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bondad, f. , goodness, kindness.

bondadosamente, kindly.

Borinquen or Boriquén, ancient Indian name of Porto Rico.

borrador, m. , eraser.

borrar, to erase.

bosque, m. , woods, forest.

bosquejo, m. , sketch.

botánico, botanical; m. , botanist.

bote, m. , boat.

botella, f. , bottle.

botijo, m. , water jug.

botero, m. , boatman.

bramido, m. , bellowing.

Brasil (El), Brazil.

brasileño, Brazilian.

brazo, m. , arm.

breve, brief, short.

brillante, brilliant; m. , diamond.

brillo, m. , brilliancy, glow.

brío, m. , mettle, spirit, dash.

británico, British.

bromear, to jest.

brotar, to gush out, issue.

Brown, Admiral, he, with General Alvear, expelled the Spanish forcesfrom Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1814.

brújula, f. , compass.

bueno, good.

Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.

bulto, m. , package.

buque, m. , ship, boat;

o —— de guerra, battleship.

Burgos, a city of northern Spain.

burla, f. , mockery.

burlarse (de), to make fun of.

burlón-a, mocking.

burro, m. , donkey.

busca, f. , search;

o en —— de, in search of, seeking.

buscar, 31, to seek, look for.

butaca, f. , arm-chair.

buzo, m. , diver.

caballar, equine, pertaining to horses.

caballeroso, chivalrous, gentlemanly.

caballero, m. , knight, gentleman, sir.

caballito, m. dim. of caballo.

caballo, m. , horse.

cabaña, f. , cabin.

caber, 2, to be contained in, be room for;

o no cabe duda, there is no doubt.

cabeza, f. , head.

cabo, m. , end, cape;

o —— de Hornos, Cape Horn;

o al —— de, at the end of.

Cabot, Sebastián (1472-1557), an Italian navigator sailing under theEnglish flag.

cabra, f. , goat.

Cabral, Pedro Alvares (1460-1526), a Portuguese

navigator who discoveredthe coast of Brazil in 1500.

cacao, m. , cocoa.

cada ( adj. ), each;

o —— uno ( pron. ), each, every.

cadena, f. , chain.

cadí, m. , cadi, magistrate among the Turks and Moors.

Cádiz, a city on the southwestern coast of Spain.

caer(se), 3, to fall, approach ripeness (of fruits).

café, m. , coffee.

cafetal, m. , coffee plantation.

cafetalero, pertaining to coffee.

cafeto, m. , coffee plant.

caída, f. , fall, close (of day).

caja, f. , box, trunk (of body), receptacle.

Cajamarca, a city of Peru.

calabozo, m. , cell, jail.

calado, m. , draught.

calceta, f. , stocking.

calcular, to calculate.

cálculo, m. , calculation.

caldera, f. , pot, kettle.

Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1600-1681), the great Spanish dramatist andpoet. Best known for the drama "La Vida es Sueño."

calentar, 24, to heat.

calidad, f. , quality.

cálido, warm.

calificar, 31, to rate, name, qualify.

calizo, limy, calcareous.

calor, m. , heat.

calzón, m. , trousers.

callado, silent.

Callao (El), a seaport of Peru.

callarse, to become silent.

calle, f. , street.

cama, f. , bed.

cámara, f. , chamber.

cambiar, to change, exchange.

cambio, m. , exchange, change;

o en ——, in exchange, on the other hand.

camello, m. , camel.

caminar, to journey, walk.

camino, m. , way, road.

campamento, m. , camp.

campesina, f. , countrywoman.

campesino, m. , farmer.

campiña, f. , plain.

campo, m. , field, country.

canal, m. , canal.

candil, m. , kitchen lamp, candle (S. A.); o —— de sebo, tallow candle.

Canova, Antonio (1757-1822), a celebrated Italian sculptor.

cansado, tired.

cansancio, m. , fatigue, weariness.

cansarse, to become tired.

cantar, to sing.

cantidad, f. , quantity.

caña, f. , cane;

o —— de azúcar, sugar cane.

cañón, m. , cannon, canyon.

capa, f. , cloak, layer, covering.

capital, f. , capital (of a country); m. , capital (of money).

capitán, m. , captain.

capitanía, f. , captaincy.

capturar, to capture.

cara, f. , face.

Caracas, capital city of Venezuela.

carácter, m. , character, nature.

carbón, m. , coal.

carcajada, f. , loud laughter.

cárcel, f. , prison.

cardenal, m. , cardinal.

carecer (de), 39, to lack.

carencia, f. , lack, scarcity.

carga, f. , load, burden.

cargamento, m. , cargo.

cargar, 32, to load, burden.

cargo, m. , charge.

caribe, Caribbean.

cariño, m. , affection.

cariñosamente, affectionately.

carita, dim. of cara.

carne, f. , meat, flesh.

carnicero, m. , butcher.

carrera, f. , race.

carro, m. , cart.

carruaje, m. , carriage.

carta, f. , letter, chart, map.

Cartago, a city of Costa Rica.

casa, f. , house.

cáscara, f. , shell.

casco, m. , helmet.

caserío, m. , group of houses.

casero, domestic, of the family.

casi, almost.

casita, f. , dim. of casa.

caso, m. , case;

o es el —— que, the fact is that;

o dado —— de que;

o en —— que, in case that.

Castelar, Emilio (1832-1899), a Spanish statesman and journalist notedparticularly for his eloquence.

castellano, Castilian, Spanish; m. , Spaniard.

castigar, 32, to punish.

castigo, m. , punishment.

