial, m. , officer.

oficina, office.

oficio, office, trade, calling, service; pl. , offices, services; de—, by trade.

ofrecer, to offer, propose, present; —se, to present itself,appear; ¿qué se te ofrece? what do you wish?

oído, hearing, ear; al —, in awhisper; aplicar el —, to listenattentively; dar —s, tolisten.

oiga, pr. subj. of oir.

oir, to hear; —se, to be heard; hasta que se oía llamar, untilshe heard some one call her.

ojal, m. , button-hole.

ojeroso, with dark rings underthe eyes; ¡qué — está usted! what dark rings you haveunder your eyes!

ojiva, ogive, Gothic ( or pointed)window.

ojival, Gothic.

ojo, eye; tener entre —s, tohave an eye on, watch.

ola, wave.

¡ole! excl. , come!

oleada, surge, billow.

oleaje, m. , waves.

oler (hue), to smell; huéleme á, this savors of.

olivar, m. , olive-grove.

olivo, olive-tree.

olor, m. , smell.

olvidar(se), to forget, neglect,omit.

olla, round earthen pot.

omóplato, shoulder blade.

once, eleven; á las — y media, at half-past eleven.

onceja ( deprec. of onza), pettyounce.

onde, ¿ónde? = donde, ¿dónde?

onza, ounce ( a gold coin, worthabout 16 dollars).

ópera, (grand) opera.

operar, to make, operate, takeplace.

opinión, f. , opinion, view.

oponer, to oppose; —se (á), to beopposed to, oppose; — resistencia, to offer resistance.

oportunamente, opportunely,conveniently.

oportunidad, f. , opportunity,occasion, opportuneness.

oprimir, to oppress, press.

opuesto ( p. p. of oponer), opposite,opposed, contrary,adverse.

opulento, wealthy.

opusiera, imp. subj. of oponer.

oración, f. , prayer.

orador, m. , orator.

Orán, prop. noun ( town and seaportof Algeria).

orar, to pray.

orden, m. , order, class; de terceroó cuarto —, of low rank; f. ,order, command.

ordenadamente, methodically; tastefully.

ordenado, orderly, regular.

ordenanza, m. , orderly.

ordinariamente, generally.

orearse, to dry.

oreja, ear.

orgía, orgy, revelry.

orgulloso, proud, haughty.

orientar (en), to acquaint (with).

oriente, m. , east.

origen, m. , origin, cause.

orilla, bank, shore, edge.

orla, border, fringe.

oro, gold; de —, golden; el — yel moro ( iron. ), a fortune.

ortodoxo, orthodox.

os, you, to you.

osadía, audacity, daring.

osado, daring, bold.

osar, to dare.

oscilar, to swing, sway, hover,oscillate.

oscuridad = obscuridad.

ostentación, f. , ostentation; hacer—, to boast.

ostentar, to display.

ostracismo, ostracism.

otorgar, to grant.

otro, other, another; esto ó lo —, this or that; ¡otra! again!

ovalado, oval.

oveja, ewe, sheep.

ovillo, ball (of thread); hacerseun —, to be perplexed, tangledup.

oye; oyó; oyera, oyese: see oir.

oyendo, pr. p. of oir.


P. = padre; P. P. = padres. ( Theinitial letter is doubled to denoteplurality. Cf. E.

E. U. U. = EstadosUnidos. )

pa = para.

Paca ( coll. ) = Francisca.

paciencia, patience.

pacífico, peaceful, gentle.

pacto, compact, pact.

padecer, to suffer.

padecimiento, suffering, complaint.

padre, father, priest, monk; pl. ,parents, forefathers; Padresde la Iglesia, Fathers of theChurch ( a title of honor appliedto the early writers of theChristian church); Padre Provincial, see provincial; Padresde Provincia, Provincial Fathers( in the Basque provinces abody of distinguished men whowere consulted

in questions regardingthe application of thefueros , or special privileges andexemptions of these provinces.Many of these fueros havenow been abolished); — Nuestro, Lord's Prayer.

pagar, to pay.

página, page.

país, m. , country.

paisano, peasant, countryman.

paja, straw.

pajarraco ( aug. of pájaro), largebird.

pájaro, bird.

palabra, word.

palacete, m. ( dim. of palacio), little palace.

palacio, palace.

