produjo, pret. of producir.
profanar, to profane.
profano, profane.
proferir (ie), to utter, pronounce,express.
profesar, to profess, entertain( as affection); take the vows.
profético, prophetic.
prófugo, fugitive.
profundísimo ( from profundo), deepest.
profundo, deep, profound.
profusión, f. ; con —, lavishly,copiously.
progresar, to progress, advance.
prohibir, to forbid.
prolijo, painful, long lasting.
prolongado, prolonged.
prolongar, to continue, extend.
promesa, promise, vow.
prometer, to promise.
prometida, promised wife, betrothed.
prominente, prominent.
promontorio, promontory.
pronombre, m. , pronoun.
pronosticar, to predict.
prontitud, f. , quickness, promptness.
pronto, soon, quickly; de —, suddenly; por el —, in thismoment.
pronunciar, to utter.
propicio, propitious, favorable.
propiedad, f. , property, real estate,ownership; fitness.
propietario, owner.
propio, own, suitable, self, becoming; — de (en), peculiarto; al — tiempo, at the sametime; lo — (de), the same (as).
proponer(se), to propose, determine.
proporcionado, suitable, proper.
propósito, purpose, plan; á —(de), apropos (of), by the way; de —, on purpose; hacer —, to make a resolution.
propuse, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. ofproponer.
prorrumpir, to burst out.
proseguir (i), to pursue, continue.
prosigamos, pr. subj. of proseguir.
proteger, to protect, favor.
protestar, to protest.
provechoso, beneficial, profitable.
proveer (á), to provide (for).
provenir, to arise, originate, proceed.
providencia, providence.
provincia, province.
provincial, provincial; Padre —, Provincial Father ( member ofa religious order who has authorityover all monasteries ofhis order in a province).
provisto ( p. p. of proveer), provided.
provocar, to challenge, spur on,provoke.
provocativo, quarrelsome.
próximo, near, next, adjacent,neighboring; — á, about to.
proyectar, to plan, scheme.
proyectil, m. , projectile.
proyecto, project, plan.
prudencia, prudence.
prueba, proof.
publicidad, f. , publicity.
puchero, grimace; hacer —s, towhimper.
pude, -iste, -o, pret. of poder.
pudiera, pudiese, imp. subjs. ofpoder.
pudrir; see podrir.
pué = puede.
pueblo, people, common people,town, village.
puente, m. , bridge.
pueril, childish.
puerilidad, f. , childishness.
puerta, door, gate ( of a town).
Puerta del Sol, prop. noun ( lit. ,gate of the sun: the centralsquare of Madrid).
puertecita, small door or gate.
puerto, seaport.
Puerto Rico, Porto Rico ( lit. ,Rich Port).
pues, well, then; because, since,for.
puesta; — del sol, sunset.
puesto, stand, booth, stall.
puesto ( p. p. of poner); — que, since, seeing that.
pugnar, to struggle.
pulga, flea; malas —s, bad temper.
pulido, polished.
pulmonía, pneumonia; — doble, double pneumonia ( i.e. of bothlungs).
pulpo, cuttle-fish.
pulso, pulse; con gran —, withgreat circumspection; tomarel —, to sound, search.
punta, point, corner.
puntapié, m. , kick.
punto, point, dot, moment; detodo —, absolutely; en —, sharp; — final, full stop, period; á —, to the point; al —, forthwith; en — á, in regardto; á — fijo, exactly;
— discutible, subject for discussion.
puñal, m. , dagger.
puñalada, thrust with a dagger,cut.
puñetazo, blow with the fist( see H. F. Gr., § 205).
puño, fist; falta de —s, lack ofstrength, skill; cerrar el —, toclench one's hand;
¡puño! hang it!
pupila, pupil ( of the eye).
pureza, purity.
purificar, to purify, clarify.
purísimo ( from puro), very pure,chaste; Purísima Concepción, Immaculate Conception.
Puritanos; Los —, The Puritans( the title of an opera by Bellini).
puse, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. ofponer.
que ( pron. ), who, whom, which,that; el que, la que, etc. , who, or he who, she who, etc. , theone that, etc. ; lo que, what; por lo que, wherefore, therefore; lo que es á (de), as for; á lo —, according to what.
que ( adv. and conj. ), how, as;that, for, because, when; than; á —, that, in order that; lo ...—, how; — si, as if.
