Dynamic Mind Expansion - How to Create Your Own Wealth & Success by Darren D O Connell - HTML preview

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By now the hope is you should be more open to the idea that your mind is an extremely powerful resource that can be used to help you succeed and achieve all your goals, dreams and desires. Your subconscious mind is linked to, or connected to, a higher power or a universal power and therefore, all those thoughts that run through your mind are directly and somewhat in-directly responsible for whatever happens in your life. The thoughts that occupy your mind most of the time are known as your predominant thoughts; these are the great influencers of your overall behaviour and attitude that control your actions and your reactions and your reality.

So, you should therefore take notice of how you use your mind by taking notice of what kind of thoughts you allow in there to occupy your mind.

As your mind processes your thoughts, you perceive and experience life according to those thoughts. What you think in your mind happens to be the life you are actually living, whether you realise it or not. Your thoughts are related to the reality you are aware of and your experience, some thoughts are more directly influential than others.


In order to make any changes in your life, you need to throw out your existing negative and limiting thoughts that you may have allowed in, you need to banish them from your mind and replace them with fresh, positive and powerful thoughts.

Thoughts of abundance, success, achievement, fulfilment, wealth, power, honour, integrity, peace, love, happiness, spirituality, kindness, greatness, health, strength, fitness, vitality, energy, and other positive desirable thoughts that you associate with the good and your success.

Your thoughts are connected to a much larger and much greater universal mind or the universal creator. Writer Paulo Coelho in his most famous book "The Alchemist" referenced to the power of the mind and its connection with the universe…

 "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it”

 "When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too”

Your mind can be trained, conditioned and empowered so much that it can influence events and situations and even get other people to act in ways that help you and contribute in some way to your success. If you sow the seeds of great thoughts in your mind and nurture them with a keen interest and focussed attention for a positive outcome, you can be sure those thoughts will bear fruit.

With practice, your thoughts, which at first are mostly in your conscious mind, are then (some of them, not all) transferred to your subconscious mind, which begins to influence your actions to suit these thoughts. Your subconscious thoughts are now so powerful that they can influence situations in your life and can travel to other people's minds as a vibe or energy that influences them to ultimately help you achieve your subconscious mind's desired outcomes, while at times not even realising why they want to help you.

This is the universe's influential and creative power in action; it is the universal law of attraction in action!

 So, your subconscious mind works with your thoughts in conjunction with the universal mind or the universal creator.

It is essential you become aware of the power of your subconscious mind. Not everyone is aware of this power within us, and when they are not aware of it, they cannot use it and therefore miss out on its benefits.

Only the successful (many of them anyway) are aware of this power and use it quite well to their advantage. Those that are unaware of it and are unaware of the principles involved with the law of attraction have still used it in some ways without even realising they have used it to help them attain their success. Whether they acknowledge, or have forgotten or deny using the law of attraction,  they have used some elements along the way. Maybe they would have attained success much sooner had they actively set out to work with and use those elements and purposely practiced the law of attraction. Even their mere association with other successful men and women is using the law of attraction.

It is important for you to also realise that the subconscious mind is your biggest supporter and your most effective catalyst in bringing you all the success you desire.

You should strive to maintain a continuous working relationship with it, by becoming a believer in this amazing hidden part of us called the subconscious, and learn about the part it plays in your life and your success and then use it for your benefit.

 One simple way to do this is to write an affirmation about your subconscious mind and repeat it every day for a few minutes. It could be something like this…

 "My subconscious mind is guiding me to succeed"

"My subconscious mind is creating my success”

 "My subconscious mind is bringing me wealth”

By doing this, we are reminding ourselves that we are in possession of a powerful subconscious mind, which is guiding our decisions and our actions that lead us in the right direction to success.

To be aware of and acknowledge and believe in our subconscious mind, to move beyond regarding it as just an abstract concept out there and out of our control is an important step for us.

 Next, you should become somewhat aware of how our conscious and subconscious minds work together.

