criar, to nurse, rear.
criatura, f. , creature, child, baby.
criaturita, f. , little one, little child.
cristal, crystal, glass.
cristalino, —a, crystalline, clear, transparent, bright.
Cristo, m. , Christ.
crítico, —a, critical, decisive.
crueldad, f. , cruelty, inhumanity; harshness.
cruelmente, cruelly, mercilessly.
crugido, m. , scratching; rattling, cracking.
crugir, to crunch, crackle, creak, rustle.
cruzado, —a, clasped.
cruzar (por), to cross, dart; to pass.
cuaderno, m. , memorandum-book, note-book.
cuadra, f. , stable; large hall.
cuadrilla, f. , band, troop, gang.
cuadro, m. , square; picture, scene; bed, plot (of vegetables).
cual, —es;
el, la ——;
los, las —es, who, which; such as, like, same;
cada ——, each one;
lo ——, which;
—— si, as if.
cualidad, f. , quality, characteristic.
cuando, when, whenever;
para ——, when;
de vez en ——, v. p. 8, n.10.
cuantioso, —a, ample, rich.
cuanto, —a, —os, —as, how much, how many; as much
as, as many as; themore ( when correlative of tanto); all, all that, whatever, a few;
en——, as soon as;
en —— a, in regard to, as to;
—— más (mejor), themore (the better);
—— + poder, as much as possible;
otras cuantas,several others;
unos —os, several.
cuarenta, forty.
cuartillo, m. , fourth of a real.
cuarto, m. , room; v. p. 13, n. 4. ; quarter of an hour; pl. , money,cash.
cuatro, four.
cubierto, —a, p.p. cubrir.
cubrir, to cover, spread over.
cuclillas, en ——, crouching.
cuchara, f. , spoon.
cuchicheo, m. , whispering.
cuchillo, m. , knife.
cuelga, etc. , v. colgar.
cuenta, f. , account, calculation, reckoning;
a ——, on account, inpart payment;
dar —— (de), to tell (about), relate; answer (for),
giveaccount, know (of); account (for); v. p. 62, n. 2; hacer ——, settlean account.
cuentan, etc. , v. contar.
cuerda, f. , cord, rope, line.
cuerdo, —a, prudent, sensible, judicious, discreet.
cuerno, m. , horn.
cuero, m. , leather.
cuerpecillo, m. , little, diminutive body.
cuerpo, m. , body;
medio del ——, waist.
cuestión, f. , question; quarrel; dispute.
cueva, f. , cave.
cuidado, m. , care, solicitude; apprehension, fear;
¡——! take care!
en ——, on guard.
cuidadosamente, carefully.
cuidar (de), to take care, be careful.
culpa, f. , fault, blame, guilt.
cumplidamente, completely, entirely, fully, to the utmost.
cumplido, full, complete, ample;
bien ——, fully, quite.
cumplimiento, m. , fulfilment; accomplishment.
cumplir, to fulfil, complete, accomplish; perform, carry out; keep apromise.
cuna, f. , cradle, family, lineage.
cundir, to spread.
cuñado, m. , brother-in-law.
cura, m. , priest.
curiosidad, f. , curiosity.
curioso, —a, m. & f. , meddler, (curious) onlooker.
chanza, f. , fun, joke, jest.
chaqueta, f. , jacket, coat.
charla, f. , chatter, light talk.
charlar, to chat, talk, gossip.
chasco, m. , trick, practical joke;
dar un ——, to play a joke on.
chico, —a, m. & f. , youngster; little lad, chap; little girl, lass.
chicuelo, m. , urchin, youngster.
chicharro, m. , small tunny.
chillido, m. , scream, shriek.
chimenea, f. , chimney, hearth.
chiquillo, m. , youngster, child.
chispa, f. , spark.
chisporrotear, to sputter.
chisporroteo, m. , hissing, crackling, sputtering.
chiste, m. , joke, witty saying.
chistoso, —a, funny, witty, droll.
chocar, to hit, strike, jostle.
choque, m. , shock, collision.
chorrear, to drip, stream.
choza, f. , hut.
chubasco, m. , squall, shower.
chupar, to suck.
chupón, m. , sucker.
