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perteneciente, belonging.

perverso, —a, perverse, wicked.

pesadamente, heavily, weightily.

pesado, —a, weighty, heavy, cumbersome.

pesadumbre, f. , heaviness, weightiness; sorrow, grief, trouble.

pesar, m. , sorrow, trouble;

a —— de, in spite of, notwithstanding;

asu ——, in spite of himself, etc.

pesar, to weigh; consider, ponder; grieve, cause regret or concern.

pesaroso, —a, chagrined; dejected, disconsolate, sorry.

pesca, f. , fishing, catch.

pescado, m. , fish.

pescador, —a, fishing (-).

pescador, m. , fisherman.

pescar, to fish (for), to catch.

pescuezo, m. , neck; nape of neck.

pesimista, m. , pessimist.

peso, m. , weight, burden.

pestañear, to wink;

sin ——, fixedly, steadily.

pestes, f. pl. , insults.

petición, f. , petition, claim, demand.

petrificado, —a, petrified.

pez, m. , fish (uncaptured).

picado, —a, aroused, rough, boisterous.

picardía, f. , rascality, trick.

pícaro, —a, knave, rascal.

pico, m. , peak, summit, top, sharp point.

pida, etc. , v. pedir.

pie, m. , foot;

en ——, standing.

piedad, f. , piety; mercy, pity, compassion.

piedra, f. , rock, stone.

piensas, etc. , v. pensar.

pierda, etc. , v. perder.

pierna, f. , leg.

pieza, f. , room; v. p. 13, n. 5.

piloto, m. , pilot, sailing-master.

pimentón, m. , red pepper (ground).

pinchar, to pierce, prick.

pingüe, fat, rich, plentiful.

pino, m. , pine.

pintar, to picture, paint; represent, show.

pintoresco, —a, picturesque.

pipa, f. , cask, hogshead.

pique, ir a ——, to founder, sink.

pisado, —a, trodden upon, stepped on, trampled.

piso, m. , floor, story.

placer, m. , pleasure, joy, satisfaction.

placer, to please, gratify, content.

plácido, —a, placid, peaceful, calm.

plan, m. , ——, scheme, design.

planchado, —a, ironed, pressed.

planicie, f. , surface, expanse, level.

planta, f. , sole of the foot, foot.

plantar, to plant, place.

plata, f. , silver, money.

plática, f. , conversation, talk, chat.

playa, f. , beach, shore; bank, shoal.

plazo, m. , time, date.

plebe, f. , common people.

plebeyo, —a, plebeian.

plegar, to fold.

plegaria, f. , prayer.

pleno, —a, full, complete.

pliegue, m. , fold.

plomo, m. , lead.

pluma, f. , pen;

—— de ave, quill pen.

población, f. , population; town.

pobre, poor, needy; unhappy, wretched, miserable,


pobrecilla, f. , poor, miserable thing; poor little thing, poor child.

pobrecito, —a, m. & f. , poor child.

pobrete, m. , poor, unfortunate fellow.

pobretón, —a, m. & f. , beggar, pauper.

pobreza, f. , poverty, need, indigence.

poco, —a, little, scanty, limited; few, some;

—— a ——, little bylittle, gradually; v. p. 19, n. 1.

poder, m. , power, possession, control; force, intensity; authority,command.

poder, to be able, can, may; have force, strength, power (to act);

no—— menos de, v. p. 132, n. 2.

poderío, m. , power, authority.

poderoso, —a (a), powerful, potent; active, able.

podrá, etc. , v. poder.

podrido, —a, decaying, rotting, rotten.

poeta, m. , poet.

polvo, m. , powder.

pollino, m. , ass, donkey.

pomar, m. , apple-tree.

pomposo, —a, pompous, ostentatious, high-sounding.

pondría, etc. , v. poner.

poner, to put, place, set; dispose, arrange; contribute, offer;

——aldescubierto, to uncover, lay bare;

—— cuidado en, to take care;

—se,to become, get, turn, grow; put on;

—se a, to begin;

—se colorado, toblush;

—— en pie, to get up, rise; v. p. 8, n. 5; p. 52, n . 4.

ponga, etc. , v. poner.