Palacio, prop. noun.

paleta; — de lavar, paddle or pallet ( a flat board with a handle,used for washing the linen).

palidecer, to turn pale.

palidez, f. , pallor, paleness.

pálido, pallid, pale.

palique, m. , small talk, chit-chat.

palitroque, m. , rough stick.

paliza, mauling, thrashing.

palma, palm.

palmada, slap.

palmera, palm-tree.

palo, stick, perch, timber, wood; mucho —, use the stick.

paloma, pigeon, dove.

palomar, m. , dovecot.

palpar, to feel, touch; —se, tofeel (of).

palpitante, throbbing, palpitating.

pan, m. , bread, loaf of bread; — de munición, coarse brownbread ( for soldiers or sailors).

panadizo, felon.

Pandemonio, pandemonium.

pandero, tambourine.

pánico, panic.

pantalón or —es, m. , trousers.

pantanoso, boggy, marshy.

panza, belly, paunch, girth; hold.

paño, cloth, material.

pañuelo, handkerchief, neckerchief.

papá, m. , father, papa.

papel, m. , paper.

papeleo, formalities of the law,examination of papers.

paquete, m. , package, bundle.

par, m. , pair, couple; un — de, a few.

par, equal; á la —, equally; al— que, while.

para, for, in order to; — que, in order that; — con, for, to,towards; — bajo (=


parabién, m. , felicitation.

paradero, whereabouts, stopping-place.

paraguas, m. , umbrella.

paraíso, paradise, uppermostgallery ( of a theater).

paraje, m. , place.

paralizar, to paralyze.

parar(se), to stop, stay; — mientesen, to consider, observe.

pardo, (yellowish-) gray.

parecer, m. , opinion; al —, apparently.

parecer, to seem, appear; —seá, to resemble; á lo que parece, as it seems; á V.

¿qué leparece? what do you think? parecido á, like; mal parecido, of evil appearance.

pared, f. , wall.

paredón ( aug. ), m. , big wall.

pareja, couple, pair.

parentesco, relationship, kinship,relatives.

pariente, -a, relative; algo —, a distant relative.

parir, to bear, give birth (to).

párpado, eyelid.

parque, m. , park.

párroco, parson, priest.

Parrón, prop. noun.

parroquia, parish, paroquialchurch.

parte, f. , side, part; dar —, toinform, give notice, report; ser —, to be sufficient; á ninguna —, nowhere; de mi —, for my part; por todas —s, everywhere.

participar, to inform, impart.

partícipe, m. , participant.

particular, special, peculiar; cosa — mía, an individualgrievance of mine.

particularidad, f. , peculiarity.

particularmente, particularly,especially.

partida; jugar una —, to playa game.

partidario, partisan.

partir, to start, break, split; share.

pasada, trick.

pasado, past; adj. , last; rancid,spoiled; días —s, some daysago, in bygone days.

pasaje, m. , passage; passage-money.

pasajero, passenger, traveler.

pasaporte, m. , passport.

pasar, to pass, spend, undergo,take place, happen, be goingon; — de los cincuenta años, to be more than fifty years old; antes de — más adelante, beforeproceeding any farther; pasado de punto, overdone; ¿qué te pasa? what is the matterwith you?

pascua, (solemn) church festival; — de la Resurrección, Easter; — de Navidad, Christmas; cara de —, cheerful, sweetface; más contentos que unas—s, merrier than crickets.

pasear(se), to walk, ride, drive,take a walk, walk up and down; se ve paseado, he is carried.

paseo, promenade, walk; salirde —, to go out for a walk.

pasión, f. , passion; con —, passionately,ardently.

pasmoso, marvelous.

paso, step, pace, passing; dejar—, see dejar; á — largo, withlong strides; de —

que, sothat; al — que, while; — á —, step by step, slowly; salir demal —, to get out of a difficulty; dar —s, to take steps.

pastel, m. , pie, pastry, tart.

pastelear, to satisfy both parties.

pastelero, pastry-cook; compromiser.

pasto, pasture; á todo —, exclusively,all the time.

pastor, m. , shepherd.

pastorcillo ( dim. ), little shepherd.