D. , Don.
Dª. , Doña.
dama, f. , dame, lady.
danza, f. , dance.
dañar, to impair, weaken, lessen, diminish.
daño, m. , harm, damage, loss.
dar, to give, present, hand; inspire, cause, excite; attribute; strike(the hour);
—— a, to overlook, open into or (out) on;
—— aentender, to manifest;
—se a, to give oneself up wholly, devoteoneself, begin;
—— con, v. p. 2, n. 5;
—— comienzo, to begin;
——cuenta, v. cuenta & p. 62, n. 2;
—— un chasco, v. chasco;
——parte (de), v. p. 72, n. 2;
—— un paso, to take a step;
—se porentendido, —a, v. p. 17, n. 2;
—se prisa (a), to hasten, hurry;
——la vuelta, v. p. 11, n. 1;
—— vueltas a, v. p. 30, n. 6.
dato, m. , fact, piece of information.
de, conj. , than, as;
—— lo que, than.
de, prep. , of, about, from (over), belonging to; by, for; in, on,upon; on account of, with.
dé, etc. , v. dar.
debajo (de), under, underneath, below.
deber, m. , duty, obligation.
deber, to owe; must, ought, have to;
—— de, v. p. 3, n. 2.
debido, —a (a), owing to.
débil, weak, feeble.
decencia, f. , decency, cleanliness, tidiness.
decente, decent, respectable.
decidido, —a, determined, positive.
decidir, to decide, conclude, resolve, determine, —se, to decide.
decir, to say, tell, speak, affirm, assert, state;
al —— de, accordingto, in the opinion of;
por mejor ——, rather.
decisión, f. , firmness, resolution, determination.
declaración, f. , declaration, avowal.
declarado, —a, declared, sworn.
declarar, to declare, manifest.
declinar, to decline, sink, descend.
decretar, to decree, order.
dedicar, to dedicate, devote;
—se, to give oneself up to.
dedo, m. , finger.
defecto, m. , fault, defect, imperfection, failing.
defender, to guard, defend, protect.
defensa, f. , defense, safeguard, protection.
definitivamente, finally, definitely.
defraudado, —a, defrauded, outwitted, cheated, tricked.
degenerar, to degenerate.
dejar, to let, allow, permit; leave, leave off, let go, cease,relinquish, abandon, quit; give, entrust, deliver;
—se, to permit or allow oneself to; v. p. 30, n. 2; p. 52, n. 3.
delantal, m. , apron.
delante, before, in front (of), ahead (of), in the presence of; por——, in front.
deleitable, delightful, delectable.
deleite, pleasure, relish, satisfaction.
deliberar, to deliberate, consider, consult.
delicadamente, delicately, carefully, deftly.
delicadeza, f. , delicacy, refinement, good breeding.
delicado, —a, delicate.
delicia, f. , delight, satisfaction, pleasure.
delito, m. , crime, guilt, transgression.
demanda, f. , demand, request.
demandar, to demand, ask, petition; claim.
demás, adj. , el, la, lo, los, las ——, the remainder, the rest, thebalance, the others; adv. , besides, over, moreover.
demasiado, —a, adj. , excessive, too much, more than enough; adv. ,too, too much; more than enough; too well.
demonio, m. , devil.
demostrar, to show, manifest, evince.
demudado, —a, altered, agitated, excited.
denominado, —a, named, called.
dentro, within, in, inside;
—— de, within, inside of.
denuesto, m. , insult, affront, injury.
departir, to talk, chat.
depositar, to deposit, place, sequester.
depósito, m. , sequestration.
deprimido, —a, dejected, meek.
derechamente, directly, straight, right.
derecho, —a, right, straight, direct;
-a, right (hand).
derecho, m. , privilege, right.
derramar, to shed;
-se, to overflow, spread, fill;
—— por el cuerpo a,to take possession of.
derribar, to tear down, demolish.
derrotar, to defeat, rout, vanquish.
derruido, —a, ruinous, dilapidated.
desabrimiento, m. , disagreement, misunderstanding, asperity.
desagradable, unpleasant, disagreeable.
desagraviar, to conciliate, make amends, give satisfaction.
desahogado, —a, free, clear, unencumbered.
desahogar, to relieve, ease, clear (one's head);
-se, to unbosom,unburden oneself, express oneself fully.
desaire, m. , rebuff, slight.
desalado, —a, eager, breathless, anxious, in haste.
desaliento, m. , dismay, discouragement, depression, alarm.
desamarrar, to untie, detach, unfasten, let go.
desaparecer, to vanish, disappear.
desarrollado, —a, well developed.
desasosiego, m. , uneasiness, restlessness.
