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marinería, f. , seamen, ships' crews.

marinero, m. , mariner, sailor, seaman.

marino, m. , seaman, sailor; pl. , sea-faring folk.

marítimo, —a, maritime, marine.

marqués, m. , marquis.

mártir, m. & f. , martyr, victim.

mas, conj. , but, yet.

más, adv. , more, besides, plus, further; most;

—— allá, further on;

—— bien, rather;

—— de, more than ( before numerals);

—— que,but, except, rather than;

no... más, no other; v. p. 19, n. 1; p. 24, n. 4; no... más que, no other... than; nothing or none but, only.

masa, f. , mass, crowd.

mástil, m. , mast.

matar, to kill, slay.

materia, f. , matter, subject, topic;

entrar en ——, to open, lead upto, a subject.

material, ——, rude, matter-of-fact.

matizado, —a, shaded, tinted, blended.

matraca, f. , ridicule, derision, scorn, sarcasm.

matrimonio, m. , matrimony, marriage.

máxime, especially.

máximo, —a, highest, extreme, intensest.

mayor, larger, greater; older; main, principal; particular, especial; m. pl. , ancestors, forefathers, superiors.

mayorazgo, m. , family estate (devolving on firstborn son by right ofprimogeniture).

mayoría, f. , majority, greater number.

mecer, to rock, sway.

mecido, —a, soothed, lulled.

media, f. , stocking.

mediante, by means of; interceding;

Dios ——, God willing.

medicina, f. , medicine, remedy.

Médicis, Medici.

médico, m. , physician, doctor.

medida, f. , measure, proportion;

a —— que, at the same time that,according as, in

proportion as.

medio, —a, half, middle;

—— noche, midnight.

medio, m. , middle, a half; expedient, method, way, means; en —— de,in the midst of, midway between.

medir, to measure, weigh, gage, judge.

meditación, f. , meditation, musing, reflection.

meditar (en), to meditate, muse, wonder.

medroso, —a, terrifying, fearful; afraid, terrified; faint-hearted,cowardly, timid.

Méjico, Mexico.

mejilla, f. , cheek.

mejor, better;

por —— decir, rather.

mejorar (de), to make better, improve.

mejoría, f. , betterment, improvement.

melancolía, f. , melancholy, sadness.

melancólico, —a, melancholy, mournful, sad.

melena, f. , mane.

melífluo, —a, honeyed.

mención, f. , mention, reference.

menester, m. , need, necessity;

ser ——, to be necessary.

mengano, m. , So-and-So, Such-a-One.

menos, less, not quite, least;

por lo ——, at least; v. p. 64, n. 2.

ménos, except.

menoscabar, to lessen, diminish, impair.

mentar, to mention, name.

mente, f. , mind.

mentecato, —a, foolish, silly, crack-brained.

mentir, to lie.

mentira, f. , falsehood, story, lie.

menudear, to be repeated; grow (more) frequent, occur


menudo, —a, little, small, slender, slight;

a ——, often, frequently,again and again.

mercado, m. , market.

merced, f. , thanks.

Mercurio, m. , Mercury.

merecer, to merit, deserve.

meridional, southern.

mérito, m. , merit, virtue, excellence.

merluza, f. , cod, hake.

mermar, to diminish, reduce, consume, waste.

mes, m. , month.

mesar, to tear (hair).

meseta, f. , plateau, table-land.

metafísica, f. , metaphysics.

metamorfosear, to transform.

meter, to put, place, thrust, stick, put in, bring in, inclose, shut in;

—se, to put in, get in, put into (port); put on (clothes); shutoneself up; meddle.

mezclar, to mix, mingle, unite;

—se, to mix.

miedo, m. , fear, terror, fright, dread, apprehension; tener —— a, tobe afraid of.

miedoso, —a, fearful, timid, apprehensive.

miembro, m. , member.

mientes, etc. , v. mentir.

mientras, while, whilst, when;

—— que, while; v. p. 8, n. 9.

miércoles, m. , Wednesday.

migaja, f. , crumb, bit, fragment.

mil, (one) thousand.

milagro, m. , miracle, wonder.

milagroso, —a, miraculous, wonder-working.

milla, f. , mile.

