How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Beliefs about yourself

The beliefs that you have can either serve you well, or not serve you at all.

Your beliefs play a massive role in whether or not you're going to be able to keep hold of your manifestations or not. Using the methods in this report, you will be able to attract things that you want (money, love, cars, etc.) however if your beliefs don't match up, those manifestations won't stay around for long!

A belief is simply a thought that you keep thinking over and over.


Because you keep thinking them so much, it's very easy for them to crop up on an everyday basis and completely ruin your chances of your desires materializing.

If you want to manifest more money, but you believe that only those who have had a “lucky break” have money, and then every time you observe someone wealthy, it reminds you of how “unlucky” you've been in life, then those thoughts are preventing you from experiencing more money.

Clobbering those limiting beliefs is a must!

Before you can clobber something, you need to know what it is first. On my website, I've setup some “Limiting Belief Detector” worksheets which can assist you in determining what your limiting beliefs are around certain hot topics.

You can download the free worksheets to help you identify your limiting beliefs at:


After you have a better idea of what your beliefs are, you need to start clobbering them.

Remember, a belief is just a thought that you keep thinking over and over again. The obvious method is to simply change what you keep thinking. You can do this, by talking yourself out of the negative thought and practicing more positive thoughts.