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hablar, to talk, speak.

hacendoso, —a, industrious, diligent.

hacer, to make, do, cause; form, compose; take (a trip, journey, anoath);

—se, to become; impers. (of weather), be;

——... años, yearsago;

——... tiempo, time ago or since;

—— rato, a while ago;

nohacía poco tiempo, for a long time, long since;

—— + Inf. , havesomething done;

—— caso, to mind, notice;

—se cargo (de), to realize;

—— falta, v. falta;

—— el favor de ( in dir. address), please;

—— la guardia, to be on duty, watch;

—— las paces, to make peace.

hacia, towards, in the direction of, near;

—— adelante, forward.

hacienda, f. , property.

haga, etc. , v. hacer.

halagar, to flatter, cajole, allure.

halagüeño, —a, flattering, attractive, alluring, endearing.

hallar, to find, come across, meet; discover;

—se, to be; v. p. 59, n.2.

hambre, f. , hunger, appetite; scarcity, famine, want.

hambriento, —a, hungry, ravening, starved.

harás, etc. , v. hacer.

harto, sufficiently, quite, enough.

hasta, up to, as far as, till, until, to the point of;

—— que, until;

—— ahora, until now, hitherto; adv. , even.

haz, f. , face, surface.

haz, imper. hacer.

he aquí, behold! lo!

hechicería, f. , enchantment, witchcraft.

hecho, —a, p.p. hacer.

hecho, m. , act, fact, event.

hembra, f. , woman, lady.

heráldica, f. , heraldry.

heraldo, m. , herald, harbinger.

heredar, to inherit.

herencia, f. , inheritance.

herida, f. , wound, injury, affliction.

herir, to wound, stab, hurt, touch.

hermana, f. , sister.

hermanita, f. , dim. , hermana.

hermano, m. , brother.

Hermenegildo, m. , Hermenegild.

hermosa, f. , beauty, belle.

hermoso, —a, handsome, beautiful, comely.

heroísmo, m. , heroism;

con ——, heroically, bravely.

hice, etc. , v. hacer.

hidalgo, m. , nobleman; adj. , noble, illustrious.

hierba, f. , grass, weed.

hierbecita, dim. hierba.

hierro, m. , iron; poker.

higo, m. , fig.

hija, f. , child, daughter.

hijo, m. , son; pl. , children.

hilo, m. , thread, line.

hinchado, —a, swollen, puffed up, puffy, fluffy.

hinchar, to swell, fill, puff up;

—se, to grow arrogant, over-bearing,be puffed up with


hipocresía, hypocrisy, falseness.

hipótesis, f. , hypothesis, supposition.

hirió, etc. , v. herir.

hirviente, boiling, seething, raging.

historia, f. , history, story, tale.

histórico, —a, historical.

hizo, etc. , v. hacer.

hogar, m. , hearth, fire-place.

hogaza, f. , large loaf.

hoguera, f. , blaze, bonfire; stake.

hoja, f. , leaf.

¡hola! hallo!

holganza, f. , laziness, idleness; inactivity, leisure, ease.

hombre, m. , man.

hombro, m. , shoulder.

homenaje, m. , homage, respect.

hondamente, profoundly, deeply.

hondo, —a, deep, profound.

hora, f. , hour, time, season;

——de cenar, supper-time;

—— decomer, dinner-time;

a la media ——, within half an hour; v. p. 42, n.2.

horca, f. , gallows.

horizonte, m. , horizon.

horno, m. , oven, furnace.

horrorizar, to horrify, terrify.

hosco, —a, sullen, sulky, gloomy.

hospedaje, m. , lodging.

hospitalario, —a, hospitable.

hostigado, —a, driven, harassed, galled.

hoy, to-day, now, at present;

——mismo, this very day.

hoz, f. , sickle, reaping-hook.

hueco, —a, hollow, muffled, empty.

hueco, m., hollow, hole, gap.

huela, etc. , v. oler.

huérfano, —a, m. & f. , orphan.

huerta, f. , (large) orchard, vegetable garden.

huerto, m. , (small) orchard, kitchen-garden.

hueso, m. , bone.

huevo, m. , egg.

huir, to flee, escape; avoid.

humilde, humble, meek, modest, unassuming.

humildemente, humbly, meekly, submissively.

humillación, f. , humiliation.

humillante, humiliating, mortifying.

humillarse, to humble or lower oneself.

humo, m. , smoke.

humor, m. , disposition, mood;

seguir el ——, to indulge or respect(one's) mood.

humorado, —a, humored, disposed;

mal ——, in a bad humor,ill-disposed, peevish.

hundido, —a, sunken, deep-set.

hundir, to sink, bury;

—se, to sink.

huracán, m. , hurricane, gale.

huracanado, —a, in a hurricane, tempestuous(ly),


huyen, etc. , v. huir.

huyendo, etc. , v. huir.


iba, etc. , v. ir.

ida, f. , going, departure.

