Lecturas Fáciles con Ejercicios by Lawrence A. Wilkins y Max A. Luria - HTML preview

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o ——se, to be;

o ——se con, to come upon, meet.

enemigo, hostile; m. , enemy.

energía, f. , energy.

enero, m. , January.

enfermo, ill.

engañar, to deceive.

engaño, m. , deception.

engrandecer, 39, to enlarge.

enlace, m. , connection.

enlazar, 34, to lasso, to bind.

enojar, to anger, annoy.

enriquecer, 39, to enrich.

ensalzar, 34, to praise.

ensanchar, to widen, increase.

ensangrentar, to make bloody.

enseña, f. , ensign.

enseñanza, f. , instruction;

o primera ——, primary instruction;

o segunda ——, secondary instruction.

enseñar, to show, teach.

enseñorearse (de), to have control of, command.

ensordecerse, 39, to become deaf.

entablar, to initiate, start.

entender, 25, to understand;

o se entiende, of course.

o enterar, to inform;

o ——se de, to find out about.

entero, entire, whole.

enterrar, 24, to bury.

entonces, then;

o por ——, at that time.

entrada, f. , entrance.

entrar (en), to enter;

o —— al servicio de, to enter the service of.

entre, between, among;

o por ——, among.

entregar, 32, to deliver;

o ——se a, to devote oneself to.

entristecerse, 39, to become sad.

entumecer, 39, to become numb.

enumeración, f. , enumeration.

envejecido, aged.

enviar, 41, to send.

envidia, f. , envy.

envoltorio, m. , bundle.

envolver, 26, to wrap up.

envuelto, pp. of envolver.

epílogo, m. , epilogue.

época, f. , epoch.

equipaje, m. , baggage.

equipo, m. , equipment.

equitativo, equitable, just.

equivalencia, f. , equivalence.

equivaler, 20, to equal.

equivocarse, 31, to be mistaken.

era, etc. , from ser.

eres, from ser.

ergástula, f. , bond, chain.

erróneamente, erroneously.

error, m. , mistake.

es, from ser.

escala, f. , scale, stopping-place, amount; o en mayor ——, on a greater scale.

escalera, f. , stairs; steps leading to the whipping-post or scaffold.

escapar(se), to escape.

escarabajo, m. , scarab, beetle.

escaso, scanty, scarce.

escena, f. , scene.

esclarecer, 39, to enlighten.

esclavitud, f. , slavery.

esclavizar, 34, to enslave.

esclavo, m. , slave.

esclusa, f. , lock (of canal).

escocés-a, Scotch; m. , Scotch-man.

Escocia, f. , Scotland.

escoger, 36, to choose.

esconder, to hide.

escondite, m. , hiding-place.

escopeta, f. , shot-gun.

escribir, to write.

escrito, pp. of escribir;

o por ——, in writing.

escritura, f. , writing, scripture.

escuadra, f. , squadron, fleet.

escuchar, to listen to.

escudilla, f. , bowl.

escudriñar, to scrutinize, watch closely.

escuela, f. , school.

escultor, m. , sculptor.

ese, f. , the letter S.

ese (esa, esos, esas) ( adj. ), that, those.

ése, etc. ( pron. ), that, those.

esfera, f. , sphere.

esforzarse (para, en), 34, to try hard, make an effort.

esfuerzo, m. , effort, strength;

o —— a no ceder, spirit of not yielding.

esmalte, m. , pigment.

esmeralda, f. , emerald.

esmerarse (en), to do one's best, take pains in.

eso, that;

o por ——, therefore;

o —— es, that's it.

o espacio, m. , space;

o —— en blanco, blank space.

espacioso, spacious.

espada, f. , sword.

espalda, f. , back.

espantajo, m. , scarecrow.

espantar, to frighten.

España, f. , Spain.

español-a, Spanish; m. , Spaniard.

Española, f. , Hispaniola.

esparcir, 35, to scatter.

especialmente, especially.

especie, f. , kind.

espectáculo, m. , spectacle.

espectador, m. , spectator.

espejo, m. , mirror.

espera, f. , wait.

esperanza, f. , hope.

esperar, to hope, await.

espesor, m. , thickness.

espíritu, m. , mind, spirit.

esplanada, f. , esplanade.

espléndidamente, splendidly.

espléndido, splendid.

esposa, f. , wife.

esposo, m. , husband;

o ——s, husband and wife.

estable, stable.

establecer, 39, to establish.

establecimiento, m. , establishment.

estación, f. , station, season.

estadista, m. , statesman.

estado, m. , state.

Estados Unidos, United States.

estancia, f. , room, farm (S. A.).

estar, 7, to be; understand (familiar);

o —— a punto de, to be about to;

o —— de vuelta, to return, be back;

o —— en proyecto, to be planned;

o —— lucido, to be in a fine fix;

o —— para, to be about to.

estatua, f. , statue.

estatura, f. stature.

este, m. , east.

este (esta, estos, estas) ( adj. ), this, these; the latter.

éste, etc. ( pron. ), this, these.

esterlina, sterling.

estilo, m. , style;

o de ——, customary.

estima, f. , value.

estimar, to esteem, estimate;

o —— en, to estimate at.

estimular, to stimulate.

estímulo, m. , stimulus.

estipular, to stipulate, set.

estirar, to stretch.

esto, this.

estrago, m. , havoc.

estrechar, to tighten, make close.

estrechez, f. , poverty.

estrecho, narrow; m. , strait.

estremecer, 39, to tremble.

estrepitoso, noisy.

estropear, to spoil, damage.

estuche, m. , case, box.

estudiante, m. , student.

estudiar, to study.

estudio, m. , study.

estupendo, great, stupendous.

estuve, etc. , from estar.

etcétera, and so forth.

etimología, f. , etymology, origin and derivation of words as shown bytheir analysis.

