The Magic Bullet by Phil Basten, Jane Mark, Frank Sousa - HTML preview

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The Magic Bullet

But these weren't the only headlines that caught our attention. There were others, that with a bit of tweaking, could be powerful too.

4. Google it, Now GibLink it...
5. Have you learned the new Gib language...? Spoken world wide...
6. This will cure your empty wallet blues...

Here is why we liked the top three...


1. Get Hooked Three Ways: Sales, Line and Linker!

This has an interesting twist on an old fishing phrase - hook, line and sinker. It is instantly recognizable and familiar, and getting hooked three ways arouses the reader’s curiosity and self-interest. They want to know what the product is.

2. Get Connected With GibLink...

As we said earlier people search online for information to (a) solve a problem they have and (b) connect with others. This is how business is done on the net. It's all about relationships. This subject line tells people they can connect with others and they can do this through GibLink. This is a direct headline and it has strong self interest appeal.

3. Want Gurus Working for You?

Consider how your life might change if gurus worked for you and helped you make money. This subject has strong self interest appeal and we chose it for that reason.

The runners up.


Let's look at the top 3 runners up and see how, with some minor tweaking, we can make them stronger and give them more appeal.


4. Google it, Now GibLink it...


This is quite good but, it could have been much stronger if it had read...


Why Google it... When you can GibLink it?


Now it has curiosity and self interest. Now it says why search for a great opportunity when you can go straight to it...


5. Have you learned the new Gib language...? Spoken world wide...