desatar, to untie, loosen, undo;
-se, to break forth or loose.
desazón, m. , uneasiness, restlessness,
desbaratado, —a, ruined, destroyed, in pieces.
desbocado, —a, foul-mouthed, coarse, indecent.
desbocarse, to use abusive or insulting language.
descalzo, —a, barefooted.
descansado, —a, restful, easy.
descansar, to rest.
descanso, m. , repose, rest, peace; landing, resting-place.
descargar, to discharge, unload.
descascado, —a, broken down.
descender, to descend, go or walk down, let (oneself) down, loweroneself.
descolorido, —a, pale, white.
descomponerse, to become altered or deranged, change for worse.
descomunal, extraordinary, uncommon, unusual.
desconcertar, to disconcert, confuse, ruffle, disturb.
desconfianza, f. , distrust, fear.
desconfiar, to doubt, mistrust.
desconocido, —a, unknown, unexplored.
desconsolado, —a, disconsolate, downhearted, heart-sick.
desconsuelo, m. , grief, despair.
descontento, —a, displeased, dissatisfied, uneasy.
descosido, —a, torn, ripped.
descubierto, —a, p.p. descubrir; bare, open, disclosed, uncovered;
poner al ——, to uncover, expose.
descubrimiento, m. , discovery, disclosure.
descubrir, to discover, ascertain, find out; disclose,
uncover, reveal,expose to view.
descuidado, —a, careless, listless, indifferent.
descuido, m. , carelessness, over-sight, negligence.
desde, from, since;
—— que, conj. , since.
desdén, m. , disdain, scorn, contempt.
desdeñoso, disdainful, scornful.
desdicha, f. , misfortune, misery, wretchedness.
desdichado, —a, unlucky, unfortunate.
desdoblar, to unfold.
desear, to desire, wish, long for.
desembocar, to empty, flow into, pour out.
desempeñar, to perform, carry out, discharge, accomplish.
desengaño, m. , disillusion, disappointment.
desenvolver, to unwrap, unfold, develop;
—— con, to display, exhibit,parade (for person's benefit).
deseo, m. , desire, wish, longing.
deseoso, —a, eager, desirous, longing.
deserción, f. , desertion, escape, loss.
desesperación, f. , despair, desperation.
desfallecer, to faint, swoon.
desfigurado, —a, disfigured; tanned, roughened.
desgarrador, —a, heart-rending, piercing.
desgarrar, to tear, rend.
desgracia, f. , misfortune, calamity, adversity; grief, sorrow,affliction;
por ——, unfortunately.
desgraciadamente, unluckily.
desgraciado, —a, wretched; unhappy, miserable.
desgreñado, —a, dishevelled; in disorder.
deshabitado, —a, uninhabited, abandoned, empty,
deshabitar, to leave, desert, quit.
deshacer, to undo, efface, destroy; counteract;
—se, v. p. 52, n. 5,to break forth, give vehement expression to;
—se de, to sell, transfer,get rid of.
deshecho, —a, p.p. deshacer, destroyed, in pieces.
deshizo, etc. , v. deshacer.
deshonrado, —a, dishonored, disgraced.
designar, to appoint, name.
desigual, unequal, uneven; changeable, variable.
deslenguado, —a, talkative, loquacious; free of speech, gossiping,slanderous.
deslizar, to slip, glide.
desmayado, —a, fainting; pale; faint.
desmerecer, to be unworthy, undeserving.
desmesuradamente, excessively; widely; wildly.
desnudo, —a, naked, bare, uncovered.
desobedecer, to disobey.
despacio, slowly, deliberately;
¡——! gently!
despacito, very quietly, slowly.
despachar, to despatch, get through; send;
—se, to make haste, finishquickly, get through with
desparramado, —a, scattered, dispersed.
despavorido, —a, aghast, terrified.
despecho, m. , spite;
a ——, despite, notwithstanding.
despedir, to give forth, emit, throw off;
—se (de), to take leave, saygood-bye.
despegar, to detach, separate, withdraw; unfold;
—— los labios, tospeak.
despejado, —a, clear, free, unobstructed; cloudless,
despertar, to awake.
despide, etc. , v. despedir.
despierto, —a, wide-awake, bright, lively, clever; sharp, keen;
tener—— el apetito, to be very hungry.
despoblar, to depopulate, desert;
—se, to become deserted.
despojar, to despoil, deprive; cut out or off.
despojo, m. , spoliation