pata, foot and leg of animals; rómpales una —, break theirbones.

patata, potato.

patente, evident.

paternal, fatherly.

paternalmente, like a father.

patilla, whiskers.

patio, yard, inside court ( inSpanish houses).

patraña, boastful story, falsehood.

patria, fatherland, native country,birth-place.

patriarcal, venerable.

patrón, m. , master ( of a ship),owner; guardian saint ( of acountry or place).

patrona, hostess, lady, patronsaint.

patrono, patron, patron saint; santo —, guardian saint ( of atown or country).

pausa, pause.

pavana, a dance; salidas de —, capers,nonsense.

pavero, turkey-seller.

pavimento, pavement, floor.

pavo, -a, turkey, turkey-hen.

pavor, m. , fear, dread.

pavoroso, awful.

paz, f. , peace.

pecadillo, slight fault.

pecado, sin.

pecador, -a, sinner; canté el yo—, I had to confess the truth.

pecaminoso, sinful.

pecho, breast, chest, heart.

pedacito ( dim. ), little piece, bit.

pedazo, piece; hacer —s, tobreak to pieces, smash; —sde burros, dullards, fools.

pedernal, m. , flintstone.

pedir (i), to ask for, beg; askfor the hand (á, of).

pedrea, stoning.

pedrería, precious stones, jewels.

pedrique, m. , stone, jewel.

Pedro, Peter; San —, St. Peter; por San —, by St. Peter.

pegar, to beat, strike, join, fasten(together); close; — fuego, toset fire (to);

espuelas, togive the spurs.

pegué, pret. of pegar.

pejiguera, difficulty.

peladillas, burnt almonds.

pelado, bare, peeled, shelled;empty ( as the hands).

pelambrera, tuft or wad of hair.

peldaño, step ( of the stairs).

pelear(se), to fight, quarrel.

peligro, danger.

peligroso, dangerous.

pelo, hair; en —, bare-backed.

pellizco, pinch, act of pinching.

pellón, m. , skin, fur, fur-coat.

pena, trouble, difficulty, sorrow; á duras —s, with great difficulty.

penacho; — de plumas, plumes,tuft of feathers.

penalidad, f. , hardship, trouble.

pender, to hang.

pendiente (de), hanging (on,from), depending (on).

peneque, tipsy.

penetrante, penetrating.

penetrar, to penetrate, enter,pass through.

penitencia, penitence, penance; hacer —, to fast; take pot luck.

penitente, m. or f. , penitent.

penosamente, painfully.

penoso, painful, difficult, hard.

pensamiento, thought.

pensar (ie), to think (en, of).

pensativo, absorbed in thought.

penumbra, penumbra, gloom,shadow.

peña, cliff.

peón, m. , day-laborer, peasant.

peor ( comp. and sup. of malo), worse, worst.

pequeño, small, slight, little.

pequeñuelo ( dim. ), little one.

percal, m. , percale.

percibir, to perceive, notice.

perder (ie), to lose, ruin, spoil; —de vista, to lose sight of; de quele perdiesen el cariño, that theyshould lose their affection for her.

pérdida, loss.

perdidamente, desperately, bitterly.

perdiz, f. , partridge.

perdón, m. , pardon, I beg yourpardon; con —, with yourleave.

perdonar, to pardon, forgive;spare.

perdurable, everlasting.

peregrinación, f. , pilgrimage.

peregrino, pilgrim; adj. , strange,marvelous.

perendengues, m. pl. , ear-rings,gewgaws; display; no tengoganas de —, I don't want anyone hanging on to me.

perezosamente, lazily, slowly.

perfección, f. , excellence, perfection,grace; pl. , accomplishments.

perfeccionar, to make perfect,finish.

perfectamente, perfectly, completely,quite.

pérfido, perfidious, wicked.

perfil, m. , profile, outline.

perfume, m. , fragrance.

Perico ( dim. of Pedro), Pete.

perífrasis, f. , periphrasis.

Perigord, prop. noun ( a formercountry of France, of whichthe principal town was Périgueux).

Perigueux, prop. noun ( a town inFrance. The patés de Périgueuxare famous).

periódico, newspaper.

peripecia, sudden change ( offortune), vicissitude.

perito, expert, experienced.
