Parallel Manipulators Towards New Applications by Huapeng Wu - HTML preview

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$ + + ,.


# 1 , the direction is / # ! '



and the type is translation, which is



32 "

1 2 3



fully represented by the screw expression (21).



After obtaining the instantaneous mobility of the end-effector, one can directly exert *

actuations to the manipulator, and then investigate the CDOF of the end-effector by solving


Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications

the free motion(s) of the end-effector within its workspace. If the newly solved motion(s),

denoted by $ ni

( , % # , 12 !





, satisfy that $

3 !0 0 0 0 0

" "


0 , then, additional actuations

are needed under this configuration and the actuation scheme. Of course, we can either

reselect the actuation scheme or add

1 ni

( .

R'$(/ $# , more actuation(s) under this configuration







# !0 0 0 0 0

" "


0 . The total number of actuations under the configuration

with this actuation scheme is the CDOF. However, what must be pointed out is that the

actuation(s) should not be exerted to the joint when the newly increased terminal constraint

can be transformed by the other actuation(s). Otherwise, the over constraint case will occur.

When there are a lot of possible actuation schemes any one of which can be selected to set

the actuators, the controllability of the manipulator is also affected by the actuation scheme’s

selection. For an instance, one can analyze the number of actuation(s) required to control the

end-effector of the parallel manipulator shown in Fig. 1. Because the number of DOF of the

end-effector is 1, it is reasonable for us to expect that the end-effector can be fully controlled

only with one actuation. If one actuation is exerted to any joint of the mechanism, 1

, for

example, it is not difficult to find that the end-effector still remains one translational DOF in

the direction # !






when one repeats the above two steps in section 2.1.



32 "

Therefore, one has to add another actuation to the mechanism. Of course, he can add the

second actuation to any one of the rest joints. However, it is not difficult to prove that the

end-effector will not be controlled unless the second actuation is exerted to the prismatic

joint 0% ! % #1 2

, , "

3 under the condition that the first actuation is exerted to ,% ! % # 1 2

, , "

3 .

However, just as mentioned above, the new-added actuation should not be accepted if the

newly-increased terminal constraint can be obtained by translating the former actuation(s).

For an example, if the second actuation is assigned to the revolute joint 1

0 , the newly-

increased terminal constraints of the kinematic chain 1

, 1

0 1

+ will be:




$ # ! '







+ -

2 3


+ .



+ '

2 2


+ -



+ .

2 1 '


11 " "









Equation (22) is the transformation of the actuation exerted to the prismatic joint 1

, . So, the

newly-added actuation is an over actuation for the actuation scheme whose first actuation is

assigned to 1

, .

Of course, one can also exert the second actuation to the prismatic joint 2

, after assigning

the first actuation to the prismatic joint 1

, . Again, one can find that the end-effector still has

the free translation in the direction # !






when one repeats the above two



32 "

steps in section 2.1. So, one can continue to add the third actuation to the prismatic joint 3

, .

However, the end-effector will not be controlled until a fourth actuation is applied to one of

the prismatic joints, 1

0 , 2

0 and 3

0 . This forms a second actuation scheme. So, under this

actuation scheme, the number of actuations needed to control the end-effector shown in Fig.

1 is 4.

Mo9ility of <patial Paral el Manipulators


The differences between the second actuation scheme and the first one are that the second

one not only completely control the end-effector but also completely control every link in

the manipulator. The selections of different actuation schemes can be well accomplished by

a computer especially when the possible selections are numerous such as the one shown in

Fig. 1. Unfortunately, this properties of a mechanism is ignored by the general mobility


?5# 9:1# 43&4).2)'.(# <%&'(')*# %+# 32710.8)3.)17@# %A10# .8)3.)17# .27# 1>3.((*#


A manipulator is said to be underactuated when the number of actuators in the manipulator

is smaller than the number of degrees of freedom of the mechanism (Lalibertd & Gosselin,

1998). When applied to mechanical fingers, the concept of underactuation leads to shape

adaptation, i.e. underactuated fingers will envelope the objects to be grasped and adapt to

their shape although each of the fingers is controlled by a reduced number of actuators

(Lalibertd & Gosselin, 1998). The concept of underactuation in robotic fingersfwith fewer

actuators than the degrees of freedomfallows the hand to adjust itself to an irregularly

shaped object without complex control strategy and sensors (Birglen & Gosselin, 2006a).