ídolo, m. , idol.

iglesia, f. , church.

ignorante, unlearned, stupid.

igual, equal, same, alike.

igualmente, equally; alike, likewise, also.

ijar, m. , side.

ileso, —a, unharmed, free, safe and sound.

iluminar, to illuminate;

—se, to light up, color.

ilustre, illustrious, noble, glorious.

imagen, f. , image, figure, statue.

imaginación, f. , imagination, fancy, mind.

imaginar, to imagine, fancy; conceive, scheme.

imán, m. , magnet; attraction, charm.

impaciencia, f. , impatience, restlessness, eagerness.

impaciente, impatient, restless.

impasible, quiet(ly), impassive(ly), indifferent(ly).

impedir, to hinder, prevent.

imperativo, —a, imperative, imperious, authoritative,


imperio, m. , imperiousness, authority.

impertinente, meddlesome, impertinent, intrusive;

peevish, querulous.

ímpetu, m. , force, violence, impetuosity.

impetuoso, —a, impetuous, impulsive, violent, passionate.

impide, etc. , v. impedir.

imponente, imposing, impressive.

imponer, to impose, enjoin.

importancia, f. , importance, weight, significance.

importante, important, famous, celebrated.

importar, to be important, matter.

imposibilidad, f. , impossibility, impracticability.

imposible, impossible, unfeasible, very difficult.

impotente, powerless, helpless, unable.

impresión, f. , impression, effect.

impresionable, impressionable, sensitive.

impresionar, to impress, affect.

imprevisión, f. , improvidence, lack of foresight, negligence.

improviso, de ——, suddenly, unexpectedly.

imprudente, imprudent, indiscreet.

impulsar, to move, impel, drive.

inadvertencia, f. , accident, carelessness, inattention, over-sight.

incesante, incessant, constant, unceasing.

incidente, m. , incident, occurrence, circumstance.

inclemencia, f. , harshness, severity, rigor.

inclinación, f. , inclination, bent; preference, liking, fondness.

inclinado, —a, inclined, disposed, minded.

inclinar, to incline, bow;

—se (de), to bend over, lean over.

incomodar, to incommode, put out, inconvenience.

incomparablemente, incomparably.

incompleto, —a, incomplete, imperfect, defective.

increíble, incredible, astonishing.

increpar, to scold, chide, reproach.

indagación, f. , inquiry, investigation.

indagar, to investigate, search out, trace.

indecible, inexpressible, unspeakable, indescribable.

indeciso, —a, undecided, unsettled, variable, changeable.

indecoroso, —a, unbecoming, improper.

independencia, f. , independence, freedom.

indescriptible, indescribable.

indicado, —a, indicated, fixed, set.

indicar, to indicate, show, suggest, point out.

indiferencia, f. , unconcern.

indiferente, indifferent, unconcerned.

indignación, f. , indignation, resentment, rage.

indignado, —a, indignant, wrathful.

indignarse, to become angry, indignant.

indigno, —a, mean, unworthy, despicable, unbecoming.

indispensable, ——, necessary, usual.

inducir, to influence, persuade, lead.

indujo, etc. , v. inducir.

inesperadamente, suddenly, unexpectedly.

infame, despicable, infamous, wicked, vile.

infancia, f. , infancy.

infantería, f. , infantry.

infantil, infantile, childish.

infeliz, unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy, wretched.

infierno, m. , hell.

infinito, —a, infinite, boundless, immense; numberless.

infinito, m. , infinity, boundless tract or waste, immensity.

inflexión, f. , inflection, modulation.

infligir, to inflict, impose.

influjo, m. , influence, power.

infortunio, m. , misfortune, ill-luck, calamity.

infructuoso, —a, fruitless, vain, unsuccessful.