millón, m. , million.

mina, f. , mine.

mínimo, —a, slightest, least, smallest.

ministro, m. , minister, officer.

mintiendo, etc. , v. mentir.

minuto, m. , minute, moment;

a los pocos —s, v. p. 36, n. 2.

mirada, f. , look, glance, gaze.

mirar, mirar a, to look, look at, watch, observe.

misa, f. , mass.

miserablemente, miserably, wretchedly.

miseria, f. , misery, wretchedness, want, poverty.

misericordia, f. , mercy, pity, compassion.

mismo, —a, —os, —as, himself, herself, itself, yourself, etc. ; same,self, very, own;

lo ——, the same;

lo —— que, just like, the same as,as well as, both... and.

misterio, m. , mystery, secret, secrecy.

misterioso, —a, mysterious, dark, secret.

mitigar, to mitigate, alleviate, soften, soothe.

mixto, m. , mixed number.

mobiliario, m. , furnishing, furniture.

modesto, —a, modest, unassuming, unpretentious.

modificar, to modify, alter, change.

modo, m. , manner, means, way, method, style;

a —— de, like, by wayof;

de mal ——, inconveniently, irregularly;

de ningún ——, under nocircumstances;

de todos —s, anyway, in any case.

mofarse (de), to mock, make fun of, ridicule.

mohino, —a, sulky, peevish, cross.

mojar, to moisten, wet, drench;

—se, to get wet.

mojicón, m. , blow, slap, box on the ear.

molestar, to trouble, bother, disturb, inconvenience;

—se (en), totrouble oneself (about).

momentáneo, —a, momentary, brief.

momento, m. , moment, instant;

por —s, every moment;

por el ——, atthe time.

moneda, f. , money, coin.

monosílabo, m. , monosyllable.

monótono, —a, monotonous, dull, wearisome.

montaña, f. , mountain, mountains.

montar, to mount, climb, get on top of.

monte, m. , mountain, mount.

montón, m. , pile, heap, mass.

morir, to die, perish; —se, to die, be dying.

mortal, m. , ——, human being, person.

mortificar, to mortify, humiliate, vex.

mosca, f. , fly.

mostrador, m. , counter.

mostrar, to show, exhibit, display; prove;

—se, to appear, show orprove oneself, seem, be.

motivo, m. , motive, cause, reason.

mover (a), to move, impel, induce, inspire.

movilidad, f. , mobility, sensitiveness.

movimiento, m. , movement, motion, action; gesture; impulse.

mozo, —a, young, youthful.

mozo, m. , youth, lad.

muchacha, f. , girl.

muchacho, m. , boy, lad.

muchedumbre, f. , multitude, crowd, mob.

mucho, —a, —os, —as, much, plenty, great; an

abundance, many;

antes... con mucho, v. p. 13, n. 2; lo ——, how much;

ni —— menos, v. p. 64, n. 2; por —— que, however much, no matter how much, v.

p.24, n. 4.

mudar, to change, vary, alter.

mudo, —a, mute, dumb, silent.

mueble, m. , piece of furniture; pl. furniture.

mueca, f. , face, grimace.

muelle, m. , wharf, quay, pier.

muere, etc. , v. morir.

muerte, f. , death;

dar ——, to kill.

muerto, —a, p.p. morir.

muestre, etc. , v. mostrar.

mueve, etc. , v. mover.

muil, m. , mullet.

mujer, f. , woman, wife.

mujeruca, f. , v. p. 14, n. 1.

múltiple, numerous, manifold.

mundo, m. , world, earth, globe;

todo el ——, everybody.

muralla, f. , wall, rampart.

murciélago, m. , bat.

murió, etc. , v. morir.

murmullo, m. , murmur, whisper, ripple.

murmuración, f. , dissatisfaction, complaint, discontent; talk, gossip,slander.

murmurar (de), to murmur, whisper; mutter, grumble,

complain; ripple,rustle.

mutuamente, mutually.

mutuo, —a, reciprocal, mutual.

muy, very, greatly, most;

—— más, much more.