Castilla, f. , Castile, one of the ancientkingdoms in Spain, the name still being applied to thatregion which is the

central and north-west central part of Spain;

o —— la Vieja, Old Castile;

o —— la Nueva, New Castile.

castillo, m. , castle.

castizo, pure.

casualidad, f. , chance;

o por ——, by chance.

catalán-a, Catalan, Catalonian; m. , the dialect of Catalonia.

Cataluña, f. , Catalonia, a district and ancient principality ofextreme northeastern Spain.

catástrofe, f. , disaster.

catedral, f. , cathedral.

catedrático, m. , professor.

católico, catholic.

catorce, fourteen.

caucho, m. , rubber.

caudal, m. , fortune, volume.

causa, f. , cause, lawsuit;

o a —— de, on account of.

causar, to cause.

cayendo, from caer.

cayó, from caer.

ce, f. , the letter C.

cebada, f. , barley.

ceceoso, lisping.

ceder, to yield, give in;

o —— el paso a, to give way to, "play second fiddle to."

cegar, 24, 32, to blind.

celda, f. , cell.

celebrar, to celebrate, praise.

célebre, famous, celebrated.

celebridad, f. , fame.

cena, f. , supper.

censo, m. , census.

centavo, m. , cent.

centenar, m. , a hundred.

centímetro, m. , centimeter.

central, central.

centro, m. , center.

ceñir, 29, 44, to surround.

cerca, nearby;

o —— de, near, nearly; f. , fence, hedge.

cercano, near, neighboring.

cereal, m. , cereal.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616), the greatest figure inSpanish literature, author of "Don Quijote."

cerrar, 24, to close.

cesar, to cease, stop.

cesta, f. , basket.

Cicerón, m. , Cicero.

ciclón, m. , cyclone.

ciego, blind;

o —— de, blind in.

cielo, m. , sky, heaven.

ciencia, f. , science, knowledge.

científico, scientific.

cien(to), hundred.

cierto, certain, true.

cimentar, 24, to strengthen.

cincel, m. , chisel.

cinco, five.

cincuenta, fifty.

cinematógrafo, moving picture theater, moving picture apparatus.

cinturón, m. , belt.

circular, to circulate.

circunstancia, f. , circumstance.

citar, to cite, name.

ciudad, f. , city.

ciudadano, m. , citizen.

civilización, f. , civilization.

claramente, clearly.

clase, f. , class, kind.

clásico, classic.

cláusula, f. , clause.

clima, m. , climate.

club, m. , club, society.

cobarde, m. , coward.

cobrar, to collect, charge.

cobre, m. , copper.

coca, f. , coca, coca leaves.

cocer, 26, 35, to cook, boil.

coche, m. , coach.

Cochrane, Thomas Lord (1775-1860), a British Admiral who organized theChilean navy and helped that nation

against Spain; always a soldier offortune.

codicia, f. , cupidity, greed.

codicioso, covetous.

coger, 30, to catch, seize.

cojo, lame;

o —— de, lame in.

cola, f. , tail.

colcha, f. , coverlet, quilt.

Colchagua, a province in central Chile.

colchón, m. , mattress.

colgar, 23, 32, to hang.

colina, f. , hill.

colmo, m. , culmination, height.

colocar, 31, to place.

Colombia, f. , Colombia.

colombiano, of Colombia.

colombino, of Columbus, Columbian.

Colón, m. , Columbus; also the name of a city of Panamá.

colonia, f. , colony.

colonizar, 34, to colonize.

colono, m. , farmer, colonist.

color, m. , color.

colosal, colossal, gigantic.

coma, f. , comma.

combate, m. , fight, combat.

combatir, to fight, refute.

combinar, to combine.

comedero, m. , dish.

comedia, f. , comedy, play.

comenzar, 24, 34, to begin.

comer, to eat;

o ——se, to eat up.

comercial, commercial.

comercialmente, commercially.

comerciante, m. , merchant.

comercio, m. , commerce, business.

cometer, to commit.

comida, f. , meal, dinner.

comienzo, m. , beginning.

comillas, f. , quotation marks.

¿cómo? how? what?

como, as, how, something like.

comodidad, f. , comfort, convenience.

cómodo, comfortable.

compadre, m. , friend (familiar).

compañero, m. , companion.

compañía, f. , company.

comparar, to compare.

comparecer, 39, to appear (in court).

compasivo, tender-hearted.

complacer, 39, to please.

complaciente, pleasing.

complemento, m. , complement;

o —— directo, direct object;

o —— indirecto, indirect object.

completamente, completely.

completar, to complete.

completo, complete;

o por ——, completely.

cómplice, m. , accomplice.

componer, 13, to compose.

compra, f. , purchase.

comprar, to buy.

comprender, to understand, comprise.

comprimir, to hold in check.

compuesto, pp. of componer; compound.

compuse, etc. , from componer.

común, common;

o por lo ——, usually.

comunicación, f. , communication.

comunicar, 31, to join, communicate.

con, with.

concebir, 29, to conceive.

conceder, to grant.

concentrado, concentrated.

concesión, f. , concession, franchise.

conciencia, f. , conscience.

concierto, m. , concert.

concluir, 46, to finish.

concordar (con), 23, to agree (with).

concurrente, m. f. , one present.

condenar, to condemn.

condición, f. , condition.

condicional, conditional; m. , conditional tense; o —— perfecto, conditional perfect.

condiscípulo, m. , fellow-student.

conducir, 4, 40, to conduct, guide.

conducta, f. , conduct.

conductor, m. , conductor.

conduje, etc. , from conducir.

condujera, from conducir.

conejo, m. , rabbit.

confesar, 24, to confess;

o —— se de, to make confession of.