Etiopia, f. , Ethiopia.

Europa, f. , Europe.

europeo, European.

evangelio, m. , gospel.

evitar, to avoid, prevent.

evolución, f. , evolution.

exageración, f. , exaggeration.

examen, m. , examination.

excavación, f. , excavation.

exceder (a, de), to exceed, surpass.

excelente, excellent.

excepcional, exceptional.

excesivamente, excessively.

excesivo, excessive.

exclamar, to exclaim.

excremento, m. , excrement.

excursión, f. , excursion.

excusar, to shun.

exhortar, to exhort.

exigir, 36, to exact, require.

existencia, f. , existence.

existente, existing.

existir, to exist, be.

éxito, m. , suecess.

exótico, foreign, exotic.

expedición, f. , expedition.

experiencia, f. , experience.

experto, expert.

explicar, 31, to explain.

explosivo, m. , explosive.

explotar, to exploit, develop, work.

exponer, 13, to expose, explain.

exportable, exportable.

exportación, f. , exportation.

exportar, to export.

exposición, f. , exposition.

expuesto, pp. of exponer.

expulsar, to expel.

expuse, etc. , from exponer.

exquisito, exquisite.

extender, 25, to extend, draw up.

extensión, f. , area, extent.

exterior, foreign, outside.

extraer, 19, to extract.

extranjero, foreign; m. , foreigner.

extraño, strange.

extraordinario, extraordinary.

extremidad, f. , end, extremity.

extremo, end, extreme.

fábrica, f. , factory.

fabricación, f. , construction.

fabricar, 31, to manufacture.

fábula, f. , fable.

fabuloso, fabulous.

fácil, easy.

facilidad, f. , facility.

facilitar, to provide, supply, facilitate.

fácilmente, easily.

factura, f. , invoice, bill.

facultad, f. , faculty, power.

faena, f. , task.

fajina, f. , fagot of brushwood.

falda, f. , skirt, foothill.

falta, f. , lack, mistake, fault.

faltar, to be lacking, missing;

o —— algo a uno, to lack something.

fallecer, 39, to die.

fallecimiento, m. , death.

fallo, m. , edict, decision.

fama, f. , fame, reputation.

familia, f. , family.

famoso, famous.

famosísimo, most famous.

fascinar, to fascinate.

fatiga, f. , fatigue.

fatigado, tired.

favor, m. , favor;

o a —— de, under the protection of.

favorecer, 39, to favor.

favorito, favored, favorite.

fe, f. , faith.

febrero, m. , February.

fecundidad, f. , fertility.

fecha, f. , date.

federal, federal.

felicidad, f. , happiness.

feligrés, m. , parishioner.

feliz, happy.

felizmente, happily.

femenino, feminine.

Fenelón, François (1651-1715), French writer and

archbisbop of Cambrai,author of "Télémaque," a drama.

feria, f. , fair.

Fernando II, of Aragón (1479-1519). He and his wife, Isabel I, wereknown as Los Reyes Católicos, Their

Catholic Majesties.

feroz, ferocious.

férreo, of iron.

ferrocarril, m. , railway.

ferroviario, pertaining to railways.

fértil, fertile.

fertilidad, f. , fertility.

fibra, f. , fiber.

fiebre, f. , fever.

fiel, faithful.

fiera, f. , wild animal.

fieramente, wildly.

fiesta, f. , feast, festival, holiday.

figura, f. , figure.

figurar, to figure, represent.

fijar, to establish, fix;

o ——se en, to notice.

fijo, fixed.

filosofía, f. , philosophy.

filósofo, m. , philosopher.

filtración, m. , filtration.

fin, m. , end, purpose;

o al, en, por ——, at last, finally;

o hasta fines de, until the end of.

final, final; m. , end;

o al —— de, at the end of.

finalmente, finally.

financiero, financial.

fino, fine.

firmar, to sign.

firme, firm;

o de ——, hard, steadily.

firmeza, f. , steadfastness.

flamenco, Flemish.

flauta, f. , flute, pipe.

flautista, m. , flute-player, piper.

flecha, f. , arrow.

flexible, flexible.

flojo, loose, lazy.

flor, f. , flower.

florecer, 39, to flourish.

florentino, Florentine, pertaining to Florence, a city of Italy.

florescencia, f. , florescence.

flota, f. , fleet.

flotar, to float.

fluctuar, 42, to fluctuate.

fluvial, pertaining to rivers.

folleto, m. , booklet, pamphlet.

fomentar, to encourage.

fonda, f. , restaurant.

fondear, to anchor.

fondo, m. , bottom; pl. , funds.

fondura, f. , depth.

fonético, phonetic.

forestal, sylvan, pertaining to the woods.

forma, f. , form.

formación, f. , formation.

formal, serious.

formalmente, formally.

formar, to form.

fórmula, f. , expression.

fortalecer, 39, to strengthen, encourage.

fortaleza, f. , strength, fortress.

fortuna, f. , fortune;

o por ——, fortunately.

fotografía, f. , photograph.

fraile, m. , friar.

francés-a, French; m. , French-man.

Francia, f. , France.

frase, f. , phrase, sentence.

fray, m. , friar.

frecuencia, f. , frequency;

o con ——, frequently.

frecuentar, to frequent.

frecuentemente, frequently.