These underactuated manipulators arise in a number of important applications such as

space robots, hyper redundant manipulators, manipulators with structural flexibility, etc

(Jain & Rodriguez, 1993). The fact that the underactuated robotic fingers allow the hand to

adjust itself to an irregularly shaped object makes it possible that no complex control

strategy or numerous sensors are necessary in these manipulators (Birglen & Gosselin,

2006b). However, the over actuated mechanical systems often occur in biomechanical

systems during the contact with ground and is recently introduced in redundantly actuated

parallel robots. Yi and Kim (Yi & Kim, 2002) designed a singularity free load-distribution

scheme for a redundantly actuated three-wheeled Omnidirectional mobile robot. The most

outstanding advantage of the redundantly actuated mobile robot is that the singularities of

the mechanism can be well avoided. Yiu and Li (Yiu & Li, 2003) investigated the trajectory

generation for an over actuated parallel manipulator, in which there is one redundant

actuator. Of course, the redundant actuator(s) and the required actuator(s) must obey a

certain relationship determined by the mechanism, which will be discussed in section 3.2.

This section aims at clarifying the substantial relationships between the underactuated, over

actuated and the equally actuated manipulators. The underactuated manipulator, which is

also called under-determinate input system, means that the number of actuations provided

is less than that is necessary; while the over actuated manipulator, which is also called

redundant actuation or redundant input system, means that the number of actuations

provided is larger than that is necessary. Equally actuated manipulator, which is also called

fully actuated or determinate system, means that the actuations provided is equal to that is


From the viewpoint of mechanisms, this classification of manipulators seems to be

reasonable and has been widely used in engineering. However, it is not a properly scientific

categorization for mechanisms. Therefore, this section will briefly study the substantial

relationships between the underactuated, over actuated and equally actuated manipulators

that are easily misunderstood in engineering applications.



Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications

To begin with this section, one might first investigate a famous inverted pendulum system

shown in Fig. 2, which is also a representative, underactuated mechanical system. This

inverted pendulum system is a planar two degrees of freedom catenation mechanical

system. The vehicle can only make reciprocal translation along the 2 -axis and the

pendulum can only rotate about the pivot attached to the moving vehicle.

In applications, only one actuation is provided to control the system, which seems to conflict

with the definition of a fully actuated mechanism. In order to reveal the essence of this

puzzling phenomenon, one might first turn to analyze the dynamics of this two-degree-of-

freedom system.

Suppose the mass of the vehicle is denoted by * , the mass of the pendulum is 5 and the

distance from the pivot attached to the vehicle to the mass center of the pendulum is 6 and

the moment of inertia of the pendulum is denoted by 7 . The dynamics of the system can be

immediately established via Lagrange method. The kinetic energy of the vehicle is:




" # * 2



where 8

" represents the kinetic energy of the vehicle.

The kinetic energy of the pendulum is:




1 )

" #





' ! 2 6 6 7 "&








5' ! 6 7 "



6 7 7

2 ( )9




( )9



where ": represents the kinetic energy of the pendulum.








Fig. 2 a single inverted pendulum system

The total kinetic energy of the system is:

Mo9ility of <patial Paral el Manipulators





" # " 6 " #



! * 6 5"5

5 5


2 5

2 6 56 2 7 cos


7 6

7 6 56 ,.




2 0


The potential energy of the system is:

< #




Therefore, the Lagrange function of the system is:





5 5



= # ! * 6 5" 2 6 56 2 7






7 6 56 ,.


7 2 5;6





2 0


where = indicates the Lagrange function.

The dynamics equations for the two-degrees-of-freedom system shown in Fig. 2 can be

expressed as:

; 1


8 ) / < = , < =



# 4


8 )9 //

,, < 2


: 0 2 -





) / < = , < =




8 )9 // 5 ,, <7


0 <7 -

where = represents the torque exerted to the revolute joint that connect the inverse

pendulum and the vehicle.

l parallel manipulator, this chapter develops a general process to synthesize the

manipulators with the specified mobility. The outstanding characteristics of the synthesis

method are that the whole process is also analytical and each step can be programmed at a

computer. Because of the restrictions of the traditional general mobility formulas for spatial

mechanisms, a lot of mechanisms having special manoeuvrability might not be synthesized.

