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Autocorrelation of the signal O -5 Point3 INOE




















Fig. 16. Typical autocorrelation functions

Statistical Tools and Optoelectronic Measuring Instruments


The sample auto covariance, C [ l] , is the sample autocorrelation of the centred sequence


[ x ] (the sequence after removing the mean) while the sample cross covariance, C [ l] , is the i


cross correlation of the centred sequences [ x ] and [ y ] . Thus, Fig. 17 presents the auto



covariance functions for the same signals, namely Point1UPT and Point3INOE pollutant

concentrations. The auto covariance at zero lag, gives the power of the variable part of the

analysed signal: approximately 74 ppb 2 for Point1UPT and 131 ppb 2 for Point3INOE signals.

The shapes of the auto covariance functions show that Point1UPT signal has a highly

random character while in the Point3INOE signal the spectral components are concentrated

in a small range near 0.016 mHz.

Autocovariance of the signal O -5 Point1 UPT




















Autocovariance of the signal O -5 Point3 INOE




















Fig. 17. Typical auto covariance functions

The cross-covariance functions offer an interesting possibility to determine delays between

pollutant concentrations measured simultaneously. The position of the peak in the

covariance function around zero gives the temporal delay between two signals. Depending

on the wind direction and intensity the pollutants can be transported from one place to the

other in the experimental area. However such temporal relations can be put into evidence

only if the resolution on the time axis is sharp enough to allow the proper localization of the

crosscovariance peak. This condition was not fulfilled during the related measuring

campaign: the sampling period should be in the range of seconds while the signals were

achieved with sampling periods of 5 to 30 minutes. The consequence is that the peak of the

autocorrelation function appears in the origin (zero lag) or they have a flat maximum

around zero, as shown in Fig.18.

Summarizing, the autocorrelation and auto-covariance functions are useful tools in

establishing power relations between pollutant concentration signals measured with


Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

optoelectronic instruments. For reliable results, a sufficient temporal length of measured

data sets must be assured, so that the signals can manifest there features. Temporal relations

i.e. delays between certain signals measured simultaneously can be revealed using the

crosscovariance function. But, for this purpose a supplementary condition must be fulfilled:

a small sampling period must assure a good resolution on the time axis.

Crosscovariance of the signals O -5 Point1 UPT and Point3 INOE










Value at Zero Delay=67.7611











Cosscovariance of the signals O -5 Point1 UPT and DOAS1 INOE









Value at Zero Delay=54.254












Fig. 18. Experimental cross covariance functions

The MATLAB xcorr function produces estimates of the cross-correlation function. For

example, the command C=xcorr(A,B), where A and B are length M vectors, returns the length 2* M- 1 crosscorrelation sequence C. Particularly, C=xcorr(A), where A is a vector, returns the autocorrelation sequence. One can limit the range of lags in the (auto/cross)

correlation function to (- Maxlag, Maxlag), using the command form xcorr(...,Maxlag).

Similarly, the MATLAB function xcov produces estimates of the (auto/cross) covariance

function (actually, correlation functions of sequences with their means removed).

6. Conclusion

Due to the random character of the pollutant concentrations measured with optoelectronic

instruments, statistical signal processing methods are recommended. Histograms,

correlation coefficients, (auto/cross) correlation, (auto/cross) covariance functions or

statistical parameters like mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis can be useful

tools in analyzing such signals. However, according to the purpose of the measuring

campaign, the experiment must be carefully designed in order to obtain reliable results.

This chapter reveals some practical rules for setting acquisition parameters like data

Statistical Tools and Optoelectronic Measuring Instruments


(segment) size and sampling frequency. As a first rule, for reliable correlation coefficient

determination one must assure a sufficient temporal length of the concentration signals,

i.e. the product between segment size and sampling period must be large enough in order

to obtain stable values of the correlation coefficients. This rule is also valid for the

calculation of autocorrelation or auto covariance functions. However, if we are interested

to use cross correlation or cross covariance function to reveal delays between pollutant

concentration and/or meteorological signals, another rule must also be taken into

account: assure the necessary resolution on the time axis i.e. the sampling period must be

small enough in comparison with expected delays. In any case, interactive verification

and setting of the acquisition parameters during the measuring campaign, according to

the purpose of every particular experimental research, are recommended.

Signal conditioning procedures must be implemented before determining the statistical

functions and parameters. Thus, ideal filtering based on fast Fourier transform is an

useful pre-processing step allowing a simple rejection of measurement noise and possible

artefacts of the pollution level signals. Interpolation can be used to increase the number of

samples of the slowly varying meteorological parameters, avoiding redundant


The purpose of one measuring campaign was the correlative comparison of two CO-

concentration optoelectronic measuring instruments, working on different principles.