N, norte, v. nordeste.

nácar, m. , mother of pearl.

nacer, to be born, spring.

nada, nothing, anything; adv. , not, not at all, by no means.

naranja, f. , orange.

nariz, f. , nose, nostril.

narrar, to narrate, relate, tell.

natal, native.

nativo, —a, native, natural.

natural, ——, usual, ordinary.

natural, m. , native; nature, disposition, temper.

naturaleza, f. , nature.

náufrago, —a, m. & f. , shipwrecked person.

nauseabundo, —a, nauseating, sickening, disgusting.

navaja, f. , razor, knife.

navegar, to navigate, sail.

necesario, —a, necessary, needful.

necesidad, f. , necessity, want, need.

necesitado, —a, poor, needy, in need; obliged, compelled;

—— defondos, "hard up."

necesitar (de), to need, lack, want; constrain, compel; be obliged to,must.

negación, f. , denial.

negar, to deny;

—se (a), to decline, refuse.

negocio, m. , business, affair.

negro, —a, black, dark; gloomy, dismal.

negrura, f. , blackness.

nervioso, —a, nervous, strong, vigorous.

ni, nor, neither; not, even, not even;

ni... ni, neither... nor.

Nicolás, m. , Nicholas.

niegues, etc. , v. negar.

nieto, m. , grandchild, grandson.

ningún, —o, —a, —os, —as, none, not any, not one;


de ——modo, under no circumstances.

niña, f. , (little) girl;

desde —s, from childhood.

niñez, f. , infancy, childhood.

niño, m. , child, boy, youngster, lad; pl. m. , children.

no, ——, not.

nobiliario, —a, nobiliary, aristocratic.

noble, ——, generous.

noblemente, nobly, magnanimously.

nobleza, f. , nobility, gentility.

noción, f. , notion, idea, conception.

noche, f. , night;

al cerrar la ——, at nightfall;

buenas —s,good-night, good-evening;

de ——, at night;

media ——, midnight;

porla ——, at night.

nodriza, f. , nurse.

nombre, f. , name.

nordeste, N. E. , m. , northeast.

noroeste, m. , northwest.

notable, noticeable, conspicuous, important.

notablemente, remarkably, exceedingly, noticeably.

notar, to notice, note, observe, mark.

noticia, f. , news, tidings; notice, information, knowledge; tener——, to hear about.

noticiar, to inform, notify, communicate.

noticioso, —a, informed, made aware.

notificar, to notify, announce, inform.

novela, f. , novel, romance, story, tale.

novia, f. , sweetheart, betrothed.

noviembre, November.

novio, m. , sweetheart, (affianced) lover, suitor; de ——, as a lover,courting, wooing.

nubarrón, m. , heavy, threatening cloud.

nube, f. , cloud.

nueva, f. , tidings, news.

nuevamente, again, once more, afresh, newly, recently.

nueve, nine.

nuevo, —a, new, fresh;

de ——, anew, once more, afresh;

¿Qué hay de——? What news?

número, m. , number;

sin ——, numberless, innumerable.

nunca, never, at no time; ever;

como ——, as never before.


O, or;

O... O, either... or.

obedecer (a), to obey.

obediencia, f. , obedience, submission.

obispo, m. , bishop.

objetar, to object, oppose.

objeto, m. , object, purpose, design, aim.

obligación, f. , obligation, duty.

obligar (a), to oblige, compel, constrain.

obra, f. , work, toil; volume; v. p. 11, n. 5.

obrar, to work, act; perform.

observación, f. , observation, remark.

observar, to observe, notice, watch, examine, scrutinize; follow, lead(a life).

obstáculo, m. , obstacle, impediment, difficulty.

obstante, no ——, notwithstanding.

obtener, to obtain, procure.

obtienen, etc. , v. obtener.

ocasión, f. , occasion, opportunity, chance.

ocasionar, to occasion, cause, produce.

océano, m. , ocean.

octubre, m. , October.

ocultar, to hide, conceal, secrete.

oculto, —a, hidden, concealed.

ocupación, f. , occupation, employment, business.

ocupar, to occupy, fill;

—se (en), to busy or employ oneself in;engage in, attend to.

ocurrir, to occur, take place, happen; strike;

—se, to occur.

ochenta, eighty.

ocho, eight;

—— días, a week.

odiar, to hate, detest.