However, any mechanism can be synthesized with this analytical theory of degrees of

freedom for spatial mechanisms.


The quick calculation approaches based on the algebra summations of the number of the

links, joints and the constraints induced by the joints can not be completely perfected by

itself. This is true even the analytical methods are applied in seeking the common

constraints (Hunt, 1978)(Waldron, 1966)(Huang, 2006). These problems are becoming more

and more obvious with the advent of spatial parallel manipulators. The primary

considerations of the designers for the parallel manipulators have been focused on nothing

but the mobility of the end-effector and its controllability. Therefore, the concept of general

mobility of a mechanism should be divided into two basic concepts the degree of freedom of

the end-effector and the number of actuations needed to control the end-effector. With this regard,

this chapter first introduces two primary definitions:



Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications

The DOF of an end-effector totally characterizes the motions of the end-effector including

the number, type and direction of the independent motions (*hao et al, 2004a)(*hao et al,



The configuration degree of freedom (CDOF) of a mechanism with an end-effector indicates

the independent number of actuations required to uniquely control the end-effector under a

configuration (*hao et al, 2004b)(*hao et al, 2006c).

Obviously, the DOF of an end-effector in number is not larger than 6 but the independent

number of actuations required to uniquely control the end-effector might be any

nonnegative integer. Bearing the above two definitions in mind, one can fall into two steps

to investigate the mobility of a mechanism1the DOF of the end-effector and the CDOF of

the mechanism with the prescribed end-effector. The former definition indicates the full

instantaneous mobility properties of the end-effector through a mathematics concept of free

mobility space while the later one presents the instantaneous controllability of the

mechanism system. By definition 1, one can find that the DOF of an end-effector is only

subjected to the constraint(s) exerted by the kinematic chain(s) connecting the end-effector

with the fixed base or ground. Besides, the degree of freedom of the end-effector,

instantaneously associated with the spatial configurations of the kinematic chain(s), should

clearly depict the number, the direction and the type of the free motion of the end-effector

instantaneously. Therefore, only analytical methods can fulfil such a task.

After obtaining the free motions of the end-effector, an engineering question will naturally

arise1how many actuations are needed to control the end-effectorj By definition 2, one can

find that a checking process is given for verifying the controllability of the mechanism with

the specified end-effector. Besides, this process can also allow the different selections of the

actuation schemes, which is most adapted to the concept design of a manipulator.

Consequently, the valid means to investigate the mobility of mechanisms can be addressed

as: (1) investigate the instantaneous DOF of the prescribed end-effector; and (2) investigate

the number of actuations required to uniquely control the end-effector of the mechanism.

For the instantaneous characteristics of the mobility of a mechanism, only analytical means

is acceptable for such a task. Because of the elegance in depicting the relationship between

the motions and the constraints, reciprocal screw theory does be a well selection to

accomplish the task. Therefore, the following analytical model for the mobility of a parallel

manipulator will be built up by applying the reciprocal screw theory.

According to reciprocal screw theory (Hunt, 1978)(Phillips, 1984)(Phillips, 1990)(Phillips et

al, 1964)(Waldron, 1966)(Ball, 1900), a screw $ is defined by a straight line with an

associated pitch > and is conveniently denoted by six PlPcker homogeneous coordinates:

) s &

+ # '



> s$


( 0


where s denotes direction ratios pointing along the screw axis, s # r* s


defines the

moment of the screw axis about the origin of the coordinate system, r is the position vector

of any point on the screw axis with respect to the coordinate system. Consequently, the

) s &

screw axis can be denoted by the PlPcker homogeneous coordinates +




's $

( 0 %


Mo9ility of <patial Paral el Manipulators


8; s # ! = * B " "





9 s 6 > s #


! A @ R"

Considering s 4 ! s 6 >




# s 4 s 6 s >


# s >


and presuming s 3 ! , one obtains the instant

pitch of a screw:

s 4 ! s0 6 > s" =A 6 *@ 6 BR

> #








= 6 * 6 B

Therefore, the axis of the screw can also be denoted as:


# ! = * B A 2 => @ 2 *> R 2 B> " "