¿qué? what?; ¡—! how!; ¿en —? how?
quebrantar, to break.
quebrar (ie), to break.
queda, curfew.
quedar, to become, remain, stay,be; —se, to remain; —se con, to keep; — en lo dicho, toagree.
quedito, quietly; muy de —, veryquietly.
quedo, soft, noiseless.
quehacer, m. , duty, work; asuntosy —es, business affairsand other duties.
queja, complaint.
quejar(se), to complain, moan.
quejido, groan, moan.
quejoso, complainant; adj. , complaining,querulous.
quemar, to burn.
querer (ie), to wish, be willing,like, be fond of, expect; —decir, to mean; como quieraque, although; si se quiere, rather, if you like.
querido, dear, beloved; noun,sweetheart; querida mía, mydear.
querrá, fut. of querer.
querrían, cond. of querer.
queso, cheese.
quien, ( pl. ) quienes, who, whom,he who, (some)one who; interr.and excl. , quién, quiénes;¿quién va? who is ( or goes)there?; ¡por — soy! upon myword!
quietecito ( dim. ), very quiet, still.
quietud, f. , quiet.
quimérico, chimerical, fantastic.
quince, fifteen; — días, fortnight.
quinqué, m. , lamp ( fastened to atin plate, for hanging againstthe wall. It derives its namefrom its inventor, Quinquet, aFrenchman).
quinta, act of drawing lots formen to serve in the army; libre de —s, exempt frommilitary service.
quinto, fifth; la quinta parte, a(one) fifth (part).
quisco, cereus peruvianus ( agiant cactus).
quise, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. ofquerer.
quisiera, imp. subj. of querer.
quitar (á), to take away (off,from); deprive (of), free(from), destroy ( as hopes); —
el hambre á alguien, to appeasesomeone's hunger, keepsomeone from
quizá or quizás, perhaps.
raba, bait.
rábano, radish.
rabia, rage; dar —, to enrage.
raciocinio, reasoning.
ráfaga, flash.
rama, branch.
ramita, small branch.
ramo, branch, bouquet; — dedulce, wreath of candy.
Ramón, Raymond.
rampa, stairs, steps, ramp.
rapaz, m. , young boy.
rapazuelo ( dim. ), urchin, littleboy.
rápidamente, rapidly.
rapiña, pillage, plundering.
raro, rare, strange.
rasgar, to tear, lacerate.
raso, satin.
rastro, track, trace, vestige.
rata, rat.
rato, moment, while; á —s, nowand then; por un buen —, agood while; al poco
—, soon; á corto —, after a short while.
raudal, m. , torrent, stream; á—es, in rapid streams.
raya, line, mark.
rayado, ruled, striped.
rayo, ray, beam; ¡mal — meparta treinta veces y media!, would that a thousand thunderboltsstruck me!
raza, race, clan.
razón, f. , reason, mind, understanding; tener —, to be right.
real, m. , real (= 25 céntimos depeseta, or about 5 Americancents); adj. , royal.
realidad, f. , reality; en —, really,in truth, actually.
realizar, to realize, see fulfilled.
realmente, really.
reanudar, to resume.
rebaja, reduction, rebate.
rebajar, to reduce, lessen.
rebaño, flock, herd.
rebosar (de), to overflow (with).
rebozo, scarf ( long scarf with abroad fringe worn by the womenof the lower classes in SpanishAmerica, to cover head andshoulder); sin —,
rebuscar, to hunt, rummage.
recaer, to fall (back), turn; wane,decline ( as the day).
recayera, recayese, imp. subjs. ofrecaer.
recé, pret. of rezar.
recetar, to prescribe.
recibir, to receive.
recién (+ p. p. ), newly, recently; — entrado, new-comer; —venido or llegado, recent arrival.
reciente, new, fresh, recent.
recinto, precinct, place.
recio, stout, strong, loud.
recíprocamente, reciprocally.
reclamar, to claim.
reclinatorio, praying-desk, priedieu.
reclusión, f. , imprisonment.
recobrar(se), to recover.
recodo, bend.
recoger, to pick up, gather, shelter;contract, retreat, drawback; flancos recogidos, slendersides.
recogimiento, devotion; — de espíritu, spiritual devotion; abstractionfrom worldly things.
recoleto, Recollect, living understrict monastic rules.
reconcentrado, rooted, concentrated.
reconciliarse, to confess ( to thepriest); become reconciled.
reconocer, to recognize, examine,realize.