Within this research the correlation coefficient proved to be the most useful tool in

analyzing dependencies between pollution levels and the meteorological factors. The

open path remote sensing instrument measures spatial averaged values which show

better correlation to the meteorological parameters. Thus, the open path instrument is

better suited for monitoring the pollution level in a large area than the classical NDIR


7. References

Hoffmann, J. & Quint, F. (2007). Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB® und SIMULINK®.

Anwendungsorientierte Simulationen, Oldenbourg Verlag, ISBN 978-3-486-58427-1,


Ionel, I.; Ionel, S. & Nicolae, D. (2007). Correlative comparison of two optoelectronic carbon

monoxide measuring instruments. Journal for Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,

Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 3541-3545 ISSN

Ionel, I.; Ionel, S. & Lie, I. (2009). Statistical Tools in the Analysis of Pollutant Concentrations

Measured with Optoelectronic Instruments, Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS

International Conference on Sustainability in Science and Engineering (SSE ’09), Vol. II,

pp.293-298, Timişoara, Romania, May, 2009, Published by WSEAS Press

Martinez, L. W. & Martinez, R. A. (2002). Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB®,

Chapman & Hall/CRC, ISBN 1-58488-229-8, Boca Raton

Montgomery, C. D. & Runger, C. G. (2006). Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 4th

Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-74589-8, New York

Navidi, W. (2010). Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 3rd Edition, ISBN-

13: 978-0071222051, New York

Papoulis, A. (1991). Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,

3rd Edition, ISBN 0-07-100870-5, New York


Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

Peck, R.; Olsen, C. & Devore, J. (2008). Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Duxbury

Press, 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0-495-11873-2, Pacific Grove, CA

Shen, D.; Lu, Z. (2006). Computation of Correlation Coefficient and Its Confidence Interval

in SAS, www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi31/170-31.pdf

Therrien, C. W. (1992). Discrete Random Signals and Statistical Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall

International, Inc., ISBN 0-13-217985-7, Englewood Cliffs

Zuur, A. F.; Ieno, E. N. & Smith, G. M. (2007). Analyzing Ecological Data, Springer Science +

Business Media, ISBN-13: 978-0-387-45967-7, New York

Part 5

Physical Modeling and Simulations

of Optoelectronic Devices


Advanced Numerical Simulation

of Organic Light-emitting Devices

Beat Ruhstaller1, Evelyne Knapp2, Benjamin Perucco3, Nils Reinke4,

Daniele Rezzonico5 and Felix Müller6

1,2,3,4 Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Computational

Physics, 8401 Winterthur

5,6 Fluxim AG, 8835 Feusisberg


1. Introduction

Organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) are novel and efficient light sources that consist of a

sequence of layers that fulfill distinct electronic and optical tasks. Given the variety of organic

semiconductor materials available, the improvement of the device performance is a tedious

and demanding task that often involves numerous experimental optimizations of layer

materials, thicknesses and sequence. Comprehensive numerical device models have recently

been developed that master both the physical complexity of the underlying optoelectronic

processes as well as the numerically challenging system of equations. In this chapter we

introduce such a comprehensive optical and electronic device model that is able to describe the

device performance of OLEDs. We first introduce the key device model equations for charge

and exciton transport as well as the dipole emission model for describing the out-coupling

of light. Then we present a series of simulation results that are of practical interest when

studying and optimizing OLEDs. These include the calculation of current-voltage curves,

current transients signals, time-of-flight current transients and impedance spectroscopy data.

We show that the physical model can be combined with a nonlinear least-square fitting

algorithm for extracting transport parameters from measurements. In terms of optical device

characteristics, quantitative outcoupling mode contributions and angular characteristics are

presented as well as results of an emission zone extraction method.

Electrical characterization of devices and materials is essential and helps to elucidate

the underlying, physical models of charge carrier transport in disordered, organic


Besides the commonly used current-voltage curves, dark-injection,

electroluminescence and time-of-flight transient measurements as well as impedance

spectroscopy offer other ways to validate models for organic LEDs and extract model

parameters. By means of a one-dimensional numerical OLED model we are able to simulate

these different measurement techniques. Here, we present numerical methods in the physical

and numerical framework of reference (Knapp et al, 2010) and solve directly for the steady-

and transient state. Further, we conduct a numerical small signal-analysis for OLEDs. The

underlying model solves the drift-diffusion equations in a coupled manner for disordered,



Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

organic semiconductors. The disordered nature of organic semiconductors affects the density

of state, the mobility model, the Einstein diffusion relation as well as charge injection.

These novel physical model ingredients constitute a second generation OLED model and are

implemented in the simulator SETFOS (Fluxim AG, 2010). It is expected that the second

generation OLED model will impact the way OLED characteristics and performance are

quantitatively described.

