Secret to Create High Converting Landing Pages by Rajat arora - HTML preview

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Studies reveal that you have just 5 seconds to attract a visitor’s attention, and headline is the first thing they see. Imagine yourself as a salesman at the prospects’ door and you have just one line to say before they slam the door on your face. That’s your headline


A good headline is loaded with benefits, is believable and clear.

For example:


BAD HEADLINE  –   Book 5d/4n package in Thailand ( No benefit)


BAD HEADLINE  –   Enjoy a great stay at Thailand ( No Clarity)


BAD HEADLINE  –   The best Thailand packages ( Not believable)


img24.png GOOD HEADLINE - Book 5d/4n of bliss in Thailand, starting at Rs. 20,000


The last is a better headline because:

1) Positive emotional trigger - Bliss.

2) Clarity – 5d/4n and Rs. 20,000

3) Believable – It is easy to believe and act upon




BAD HEADLINE  –   Join the #1 MBA Institute in India ( Not believable)


BAD HEADLINE  –   Join our MBA program today( No benefit)


img24.png GOOD HEADLINE – Get ahead in your career with flexible MBA


The third one is a better headline because

1) Positive emotional trigger- Get ahead in your career

2) Benefit – The course is flexible

3) Believable - It doesn’t have superlatives like best, amazing and #1.