popa, f. , poop, stern.

poquito, —a, very little;

un —o, a bit.

por, by; through, along, across; as, in, on, at, per, about, during;for, on account of, in behalf of, instead of, by means

of; in order to (+ inf. implying uncertain result);

—— detrás, behind;

—— dónde, v. donde;

——... que, however;

—— más que, v. p. 24, n. 4;

——si, v. p. 120, n. 2;

—— ventura, perchance.

porción, f. , portion, number, lot.

pormenor, m. , detail, particular.

porque, because; so that, in order that;

—— sí, "because," because Iwill.

por qué, why? what... for?

porquería, f. , meanness, trick.

portal, m. , entrance, vestibule, porch.

portentoso, —a, astonishing, amazing.

pórtico, m. , porch, veranda, gallery.

porvenir, lo ——, the future, time to come.

pos, en ——, behind, after.

posada, inn, lodging(s).

poseer, to possess.

posible, feasible, practicable, possible.

posición, f. , position, standing.

postre, last, end;

a la ——, finally, in the end, at last; in turn.

postrero, —a, last.

potencia, f. , power, influence.

potentado, m. , potentate, prince, magnate.

práctico, m. , expert, experienced person; pilot.

pradera, f. , meadow, field.

precario, —a, precarious, uncertain; straitened.

precaución, f. , precaution, care.

preceder (a), to precede.

precio, m. , price, cost.

precipitación, f. , haste, hurry, precipitation.

precipitadamente, hastily, precipitately.

precipitarse (a), to hurry, rush forward.

precisamente, exactly, just then.

precisado, —a, (a), obliged, compelled.

precisión, f. , distinctness, exactness.

preciso, needful, necessary, requisite.

precursor, —a, preceding; m. , forerunner, herald, harbinger.

preferencia, f. , choice, preference.

preferente, preferred, preferable, taking precedence.

preferible, preferable.

pregón, m. , proclamation.

pregunta, f. , question, inquiry.

preguntar (a) ( pers. indir. obj. ), to ask, demand, inquire.

preliminar, preliminary.

prenda, f. , badge, sign, mark (of respectability).

prender, to seize, take hold of, catch; take root; take fire, kindle.

preocupar, to prepossess, engage; worry.

preparar, to prepare, arrange, make ready.

preparativo, m. , preparation.

presa, f. , prize, prey, booty, spoils.

presencia, f. , presence; bearing.

presenciar, to witness, be present at, attend.

presentar, to present, give, offer;

—se, to appear, present oneself.

presente, present; m. pl. , los —s, those present, the company.

presentimiento, m. , presentiment, foreboding, misgiving.

presentir, to forebode, have a presentiment of.

preservar, to preserve, keep, guard.

presidente, m. , president.

presintiendo, etc. , v. presentir.

préstamo, m. , loan.

prestar, to lend;

—se, to lend oneself, offer.

presteza, f. , speed, promptness, quickness, deftness.

prestigio, m. , prestige, distinction.

presto, -a, quick, prompt, ready; adv. , quickly, soon, speedily.

presumir, to presume, suppose, suspect.

presuroso, —a, quick, swift, prompt; hurried(ly).

pretender, to pretend; try, attempt.

pretestar, to pretend, feign.

pretexto, m. , pretext, pretense, cover;

con —— de, under pretenseof.

prevenido, —a, forewarned, ready, prepared.

prevenir, to prearrange, provide.

prever, to foresee.

previno, etc. , v. prevenir.

prima, f. , cousin.

primavera, f. , spring.

primero, —a, first; early;

—— que, before.

primo, m. , cousin.

primorosamente, charmingly, delightfully, exquisitely.

primoroso, —a, charming, exquisite, graceful, neat.

principiar (a), to begin, start, commence.

principio, m. , beginning, start;

al ——, at first.

prisa, f. , haste, hurry, speed, promptness;

a toda ——, in thegreatest hurry;

darse ——, to make haste, hurry;

de or con ——,hurriedly, quickly.

privado, —a, deprived, despoiled, dispossessed.

privativo, —a, individual, peculiar, exclusive.

privilegio, m. , privilege, prerogative, liberty.