 Let's take a look at both sides…

 Your subconscious has two main functions

 1. To control and maintain all our vital bodily organs. (this is an essential function obviously)

2. To bring us toward circumstances and opportunities based on our main thoughts and to act on any thought request you make. (this is what we are more interested in)

If you repeat something several times and believe it, it will become imprinted in the subconscious mind, because the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between real and imaginary. This is the reason why affirmations, visualisations, attitude, positive thinking and images work so dramatically well in our favour. By doing the above you create impressions of yourself for the subconscious mind to act on and bring about.

It is the job of our conscious mind to guard the entry to the subconscious. The conscious mind tries to ensure that only thoughts of the best quality should gain entry to the subconscious mind, and according to the conscious mind, best quality means thoughts that make sense and are logical and rational, and that at times, means limiting thoughts and limiting beliefs.

 How the over-all mind achieves success

The mind plays a leading role in achieving all kinds of successes and all levels of goals from the major to the minor and even those mundane everyday routine tasks. With the minor or routine, you know exactly the kind of goal you are seeking to accomplish and it seems easy enough, it isn't even considered a goal, but if you’re aspiring for a bigger or major goal or desire that is outside of the usual, you may not know exactly what you really want or need. All you may have is a vague thought, a fair idea, or a nice thought about the accomplishment, but this isn’t enough to ignite that spark in the mind.

In order to accomplish your goals, dreams and desires and to use the subconscious mind's power for this, you need to know from the beginning what your goals, dreams and desires really are. The knowing is one of the first great steps.

So, that's why you need to define your goals, dreams and desires, be clear on where you want to go and then focus your mind on those goals in order to achieve them.

 How do you do this?

 You can do this by using Creative Visualisation.

Creative visualisation allows you to creatively define your goals and makes it easier for you to see where exactly you want to go and see exactly what you want to accomplish.

The 3 steps to Creative Visualisation

1: First, think about what you want to accomplish. For some, this is an easy step, they know exactly what they want, but most others who are yet undecided may need more time to decide on what they really want.

2: Once you decide what your goals, dreams and desires are, you need to devise your plan of action. Your plan of action is the how, of accomplishment. This could need a fair amount of planning and research and some time to think this over.

3: Now, you make a mental image of your goal. For this, you need to use your imagination, yet another aspect of your super mind power. At first, you might find it difficult to visualise the mental image of your goal accomplished, but with practice, you will find it easy to do and you might even enjoy it. However, be patient, persevere and be selfdisciplined and you will be able to define your goals, dreams and desires much clearer and be more confident of them.

Using your imagination and making mental images of your goals, dreams and desires is the creative visualisation part. Now you have the creative visualisation mixed with emotion and the senses.

 Points to Remember

Resist negative thoughts. Throw out your existing negative thoughts. Banish them from your mind and replace them with fresh positive and powerful thoughts.

Replace them with thoughts of abundance, success, achievement, fulfilment, wealth, power, honour, integrity, peace, love, happiness, spirituality, kindness, greatness, health, strength, fitness, vitality, energy, and other positive desirable thoughts that you associate with the good and your success.

Your mind can be trained, conditioned and empowered so much that it can influence situations and get other people to act in ways that contribute to your success.

Maintain a continuous working relationship subconscious mind, by using daily affirmation exercises about your subconscious mind, affirmations like: "My subconscious mind is guiding me to succeed"

 Use the 3 steps to Creative Visualisation.Define your goals, dreams and desires, use your imagination to make mental images, know exactly what it is you want and where exactly you want to go and then focus your mind on those goals.

 Up Next…

In the next chapter we look at how positive thinking is a gateway to your success. We examine how positive thinking gives you results, and how to develop a positive attitude to life and expect more and that everything you do will yield positive results…How to develop the power of positive thinking.

 Up Next…

You will learn how to create positive energy and how to create positive outcomes. We look at what positive energy is and why it is an important part of our lives if we intend to be successful. We look at ways of creating pure positive energy by making a few simple changes in diet, lifestyle and behaviour…