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Chapter 3:

Your Most Important Web Pages — Your Funnel Pages


Now that you’ve seen to set up and optimize web pages on your website, it’s time to look closer at your most important web pages.

Your “funnel pages” provide the key to you making the most sales for your business services or products. Sure, your homepage is nice, and all the information you provide about your business in the many pages of your website is great.

But your funnel pages are your money pages.

What is a Digital or Web Sales Funnel?

Your digital sales funnel is the collection of web pages a customer will flow through to go from a visitor, to a lead, to a sale.

Think about the last free offer you downloaded from any online provider. What is like?

A common flow for a free offer goes like this…

1. You land on a web page displaying a free offer. The page typically has a short form asking for your name and email (sometimes more, depending on what’s offered) – You’re a visitor

2. When you complete the form, you’re commonly taken to a thank you page to give you download or access instructions – You’re now a lead

3. You may be asked to click on something to give you more details on a more powerful offer. This typically takes you to a sales page of some type

4. If you purchase (you’re now a customer), you will be taken to a checkout page.

When your purchase is complete, you’re commonly taken to a new thank you page with details on how to access your purchase.

This is the initial stage of a digital sales funnel. This example used 4 web pages to complete the customer flow to the first purchase.


11 Lead Magnet Funnel Example

A similar type flow is commonly used for an online seminar (or webinar). It won’t have the purchase pages until sometime in the online seminar. Typically, the online seminar host says a call to action during the presentation and directs you where to go to complete the sales flow.


12 Online Seminar Funnel Example

As I mentioned in the previous chapter, creating these sales funnels or sales flows in platforms like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Wix, Squarepages or other website builders is not well optimized.

This is because these platforms don’t deliver the speed you need to maximize your sales from mobile viewers.

The Most Important Feature of a Funnel or Flow Builder for 2020 and Beyond

The characteristics of a funnel/flow builder platform that will deliver what both you and consumers want when making any type of transaction online — from free to thousands of dollars:

1. Speed. Consumers want pages that load in under 3 seconds. If you ignore this, you ignore over half your potential leads and sales.

2. Simplicity. Face it, most online marketers have to build their own funnels but don’t know anything about web code. The funnel platform must not require coding to create high converting designs.

3. Templates. The next thing that most online marketers are not is a web designer. The platform should have templated funnels as well as templated designs.

4. Support. While most sellers of funnel platforms have support of some kind, my experience is most of them are terrible. You need a support that doesn’t just tell you to watch a video you already watched. You need support with answers.

5. Affordable Pricing. While most funnel platforms have a lost cost option, this option is not going to suit you very long. They force you into a costly level because of the limitations of the free or basic level you entered with. You need affordable pricing for professional marketing.

I’ve used many platforms for building my sales funnels/flows. Some in WordPress, and some of the software as a service (SAAS) provider.

WordPress plugins and themes were duds. While some could deliver numbers 2, 3 and 5 above, none could deliver on speed, and none gave quality support.

The SAAS platforms typically did not deliver on speed, quality support, or pricing. Unbelievably, they also overwhelm you with features. So much so, you really have problems figuring out why you would need all of them. So, for years, I felt stuck with WordPress.

Then Converdy came along and delivered on all 5. Now, all my sales funnels of all kinds get built on Converdy. I highly encourage you to check them out.

Creating a High Converting Lead Capture Page for 2020 and Beyond

I’m not going to cover how to make all types of funnel pages. In fact, if you get Converdy or a leading funnel or flow builder, it will include templates for all kinds of funnel pages.

Nonetheless, your lead magnet lead capture page is most likely the first page you’ll ever create and the type you will create the most.

It’s a highly focused page with a single purpose. For example, the lead magnet page gives away a single offer with the single goal for you of capturing the visitors email and name.

You’ll see many online marketers from sales markets like Warrior Plus, JVZoo, Clickbank, Pay Dotcom, etc. using all types of designs. Many of them are good, and many are terrible. The problem is, how do you know which is which?

First, here’s a scientifically proven layout. It’s tested and proven by the leading testers in digital market, MECLABS Institute. Take a look…


13 MECLABS Institute Proven Landing Page Layout

You see both the desktop and mobile layouts. It includes:

1. Heading logo

2. A powerful headline

3. A sub-headline with a value proposition

4. A content headline

5. Bullets

6. An image or Video

7. Call-to-action

Your headline is THE key to getting any viewer to pay attention to what’s on your lead capture (squeeze) page.

To create killer headlines, use the secret of 4 U’s:

1. Urgency. Make the reader desire the main benefit sooner rather than later.

2. Usefulness. Communicate something of value to the reader.

3. Uniqueness. Suggest something that conveys what’s being offered is different from everything else of its type.

4. Ultra-specificity. Convey very specific benefits. Vagueness is a killer.

Using the 4 U’s your headline can…

1. Grab the readers’ attention

2. Target the viewer specifically by saying something meaningful to them

3. Generate curiosity

4. Make a promise

5. Introduce a compelling idea

6. Make an offer

7. Challenge the reader directly

Try extremely hard to never be standard or conventional, and never lie, mislead or try to trick your prospect.

When you can use 3 of the 4 Us and do the things listed above, your headlines will be what grabs your reader to act with you.

Your bullets are you next most important text. They should be short and convey action. Your bullets should…

1. Contain benefits, not features

2. Start with a number, a powerful verb, or a hook phrase like “how to”

3. Use the 4 Us to create bullets

Now, you’re ready to create your lead magnets, lead funnels, online seminar funnels, and sale funnels. Be sure to give Converdy a close look.