proa, f. , prow, bow.

probar, to taste, prove, experience.

problema, m. , problem.

procacidad, f. , impudence, insolence.

proceder, to proceed.

prócer, m. , nobleman, grandee, peer.

procesar, to prosecute, accuse; sue.

procurar, to try, endeavor; procure, get, obtain.

prodigar, to lavish, regale.

prodigiosamente, prodigiously, wonderfully.

producir, to produce, cause, occasion.

produjo, etc. , v. producir.

proeza, f. , prowess, feat (of courage).

proferir, to express, utter, pronounce.

profiriendo, etc. , v. proferir.

profundamente, deeply, intensely, profoundly.

profundidad, f. , depth.

profundo, —a, profound, deep.

progreso, m. , progress, growth, advance.

prolongado, —a, prolonged, extending to.

promesa, f. , promise.

prometer, to promise, bid fair, give indication of.

prometida, f. , betrothed, sweetheart.

prontamente, soon, quickly, promptly.

pronto, —a, (a), quick, prompt, ready, hasty; adv. , soon, quickly,promptly; v. p. 11, n. 3.

pronunciar, to pronounce, say.

propalar, to spread, publish.

propicio, —a, propitious, favorable.

propiedad, f. , property.

propinar, to prescribe.

propio, —a, -os, —as, own, same, self; himself, herself, etc. ;proper, peculiar, characteristic, natural, worthy.

propio, m. , messenger.

proponer, to propose;

—se, to plan, resolve, determine.

proporcionar, to supply, furnish, provide; yield, render.

propósito, m. , purpose, plan, design, intention.

prorrumpir, to break forth, burst out.

propuso, v. proponer.

proseguir, to proceed, continue, pursue, follow.

prosiguió, v. proseguir.

prosternarse, to prostrate oneself.

protección, f. , protection.

protector, —a, protecting.

proteger, to protect, guard, defend, cover.

proveer, to provide, furnish.

providencia, f. , providence.

provincia, f. , province.

próximamente, approximately, nearly.

próximo, —a, next, near, neighboring, close by.

proyecto, m. , project, design.

prudencia, f. , prudence.

prudente, prudent, discreet.

prueba, f. , proof, evidence, sign.

pudiendo, etc. , v. poder.

pueblecillo, m. , little town, village.

pueblo, m. , town, village; people.

pueda, etc. , v. poder.

puerco, —a, dirty, nasty, filthy.

puerco, —a, m. & f. , pig; sow.

puerta, f. , door.

puertecilla, f. , dim. puerta.

puerto, m. , port, harbor, haven.

pues, because, then, for, since; well, inasmuch as;

—— bien, verywell;

—— qué, why not?

puesto, p.p. poner; placed, put, set;

—— que, since, although.

pulido, —a, shining, polished; neat, nice, fine.

pulpo, m. , cuttle-fish.

pundonoroso, —a, honorable, punctilious.

punta, f. , point, end, extremity, tip; cape, headland, promontory.

puntiagudo, —a, sharp-pointed.

puntito, m. , dim. punto.

punto, m. , point, dot; instant, moment; opportunity; matter, subject;

a —— de, on the point of, about to;

a —— fijo, exactly;

al ——, atonce, immediately;

de todo ——, quite, wholly, completely;

en —— a,in point of, as regards.

puntual, punctual, prompt, exact.

puñado, m. , handful, a few.

puño, m. , fist; head, knob (of staff).

puramente, purely, entirely.

pureza, f. , purity, clearness.

pusiera, etc. , v. poner.


que, who, (whom), which, that;

el, la, lo, los, las ——, he, she, they,those who, the one

who, that which;

interrog. what? how? which?! what! what a!

conj. that, for; compar. than, as;

de lo ——,than;

a ——, until;

de ——, that;

¿y ——? and what of it? es ——,the fact is.

quebrado, m. , fraction.

quebrar, to break, burst, snap.

quedar, to stop, stay, remain, continue; have left;

—se, to remain, be.

quedo, —a, quiet, calm.

quehacer, m. , duty, occupation, business, v. p. 45, n. 4.

queja, f. , complaint.