infundir, ( pers. indir. obj. ), to imbue, infuse; inspire with.

ingenio, m. , mental faculties, temperament, mind.

ingreso, m. , entrance, entry.

inhabitable, uninhabitable.

iniciar(se), to begin, commence.

injuria, f. , injury, insult.

injuriar, to injure, offend, insult.

injurioso, —a, insulting, offensive, abusive.

injusticia, f. , injustice, unfairness, wrong.

injustificado, —a, unjustifiable, unjust.

inmediatamente, immediately, forthwith.

inmediato, —a, immediate, near, adjoining.

inmenso, —a, immense, unbounded, infinite.

inminente, impending, near.

inmóvil, immovable, motionless, quiet.

inmundicia, f. , filth, dirt, garbage.

inmutable, unchangeable, immutable.

inmutarse, to change countenance.

inocencia, f. , innocence, simplicity.

inocente, innocent, simple, guileless.

inocente, m. & f. , fool, dunce simpleton.

inofensivo, —a, inoffensive, mild.

inopinadamente, unexpectedly.

inquietar, to disturb, trouble, worry, molest, harass, fret.

inquieto, —a, restless, uneasy, anxious.

inquietud, f. , restlessness, uneasiness, agitation.

Inquisición, f. , Inquisition.

inquisitorial, inquisitive, questioning, prying.

inseguro, —a, uncertain, insecure, unsteady;

lo ——, the uncertainty,tremor (of the voice).

insensible, ——, unconscious; unimpressed, indifferent.

insinuar, ( pers. indir. obj. ), to insinuate, suggest, hint.

insistir, to insist, persist.

insolente, insolent, impertinent, bold.

inspiración, f. , inspiration.

inspirar, to inspire, affect (with), cause, rouse, excite.

instancia, f. , urgency, earnestness;

con ——, earnestly, insistently.

instante, m. , moment, instant;

al ——, instantly, immediately;

a lospocos —s, in a few moments.

instar, to urge, press.

instinto, m. , instinct.

instrumento, m. , instrument, implement, tool, utensil;

—s de pesca,fishing-tackle.

insultar, to insult.

insulto, m. , insult, insolence, affront.

integral, integral, necessary.

integridad, f. , integrity, wholeness, safety.

inteligencia, f. , intelligence, understanding, sense.

intemperie, f. , bad, rough weather; exposure.

intención, f. , intention, purpose, plan;

formar ——, to resolve.

intencional, designed, intentional.

intentar, to attempt, try, undertake.

interés, m. , interest, profit, concern; pl. , money affairs, businessmatters.

interesado, —a, interested, concerned, solicitous; n. , interestedperson.

interjección, f. , exclamation.

interlocutor, m. , ——, speaker.

interrogar, to question, inquire of.

interrumpido, —a, interrupted, intermittent, broken.

interrumpir, to interrupt, cut off, discontinue.

intervalo, m. , interval.

intervenir, to come in, take part in, share.

intrigante, intriguing, cunning, crafty, underhanded; n. , intriguer,schemer.

introducir, to introduce, usher;

—se, to get or go into.

introdujo, etc. , v. introducir.

inundar, to flood, fill.

inusitado, —a, unusual, unseasonable, extraordinary.

inútil, useless, idle, fruitless.

inutilizar, to make or render useless, disable.

inútilmente, uselessly, in vain.

invadido, —a, encroached upon, invaded, covered.

invencible, invincible, unconquerable, insuperable.

invertir, to invest, employ, lay out, spend.

investigar, to investigate, examine.

invierno, m. , winter.

invitar, to invite, bid, ask.

ir, to go, walk; continue, proceed, be;

—se, to go away, go off,depart; —— + gerund, to keep on, continue, grow, become, begin to;

—(se) a pique, to go down, founder.

ira, f. , anger, fury, rage, wrath, indignation.

iracundo, —a, wrathful, furious.

irguió, etc. , v. erguir.

irónico, —a, ironical.

irracional, irrational, unreasonable.

irradiar, to irradiate, shed.

irritado, —a, irritated, irate, angry, vexed.

Isabel, Isabel(la), Elizabeth.

izar, to hoist, haul up.

izquierdo, —a, left.


jabón, m. , soap.

jadeante, breathless, panting.

jamás, never; ever.

jamón, m. , ham.

Joaquín, m. , Joachim.