2. Description of the device model

2.1 Charge drift-diffusion model

To describe the main features of charge transport in organic LEDs four processes have to be

considered as illustrated in the schematic energy level diagram in Fig. 1. In a first step, charge

carriers have to be injected into the organic material (1), secondly they will be transported (2)

until they recombine to an exciton (3). Then the excitons decay radiatively or non-radiatively

(4). In the following we will first look at the transport process (2). For the description of

Fig. 1. Main processes in OLED operation: 1) Injection, 2) Transport, 3) Formation of exctions,

4) Radiative decay

charge transport in OLEDs the general semiconductor drift-diffusion equations for electrons

and holes are valid. In Poisson’s equation

∇ · ( ∇ψ) = e( n + nt − p − pt),


the electrical potential ψ is related to the mobile electron and hole densities n and p and the trapped electron and hole densities nt and pt where e is the elementary charge and


product of the vacuum permittivity 0 and the relative permittivity r of the organic material.

The current equations for electrons and holes read

Jn = −enμn∇ψ + eDn∇n,


Jp = −epμp∇ψ − eDp∇p


Advanced Numerical Simulation of Organic Light-emitting Devices


where μn, p denotes the mobility and Dn, p the diffusion coefficient for electrons and holes. Only mobile charges contribute to the current. The conservation of charges leads to the continuity

equations for electrons and holes


= 1 ∇J




n − R( n, p) − ∂nt




= 1 ∇J



p − R( n, p) − ∂pt


where R denotes the bimolecular recombination rate given by Langevin and t the time

(Langevin, 1903). These equations take charge migration and recombination into account. The

trapped electron ( nt) and hole ( pt) charge carriers obey the rate equations for an energetically

sharp trap levels as shown in Fig. 2


= r


cn( Nt − nt) − rent,




= r


c p( Nt − pt) − re pt.

where re denotes the escape rate, rc the capture rate and Nt the trap density. Note, that more general trap distributions can be introduced that are described by an exponential or Gaussian

density of trap states (Fluxim AG, 2010; Knapp et al, 2010).

Fig. 2. Gaussian distributions of density of states and trap levels for trapped charges.

As opposed to inorganic semiconductors the density of states for organic semiconductors is

described by a Gaussian shape since transport is assumed to occur via a hopping process

between uncorrelated sites. Thus, polymers and small molecules have broadened energy

levels of their highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular

orbital (LUMO) as shown in Fig. 2 and are described in the following way


NGauss( E) =

N 0


E − E 0


2 πσ 2

2 σ

where N 0 denotes the site density, σ the width of Gaussian and E 0 the reference energy

level. In the extended Gaussian disorder model the Gaussian density of states affects charge

diffusion. Tessler pointed out that the use of the generalized instead of the classical Einstein


Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

relation is appropriate (Tessler et al., 2002). The generalized Einstein diffusion coefficient is

now determined by

D = kT μ( T, p, F) g


3( p, T),


where the enhancement function g 3 reads


g 3( p, T) = 1



kT ∂p


Using the expression

p( Ef ) =

DOS( E) f ( E, E

f ) dE


for the density and inserting the Fermi-Dirac distribution and the Gaussian DOS we obtain

NGauss( E)



E−E f



= kT






E−E f

NGauss( E) exp









We will now turn to the charge mobility model. A mobility model that has been applied for

quite some time now is the Poole-Frenkel mobility which is field-dependent and reads

μ = μ 0 exp γ E ,


where μ 0 is the zero-field mobility and γ is the field-dependence parameter. However, it has

been shown by Bässler with the aid of Monte Carlo simulations that the energetic disorder in

organic semiconductors influences the charge mobility (Pautmeier et al., 1990). Experiments

have shown that the mobility in hole-only devices can differ up to three orders of magnitude

between OLED and OFET device configurations with the same organic semiconductor. An

explanation for this difference is a strong dependence of the mobility on the charge density

(Tanase et al., 2003). Vissenberg and Matters developed a mobility model that considers

such a density-dependent effect (Vissenberg & Matters, 1998). Using a 3D master equation

approach to simulate the hopping transport in disordered semiconductors a dependence on

the temperature, field and density was determined. Pasveer’s model is therefore dependent

on the temperature, field as well as the density and accounts for the disorder in the material

(Pasveer et al, 2005). The extended Gaussian disorder model (EGDM) is an extension of the

Pasveer model by additionally considering diffusion effects. In the EGDM the mobility may

be expressed as a product of a density-dependent and field-dependent factor according to van

Mensfoort as (Mensfoort et al., 2008a)

μ( T, p, F) = μ 0( T) g 1( p, T) g 2( F, T), (11)

with the enhancement functions g 1( p, T) and