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We’re going to cover a fair bit in this chapter, so just be warned.

Ok so what type of methods can we use to market our MLM business to both our target markets?

I like lists, so let’s make another one for this.

  • Use pay per click (PPC) advertising
  • Write articles and submit them to the article directories
  • Write an ebook or report
  • Build a list
  • Start a blog
  • Use some of the free advertising systems

Ok so now that we have our list, let’s go into each one in a little bit more depth.

Pay Per Click:

This the quickest way to start getting traffic to your websites, but it can also be the most expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. You need to use the right keywords and ads and make sure you watch your campaigns carefully.

If you don’t want to spend the time learning how to write good PPC ads, there’s a bit of software that will create ads for you! Make sure you check out Adword Generator.

There is also another bit of free software that you can use to help you get a good list of keywords for your campaigns. Download it for free at

The two giants of PPC are Google Adwords and Overture. Then there are also Miva, Search123, Kanoodle and a whole heap more. Personally, I use Adwords.

Writing Articles:

This is a great way to get free traffic. Write some articles related to your opportunity (remember to do the product side and the money-making side of it) and post them to the articles directories such as Go Articles (search Google for more articles directories).

In the “About the Author” section, include a paragraph on yourself and a link back to the website you want to promote.

Then, people looking for free content for their websites search the article directories and grab the ones they like.

It does take a while to build up a good amount of articles, but it is well worth the effort. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get results.

Now, if you’re thinking that you can’t write any articles, lucky for you there is always somebody out there who can. Find a ghost writer at and hire them to write a few articles for you. The beauty of ghost writers is that you can even put your name as the author!

Again, post articles related to making money (e.g. marketing, goal setting, etc) and articles related to the product (e.g. if it’s a health product – keeping a healthy lifestyle, eating right, etc).

Write Your Own Ebook:

This is a great way to position yourself as a leader. Remember you don’t have to write it yourself, you can hire someone from Elance to do it for you then put your name as the author. Also, you could put together the ebook with free articles from the article directories (just make sure you don’t edit the articles and you leave the “About the Author” section in).

Within the ebook make sure you include links back to your website plus any affiliate links you have.

The easiest way to get your ebook out there, is to make it viral. Include free redistribution/reprint rights so that readers can give it away to others and they can give it away and they can give it away.....and so it spreads throughout the internet like a virus.

This ebook is a perfect example of this strategy.

Mike Filsaime is someone who really knows his stuff when it comes to viral marketing, so I recommend you check out his Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.

Build A List:

You may have heard that the money is in the list, this is especially true for network marketing. It’s very important you start building your list soon.

To grasp the power you would have with a list, I just want you to imagine this scenario for a second:

You have built a list of a few thousand subscribers who all think of you as a leader in your area. You find a new MLM business that you like and you sign up. You then send one email out to your list telling them that you’ve joined this new company, and include your link. Within a day, you could have hundreds, even thousands of new members in your downline.

How cool would that be? One email and you get thousands of downline members.

Of course, you have to build a relationship with your subscribers by sending regular emails and helpful information. You could write a sequence of follow- up emails, put them into an auto-responder and set it up so that once someone’s signed up, they get your follow-up emails over a couple of weeks (depending on how many emails you write).

My favourite auto-responder is Aweber.

I highly recommend Brian Edmondson’s List Profit Academy for learning everything you need to know about building and maintaining a profitable list. Check it out here:

Start A Blog:

Blogs are really powerful, a good blog has the ability to get ranked high in the search engines and thus get you lots of free traffic.

Start your own blog today! It’s dead easy: open a free account at and start posting regularly. Post your news, thoughts, helpful tips, anything relevant to what you’re doing. But make sure you have links back to your main websites, otherwise all your hard work will have been for nothing.

Check out my blog for inspiration at

Free Advertising Systems:

Free advertising systems are everywhere. They probably won’t be as productive as some of the other marketing methods, but hey, if they lead to a few good signups, then it was worth it, right?

Here’s a simple 3 step system you can use with some free advertising systems:

1. Sign up to Free Viral at and put in an ad to your lead capture page. I really like Free Viral because everyone who you refer that wants to sign up, has to view your page for at least a couple of seconds and the same goes for the people referred by your downline.

2. Promote your Free Viral link at Traffic Swarm because people who use Traffic Swarm originally signed up to it to get free traffic generation, so target them with another way to get free traffic.

3. Then just use the internet as you would normally and click on other Traffic Swarm ads to get points so your ad will be shown to the Traffic Swarm network.

This isn’t going to bring you in huge amounts of traffic but hey, like I said before, it’s worth it if it gets you a couple of signups.

Now remember, you can use all of these marketing systems together to make things work better. For example:

You use PPC and write articles to advertise a website where people can get your viral ebook by subscribing to your newsletter. Within that ebook and email follow-ups, you include a link to your blog, free traffic system affiliate links and most importantly – your MLM link!

Now you don’t have to do this for both your target markets, just use the ones that suit you.