reconocido, acknowledged, grateful,appreciative.
reconocimiento, survey, reconnoitering.
reconvención, f. , accusation, reproach.
recordar (ue), to recall, remindof, remember; mark.
recorrer, to run through, walkthrough or up and down,travel through.
recrearse, to divert oneself.
rectificación, f. , correction.
recto, straight.
rector, m. , rector ( superior officerof a convent).
recuento, inventory.
recuerdo, souvenir, memory, remembrance.
recurrir, to have recourse to.
recurso, source.
rechazar, to repulse.
rechinar, to creak, grate.
red, f. , net ( for fishing).
redactar, to edit, compose.
redoblar, to redouble.
redoma, phial, glass-bowl.
redonda; á la —, round about.
redondo, round(ly), plump, clear,openly.
reducir, to reduce; —se á, estarreducido á, to consist of.
reducto, redoubt.
reedificar, to rebuild, reconstruct.
reemplazar, to replace.
refajo, short petticoat.
refectorio, refectory ( dining-hallin convents or monasteries).
referente á, referring to, in regardto.
referir (ie), to refer, relate, tell.
refinamiento, delight, refinement.
reflexión, f. , meditation, consideration,reflection, thought.
reflexionar (en), to reflect, think(of).
reforma, reform, dismissal fromoffice.
reformador, m. , reformer.
reforzar (ue), to strengthen, fortify.
refrán, m. , proverb, saying.
refrescar, to cool, refresh.
refugiarse, to take refuge.
refunfuñar, to growl, grumble,snarl.
regalar, to make a present; —se, to regale oneself, livesumptuously.
regalito ( dim. ), little present.
regalo, present.
regalón, -ona, epicurean.
regar (ie), to water, irrigate.
regata, boat-race.
regato, small rivulet, brook.
regatón, m. , rod.
regir (i), to rule, drive ( as aplough).
registrador, m. , recorder.
regla, rule.
regocijar, to rejoice, give pleasure(to).
regocijo, m. , rejoicing, delight.
regresar, to return.
regular, orderly, formal; por lo—, commonly.
regularidad, f. , regularity.
regularizar, to regulate.
rehusar, to refuse, decline.
reina, queen.
reinar, to govern, prevail.
reino, kingdom.
reir (i), to laugh; —se de, tolaugh at; — á todo trapo, tolaugh with all one's might; dar que —, to cause laughter; Verá V. cómo se ríe, you willsee how you will laugh.
relación, f. , narration, story; hallarse en —es, to have socialrelations.
relámpago, flash, flash of lightning.
relatar, to relate.
relativamente, relatively.
relativo; lo —, relating to.
relato, narration, story.
religioso, -a, religious, devoted,sacred; noun, monk, friar, nun,sister.
reloj, m. , watch.
remedar, to imitate.
remediar, to help, remedy.
remedio, recovery, remedy; nohay —, it cannot be helped; sin —, without fail.
remendar (ie), to mend, patch.
remiendo, patch.
remitir, to send, forward.
remo, oar.
remontar(se), to rise, go back,soar; — el vuelo, to raise(one's) flight, soar.
remordimiento, remorse.
remover (ue), to remove.
rencor, m. , rancor, grudge; tener—, to bear ill will.
rendir (i), to overcome, conquer; —se, to surrender.
renegar (ie), to curse; — de, torenounce, swear at.
renglón, m. , line.
renovar (ue), to renew.
renta, income, revenue, rent.
renunciar, to renounce, give up.
reñir (i), to quarrel, scold.
reo, culprit, condemned criminal.
reojo; mirar de —, to look askance,furtively.
reparación, f. , repair.
reparar (en), to take notice (of),observe, notice; repair, correct.
repartir, to divide, distribute.
repeler, to repel.
repente; de —, suddenly, all ofa sudden.
repentinamente, suddenly.
repetir (i), to repeat; repetidasveces, repeatedly.
repleto, replete.
réplica, reply, objection; sin —, without talking back.
replicar, to reply.
repliegue, m. , fold, recess.
reponer, to respond, recover.
reposadamente, quietly, calmly.
reposado, calm, tranquil.
reposar, to rest, repose.
reposo, rest, repose.
reprender, to reprimand.
represa, dam; water stored up forrunning a mill.
represadas; á —, with dammed-upwater.
representante, m. , representative.
representar, to represent.
reprimir, to suppress, restrain,curb.